
: Are we doing this again? We are entering the most dangerous and perilous time in American history in a long time. Trumpism is …

: Over the last 20 years in the iPod and streaming era, our default way of listening to music (or at …

: Books on Film This year’s Oscars included a number of major nominees adapting high-profile books (or toys). …

: DOJ files Antitrust Case Against Apple How the tables have turned from the 1990s, when Apple’s share of the computer business was so …

: Fix the Oscars For the first year since the Academy expanded the Best Picture category to 10 nominations, I …

: Too Many Places to Post About a year ago, as I realized that Twitter was no longer going to be the public space for …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: Smitten Kitchen Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve been cooking far more than I did before. I enjoy cooking …

: Not Plus, Ultra As we get into Apple product launch season, I should share my thoughts on the Apple Watch Ultra, now …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: Smitten Kitchen Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve been cooking far more than I did before. I enjoy cooking …

: Blogging about Blogging Is blogging about blogging the lowest form of the art? While there are some writers who can do it …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: DC Rainmaker While training for my second triathlon, I started to understand the value of data and started to …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: ATP Sure, the Accidental Tech Podcast is another hours-long podcast with three middle-aged white men …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: Kottke.org Jason Kottke is good at the internet. His blog, Kottke.org will turn 25 years old this year. He …

: Appreciating the Indie Web: Lift Blog I love skiing, but also while growing up skiing and hanging out around the ski patrol with my dad, …

: Appreciating the Indie Web A new year’s resolution, at its best, is a great impetus to convert a goal to a habit, but is likely …

: Best Television of the Year If there was one artistic medium that I engaged with the most this year, it was television. 2022 was …

: On Twitter After an interesting and dramatic couple of weeks over at the Tweet factory, I have many thoughts …

: Streaming Services Power Rankings – August 2022 Starting a new occasional and intermittent series, Streaming Services Power Rankings. If I’m paying …

: Global Consent Requirements for Online Behavioral Advertising For this year’s virtual IAPP Global Privacy Summit, I participated in a recorded panel discussion on …

: The Tyranny of the Rings I like the Apple Watch. This surprises me, because I’ve never enjoyed wearing watches. Since I’m an …

: Expect Nothing, Get Less Over the last few years, the personal blog as a medium has largely been supplanted by social media …

: Hi, deer

: Is this thing on? Man, is it dusty here. I’m experimenting with setting this up with micro.blog. I’m …

: Safe Harbor in Choppy Waters . Why a Safe Harbor? (briefly) The EU recognizes the right to privacy with respect to the processing …

: Concepts, shipping, and secrecy At Vox, Matt Yglesisas posits that Apple is losing the innovation race to Google: Google wants to …

: Broadband Universal Service This past weekend, I spent time with family in the beautiful Catskill mountains. On the rainy day, …

: Good Morning, WordPress After more than 10 years running my blog on an increasingly outdated install of Movable Type, I’ve …

: Google Book Search is a Fair Use Back in 2005, I wrote that Google Print “may single-handedly keep the copyright-related blog world …

: Disrupt my TV, please At Time’s Techland Blog, Ben Bajarin writes: Why We Want TV to Be Disrupted So Badly. I was at the …

: Transparency May Be Required Apple’s Developer Site was hacked. All Things D reports; Apple Developer Center Was Hacked; Site …

: API Madness This week, the inter webs went all aflutter when Michael Sippey of Twitter announced the Changes …

: Doubling Down Here’s an example of how overly aggressive tactics blow up in one’s face. And then taking that …

: Testing This is a test entry. Feel free to not get excited.

: Once More With Feeling — Fox v. FCC back at SCOTUS We’ve been here before, but now the Supreme Court is again hearing arguments on the FCC’s indecency …

: Compare/Contrast On Thursday morning, the House Judiciary Committee will have a full committee markup of the latest …

: The New Digital Divide Susan Crawford in the New York Times on The New Digital Divide: “While we still talk about “the” …

: Market Failure and Piracy The historical popularity of file sharing owes as much to access as to price. Back around the turn …

: Termination Station Larry Rohter, The New York Times, Record Industry Braces for Artists’ Battles Over Song Rights: …

: Urban Cycling and Digital Copyright Norms This year, cyclists in New York City are contending with increased scrutiny from police officers, …

: Not all is fair in bo.lt and links Brian Morissey, Digidaily, Publishing in the Remix Era “The latest exhibit is page-sharing service …

: Surprise: Authors Like Copyright The Authors Guild, via Scott Turow, Paul Aiken and James Shapiro, published an Op-Ed in the New York …

: Second Circuit: FCC Indecency Rules Are Still Too Vague The Second Circuit ruled this week that ABC stations should not be fined for violations of the …

: FCC Open Internet Order Last week, the FCC adopted (and then a few days later, released the text of) an order intended to …

: National Library Policy Should the US have a national library policy? In The Atlantic, David Rothman argues for the …

: Studios Sue Another DVD ‘Cleaning’ Service Eriq Gardner, THR, Esq, Studios Sue to Stop ‘Family-Friendly’ DVD Service – THR, Esq.: “A coalition …

: Peering into the Pipes Cecilia Kang, The Washington Post: Level 3 Communications calls Comcast fees for Netflix feeds …

: What what? Eriq Gardner, THR, Esq: ‘South Park’ Sued for Stealing from YouTube “On Friday, Brownmark Films …

: COICA In the lame duck session, Congress may take further action on S.3804 Combating Online Infringement …

: Does the web devalue writing? Monica Gaudio recently had an article published in Cooks Source magazine. This came as a surprise to …

: The New DMCA Anti-Circumvention Exemptions are here! While not as exciting as the new phone books, the Copyright Office released its latest rulemaking on …

: Second Circuit: Indecency Regulations Unconstitutionally Chill Protected Speech Previously, the Second Circuit and Supreme Court disagreed on whether the FCC Indecency regulations …

: Sheet Music Sharing While most of the discussion of online music sharing has focused on P2P sharing of MP3 encodings of …

: YouTube finds shelter in the DMCA §512(c) Safe Harbor In granting summary judgment for YouTube in Viacom v. YouTube, Judge Louis Stanton found that …

: Blawg Review #269 Blawg Review’s editor invited me to host today’s Blawg Review #269 because today, June 21 is not …

: Suit of Anarchy Hells Angel meets with network, pitches television show about motorcycle gang. Network passes. Years …

: Two quick internet policy links Susan Crawford presented Rethinking Broadband at Personal democracy Forum ’10, which is a brief …

: Outrageous I happened to see this item on Above the Law today: It’s Time For Another Round of Tuition Hikes: …

: American Needle Here’s the Supreme Court ruling in American Needle v. National Football League (08–661)

: The FCC’s Third Way In the wake of the Comcast decision, the FCC today announced its “Third Way” framework towards …

: Comcast v. FCC linkdump Here are a few notable reactions to the DC Circuit’s Comcast v. FCC ruling last week: Marvin Ammori, …

: Comcast and the Information Service/Common Carrier Classification Yesterday, in an already widely discussed decision, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled …

: What does this mean for domain names? Sam Grobart, New York Times Bts Blog, A Is for Amazon, B Is for Best Buy: “On the Web, there’s …

: Clinton on Internet Freedom Secretary of State Hilary Clinton: Remarks on Internet Freedom, “On their own, new technologies do …

: Google, China and Democracy The internet can be a tool to promote democracy and access to information can be a powerful tool. In …

: Search Neutrality In The New York Times, Adam Raff (no relation that I’m aware of) wrote an Op-Ed arguing that the FCC …

: Blawg Review #240 or, My Name is My Name! Blawg Review’s Editor asked me to host today’s Blawg Review because today, …

: This post is a tribute to the greatest post in the blog If a tribute band uses choreography that’s so original that it can deserve copyright protection on …

: Franken on Net Neutrality I missed the Future of Music Policy Summit this year, but Senator Al Franken gave a keynote address …

: Tasty, Tasty Sausage This story about the natural gas industry losing out to dirtier fossil fuels in the energy bill on …

: FCC Set to Adopt Open Internet Rules In a speech on Monday at the Brookings Institution, new FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski proposed …

: Teaching Copyright According to the program’s web site, Music Rules is “a free educational program designed to …

: This one goes to eleven As a 14 year old, Coleman Hickey made a stop-motion music video of Spinal Tap’s “Tonight I’m Going …

: Accountability and the Public Option In the New York Times Magazine this past week, Peter Singer writes about health care rationing and …

: If you really want to hear about it The NYT City Room blog reports that J.D. Salinger won a preliminary injunction in his lawsuit …

: The best fan video in the world? Via Top Gear’s blog, I found this link to a fan-made Top Gear style search for the beat driving road …

: Shatner, Montalban, iPod and Kindle Dvice tests out the range of expression in the text-to-speech systems in the Kindle 2 and iPod …

: A F#*&ing brilliant Supreme Court ruling? The Supreme Court released its ruling in FCC v. Fox Television Stations, et al. (07-582), in which a …

: Food & Trademark News The New York Times reports, Lawyers Enter Twitter Tempest: “Mr. Rucinsky, a 30-year-old part-time …

: Is Internet TV the Future? HDnet’s Mark Cuban and Boxee’s Avner Ronen have had an interesting public dialog about the future of …

: Subtitles and Meaning Consumerist, Movies: Dumbed Down Subtitles Ruin US Release Of ‘Let The Right One In’: “What if you …

: More Kindling Even though Amazon agreed to allow authors and publishers the right to decide whether Kindle e-books …

: Fitter, Happier, More Productive In the New York Times, Authors Guild president Roy Blount, Jr, makes the case against the Kindle’s …

: Remix Revisited The NY Public Library event Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy with …

: Preparing for the Post-TV World Thanks to the signing of the DTV Delay Act, television broadcasters continue to send out their …

: John Adams, not Samuel Adams The Brooklyn Paper, Tapped out! Hook brewery is ordered to stop making ‘Obama’ ale: “Federal agents …

: Take a look, it’s in a book This week, Amazon announced the details of its second generation Kindle e-book reader. One of the …

: YouTube, Fingerprinting and Fair Use Critic and filmmaker Matt Zoller Seitz wirtes an essay about how YouTube and the DMCA Takedown …

: Benchler’s Thoughts on Broadband Stimulus Yochai Benchler compares the differing approaches towards creating economic opportunity through …

: Justices Reject COPA Case The New York Times reports, Justices Reject Pornography Law: “Without comment, the court handed down …

: Isle of Man Proposes ISP Blanket LIcenses Is the Isle of Man, which eschews many of the taxes found in other European states, set to become a …

: Miscellany WB and Fox Settle Watchmen Dispute. Variety reports, WB, Fox make deal for ‘Watchmen’: “Warner Bros. …

: [Headline Redacted] The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Appeals released a redacted version of its ruling …

: Who’s Who in Internet and Communications Regulation, 2009 The Wall Street Journal reports that President-Elect Obama plans to nominate his technology adviser, …

: Hasbro drops Scrabulous suit Earlier this week, the AP reported, <a …

: This Week in Net Neutrality News On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Google, Lawrence Lessig and the incoming Obama …

: IP Colloquium: Privacy in a Networked World UCLA Law professor Doug Lichtman hosts The Intellectual Property Colloquium– a series of hour-long …

: Mayor of Batman sues Batman filmmakers Variety reports, Mayor of Batman sues WB, Nolan: “The mayor of an oil-producing city in southeastern …

: Fake New York Times In a large scale operation, a 14 page “July 4, 2009” edition of “The New York Times” was distributed …

: FCC v. Fox Oral Arguments Today It’s hard to think about things non-electoral today, but today also happens to be the oral arguments …

: Voting Machines Here are a couple of video links vaguely related to the mechanics of voting, without getting into …

: This is very Weird MTV requested that Weird Al censor the name of P2P file sharing sites Morpheus, Grokster, Limewire …

: Google Settles with Publishers Google announces that it settled with the Association of American Publishers, who sued the search …

: Old Advertising Characters Revived… … for political satire. NewTeeVee reports: Super Bowl Ads of Yore Revamped for ’08 Election: “Now, …

: FMC Creative License On Monday, October 6, the Future of Music Coalition is holding a session on sampling and licensing …

: Accio Injunction In what is likely to be the most magical copyright case to come to the Southern District of New York …

: Art auctions and false advertising at sea The New York Times, Art Purchases Lead to Lawsuits Following Cruise Ship Auctions: “When most people …

: Scrabulous-less Michael Madison, Madisonian, has a thoughtful look on the Scrabulous and the online reaction, The …

: Scrabbled I was too busy playing Scrabulous last week to blog about the complaint filed by Hasbro against the …

: Community Standards, Sex, Violence and Blogs The New York Times reports on the use of search engine data to establish community standards for web …

: Value-Added Piracy NPR reports on the Chinese groups using P2P to distribute subtitled versions of American TV shows: …

: George Carlin The New York Times reports on the passing of George Carlin, George Carlin, 71, Irreverent Standup …

: Preventing Photography Bruce Schneier, The War on Photography: “What is it with photographers these days? Are they really …

: More Little Orphan Works Here are some more links to pieces discussing the orphan works problem in general along with …

: Miscellany Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com, George Bush’s latest powers, courtesy of the Democratic Congress: “I’ve …

: Challenges in Monitoring Infringement on P2P Networks Michael Piatek, Tadayoshi Kohno, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Challenges and Directions for Monitoring P2P …

: Joseph Abboud: person v. trademark JA Apparel Corp. v. Abboud (SDNY, June 5, 2008) Ron Coleman, Likelihood of Confusion, Mad Abboud …

: On the nature of the internet Here are a couple of articles (and a response) about the history, impact and future of the internet …

: Cultivating Online Personas In New York Magazine, Rex Sorgatz lays out a few simple steps for finding internet fame, The …

: Open Access to Statutes James Grimmelmann wrote a nice primer on copyright, statutes and open access, and how publishing …

: Won’t somebody please think of the children? Yesterday, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced an agreement with 3 national ISPs– …

: Working on Orphan Works Congress is once again considering legislation to deal with the problem of orphaned copyright works– …

: Trademark in 3D The Wall Street Journal, Shape of Things to Come: “On Jan. 8, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office …

: Blockbuster Sued over Facebook Beacon Program Remember Facebook’s Beacon program? That’s the program that uses Facebook user’s purchase …

: The Boss and Vista Would Bruce’s right of publicity claim against Microsoft be affected if this video was intended for …

: Muggles and Fair Use J.K. Rowling testified this week in her lawsuit against the publisher of a book version of The Harry …

: Deferring Indecency Rulings The Los Angeles Times reports that the FCC is waiting to rule on its indecency complaints against …

: Valuing Music In the NY Times, Billy Bragg suggests that the social networking sites that have developed their …

: FCC Redefines Broadband At News.com, Anne Broache reports that the FCC will be tracking broadband with more precision and …

: Court Grants Cert in FCC v. Fox On Monday, the Supreme Court granted cert and agreed to review the Second Circuit’s ruling in Fox v. …

: Motley Crew Testifies at House Net Neutrality Hearing Today at 2:00 EDT, The Judiciary Committee Antitrust Task Force will hold a Hearing on Net …

: Revisiting Indecency After a quiet year on the indecency front, the FCC recently revisited two indecency complaints from …

: The Mass and The Personal While the pre-Oscar crowds at Union Square sold out early evening showings of Best Picture nominees …

: Internet Freedom Preservation Act and Network Management Practices Reps. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Chip Pickering (R-MS) introduced the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of …

: OMG! Yoko Ono sues plucky young singer named Lennon to stop using her first name! On her Myspace blog, singer Lennon Murphy writes, Getting Sued by Yoko, “Yesterday I received notice …

: Hot, Naked Court Data Creative Commons and Public.Resource.Org have released 1.8 Million Pages of U.S. Case Law Available …

: On Copies Kevin Kelly ponders ways to think about moving to a new media world where the marginal cost of all …

: Verizon’s not into policing copyright infringement While AT&T is considering helping large copyright owners police infringements on its network, …

: Taking Down the Shred Wired: Humorless Metalheads Shut Down Popular YouTuber: “The three unnamed artists filed copyright …

: Super Bowl is a registered trademark of the NFL It’s the first annual Likelihood of Confusion SUPER BOWL® Trademark Watch and Contest: “Every year …

: Gawker, Scientology and Fair Use The Church of Scientology requests that Gawker remove a clip of Tom Cruise talking about Scientology …

: Hasbro goes after Scrabulous The only surprise is that it took so long. FORTUNE: Techland Will someone please start a Facebook …

: ISP Filtering One of the big issues in tech and IP policy this year will be the role of ISPs. To what extent …

: Quoting Copyright Material in User-Generated Video The Center for Social Media at American University has released a study on the quoting of …

: Sound Recording Performing Rights Bill The Performance Rights Act of 2007 was introduced in both the House and Senate before going on …

: The Generational Divide in Copyright Morality David Pogue speaks at a college and finds out that kids today don’t believe that creative works …

: Circuit Court Caselaw Public.Resource.org, Announcement: “Public.Resource.Org and Fastcase, Inc. announced today that they …

: Statutes Shape Streaming Services In the Listening Post blog at Wired, Eliot Van Buskirk tries out Boomshuffle, a new service from …

: Verizon diverts traffic to its own search engine Type “nytimes” into your browser’s location bar. Unless you have a local server on your network …

: Test I hope that this is indeed fixed soon.

: MTTLR The Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review launched a new blog, The MTTLR Blog. It’s …

: Fantasy sports stats and the First Amendment The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed lower court’s decision finding that a fantasy sports …

: Time Warner Telecom v. FCC In Time Warner Telecom, Inc. v. FCC, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Commission’s …

: iPhone Purchaser Sues Apple AP, Woman Sues Over Apple’s iPhone Price Cut: “A New York woman is so angry at Apple Inc. for …

: Verizon Censors Abortion Messages? In The New York Times, Adam Liptak reports, Verizon Blocks Messages of Abortion Rights Group – New …

: iTunes (finally) gets a competitor Amazon unveiled its long awaited digital download service today. It will be interesting to see where …

: Teaching Copyright and Info Literacy William Patry takes a look at some “non-partisan” copyright groups educational materials: The Patry …

: Internet Access and Competition Policy The Department of Justice weighed in on the net neutrality debate and filed ex parte comments with …

: Criticism 2.0? With the rise of bloggers into the mainstream media, critics of blogging, like Andrew Keen, worry …

: Freeing Caselaw This week Publc.Resource.org announced a new initiative to make caselaw available for free on the …

: Sorry, but no one involved is a winner At Above the Law, David Lat gets the scoop of the year– Nixon Peadbody’s motivational song: Someone …

: Fubar? I’ve just updated the blog software to Movable Type 4.0 and in attempting to update to the new …

: Catching Up: Miscellaneous Copyright Topics Here’s a big bunch of unfiltered links about copyright-related topics that I have accumulated over …

: Transparent Wikipedia John Borland, Wired, See Who’s Editing Wikipedia – Diebold, the CIA, a Campaign: “On November 17th, …

: Censorship, Extortion and Discrimination, Oh My! Some more examples of what happens to internet-based communications when they filter through various …

: Catching Up: Wireless Network Neutrality Tim Wu, Wireless Net Neutrality: Cellular Carterfone on Mobile Networks: “The wireless industry, …

: Fashion First The Wall Street Journal reports about the trademark problem Joseph Abboud faces when he goes into …

: Cloning Fast Food First, they copied the lobster rolls, next, the burgers. Jason Perlow finds another case of a …

: Pearl Jam is still around and relevant? AT&T sponsored a webcast of the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago last weekend. But, AT&T’s …

: Catching Up: Derivative Works and Fair Use These are links I’ve come across in the last couple of months about derivative works and fair use: …

: The State of Broadband in the US Here are three recent studies about the state of broadband in the US and the world. The short …

: This post may not be copied without express, written consent The Computer and Communications Industry Association, a trade group representing technology …

: links for 2007-08-02 What happened to plain old vanilla? <div class="delicious-extended"> Cold …

: Catching Up: Virtual Worlds This is the first of a series of posts that will serve to clear out the hundreds of web pages I’ve …

: links for 2007-07-31 Im in ur Shakespeare <div class="delicious-extended"> The LOLcats Bard </div> …

: links for 2007-07-26 Slap Countdown <div class="delicious-extended"> (How I Met Your Mother) …

: links for 2007-07-25 ‘Allo Paris, we have a problem…. <div class="delicious-extended"> Reuters Tour de …

: links for 2007-07-24 Where to find public records online <div class="delicious-extended"> Useful …

: Radio Performance Royalties President Bush Visits Nashville, Discusses Budget (Doesn’t know that artists and labels earn no …

: links for 2007-07-20 Storing iPhone apps locally with data URLs <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: links for 2007-07-19 In defense of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit <div …

: Sue Everybody! Could Apple be held liable for infringing material on YouTube that is displayed through the YouTube …

: links for 2007-07-12 A Letter to Optimus Prime From His GEICO Auto Insurance Agent. <div …

: Pearls before Eds Here is the complaint in the Pearl Oyster Bar v. Ed’s Lobster Bar suit: Powerful Katinka, Inc. v. …

: On Line Culture On my way home today, I walked by hundreds of people waiting in line at Apple and AT&T stores. …

: iPhone, youPhone, we all phone for iPhone Have you heard that Apple is releasing a phone today? When the first iPod was released, six years …

: links for 2007-06-28 Constitutional law: the five-minute crash course <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: Lobster Rolls and the Lanham Act Rebecca Charles, the chef of Pearl Oyster Bar is suing Ed McFarlane and Ed’s Lobster Bar for …

: Internet Radio Goes Silent Today, a large coalition of webcasters, including small hobby operations to large sites– including …

: links for 2007-06-23 Apple Announces Lolcats Strategy <div class="delicious-extended"> Does your …

: McDowells’ Golden Arcs In-N-Out claims Utah burger joint is a ripoff. Is the use-in-commerce analysis affected by the fact …

: links for 2007-06-21 Motley Crue Sues Manager Carl Stubner <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2007-06-20 Google Public Policy Blog <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Unrelated miscellany Before clickwrap, before shrinkwrap and before the Copyright Act of 1909, a record jacket with a …

: links for 2007-06-19 Latawnya, the naughty horse, learns to say “no” to drugs <div …

: links for 2007-06-17 Bands Walk Fine Line With Contests That Invite Fans to Shoot Music Videos <div …

: Optioning Fiction NY Times: Going to Court Over Fiction by a Fictitious Writer After years of celebrity that included …

: links for 2007-06-15 How Harry Potter really ends <div class="delicious-extended"> Woke up this …

: Copyright Protects the Nation The Copyright Office has released a guide for teachers, Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright. Where’s …

: Wikigroaning Something Awful: The Art of Wikigroaning: “First, find a useful Wikipedia article that normal people …

: links for 2007-06-07 Did pirates really say “arrrr”? <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: Second Circuit strikes strict indecency regs The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Federal Communications Commission’s policy …

: links for 2007-05-30 Kyle Dureau Wants Shake Shack to Be Open 24/7 As Much As You Do <div …

: links for 2007-05-15 How to talk to the press <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Morning Edition on Fair Use NPR’s Morning Edition had an interesting piece about fair use on the web and the Stanford CIS Fair …

: Infringement, Plagarism, Homage or Scenes a Faire? Does Family Guy plagiarize The Simpsons? Is the Family Guy paying homage to older show? Or do the …

: ScotusTube Supreme Court Meets YouTube: “In a U.S. Supreme Court first, the justices have joined the Internet …

: links for 2007-04-28 15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or Will <div …

: links for 2007-04-25 I Think It Is Time We Demonstrate the Full Power of This Battle Encyclopedia <div …

: links for 2007-04-22 Google Earth NYC Bike Map <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: It’s MySpace and I’ll cry if I want to TechCrunch reports that MySpace is preventing its users from embedding media hosted on competing …

: links for 2007-04-11 Holy torts! Law student in erotic vid <div class="delicious-extended"> BLS …

: Fan Fiction Video Games Macworld: Free Battlestar Galactica game hits the Mac: “Beyond the Red Line rewinds the show’s …

: Apple and EMI go DRM-free Apple Unveils Higher Quality DRM-Free Music on the iTunes Store: “DRM-free tracks from EMI will be …

: links for 2007-03-27 Battlestar Galactica: Behind the Music with composer Bear McCreary <div …

: links for 2007-03-20 P2P File-Sharing Ruins Physical Piracy Business <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2007-03-16 SXSW on the radio <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2007-03-15 Pi Day <div class="delicious-extended"> 3.14 is notable for multiple reasons …

: links for 2007-03-14 International Bar, RIP <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Viacom v. YouTube Viacom filed a copyright infringement suit against YouTube, for direct infringement of the rights to …

: links for 2007-03-13 Utah’s Epic Ride <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Remix Battlestar The Sci Fi Network and the producers of Battlestar Galactica are encouraging fan video projects and …

: iTunes influence The Wall St. Journal: Music’s New Gatekeeper: “Apple has jettisoned some of the conventions of …

: links for 2007-03-08 Yahoo Sued for $20M for Illegal Image Use <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: Webcast Royalty Rates Last week, the Copyright Royalty Board issued its ruling on webacsting royalty rates for those …

: links for 2007-03-07 Naughty Super Bowl Sparks Beefs To FCC <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2007-02-22 5 Freaky Muppet Videos <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2007-02-16 That’s what she said <div class="delicious-extended"> An employment lawyer …

: links for 2007-02-12 NY Lawyer Admits Insider Trading, Fellow Associate May Be Axed <div …

: Quick Links Intellectual Property Watch: What’s Ahead For IP And The Music Industry – An Interview with …

: More on Jobs on DRM The RIAA released a statement in response to Jobs’ open letter, available at Jon Healey’s Bit Player …

: Quick Links Intellectual Property Watch: What’s Ahead For IP And The Music Industry – An Interview with …

: It’s Electric: Choreography and Copyright Daniel Terdiman, News.com: ‘Electric Slide’ on slippery DMCA slope: “The inventor of the ‘Electric …

: Viacom, YouTube and You The New York Times: Viacom Tells YouTube: Hands Off: “In a sign of the growing tension between …

: Apple, DRM and Digital Distribution A few European countries, including Norway, Germany, and France, are considering requiring Apple, …

: links for 2007-02-06 Save Boston <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2007-01-31 Content Licensing: The Sensational Seven <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Citing to Wikipedia in School and in Court Inside Higher Ed: A Stand Against Wikipedia: “While plenty of professors have complained about the …

: Citing to Wikipedia in School and in Court Inside Higher Ed: A Stand Against Wikipedia: “While plenty of professors have complained about the …

: Catching Up Here are a number of interesting links I came across in the last month, presented without comment: …

: links for 2007-01-29 Park, He Said <div class="delicious-extended"> Calvin Trillan test drives …

: links for 2007-01-23 Rotate movies in Quicktime to use in iMovie <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: links for 2007-01-17 Haifa University Search Engine Conference Recap <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: iPhone For years, the rumor mill has expected Apple to release a mobile phone, with the name assumed to be …

: links for 2007-01-09 A Handy guide to the Emininetly Sensible American Healthcare System <div …

: links for 2007-01-05 Best Blogfights of 2006 <div class="delicious-extended"> Nerd fight! </div> …

: links for 2007-01-03 Young Turn to Web Sites Without Rules <div class="delicious-extended"> The new …

: 2006 in Review How is it already the end of December? On a personal note, I am glad to say that I met my major …

: links for 2006-12-29 Dancin’ Homer <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-12-28 The Approval Matrix <div class="delicious-extended"> New York magazine goes to …

: Fox v. FCC Oral Arguments C-SPAN has video of the Fox Television v. FCC Oral Arguments (Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Dec. …

: Scary Technology and Virtual Taxes Eriq Gardner , The Hollywood Reporter, Esq: High-Tech, High Anxiety: Innovations Likely to Rattle …

: Deep Linking to Webcasts In Live Nation Motor Sports, Inc. v. Davis, a federal district judge in Texas ruled that …

: links for 2006-12-23 I Fought the Law: Supreme Court Magic Cards <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: links for 2006-12-21 The Right to Bear SLRs <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-12-19 Uneasily, and Surprisingly, ‘Avenue Q’ and ‘Sesame Street’ Co-Exist …

: CBS gets (back) into the record business It’s apparently cheaper for a television network to run a record label than to license recordings. …

: links for 2006-12-16 How to use your knife like a pro <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-12-15 World’s Tallest Man Saves China Dolphins <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: links for 2006-12-14 An Open Letter to the Members of the Institute for Political and International Studies of the …

: Unexpected Consequences One of the unintended consequences of law can be its effect on culture and humor. NY Times: So This …

: links for 2006-12-09 Rentometer <div class="delicious-extended"> Compare apartment rental rates in …

: Is Apple’s success causing labels to go DRM-free? The internets are abuzz with the news that EMI is going to release a Norah Jones single for sale in …

: links for 2006-12-08 The Iraq Study Group Report <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Brady v. Yahoo TEB Capital Management, “the owner of the publicity and endorsement rights to the likeness, image …

: links for 2006-12-07 Wikipedia Will Fail in Four Years <div class="delicious-extended"> Eric Goldman …

: Wednesday Miscellany David Isenberg, Framing Network Neutrality Right: “The unifying element is the prohibition of …

: links for 2006-12-06 Second Ave. Sagas <div class="delicious-extended"> A blog about the subway …

: links for 2006-12-05 tourfilter <div class="delicious-extended"> new york concert notifications …

: Video in the walled garden Last week Verizon and YouTube announced a deal that will allow Verizon V-Cast subscribers to stream …

: links for 2006-12-02 On Calling Bullshit <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Links of Interest Steve Gordon, The Register: Zune means zilch for artists: “Although this pattern of not paying …

: links for 2006-12-01 Does Blogging Make Lawyers Change Jobs? <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Internet access and monopoly power FTC Commission Jon Leibowitz briefly touched on the competition law aspects of network neutrality …

: links for 2006-11-30 Blend of old, new media launched OK Go <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-11-29 The Beatles at iTunes would be glasnost all over again <div …

: links for 2006-11-28 Frucall – Online Comparison Shopping Web site for Mobile Shoppers <div …

: links for 2006-11-23 Why MySpace may settle with Universal Music Group <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: Appelations of Origin and Brooklyn-style Pizza Brooklyn Law School professors Tony Sebok and Sam Murumba, Findlaw: Should the Law Regulate Whether …

: links for 2006-11-22 Is Mythbusters the Best Science Show on Television? <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: links for 2006-11-21 NES Paul <div class="delicious-extended"> Nintendo &#8211; Les Paul mashup …

: Programming Note It has come to my attention that this blog and Internet Explorer for Windows don’t get along. The …

: links for 2006-11-17 Creative Team of ‘Urinetown’ Complains of Midwest Shows <div …

: Copyright infringement and the collapse of virtual economies I just finished reading Play Money, Julian Dibbell’s book about his experiment in earning a living …

: TWiL Denise Howell and Co’s This Week in Law is very good and highly recommended. Episode 2 features …

: links for 2006-11-16 Loading an Airliner Is Rocket Science <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-11-15 Lawsuit over ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’ royalties <div …

: links for 2006-11-10 For Start-Ups, Web Success on the Cheap <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-11-08 State Laws Vary on Polling Place Photography <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: links for 2006-11-07 Teh internets <div class="delicious-extended"> acronyms explained </div> …

: links for 2006-11-04 Mahir to Borat: I Sue You <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-11-03 Percentage of pie-chart that looks like Pac Man <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2006-11-02 October TM Case Roundup <div class="delicious-extended"> Useful </div> …

: links for 2006-11-01 Back From Yet Another Globetrotting Adventure, Indiana Jones Checks His Mail and Discovers That …

: The next MySpace? Today, the AP reports that MySpace is licensing technology from Gracenote to prevent users from …

: links for 2006-10-31 MySpace Is So Last Year <div class="delicious-extended"> Teens are already over …

: Quick Links WSJ Law Blog: Jimi Hendrix Steals the Show At Intellectual Property Auction: “Whoever bought this …

: links for 2006-10-28 Prevalance of binge drinking by neighborhood <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2006-10-27 The worst political Web sites <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-10-26 News At Seven <div class="delicious-extended"> An automated newscast. Very cool. …

: links for 2006-10-25 Sorry I haven’t posted in a while <div class="delicious-extended"> Excuses …

: links for 2006-10-24 What not to do if you don’t get the job… <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: links for 2006-10-21 Music and audio gear in Second Life <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-10-20 TiVo fighting FCC over CableCARD, Verizon’s FiOS service <div …

: Gnarls Barkley goes to court The Hollywood Reporter, Esq: Gnarls Barkley Seeks Court Order on Song Authorship: “In a complaint …

: links for 2006-10-19 Standard Bearers <div class="delicious-extended"> How standards become standard …

: Will NY lawyers lose blogging privlieges? NY Sun: Proposed Attorney Advertising Rules Could Place Restrictions on Web Logs “The proposed …

: links for 2006-10-18 MetaFilter: Going Your Way <div class="delicious-extended"> The genius that is …

: Calling Elvis’s Ringtone The Copyright Office ruled that ringtones– including monophonic versions– are subject to the section …

: links for 2006-10-17 Movie Downloads: iTunes v. The Rest

: Let’s Go: Virtual Worlds Reuters opened a virtual bureau in Second Life today. The NY Times reports: The Reporter Is Real, …

: $1.65 billion of reverse confusion Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, whose website lives at Utube.com has been deluged with …

: $1.65 billion of reverse confusion Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, whose website lives at Utube.com has been deluged with …

: links for 2006-10-13 The Pitchfork Media Drinking Game <div class="delicious-extended"> This blog post …

: links for 2006-10-12 The Handwriting Is on the Wall <div class="delicious-extended"> Does anyone write …

: PBS looks at neutrality On PBS, Bill Moyers looks at net neutrality, The Net at Risk: “The future of the Internet is up for …

: Educating fair use Brett Frischmann: Taking Back Educational Fair Use: “Educational fair use is shrinking. By virtue of …

: The facts James Grimmelman delves into the details of the facts that led to Google v. Parker, 422 F. Supp. 2d …

: Trademark Dilution Act The Trademark Dilution Act was signed into law</a. last week. The bill overturns the Supreme …

: links for 2006-10-11 How to get a Genius Grant <div class="delicious-extended"> Step 1. Live in New …

: Copy-protecting food and pets In Food and Wine Magazine, Pete Wells looks at chefs securing copyright and patent protection for …

: links for 2006-10-10 Hunter Mountain Blog <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-10-07 Brooklynites can now watch pirated Borat videos on YouTube in the peace and comfort of Prospect …

: links for 2006-10-06 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Torture! <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: Weezer to Bud: Say It Ain’t So Weezer Alleges Miller Violated Trademarks, Right of Publicity: “The rock group Weezer has sued …

: Democracy, Shmerocracy Ariel J. Feldman, J. Alex Halderman, and Edward W. Felten, Princeton University Center for …

: Just for one day The Hollywood Reporter, Esq.: Hand Mangling on NBC’s ‘Heroes’ Leads to Trademark Claim The maker of …

: links for 2006-10-05 Why does Steve Wozniak matter? <div class="delicious-extended"> The Woz himself …

: links for 2006-10-04 Parent seeks to ban Farenheit 451 during banned books week <div …

: Second Life Scholars have been thinking seriously about the legal and social implications of virtual worlds for …

: Protest DRM? Boing Boing: Protest DRM in NYC this Saturday!: “On Saturday, at 3pm Free Culture @ NYU in …

: links for 2006-09-29 Top 10 Web 2.0 Winners <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-09-22 When Apple Hit Bottom <div class="delicious-extended"> 10 years ago, pundits …

: Unfortunately, the lawsuit is more entertaining than the band A quick follow-up to last week’s post about the Supernova injunction. The junior user– the band made …

: links for 2006-09-16 What Left and Right Both Miss About the Wal-Mart Debate <div …

: links for 2006-09-14 What happens to blogs when the authors go on vacation? <div …

: Like two stars colliding… in a courtroom US District Judge John A. Houston ruled yesterday in favor of Supernova from CyNot3 and granted a …

: links for 2006-09-13 How bad is he? <div class="delicious-extended"> Worst. President. Ever. …

: Monemvasia In Sunday’s travel section, the NY Times visited Monemvasia, Greece: MONEMVASIA means “single …

: Why so many law students? These two articles followed one another on the NY Times’ most emailed stories list this morning: …

: links for 2006-09-02 Muppet Wiki <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Tracking Transit Got at b3co.com! Metros and subways that I have used. (via Frankenstein)

: links for 2006-09-01 Abovethelaw.com <div class="delicious-extended"> legal gossip from David …

: Everything Old is New Again, in Bb In her typically thoughtful column in Wired, Jennifer Granick makes a surprisingly inaccurate …

: links for 2006-08-30 A Power Hitter. And a Source of Jewish Pride <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: Class of 1984 The Beloit College mindset list puts Beloit College on the radar for about 10 seconds every fall. …

: links for 2006-08-27 Entourage’s Guide to Hollywood Lexicology <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: links for 2006-08-26 Apple recalls potentially explosive iBook G4 and PowerBook G4 batteries <div …

: Answer: B. Copyright Infringement And here I thought I was forever done with anything involving the bar exam. But, the National …

: links for 2006-08-25 Weird Al: don’t download this song <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: Pluto The International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) General Assembly is voting on whether Pluto should be …

: 7th Circuit Adds RSS Feeds The 7th Circuit is the first Federal circuit court to publish its own RSS feed of decisions and oral …

: links for 2006-08-24 All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us <div class="delicious-extended"> All your base + …

: 2012 Information addiction overload! How does one deal with a week’s worth of more than 2000 unread news …

: Miscellaneous miscellany Nexus: How are Blogs Affecting the Legal World? Dahlia Lithwick, Slate: “Private I’s? Should the law …

: Entertainment miscellany Links presented without comment: Wall Street Journal: Moguls of New Media: “As videos, blogs and Web …

: Awwwww. Thanks Andrew, Though I’m not sure if that’s sweet or sad. Surely you must know more people than you let on. But …

: Telecom and tech regulation reading BusinessWeek: The Phone Companies Still Don’t Get It: ” Welcome to Telco Land, a strange country …

: Google and Fair Use News.com’s Declan McCullogh looks at the copyright suits where Google is a defendant: Copyright …

: Program Notes As I will be on the internets less than usual next week, I’ve asked Caitlin to come by and be a …

: Oh boy This is not necessarily the piece of news you want to wake up to on a day that you’re going to get …

: Baseball stats in the fact-based community In C.B.C. Distribution and Marketing, Inc. v. Major League Baseball Advanced Media, the US District …

: Perestroika by Piracy? The New York Times reports on Chinese groups distributing subtitled versions of Western shows in …

: links for 2006-08-10 Abracadabra: The Beatles: Revolver <div class="delicious-extended"> A free e-book …

: Long Tail, Decline of Filters, Information Literacy In Salon today, Farhad Manjoo applies Chris Anderson’s “Long Tail” theory to news: Chasing tail. …

: Labels v. LimeWire Major record labels filed a law suit in the Southern District of NY against P2P file sharing company …

: Giant Robot Imprisons Parked Cars in Hoboken Yes, it’s New Jersey. No, it’s not the plot from a recent Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode. This is …

: More Reality TV Law Here’s a student note published in the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law: J. …

: links for 2006-08-08 Stop the Falsiness <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-08-04 Samuel L. Jackson on a Phone <div class="delicious-extended"> Brilliant Snakes on …

: Wikiality On Monday’s Colbert Report, Stephen discussed the Wikipedia process in The Wørd segment …

: links for 2006-08-03 Colorado Resort to Invest Heavily in Wind Power <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: The Anti-Science Coalition A post at How Appealing today is titled “Evolution Foes Lose Their Edge on Kansas Board. Why not …

: Helping or hurting your cause? If there was ever a reason for why a corporate-controlled internet might not be such a bad idea, it …

: links for 2006-08-02 The heat island effect <div class="delicious-extended"> Urban centers are warmer …

: links for 2006-07-29 How can airlines improve the in-flight experience? <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: Grosso v. Miramax applied NY Times: Lawyer Is Upping the Ante in Claims of Idea Theft in Hollywood: “The latest in a long line …

: Sports racers and copyright In today’s The Show, Ze Frank discusses consumer-created media and copyright: “When someone paints a …

: links for 2006-07-27 Adam Green hitchhikes across Europe in pyjamas <div class="delicious-extended"> Now …

: Reality TV and the Law The only summer reality tv show to capture my interest has been Rock Star: Supernova, which could be …

: Keywords in Commerce? Eric Goldman, Technology & Law Marketing Blog: Search Engine Liability for Selling Keywords …

: Neutral Policy CDT: Focused Internet Neutrality Legislation Warranted To Protect Open Internet: “In the absence of …

: ABA Report on Presiidental Signing Statements Today, the American Bar Association released a “blue-ribbon panel” report on the harm that …

: links for 2006-07-25 How will YouTube make money? <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: TiVo Genericide? Matt Haughey, PVRBlog: Quit saying “tivo” when it isn’t a TiVo: “I know I’m being a bit of a …

: links for 2006-07-24 A musical tribute to Leo Stoller <div class="delicious-extended"> from the …

: links for 2006-07-23 Lost Battlestar (at The Office) <div class="delicious-extended"> Hilarious mashup …

: links for 2006-07-20 Wired’s Chris Anderson played bass in REM <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2006-07-19 BAR/BRI Class Action Litigation <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: Copyright Fraud and Misuse Two law review articles of interest: Jason Mazzone, Copyfraud: “Copyfraud is everywhere. False …

: MySpace Follow-up New York Times: Senator

: links for 2006-07-15 Emmy Episode Submissions 2006 <div class="delicious-extended"> See what episodes …

: Psst Wired News: MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song: “After hearing Sen. Ted Stevens’ now infamous …

: links for 2006-07-14 G4 Powerbook w/Color Apple Logo <div class="delicious-extended"> Old-style brand …

: A series of tubes: the song: the story On Saturday, I read about Sen. Stevens “The internet is a series of tubes” statement, picked up my …

: links for 2006-07-13 Reappraising a Landmark Bridge, and the Visionary Behind It <div …

: YouTubing With the volume of infringing material posted to YouTube, why hasn’t it attracted a lawsuit? At the …

: Clean Flicks Creating and distributing edited versions of films to “sanitize” the films to make them more …

: Copyright Act, in verse Yehuda Berlinger: The U.S. Copyright code, in verse §102 Copyright is for writings, Music, dance, …

: links for 2006-07-08 After Delays, Wireless Web Comes to Parks <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: links for 2006-07-07 I knows me some ugly myspace showdown <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: One Year After <i>Grokster</i> Last week marked the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in MGM v. Grokster. Eric …

: links for 2006-07-01 Jack Is the Decider <div class="delicious-extended"> Jack FM is the radio …

: NYC is not bike friendly Since I’ve started biking around the city this spring, I’ve been struck by the abject inadequacy of …

: DRM and Copyright’s fuzzy bounds Last week, Wendy Seltzer (Brooklyn Law) and Fritz Attaway (MPAA) debate DRM at the WSJ: ‘DRM’ …

: links for 2006-06-28 Great Photographers on the Internet <div class="delicious-extended"> If web …

: links for 2006-06-24 New episodes of Futurama coming to Comedy Central <div …

: links for 2006-06-23 Shake Shack Widget <div class="delicious-extended"> Mac + Shack = automatic …

: links for 2006-06-22 Secrets of the Radiohead Set List <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-06-21 In Wal-Mart’s Home, Synagogue Signals Growth <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: links for 2006-06-19 [www.nytimes.com/2006/06/1...](http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/18/fashion/sundaystyles/18ze.html?ex …

: links for 2006-06-17 Mad Lit Professor Puts Finishing Touches On Bloomsday Device <div …

: Fair Use Network The Free Expression Policy Project at NYU’s Brennan Center launched the: Fair Use Network: “The Fair …

: links for 2006-06-16 Springfield Theory: Math References on the Simpsons <div class="delicious-tags"> …

: Net Neutrality Miscellany Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on telecommunications legislation and network …

: Google Trends: IP disciplines On Google searches for the 3 intellectual property fields of law, patent law beats out copyright and …

: Internet dating and the law In Slate, Dahlia Lithwick discusses The shadowy laws of Internet dating: “Some legislators and …

: Permissions At the NYU Comedies of Fair Use conference, Susan Bielstein discussed some of the issues that make …

: Indecency Update Congress recently passed the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 (S.193) which will increase …

: links for 2006-06-13 How Brazilian soccer players get their names <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: …

: links for 2006-06-10 Diet Coke and Menthos <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-06-09 Radiohead’s stage input list <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: The Bored at Work Network on TV Like bands, television shows are promoting themselves on MySpace, and not just Fox shows. Entourage …

: Schwimmer 0wnz0rs Law Blogs The Trademark Blog : Blawg Review #60: Gimme Some Truth: “This is an opportunity for the …

: Cable Bill Phone Spam I just received an automated phone call on my home phone with a recorded message telling me that if …

: links for 2006-06-01 4 8 15 16 23 42, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot <div class="delicious-extended"> Wikipedia on …

: Neutrality in the News Here is a roundup of some of the more interesting and thoughtful recent articles, posts and audio …

: Senate Approves New F.C.C. Member Reuters: Senate Approves New F.C.C. Member: “Mr. McDowell, 42, has been a lawyer for Comptel, a …

: links for 2006-05-23 How Will New York’s Second Web Boom End? <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: Podcasting Legal Guide A useful Podcasting Legal Guidei: “The main legal issues that you will likely face that are unique …

: Broadband Here and There The New York Times reports on the bundle of communications services offered by a cable television …

: links for 2006-05-11 Bank of America customers can visit museums for free during May <div …

: Good news, everybody! I passed the NY bar exam. Boy, am I relieved. NYLJ: 46 Percent Pass February Bar Exam. 46%? Ouch. …

: Impact of a discriminatory internet The Hill: Finance firms may weigh in on net-neutrality battle: “The financial-services industry is …

: Your Neutralness Earlier today, a producer from the public radio program Open Source called me to discuss net …

: Thoughts on Fair Use Because of technology, copyright today affects many more people than ever before. Copyright is …

: [Comedies of Fair Use] What is to be done? Here are rough notes from the Comedies of Fair Use at NYU panel “What Is To Be Done?” (4/30) with …

: Neutral Planet Tim Wu, Slate: Why You Should Care About Network Neutrality: “Welcome to the fight over ‘network …

: Mr. Met The Mets may be sucking less this year, but Meet the Mets is still far better than the new Mets …

: [Comedies of Fair Use] The Permissions Maze Susan Bielstein (U of Chicago Press): As a pubsliher/editor she has come to develop a somewhat …

: [Comedies of Fair Use] Art I didn’t take notes on the presentations by Joy Garnett and Susan Mieselas. Laura Quilter posted an …

: [Comedies of Fair Use] Vaidhyanathan, Adler and Hansen Siva Vaidhyanathan Copyright touches more, but protects less than ever before. (see e.g. pirated …

: [Comedies of Fair Use] Lawrence Lessig It’s hard to take notes about Lessig’s presentation because he actually uses his slides well– to add …

: Comedies of Fair Use I’m here blogging live (on tape) from the Comedies of Fair Use at NYU. These posts are written in …

: Why Oppose Net Neutrality? An anti-net-neutrality coalition launched their lobbying site at Hands of the Internet. The best …

: Interesting Miscellany Here are some recent links of interest from around the web on various topics: Copyright term and the …

: Hilden on TV Networks Indecency Challenge Julie Hilden, Findlaw’s Writ: Four Major Television Networks Challenge the FCC’s Regulation of …

: links for 2006-04-25 Pushcart NYC <div class="delicious-extended"> Pushcart food reviews </div> …

: Blogging about conferences about blogging Last week, Joe Gratz and David Maizenberg blogged the Blog Law and Blogging for Lawyers Conference. …

: Impeachment Redux? Elizabeth Holtzman, The Nation: The Impeachment of George W. Bush: “Finally, it has started. People …

: Caching and Copyright In Parker v. Google, No. 04 CV 3918 (E.D. Pa. 2006), District Judge R. Barclay Surrick ruled that …

: Save the Internet This weekend, a new lobbying effort started to preserve the public internet (in the public …

: links for 2006-04-22 A Tour of Microsoft’s Mac Lab <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: The Problem with Wikipedia Jason Scott recently gave a talk about The Great Failure of Wikipedia. The audio is available at the …

: Tram Last night, riders on the Roosevelt Island tram were stranded for more than 12 hours, with the last …

: links for 2006-04-20 Hacking A More Tasteful MySpace <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-04-19 Glossary of Aerial Ski Lift Terms <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: links for 2006-04-18 New York Museum of Water <div class="delicious-tags"> (tags: <a …

: The F Word The NY Times reports that the four television networks are challenging the Constitutionality of the …

: Three Things About Network Neutrality Today in Salon.com, Farhad Manjoo has a typically excellent article that frames and discusses why …

: links for 2006-04-14 The Two-Minute Haggadah: A Passover service for the impatient. <div …

: links for 2006-04-12 Blog <div class="delicious-extended"> The most meta blog post EVAR </div> …

: Little Orphan Works Since I doubt I will get around to re-recording the problematic and no longer current podcast …

: links for 2006-04-11 Is One Museum Honoring Cheese Really Enough? <div class="delicious-extended"> …

: Some links on network neutrality Susan Crawford: FCC/Congress; rules/no rules: “Now, in the substrate neutrality debate (still …

: Assorted Reading Privacy and Anonymity Kevin F. Berry, Law.com: How to Unmask an Anonymous Blogger: “When does it …

: Smithsonian & Showtime Agreement The NY Times reports on an deal between the Smithsonian Institution and Showtime: Smithsonian …

: In 2005, Music Went Digital The RIAA released year-end statistics for the US recorded music market. The NY Times reports: Music …

: Rumors The rumors of this blog’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. It’s just pining for the fjords. …

: IPTelligentsia Podcast: Satisfying the 21st Century Consumer (Part 2/2) Last week, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer …

: F2C The Freedom to Connect conference about the future of the internet is happening down in the metro DC …

: IPtelligentsia Podcast: Fair Use Hearings Yesterday, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer …

: Are Indecency Regulations Obsolete? The Authority to Regulate Indecency Broadcasting is an area where the government has a greater …

: Chilling Effects from Broadcast Indecency Regulations? The most recent FCC rulings on broadcast indecency caused the WB to edit a new show. The NY Times …

: Broadcast Indecency Regulation: The Profanity Standard In Complaints Regarding Various Television Broadcasts Between February 2, 2002 and March 8, 2005 …

: Broadcast Indecency Regulation: The Indecency Standard Last week, the FCC released its latest three rulings concerning indecency regulations: Complaints …

: Programming Notes Why has this blog sucked more than usual lately? A few reasons. Mainly, getting back into searching …

: Miscellaneous Reading Tomas A. Lipinski, ASIS&T Bulletin: The Legal Landscape After MGM v. Grokster: Part 2, …

: Generation MySpace Social networking behemoth MySpace is the latest trend gone bad. Daily Show correspondent Demetri …

: NSA Warrantless Electronic Surveillance Reading List Here are some links discussing the Constitutionality of the Bush Administration’s warrantless …

: The Simpsons and the First Amendment The McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum released a study that more Americans can name the 5 members of …

: Some TV Notes TV may not be so bad for you. The NY Times reports: Study Finds Test Scores Not Lowered by …

: Pro Bloggers and Prof Bloggers The Pro Bloggers New York Magazine: Blogs to Riches – The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom: …

: Net Neutrality Reading List If telecom and cable companies have their way, a new Telecommunications Act will allow them to …

: Practice makes perfect Some thoughts relevant for considering career choices: Ron Baker, the [non]billable hour: Attorneys …

: Quick Hits Here are some links of interest from the last few weeks: Digital Audio Insider: “Digital Audio …

: 47 USC &sect;230 Year-in-Review Eric Goldman looks at last year’s cases involving the statutory “safe harbor” protection for web …

: Race, now with Amazing Hey, the Amazing Race is back. Some running notes on this episode: No mactors. Teams of 2. Red …

: Perfect 10 v. Google In Perfect 10 v. Google, Inc., 04-9484 (C.D. Cal, Feb. 17, 2006), US District Judge A. Howard Matz …

: Back You may have noticed that as of late, this space has been more empty than usual. I’ve been here …

: New sites of note A Brooklyn Law 2L writes MusicBlawg which is, not surprisingly, a blog about music law. Full of …

: IPtelligentsia Podcast: Senate Indecency Hearings (Part 2 of 3) On Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee held hearings about regulating indecency on television. …

: Bloggers, book deals and gnomes Today’s NY Times features a long article about David Lat, the former federal prosecutor who created …

: IPtelligentsia Podcast: Senate Indecency Hearings (Part 1 of 3) This morning, the Senate Commerce Committee held hearings about regulating indecency on television. …

: Repairation? A new bar opened in the ‘hood recently, but is already closed for repairs, or, well, er: …

: Frack You can tell that you’ve been watching too much Battlestar Galactica when you actually use “frack” …

: Metrocard Gone Mad I have a pay-per-ride Metrocard with $11.20 on it. How?

: Looking Back I can’t say that 2005 was the best year ever, but going back through the archives, at least I wrote …

: Wikipedia and Authority I initially posted this as a comment, following up to a comment by “Y456two” on Wikipedia Woes, but …

: Exit, stage left and make room for the $1,000 drink The NY Times reports on a study which finds that the creative sector is becoming less concentrated …

: Wikipedia Woes Wikipedia is one of the best sites on the internet– volunteers compile information about esoteric …

: Hijacking RSS Feeds for Fun and Profit Full-text RSS/Atom feeds are wonderful for information addicts. A newsreader brings new articles and …

: One continent and an undisclosed distance What does it say about this season of the Amazing Race that the best part of the entire season was …

: Fun with maps This Interactive NYC Transit Map Google map mashup is really neat. Perhaps in the next version, …

: Law 2.0 The Wired GC wonders when the law will migrate to Web 2.0: Web 2.0, Heading West to Law 2.0: “What …

: Competitive Advantage? Market researchers Ipsos-Reid found that Only 2% of Consumers Care About Legal Issues With …

: HarperCollins Plans to Scan The Wall St. Journal reports that HarperCollins will scan its books and allow search services to …

: First looks at BMG v. Gonzalez William Patry: BMG v. Cecilia Gonzalez: “The opinion is significant in many respects. First, it …

: Tasini to run for Senate in NY Of mild interest to those interested in copyright law, Jonathan Tasini is running against Hilary …

: Liability for P2P Downloading In the latest P2P file sharing case, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a summary judgment …

: Another Google Book Search Panel The Association of the Bar of the City of New York: “GoogleNet” and Fair Use: How the “Open Web” May …

: Stream on For the last few months, I’ve been looking enviously at the celestial jukebox services Rhapsody, …

: Blogging Is the New Black Law.com reports: Blogging Is the New Black and that lawyers are finding blogging useful: “And now, …

: Google Miscellany Everyone seems to be talking about Google these days. SiliconValley.com hosts a roundtable on Google …

: Bar exams in the news The Wall St. Journal reports: Raising the Bar: Even Top Lawyers Fail California Exam: Kathleen …

: Hot Practice Areas New York Lawyer’s list of Hot Practice Areas for 2006 includes “intellectual property, mergers and …

: Claria pops-up some good press Claria gets some good press from Wired Magazine: Don’t Call It Spyware Today Gator, now called …

: A quick guide to info literacy Lifehacker’s Wendy Boswell posted a useful basic guide to information literacy for web searching: …

: Another Google Book Search Commentary Roundup Here are the most interesting articles and podcasts about the Google Book Search and copyright law …

: Is preferential still open? Telecom and internet infrastructure providers seek changes in the way the internet is regulated to …

: Information Addiction Via Kevin Heller, today’s NYT style section features an article discussing whether internet …

: Six strings, no initial interest confusion The Sixth Circuit ruled that the shape of a guitar alone is not enough of a similarity to create a …

: Open Source Licenses The NY Times reports on the Free Software Foundation’s plans to revise the General Public License …

: Grippy Science Recently, I read Brian Greene’s new book, The Fabric of the Cosmos. The book is a fascinating look …

: Senate to get techy next year Internet News reports that the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a number of hearings on internet …

: Libel Suits Against Bloggers The Media Law Resource Center has a list of lawsuits brought against bloggers for libel (and related …

: Ten Rules for Web Startups Blogger founder and current Odeo CEO Evan Williams suggests Ten Rules for Web Startups.

: Privacy Law and Internet Policy Fellowship I probably should try to keep the number of applicants down to increase my chances, but since …

: Variety’s Slanguage Dealing with Hollywood? Variety’s Slanguage Dictionary can demystify the industry lingo and make it …

: Thanks Even though I have no job and have to take bar exams in February (NY again, NJ just for the heck of …

: Finding the value in the entertainment dollar In the Wall St. Journal, columnist Jason Fry examines The Ringtone Riddle— why the $2.49 price point …

: BitTorrent deals with the MPAA BoingBoing’s Xeni Jardin has the scoop on the MPAA and BitTorrent deal. BitTorrent’s Bram Cohen …

: Analysis of use (and mis-use) of DMCA Takedown Notices Jennifer M. Urban and Laura Quilter, Efficient Process or “Chilling Effects”: Takedown Notices Under …

: MTA defends F Line trademark NY1 reports that the MTA won an injunction against F Line Bagels, a subway-themed bagel store in …

: Studying P2P Studies Rufus Pollock evaluates 5 empirical studies of P2P file sharing and its effect on music purchasing: …

: Fair Use, Films and the First Amendment The LA Times reports on the importance of fair use in allowing documentary filmmakers to engage in …

: Among the Tin Foil Hat Crowd A study at MIT measured the effectiveness of alumninum foil helmets in blocking radio waves and …

: Google Print at the Public Library Paul Frankenstein live blogged the NYPL debate on Google Print (mentioned here last week): Live From …

: Wex Wex: “Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law …

: Fair Use in the Internet Age

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection …

: Working for the Clampdown At Coolfer, Damian Kulash (of OK Go) presents the musician’s case against DRM: The DRM Hullabaloo …

: Ring Tone (with The Magic) Inspired by the ring tone on G.O.B.’s fancy phone (on Arrested Development), the official mobile …

: Thursday, Thursday, Thursday NY Bar Exam results will be posted on Thursday. AAAHHHHHH!!!!!

: Law School: The Movie Via an email, All About Law School: “All About Law School” is the first ever DVD about the law …

: Order Cut Back It looks like Arrested Development is nearing the end of its run, as Fox will extend its order …

: Robot Lawyer It sounds like a rejected SNL character, but Engadget reports: Law firm set to offer “robot” …

: Indecency In the Washington Post today, an article about the FCC and indecency reglations: Delays, Low Fines …

: Guilty until proven innocent On Poilitech last week, James Reid posted a story about the excessive scurity at a movie screening: …

: Digital Music, Mobile Phones and Pricing In the NY Times, David Pogue reviews Sprint’s new mobile music download service. Unlike the …

: Google Print and Fair Use

Google Print is the topic that may single-handedly keep the copyright-related blog world in …

: Thunk There is something very satisfying about voting on New York’s vintage lever voting machines. Pulling …

: Blawg Review #31 Welcome to Blawg Review #31, the weekly guide to the best posts in the legal blog world. This week, …

: How not to pitch Blawg Review I’m reading through some of the submissions to this week’s Blawg Review, which should be up sometime …

: Driving a Lexus to an Olive Tree This is a good week to be NYT Foreign Affairs columnist Tom Friedman: Gawker finds someone who made …

: Entertainment Law for Indie Bands Indie Night School, an occassional educational series for independent musicians, offers a podcast of …

: Fun with DRM Barry Ritzholtz bought a My Morning Jacket CD and was dismayed to find that it contained a DRM …

: Transportation Bond Act In addition to the various local offices up for election next week, including mayor, public advocate …

: Bluetooth Everywhere Last year, I wondered, “Where is the [ski] helmet with the built-in bluetooth mobile phone headset?” …

: Alito on Copyright and More William Patry discusses Judge Alito’s decision in one copyright case and thinks that it bodes well: …

: Under Review Denise Howell hosts Blawg Review #30 this week. Next week, Blawg Review stops by here. Fortunately, …

: Filtering blogs Wired News reports on companies that are using filtering software to prevent access to blog sites: …

: Oh, Canada A new blog about copyright policy in Canada: CopyrightWatch.ca: “This blog is supported by a team of …

: How a faux French band wound up in federal court Dan Crane, who played guitar as “Jean-Luc Retard” in the band Les Sans Culottes recounts the fun of …

: Beware of the Loose Seal The NY Times reports: Protecting the Presidential Seal. No Joke.: “You might have thought that the …

: Sports and Old Media After a season lost to labor problems, the NHL is back playing hockey, but with significant changes …

: Publishers Sue Google, Too Following on the heels of authors, The Association of American Publishers is suing Google: The …

: Citing to the Blogosphere The newest (18th) edition of the Bluebook features a new rule for citing to blog posts: Posting to …

: Tragedy of the digital commons The internet is a network of networks, decentralized and generally unregulated– a digital commons. …

: Put the mouse down and step away from the internet Last night, I had a dream about prepping for and giving a presentation about DRM. I think I need to …

: Video Killed the Radio Star Meet the new iPod, same as the old iPod, but it is smaller and happens to play video, too. While the …

: Video Killed the Radio Star Meet the new iPod, same as the old iPod, but it is smaller and happens to play video, too. While the …

: Diversion Normally, the subway is an easy way to get around. Four lines are convenient and the F train is …

: Open House NY The third Open House NY is this weekend. Last year, I visted the Masonic Lodge and Jazz at Lincoln …

: Protecting Copyright and Innovation in a Post-Grokster World

On Wednesday, the full Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on “Protecting Copyright and …

: Insanity Later As I’ve been reading reviews of Serenity (previously discussed here), one criticism that comes up …

: Hollywood and IP In an interview, Serenity writer/director Joss Whedon mentions that it might not be a bad idea for …

: Fewer Indecency Complaints This week, the FCC released statistics showing that the number of indecency complaints received by …

: What happened to the “Amazing”? This season, The Amazing Race is taking on a different look. Instead of teams of 2 linked by some …

: Shameless self promotion Besides blawging, my other big revenue-negative hobby is music. In particular, I play saxophones and …

: Buy One, Get One So, [this band][1] I play with is releasing this album today. It’s called [Buy One, Get …

: What’s on the Replay With the new tv season, there are actually things on my DVR worth watching. Arrested Development …

: The planets in proper alignment Oy va Voi and Balkan Beat Box @ Irving Plaza Yesterday, I got tipped off to a klezmer show at Irving …

: BLS Blogs There are some blogs from current Brooklyn law students floating around on the internets. It’s like …

: Google, Publishers, Copies and “Being Evil” The Author’s Guild filed a lawsuit to prohibit Google from scanning copyrighted books without …

: Is the third year necessary? At the Legal Affairs Debate Club, Professors Laura I. Appleman and Daniel Solove debate the …

: [FMC] IP in a post-Grokster World IP in a post-Grokster World Preeta Bansal Partner, Skadden Arps (moderator) Chris Amenita Senior …

: [FMC] Representative Rick Boucher (D-VA) Mechanical license is outdated and needs to be updated from its paper-based, individual. Reform …

: [FMC] Sampling and Shared Art Rick Karr former NPR cultural correspondent/Technopop (moderator) Whitney Broussard Partner, …

: [FMC] George Clinton and Hank Shocklee Special Interview with legendary funk artist George Clinton and Hank Shocklee Music Industry …

: [FMC] Linky link Derek Slater is also blogging FMC, in a more polished form than my rough notes, over at Billboard …

: [FMC] License to Cover: Section 115 Room 307: License to Cover: Section 115 Ken Kaufman Partner, Skadden Arps David Jones Counsel, …

: [FMC] Is Digital Distribution a Good Deal for Artists? Panel 05: Is Digital Distribution a Good Deal for Artists? Walter McDonough General Counsel, Future …

: [FMC] State of the Union Panel 04: State of the Union Jim Griffin CEO, Cherry Lane Digital (moderator) Mitch Bainwol Chairman …

: [FMC] Music Policy 101 Michael Bracy Policy Director, Future of Music Coalition (moderator) Fred Cannon Senior VP, …

: [FMC] Interview with FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein What is the FCC? The FCC is a lot more than a place where we do indecency. Started when radio …

: [FMC[ New Label/No Label Models Kristin Thomson Organizer, Future of Music Coalition (moderator) John Buckman Founder/CEO, Magnatune …

: Future of Music I’m here at the Future of Music Conference in DC, and blogging live over at iptablog.

: [FMC] Guiding Artists Through Tremendous Change After finally getting to GW, only a few minutes late, there’s wireless here, and we’re on live from …

: Future of Music I decided at just about the last minute to head down to DC for the Future of Music Conference at GW. …

: Small time filmmaking Today, Martin Scorsese was filming his latest movie in Brooklyn. This looks like a real low-budget …

: Golf and IP On Friday, Sept. 30, the NYSBA will have a program at Fordham about how to protect golf course …

: Copyright literature current awareness Here is a very useful page from the University of Texas law library: Copyright literature current …

: Budweiser Update Both Czech brewer Budvar and American brewer Anheuser-Busch sell beers under the Budweiser mark. Not …

: Pop Culture Detritus Being quite unemployed now, I don’t have that many things to do. My calendar is only slightly less …

: Yikes Despite the threats of flooding in the below-sea level city, some intrepid bloggers are still in New …

: The broadest of the bands An August report from Free Press, Consumers Union and the Consumer Federation of America, Broadband …

: Secondary Meaning in Diagon Alley Martin Schwimmer thinks the analogy isn’t so hot: The Trademark Blog: “Given that the Lanham Act was …

: More on blogging The July/August issue of Law Practice Magazine has a feature section on legal blogging, including a …

: Serenity Now A science fiction television series develops a cult following, is cancelled, despite strong fan …

: Grokking the ‘ster Cathy Kirkman finds two recent decisions– one patent, the other copyright– citing Grokster: Grokster …

: Turkmenistan Outlaws Lip-Syncing The AP reports that the president Saparmurat Niyazov of Turkmenistan is outlawing lip-syncing at all …

: FCC Gets Fewer Indecency Complaints The LA Times reports that the FCC received significantly fewer indeceny complaints in the first …

: Grokster Goes On In a ruling that comes with no surprise, the Ninth Circuit remanded Grokster back to district court. …

: Catching Up I’m starting to get back into the swing of real life after the Bar and a little vacation. On to …

: Subway misadventures Nothing like a fun trip home to make you really appreciate the MTA. On Friday night, I was going …

: It’s a wrap After coming home from Day 2 to decompress, I found out about blackouts on Wednesday night in …

: It’s over! Unless I get to do this all over again in February. We’ll find out in November. More later.

: Halfway My bar neighbor never showed up. Guess he/she had better things to do today. It felt like the A/C …

: Don’t Panic That should probably be written on the outside of the Bar Exam test books. For what it’s …

: Bar exam everywhere It’s impossible to even take a few minutes off and read something non-bar related without spotting …

: Gratz on Dvorak on Creative Commons Joe Gratz corrects John C. Dvorak’s muckraking mistakes about Creative Commons and copyright …

: The Couch Last week, The Daily Show unveiled its new set, with giant video screens and no more couch. The …

: Blogging about blogging Blogging is so many different things to different people and includes many different ways of using …

: Redskins Name Can Be Challenged The Washington Post reports: Redskins Name Can Be Challenged: “The football franchise had appeared …

: Anheuser-Busch takes Hungary The AP reports that Anheuser-Busch won in the latest counrty to weigh in on the long-running …

: Blogging about blogging Blogging is so many different things to different people and includes many different ways of using …

: Five Years of Photos I’ve been posting photos to this website for more than five years now. Wow. Here are some re-runs …

: Into the great wide open Now that bar review is over, we enter the home stretch to the Exam with less than two weeks to go. …

: Internet Archive and Copy Controls The NY Times reports: Keeper of Expired Web Pages Is Sued Because Archive Was Used in Another Suit: …

: Not classic enough Newsday reports: AMC judged to be not classic enough: The American Movie Classics channel runs too …

: Communications Act reform In a News.com op-ed, Progress & Freedom Foundation fellow Randolph May proposes one model for …

: Seeking permission J.D. Lasica attempts to get permission to use short clips from commercial films in non-commercial …

: A taxing prior restraint? The Third Circut rules that a permanent injunction barring promoting and selling unlawful tax advice …

: Bar Exam iPod Valet Recently, the school posted a helpful reminder about the bar exam, reminding us about the …

: The universal excuse Even though it keeps fun away, at least studying for the Bar Exam also provides a convenient excuse …

: Top Internet IP Cases of 2005 (So Far) John Ottaviani and Eric Goldman offer their list of the Top Internet IP Cases of 2005 (So Far).

: More Grokster Links Pamela Samuelson: Legally Speaking: Did MGM Really Win the Grokster Case? MGM didn’t really want to …

: Pan-European Digital Music Licenses Reuters: EU seeks pan-European license for online music: “The European Commission will push for …

: No Olympics for you! London, Paris and Madrid all landed ahead of NYC in the race for the 2012 Olympics, with London …

: Amazing Race Miscellany With the Bar Exam on July 26-27 (in 20 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes, 42 seconds)1, I don’t think that …

: Make money by misunderstanding trademark law New York Times: He Says He Owns the Word ‘Stealth’ (Actually, He Claims ‘Chutzpah,’ Too): Over the …

: Fireworks Fireworks photo set

: Declare We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL; that they are endowed by …

: Hop on The Walk Ons get a hop on. Rock and roll! More photos.

: Neat-O I just discovered some really neat features hidden in the Mac OS X Tiger Address Book application. …

: Cable Clutter Cable Clutter Even though I managed to create at least double the amount of usable space on my desk …

: This space for rent The Boston Globe reports on the use of blogs are marketing vehicles: For a fee, some blogs boost …

: Montague Street Shuffle To follow up on a post from a couple of weeks ago, not all is bleak on Montague St. Thai 101 is now …

: iTunes + Podcasting iTunes 4.9, which was released today, includes integrated podcast support and a podcast directory. …

: More Grokster Linkage The Importance of the Law and IT: MGM v. Grokster: “Beyond just understanding what the court did and …

: CRS Reports Online OpenCRS makes Congressional Research Service reports avilable to the public. It even has an RSS …

: 2nd Circuit Rules Pop-up Ads Don’t Use Trademarks Today, the Second Circuit reverses the Southern District and rules that pop-up adware does not …

: Brand X Brand X has two distinct elements– the internet/telecom aspects and the administrative law aspects. …

: Grokster In MGM v. Grokster, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that when a distributor of a product capable …

: The bar review shuffle Having the PMBR review CD’s on your iPod leads to weird juxtapositions of music and bar review. …

: Compulsory Licensing Reform As previously reported, Register of Copyrights Marybeth Peters testified before the House …

: More broadcast indecency video This is not going to be an all-out vlog, because bar review calls, but let’s take a look at another …

: Recording Console

: Bridgeport, Audio Sampling and Transaction Costs Earlier this month, the Sixth Circuit reaffirmed its decision in Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension …

: Washingtonienne Privacy Lawsuit Julie Hilden: Are Accounts of Consensual Sex a Violation of Privacy Rights? The Lawsuit Against the …

: Apple sued, again News.com reports: Apple sued over iTunes interface: A Vermont company has sued Apple Computer, …

: Scanning and infringing? The Chronicle of Higher Education reports: Publishers’ Group Asks Google to Stop Scanning …

: Miscellaneous Links Here are some miscellaneous links that have been sitting in my “to blog” pile for well over a month …

: It’s on Kevin called me out for the latest blog music meme, and since, “when somebody challenges you to …

: Knock it off The New York Times looks at the experience of a trendy handbag designer whose design was ripped off …

: No Grokster, yet Who would think that no news would be such big news? Internet law will have to wait again for its …

: Lost in translation If you fly very infrequently (maybe once a year) and one of the television shows you watch regularly …

: Brand X Forbes looks at what is at stake in Brand X: The Cable Question: “When the U.S. Supreme Court …

: Nimmer on Nimmer The Silicon Valley Media Law Blog: : catches up with David Nimmer, copyright treatise author.

: The indecency front In the Washington Post, Adam Thierer, a fellow at the The Progress and Freedom Foundation (who …

: Darknet Legal Affairs: This Prince of Darknet: “Sometimes called the Darknet as well, the Scene is no place …

: Sony BMG, EMI try copy protection The NY Times reports: Sony BMG Tries to Limit Copying of Latest CD’s: “Music executives say the …

: In a basement down the stairs Gothamist reports on the latest closings of restaurants on Montague St. in Brooklyn Heights: …

: EFF Legal Guide for Bloggers EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers: The difference between you and the reporter at your local newspaper …

: CueCat The other day, I pulled out a Wired magazine from 2001 to see how different the near future looked 4 …

: MTAtm NY Times: You Can Take the A Train, but Don’t Take Its Logo – New York Times: “The [Metropolitan …

: And now, something different Lately, I have been looking through FCC rulings on broadcast indecency. One recent ruling concerned …

: Data Aggregators Aggregate Errors Privacy Activism: Data Aggregators: A Study on Data Quality and Responsiveness This study examined …

: Digital Copyright, in Moderation The Center for Democracy and Technology proposes a “moderate” scheme for protecting copyright on the …

: Copyright in the Chewy Center The San Diego Union Tribune reports that Wal-Mart refuses to print photos that look “too …

: Jay-D Something about law school graduation isn’t particularly celebratory. Let’s see… it’s not the pomp …

: Floyd Bocce at Floyd

: Lost Lost, the third of the three seasonal television I’ve been following this year, closed out its first …

: Five Years Breakout the birthday cake. Sometime in May, AndrewRaff.com turned five years old. In internet …

: Letters, we get letters And some are just plain weird: I THINK ITS DIGUSSING AND PERSONAL PEOPLE THAT FIND IT ATTRACTIVE …

: Latest Listening Last week, I bought a couple of albums (via iTunes) for the first time in about three months. Beck …

: An Indecent Proposal Yes, the quality and quantity of my posts here has fallen off a bit. Considering where I started, …

: Star Wars, those crazy Star Wars I am resigned to go to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but have no expectations that …

: Finito! By the way, I’m done with law school. Seriously. I don’t know where the time went. I still feel like …

: Copyright Office RSS Feeds The U.S. Copyright Office offers RSS News Feeds for the latest copyright office news, …

: Walk Big There are some nights that you are in the mood for a Walk Humongous show. Friday was one of those …

: Law Firm IP Publications EEJD Blog: Intellectual Property Publications by Firm: “There is a wealth of free information …

: The hottest ticket Legal Times’ Tony Mauro: Lining Up for High Court’s Hottest Ticket: “But which was the hottest …

: 2004 Wiretap Report The Administrative Office of the United States Courts 2004 Wiretap Report: A total of 1,710 …

: Investors Supporting Spyware Ben Edelman: Investors Supporting Spyware: “Major investment firms help support the operations of …

: DC Circuit strikes broadcast flag regs The DC Circuit ruled today that the FCC exceeded its authority under its ancillary jurisdiction to …

: Information Literacy and the Law In his latest column, Declan McCullagh considers Tom DeLay’s odd attack on Justice Kennedy and …

: Ego-surfing Two of my favorite RSS feeds are Technorati watchlists for andrewraff.com and iptablog.org, because …

: Doonesbury and DRM How do you keep unscrupulous publications from pirating your strip? Doonesbury has an answer.

: A Standardless Standard? I’m currently wondering what it would actually take to fail the class I am taking pass/fail …

: Good day to be a geek Yesterday was a good day in the scheme of geekiness, with the releases of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and …

: Five things Courtesy of Martin Schwimmer, Five things to do when you receive a Cease and Desist letter. Number …

: Analog to digital in TV-land Mark Cuban: Shutting off Analog TV, The transition to Digital – It’s Time – Blog Maverick – …

: Mmm… muckraking The NY Times last week profiled celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, his campaign to reform school lunches …

: Legislatin’ the Rain Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced National Weather Services Duties Act of 2005 (S.786), which will …

: Spitzer targets Spyware The NY Attorney General is suing spyware distributor Intermix Media: State sues major “spyware” …

: Health Insurance in the Ownership Society In his Friday column, Paul Krugman makes a very effective and concise version of the case for …

: DeLay Hates the Internet The AP reports some choice comments from Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX) DeLay Continues Attacks on Federal …

: More Budweiser tm The AP reports about the latest front in the global dispute between Budejovicky Budvar and …

: P2P and Grokster at the City Bar The Association of the Bar of the City of New Yorl: One Click Over the Line: P2P Technology, …

: Fan Fiction and Movie Ratings NY Times: Please Don’t Call It a G-Rated Dispute: “Recently the [Motion Picture Association of …

: Bloggers and the law NY Times: When the Blogger Blogs, Can the Employer Intervene? “[Employee/bloggers] are also learning …

: Education, Access and the Creative Commons Last week, the NY Public LIbrary presented Who Owns Culture with Stanford Law professor Lawrence …

: The offpsring of the iPod and the phone The mobile phone companies are making noise about starting their own music download services to …

: Cobble Hillbillies Last weekend, I came across the Cobble Hillbillies playing bluegrass music in a park in (not …

: Copyright Owners and Consumers In News.com, John Borland reports that record labels are unhappy that Apple is able to offer more …

: Parks settles with OutKast The NY Times reports: Rap Group Settles Rosa Parks Lawsuit The rap group OutKast settled a …

: Solving China’s Piracy Problem Henry Blodget suggests a dozen ideas on How to Solve China’s Piracy: Piracy apologists, who …

: Blogs and Trademarks Ron Coleman: A Theory of Trademarks in the Blog Era: Unlike virtually no other mass publication of …

: Luna Instead of closing at the end of February, Luna Lounge will be open until mid-June.

: Arrested Arrested Development is the funniest show on television. Unfortunately, it is not getting the …

: Fired for infringing on the public domain A radio DJ in Troy, NY was fired for airing public domain material in violation of, er, copyright? …

: The Law and Economics of Blogging Larry Ribstein, Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging by Larry Ribstein Weblogs, …

: Bloggers, News organizations support Apple bloggers Journalists and prominent bloggers filed amicus briefs in support of web site publishers in the …

: Farewell to the CD Mark Cuban: The countdown for the extinction of CDs is about to begin: “MP3 players are changing …

: Television and P2P D. Branch Furtado, Television: Peer-To-Peer’s Next Challenger, 2005 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 0007. …

: Software Patents and multimedia The great, open-source VideoLAN project is threatened by software patents: “VideoLAN is seriously …

: More Grokster Miscellany MGM v. Grokster oral arguments (SCotUS). Joe Gratz converted the transcript into text form. In the …

: High Court Refuses to Hear Garage Door-Opener Case The Supreme Court denied cert in Chamberlain Group Inc. v. Skylink Technologies Inc. Findlaw …

: Blog, don’t get fired Two guides on how to avoid consequences at work from blogging: EFF: How to Blog Safely (About Work …

: Canadian Copyright and P2P Michael Geist in First Monday: Piercing the peer–to–peer myths: An examination of the Canadian …

: Google’s Eye in the Sky Google’s latest feature, satellite and aerial imaging in Google Maps is surprisingly fun. Google …

: Visiting the Pirate’s Lair Henry Blodget visits DVD pirates in Shanghai: Visiting the Pirate’s Lair: The expats explained that …

: Patentability of Crustless Sandwich atently-O reports: Federal Circuit to Decide Patentability of Crustless Sandwich: “On April 6 at …

: Common law copyright in NY Second Circuit Court of Appeals (Jun. 2004): Capitol Records v. Naxos This appeal concerns issues …

: -sucks dot com “The noncommercial use of a trademark as the domain name of a website — the subject of which is …

: Conference blogging Tim Marman blogged day 2 of the Fordham IP Conference: Constitution and Copyright & Orphan …

: Very meta, no content The Grokster podcast has been downloaded more than 300 times, which is at least 250 more than I …

: April Fool’s on the Web Roundup Today’s Linky links are all to various web-related April Fool’s pranks.

: Profits in the Attic In Slate, Daniel Gross discusses how Ampex has turned its patent portfolio and the threat of patent …

: Blawging in journalism Washington Lawyer: Do You Blog?: “The legal technorati weren’t there at the dawn of the blogosphere, …

: History and Copyright NY Times: Historical Epic Is Focus of Copyright Dispute: “In a letter this month, a lawyer for James …

: “Dumb Ass” is not a defamatory term InternetCases.com: California Court of Appeal: “Dumb Ass” is not a defamatory term: “It’s not too …

: How legal is AllOfMP3? In Slate, Dana Mulhauser looks at the legality of AllofMP3: Barely Legal – The hottest trend in file …

: Playstation patent problems AP: Sony Ordered to Pay in PlayStation Case: “Japanese electronics giant Sony Corp.’s video game …

: Trademarks as Keywords Jason Hunt and Brian Laurenzo, For Sale – Your Trademark as a Keyword, from IP Frontline magazine. …

: Threats Against Spyware Critics Ben Edelman keeps track of Threats Against Spyware Detectors, Removers, and Critics: “Those who make …

: Notes from a new computer After three years, I replaced my trusty iBook with a younger, thinner, aluminum version of itself. …

: Brand X Reportage Legal Times: In Broadband Case, Justices Seem Attuned to Internet Services’ Arguments: “In a …

: Grokster: “More important than God” Forget timeliness, here’s everything Grokster-related together in one really big post: Actual …

: Brand X Roundup Although overshadowed by Grokster, another major internet case will be argued in the Supreme Court …

: Going Grokster Overviews Jonathan Band (of Morrison & Foerster) provides a helpful summary of the arguments …

: iTunes UK domain name dispute BBC News reports: Legal row over iTunes domain name: Benjamin Cohen, 22, registered itunes.co.uk in …

: Get your spring skiing on Taking advantage of spring break to go skiing certainly helped with the sanity factor. The skiing …

: IPtelligentsia Podcast Hey, look, there goes a bandwagon! I’m jumping on and figured I’d give podcasting a shot. …

: Not the Cure for Cancer The new Bosch tracks are as done as they’re going to be, and sound very nice. They are Not the Cure …

: Underground Last week was an inauspicious one for the NYC subway system, with two different lines experiencing …

: Quarter-life crisis? So, another birthday… At this point, as we reach our mid to late 20’s, many of my contemporaries are …

: Golden Tee Copyright and Trade Dress Instructions on how to use trackball as a method for operating a golf video game are not protectable …

: Fair use and moral rights In a recent speech, Judge Kozinski discussed a proposal to reform copyright law by changing the …

: Bodes well This weekend was the final weekend of the Alpine Skiing World Cup season and Bode Miller became the …

: Meet John Doe In the Village Voice, Nick Mamatas discusses the RIAA file sharing lawsuits and his experience as a …

: Information Literacy As I was writing last month’s monster post about the comparative public benefit of the Gates, the …

: Spywary FTC Report This week, the FTC released a report on Monitoring Software on Your PC: Spyware, Adware, …

: CD-ROM, Photographs, and Tasini Faulkner v. National Geographic Enterprises Inc., 04-0263 (2d Cir., Mar. 4, 2005). New York Law …

: Info Tech Law Writing Competition Computer Law Association 2005 Information Technology Law Writing Competition: “Papers will be …

: Mmmm… 64 Grams of Partially Hydrogenated Oil I am fascinated by the food industry, in particular the use of science to develop consistent results …

: Amazing Geekery Two episodes in, TAR7 is shaping up nicely and is much, much quieter than Race 6 (which admittedly …

: How Much Is Stolen Music Worth? Slate’s Explainer tries to figure out How Much Is Your Stolen Music Worth? It may cost $0.99/song at …

: Identity Theft for Fun and Profit bIPlog’ Tara Wheatland explains how much of the news reporting has completely missed the point of …

: No criminal prosecution for AllofMP3.com The BBC reports that Moscow prosecutors are not charging AllofMP3.com with criminal copyright …

: Blogging, journalism and the law: linkdump This week’s big brouhaha in the blawg universe is the dispute between Apple and rumor sites and the …

: Lincoln Center, Twilight

: FEC crackdown on blogging? Can the FEC regulate news coverage and independent advocacy of political candidates online? At …

: Downloading: The Next Generation The Washington Post looks at the next generation of the music downloading industry and file sharing …

: Copyrights Keep TV Shows off DVD Wired News reports on the licensing trouble that television producers have in clearing music rights …

: Eminent Domain over Patents? Can a state use its power of eminent domain to obtain public control of a patent in order to promote …

: The Case for an Editor, Part #1014 New York magazine’s Intelligencer estimates the net public benefit to the city from the Republican …

: The world’s second home An article in the City secion of today’s Times discusses the new marketing slogan the city plans to …

: Open Source Patent Policy At ACS Blog, Sean Kellogg writes about The Open Source Approach to Patent Policy: “The past months …

: Spectrum Wars In the National Journal, Drew Clark writes about the long-delayed transition to digital television …

: State support for information access To what extent should the state be subsidizing information flow and data accessibility? Some measure …

: Anonymity on the ‘net At Law.com, Fred von Lohmann discusses the potential demise of anonymity online: Publius, RIP?: “On …

: More MPAA file sharing suits Reuters reports: Hollywood Studios File New Round of Web Lawsuits: “The civil suits against unnamed …

: Stern and the Satellite Wars In Wired magazine: Howard Stern and the Satellite Wars: “By taking his case to 12 million listeners …

: The value of disclosure requirements Bruce Schneier notes that only a California information privacy statute forced Choicepoint to …

: Not sponsored by Bill I came home today to find an email from the executive committee of the NYC blogger cabal threatening …

: Orange, tm The NY Times reports on a dispute over orange branding for mobile phone service: In a British Mobile …

: Digital Music Crisis At the the Winter 2005 Meeting of the Distributed Computing Industry Association during Media Summit …

: Indecency Miscellany The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 (H.R.310) …

: Brainbar = Nutri-matic Engadget points out The Brainbar, a contraption that will analyze a bar patron’s thoughts and …

: Broadcasting, flagged Today, the D.C. Circuit held oral arguments in ALA v. FCC, the court challenge to the FCC Broadcast …

: Popping up less Pop-up purveyor Claria is attempting to recast its image and move away from the pop-up game. …

: Popping out In Gator.com v. L.L. Bean, an en banc panel of the 9th Circuit declined to rule on whether a …

: InternetCases.com InternetCases.com is a new blog focusing on, not surprisingly, cases in internet law. (Via TechLaw …

: Crowding out music The Village Voice looks at the effect that real estate prices are having on the music scene: The …

: Bullies Reviewed In Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture, David Bollier examines the effect of …

: Hilden previews Grokster At findLaw, Julie Hilden previews Grokster: The Supreme Court Finally Steps Into The Fray Between …

: Beer, Branding and Human rights The ongoing dispute over the Budweiser trademark is the first trademark case brought into the …

: 001001 v. Turing? In Legal Affairs, Benjamin Soskis examines the potential need for a legal regime for intelligent …

: Doing the Math Washington Post columnist Rob Pegoraro does the math and finds that Napster To Go Doesn’t Add Up I …

: So live Friday, I caught Soulive at Southpaw, who about 3 hours of funky soul jazz. The two-person horn …

: No Hockey and no beer make Homer something something Things look bleak for the NHL, which looks to be the first professional sports league to lose a …

: Grokking Grokster The 463 previews Grokster: Inside Tech Policy: Grokster Grok most everyone acknowledges that …

: Will Apple and Sony have digital music anti-trust problems? The Register reports: French consumer group sues Apple, Sony: “A French consumer group has initiated …

: 500,000 less complaints While this year’s Super Bowl halftime show did not draw as many complaints to the FCC as last …

: Putting off procrastination until later This blog has really gone downhill lately, hasn’t it? On a completely related note, one feature of …

: Getting closer to Grokster The NY Times examines the PR efforts leading up to the oral arguments in Grokster: As Piracy Battle …

: Patent reform J. Matthew Buchanan discusses patent reform proposals: Promote the Progress : A patent reform …

: Cuban on Grokster Mark Cuban: Grokster and the financial future of America: “In the MGM vs Grokster case, the fewer …

: Syndication and Copyright Last month, Martin Schwimmer asked Bloglines to remove The Trademark Blog’s feed from the service, …

: Keywords, Search and Trademark Eric Goldman, Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law, Emory Law Journal, Vol. 54, 2005 …

: Livin’ it up When your day starts with you stuck on the elevator between the first and second floors, that’s …

: Spam swarms NY Times: Law Barring Junk E-Mail Allows a Flood Instead: “Since the Can Spam Act went into effect …

: Donate Lexis points to tsunami relief Jeremy Richey informs us that students with Lexis rewards points can use those points to donate to …

: P2P, go to your room Charles Cooper, News.com: Why punish the technology?: “In its zeal to put the likes of Grokster and …

: DOJ’s hidden library Robert AmbrogiDOJ’s hidden library of legal research: “The U.S. Department of Justice has developed …

: Spy Act Revisted A new version of the Spy Act, H.R. 29, is in committee. Details later. Susan Crawford: What’s next: …

: A Debt-Fueled Pimpmobile In a review of Christine Todd Whitman’s new book, Steven Hart uses a delightful turn of phrase to …

: Replay it again, Sam Apple’s new Mac mini is a snazzy little computer. Because it is so small, the mini is an ideal …

: Grokster, briefly Courtesy of Joseph Hall and his RSS mercenary, a RSS feed for MGM v. Grokster from the EFF case …

: Cartoon ass (and 35 other programs) found not indecent In two decisions, the FCC rejected 36 indecency complaints filed by the Parents Television Council: …

: Endangered Gizmos The EFF released a list of gadgets that have disappeared or may disappear from the market because of …

: Will Bush let information junkies practice their love? James Fallows examines the Bush Adminstration’s approach towards public access to data and supports …

: Can Bin Laden Claim Copyright Infringement? Slate’s Explainer explorers whether Doubleday is violating Osama bin Laden’s copyrights by …

: Supreme Geekery Internet law has a big day on Tuesday, Mar. 29 when the Supreme Court will hold oral arguments for …

: Why Hasn’t TiVo Improved? Are aggressive copyright owners stifling innovation in media technology? Ed Felten argues that TiVo …

: Google Loses Keyword Trademark Case in France News.com reports: Google loses trademark dispute in France: “On Dec. 16, a Nanterre court in France …

: Fair Use and Digital Environmentalism Robert S. Boynton, Righting Copyright: Fair Use and “Digital Environmentalism”, Book Forum, Feb/Mar …

: Culture war at Sony? The AP reports: Sony Video Chief Admits Strategic Mistakes Sony missed out on potential sales from …

: Copyright and Digital Media Post-Napster Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School Digital Media Project: Copyright and …

: Copyright criminal convictions Reuters reports: First Convictions in U.S. Peer-To-Peer Piracy Fight: “William Trowbridge, 50, of …

: Water Works, Electric Co., and Music Utility In Forbes, David Kusek proposes Music Like Water: “The industry ought to establish a “music utility” …

: Microsoft losing war on spam Salon.com: How Microsoft is losing the war on spam: “Most junk e-mail today emanates from Windows …

: McCarthy on Dilution J. Thomas McCarthy, Dilution of a Trademark, European and United States Law Compared, The Trademark …

: Books Legal publishing is certainly an, er, interesting market. Casebooks are expensive, because the …

: Is copyright killing culture? Is copyright stifling creativity? The Globe and Mail: THow copyright could be killing culture As …

: Chilly Fox pixellated a cartoon character’s posterior on a recent broadcast of the Family Guy because of …

: Recording [More photos][1].

: See Dick write a parody. See Jane plotz. Oy vey. NY Times: Primer Spoof With Yiddish Faces Suit (in English): “Pearson Education, the publishing …

: Sketchy A museum guard in NC prohibited an elementary school student from sketching paintings by Picasso and …

: In Utah, Pop-up ads not spam At Findlaw, Anity Ramastry discusses: Why A Utah Court Was Right to Hold That, Under Utah Law, …

: Remember to floss In McNeil-PPC, Inc. v. Pfizer Inc., U.S. District Judge Denny Chin (S.D.N.Y.) granted a preliminary …

: Jurisdiction in Jersey Glenn R. Reiser, New Jersey Attorney Law Review Blog: Internet Jurisdiction in New Jersey: “New …

: Golf and IP Jay Flemma: How Golf and Intellectual Property are One and the Same: “So how are golf and IP the …

: Bloggers legal defense Mediabloggers.org: Media Bloggers Association Lauches MBA Legal Defense Project and will “build a …

: A Lasting Impression Findlaw’s Julie Hilden: The Supreme Court’s Recent Decision on Trademark and Fair Use: “In December, …

: The Future of the Internet Pew Internet & American Life Project: The Future of the Internet: “In a survey, technology …

: Moonset The NY Post reports that Luna Lounge will close at the end of February to make way for condos: …

: Center for Social Media The Center for Social Media at American University and the Program on Intellectual Property and the …

: The BitTorrent Effect Wired: The BitTorrent Effect: “BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download enormous amounts of …

: SNIU Substantial, non-infringing use of peer-to-peer networks: “This page exists to document instances of …

: Lift

: What a Wonderful World After reading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I poked around the web to learn more about its …

: A monster trademark case Snow Monsters Battle Monster Cable Over Trademark Sirdar, the company that created the Snow …

: 2005: The Year of Tomorrow So, this is 2005. It seems like a good a time as any to take a look at where I am on a trivial, …

: Hiatus Post frequency will remain light here until mid-January.

: I may be here… I may be physically back in the city after skiing, but my mind certainly isn’t… This is mainly a …

: Reason interviews Michael Powell Reason interviews FCC Chairman Michael Powell: The Reluctant Planner: FCC Chairman Michael Powell on …

: Napster to go “all you can download” Not quite in the same way as old Napster, but Napster will introduce an “all-you can download” …

: Back that A(ss/zz) Up Does the phrase “back that ass up” possess enough expressive creativity to be copyrighted? We may …

: One BILLION dollars and other spam news How big of a problem is spam? It may account for as much as 93 percent of all email volume. It …

: Apple Subpoenas Mac Rumor Sites The Mac Observer reports Apple Subpoenas Mac Rumor Sites Over Audio Product. In order to obtain the …

: Norm! The only annoying thing about a snazzy Danish designer [lamp][1] is changing the light bulb.

: Useless thoughts Law students: Don’t leave your 48-hour takehome exam until the last weekend of final exams. You’re …

: Dark Helmet The big trend in gadgets today is embedding headphones in headwear. Giro makes ski helmets with …

: Duke Public Domain Arts Project Contest Duke Law Center for the Study of the Public Domain: Arts Project Moving Image Contest: “The contest …

: Wife Swap Show Suit The NY Times reports: Lawsuit Accuses Fox of Copying Wife-Swap Show The British production company …

: P2P at the FTC Wired News: P2P Battle Reaches FTC The Federal Trade Commission officially entered the brawl over …

: Software copyright Reuters: Lawsuit filed to prohibit copyright protection of software Computer software should not be …

: All Google all the time The New York Times reports: Google Is Adding Major Libraries to Its Database: “Google, the operator …

: Google scholar Michael Madison analyzes a trademark suit by the American Chemical Society against Google concerning …

: Google Wins Trademark Ad Lawsuit AP reports: Google Wins Trademark Ad Lawsuit U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema rejected a claim …

: Hollywood targets torrents Wired News reports: Hollywood Wants BitTorrent Dead: “In the United States and the United Kingdom, …

: TinyP2P Edward Felten wrote a P2P app in 15 lines of code: TinyP2P. What does this mean for attempts to …

: Hacker Tactics Both people who purchased tracks from the Real download store to play on their iPod may have a …

: Who needs consistent standards? Reuters reports: FCC Chief Urges Denying ‘Private Ryan’ Complaints FCC Chairman Michael Powell has …

: Into the ether David Pogue wonders why television programs are scarce after initial broadcast: A Lesson for …

: Techsploitation Nation Analee Newitz on DRM and technological lock-in/lock-outs: Techsploitation Our toys are broken …

: When dot-com patents go bad Salon.com: When dot-com patents go bad When faced with two choices — selling a company’s patents as …

: Who’s here? I am curious about who is reading this site. Seriously, who are you and why are here? If you are a …

: Grokster, Brand X and the ‘Net Michael Madison examines the connection between the two internet law cases which were granted cert. …

: Indecency Miscellany The Washington Post goes behind the scenes with the Parents Television Council: Fighting Indecency, …

: Politics and the Web From the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, Has the Web Changed Politics …

: Vertigo Remember that little U2 show last month? Apparently, there were a couple of television cameras …

: Ethical enough Phew. MPRE results arrived today and I scored high enough to pass in NY (and NJ, too, but they have …

: What was I thinking? In the insecure, disclosed location of exam prep, I am outlining for Tax. During class, I took notes …

: FTC P2P News.com reports: FTC spotlights proposals on P2P risks: “The head of the Federal Trade Commission …

: Supremes grant cert in <i>Grokster</i> LA Times reports: U.S. Supreme Court to Hear File-Sharing Case AP: Supreme Court to hear …

: Trademark Fair Use A party raising the statutory affirmative defense of fair use to a claim of trademark infringement …

: Spyware, no big deal Wired News: Spyware on My Machine? So What?: “Not all web surfers think spyware is a problem. Some …

: Super suit Law.com: et tu, Marvel? For kids reared on comic books, what could be more natural than tumbling …

: Why blog? Apparently, there may be reasons to blog other than procrastination. “Blog” is the number 1 word of …

: Induced The Induce blog has added patent attorneys J. Matthew Buchanan and Steven M. Nipper as contributors, …

: Complaining about indecency Mediaweek finds that the FCC Activists Dominate Content Complaints Through early October, 99.9 …

: Searching for Perfect 10 After finding out that credit card companies are not responsible for misappropriations of its …

: Interview with Tim Wu In Corante’s The Future of Digital Media, Ernest Miller interviews U.Va. lawprof Tim Wu On …

: That’s good, faith Rossi v. MPAA, (9th Cir. 2004): “the “good faith belief” requirement in [DMCA] § 512(c)(3)(A)(v) …

: English Defamation Law Everywhere Displacement of Concepts: Why everyone needs to worry about English defamation law. If you say …

: Claria EULA gets less clear Ben Edelman takes a look at the latest version of Claria’s end-user license agreement and finds that …

: Indecent in America? The washington Post reports that Fox is appealing the FCC ruling that found “Married by America” to …

: I’ll take chilling effects for $1000, Alex Throughout this year, über-blogger Jason Kottke posted links commentary, rumors, speculation and …

: Counterfeiting Costs New York City is home to $23 billion counterfeiting trade New York City Comptroller William C. …

: In defense of bunching Despite a poor showing for the two teams from NYC, The Amazing Race continues to roll with another …

: What’s wrong with law school? In the latest installment of Five by Five at the [non]billable hour, five law students (well, four …

: U2 Between the Bridges Some obscure band from Ireland played a little free show in Empire State Park at the foot of the …

: Sometimes

: Vertigo

: Anticipation

: Still in line

: U2 tv

: U2 line

: MoMA It may be hard to make out in this cameraphone picture, but the line extended all the way down 53rd …

: Russian Animation Copyrights Who owns copyrights in approximately 1500 animated films created by a state-owned Soviet film studio …

: Polls Show Invalid Copyright Registration Legal Intelligencer: Gallup Mistake Invalidates Copyright After four years of litigation, a federal …

: Not quite perfect A group of websites publish material that may infringe Perfect 10’s copyrights and trademarks. …

: Archived web pages not hearsay A Magistrate judge rules that copies of vintage web pages archived by a reputable third-party are …

: FCC vs. the First Amendment? Wired News: FCC Crackdown Could Spread With support from both Republicans and Democrats, the …

: Movie Studios Get In the Game Movie studios join the record industry and sue file sharers. Findlaw Special Coverage hosts the …

: Legislate early, litigate often One of the bills that may pass during the lame-duck session of the 180th Congress is HR2391, the …

: Phone Home On Monday, I caught The Telephones play at Arlene’s Grocery and came away very impressed. They have …

: Grokster and Claria Clickwrap Ben Edelman: Grokster and Claria Take Licenses to New Lows, and Congress Lets Them Do It Grokster …

: Patent Problem The Economist: Monopolies of the mind Patents, said Thomas Jefferson, should draw “a line between …

: Grokster briefs Courtesy of SCOTUSblog, cert. petition and various briefs for MGM v. Grokster.

: Another P2P Study Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel, Piracy on the High C’s: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and …

: On Borrowed Time In the New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell discusses plagarism, copyright and the ethics of creativity: …

: P2P Panel Discussion Brooklyn Entertainment Law Society: Conflicts of Technology and the Law: The Relationship between …

: On like Donkey Kong

Program the DVR or VCR or plan to be in front of the television at 9 pm. The Amazing Race is on …

: FCC’s Tyranny of the Minority? Jeff Jarvis filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the 159 complaints filed with the FCC …

: DMCA Wrist Slap ACS Blog editor Sean Kellogg discusses the DMCA and Lexmark v. Static Control: DMCA Gets Only a …

: Mmm… bread Wired News: Music Is Not a Loaf of Bread: “Giving away an album online isn’t the way most artists …

: France rules DRM denial not anti-competitive The Register reports: France rules Apple’s DRM denial not anti-competition The French government’s …

: Check your sample The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied to rehear en banc Newton v. Diamond, a case involving …

: Freedom Tower and Copyright Infringement AP: Ex-Yale student sues designer of Freedom Tower, alleges copyright infringement A former Yale …

: VoIP slips free of state regulation Last week, the FCC exempted Vonage and other VoIP services from state regulation, even though the …

: Comedy of last resort IP Funny: Intellectual Property Humor

: Is anti-spyware legislation necessary? Government Computer News: FTC: Technology, not legislation, needed to fight spyware l Trade …

: Brrr In November, darkness falls surprisingly early in the evening and the temperature drops below …

: Media Diet In my Telecom law seminar last week, the class had a short discussion/informal poll about media …

: Changes to IP law/practice? The [non]billable hour Five by Five: What five things would you change about IP law and/or practice?

: Chilling The Free Expression Policy Project at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU offers A Preliminary …

: E-Vote Irregularities The first reports of irregularities caused by voting machines in Tuesday’s elections are trickling …

: Wait ’til next year On Tuesday morning, I enthusiastically went to my polling place and waiting in line for over an hour …

: Hey, America America, I have one question for you: whaaa?

: Vote After tomorrow, the campaign to win the election will be over and the campaign to win the …

: Kerry O’Lantern

: Signs and ads Period signs and ads from subway cars at the Transit Museum: Previously: Subway Centennial

: Engadget Interviews Seltzer The Engadget Interview with Wendy Seltzer of the Electronic Frontier Foundation discusses the INDUCE …

: Fair Use on the offense In Law.com, the EFF’s Fred Von Lohmann discusses fair use and copyright misuse: Fair Use Goes on the …

: Footie photo lockout The BBC reports that UK newspapers may be locked out of Premier League football matches if the …

: Subway Centennial One hundred years ago, New Yorkers started riding in a hole in the ground. Today, we still are. …

: Are you ready for some jazz? Last night, I caught Chris Potter playing at 55 Bar, with Craig Taborn, Craig Taborn, Wayne Krantz …

: Band Name ™ The Globe and Mail looks at some trademark problems faced by bands: Would you consider Saskatchewan?

: ACS At Lessig blog, William Fisher discusses five criticisms of Alternative Compensation Systems

: Spitzer takes on the record industry NY Times: Record Labels Said to Be Next on Spitzer List for Scrutiny According to several people …

: Bush and Kerry on Technology CompTIA: Bush and Kerry on Technology If this will make you reconsider you vote, perhaps you should …

: FTC P2P Workshop The Federal Trade Commission will host a public workshop about P2P,

: Miscellaneous Photos Vintage subway train Snow in March In DUMBO.

: Apple and Apple deal in England or California? In Legal Week, Nicholas Valner discusses the jurisdiction and choice of law issues involved in the …

: Economic Rationales for File Sharing Suits In the Social Affairs Unit Weblog, economist Tyler Cower examines Why the music industry is suing …

: Is P2P dying? Is P2P dying or just hiding?, authored by Thomas Karagiannis, Andre Broido, Nevil Brownlee, kc …

: More E-Vote Issues In Popular Science, Sorry, Your Vote Has Been: Lost, Hacked, Miscast, Recorded Twice Ironically, it …

: American Detained Over VoIP in Belarus In Belarus, an employee of the Soros Foundation Open Society Institute was detained for causing …

: Late E-Vote Challenege in NJ NY Times: New Jersey Lawsuit Challenges Electronic Voting At its heart, the complaint… will ask …

: No Access For You LawMeme: Ninth Circuit Upholds Injunction Barring Access to a Website Creative Computing, Inc. v. …

: Pocket Parts Robert J. Ambrogi: Selected IP blogs, which includes this little site here, well as the Induce Act …

: Copyright cases, not bears Prof. Michael Madison on Too Little Copyright (Grosso v. Miramax), Too Much Copyright (Arkansas …

: ASCAP in Radio Streaming Settlement AP: Music Publishers Sign $1.7 Bln Deal on Web Radio Music publishers and U.S. commercial radio …

: McCain on IP Protection Act Courtesy of Tech Law Advisor, Senator McCain on the Intellectual Property Protection Act: From the …

: CMJ Wrapup I tried to make good use of the free CMJ Music Marathon badge, and now I am quite tired. Wednesday …

: Jon Stewart on Crossfire On Crossfire, Jon Stewart confronts hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson over their refusal to …

: Courtroom Technology ACSBlog: The Gradual Digitalization of Our Courtrooms Over the past couple of decades, computer …

: E-voting discussion A SiliconValley.com roundtable discusses E-voting: Can we count on it?

: Supreme Court Denies Cert in RIAA v. Verizon The Supreme Court denied cert for the RIAA’s appeal in RIAA v. Verizon. EFF: “No “Fishing License” …

: Spectrum Free-for-all The New Yorker discusses the giveaway of spectrum to television broadcasters for the transition to …

: FTC cracks down on spyware The FTC filed a suit against spyware distributors Seismic Entertainment Productions, SmartBot.net …

: DoJ Looks to Fight IP Piracy Attorney General John Ashcroft Announces Recommendations of the Justice Department’s Intellectual …

: Defending a lawsuit is good publicity I happened to look at the traffic stats for this site and was surprised to see that traffic on …

: Seeking Cert in Grokster MGM and its co-plaintiffs seek to overturn the Ninth Circuit’s ruling in Grokster and filed a …

: OHNY: Jazz at the Time-Warner Center Jazz at the Time-Warner Lincoln Center has an impressive new space featuring three snazzy …

: Record Industry Sues Files Sharers in Europe and the UK The IFPI and BPI join the RIAA and sue indivdual file sharers: Record industry steps up action …

: OHNY: Remove the Stone of Shame

This weekend, Open House New York opened up to the public many interesting buildings that are …

: See Em Jay Next week, NYC hosts the CMJ Music Marathon, with hundreds of artists playing in various clubs …

: Upcoming Events Friday, October 8: Intellectual Property Online: The Challenge of Multi-Territorial Disputes: A …

: Market failure on the long tail In this month’s Wired Magazine, editor in chief Chris Anderson suggests that digital distribution …

: In my country, there is e-voting LawMeme reports that Kazakhstan held a successful e-vote. In its parliamentary elections, Kazakhstan …

: Om Malik on Broadband: The Voice over IP Insurrection Om Malik on Broadband: The Voice over IP Insurrection The VoIP insurrection over the last decade …

: E-mail privacy case returns to the First Circuit First Circuit grants rehearing en banc in United States v. Councilman. CDT, EFF, EPIC and ALA …

: Canada Copyright at a Crossroads In First Monday, Laura J. Murray discusses whether Canada will serve its own interests by ratifying …

: Trademark Fair Use Goes to the Supremes LawMeme: A Case to Watch: KP Permanent Make-Up, Inc. v. Lasting Impression, Inc. The Supreme Court …

: Piracy Crackdown Reuters: U.S. to crackdown on intellectual piracy The new initiative will be called Strategy …

: Two photos

: Contract, Copyright and Online Gaming In Davidson & Assoc. v. Internet Gateway, a court rules that reverse engineering software to …

: OPG v. Diebold Diebold, the controversial developer of direct-recording electronic voting systems, sent takedown …

: Legal Implications of Internet Filtering The Open Net Initiative: A Starting Point: Legal Implications of Internet Filtering Different …

: E-Voting in India and the US Here in the US, News.com reports: Computer scientists slam e-voting machines: “the Association for …

: Where’s My Clickwrap Decoder Ring? In Wired Magazine, Mark D. Rasch thinks that You Need a Robolawyer: Unfortunately, the law assumes …

: Suing Your Customers: Good Idea? In Law.com, Fred von Lohmann asks: Is Suing Your Customers a Good Idea? As a matter of win-loss …

: Talking ‘Heads David Weinberger blogged the Bellhead-Nethead Conference at Cardozo earlier this week: Bob Pepper, …

: SSRN-Reconstructing Electronic Surveillance Law by Daniel Solove Daniel Solove: Reconstructing Electronic Surveillance Law, George Washington Law Review, Vol. 72, …

: Browser-Newsreader M&A? Last week, Ranchero Software released a public beta of the new version of my favorite computer …

: Free Stuff! In addition to trying to addict students by giving away unlimited access, the legal research duopoly …

: Radio, Radio Lately, the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC has explored some interesting topics, including Media …

: iPac iPac is a new political action committee which seeks to “preserve individual freedom through …

: Auto Madness Although he never learned how to drive, Robert Moses championed designing cities to accommodate …

: Amazon, Microsoft target spam in court News.com: Amazon, Microsoft team for spam suits IT industry leaders Amazon.com and Microsoft said …

: Copyright Law for P2P Developers EFF’s Fred Von Lohmann: What Peer-to-Peer Developers Need to Know about Copyright Law

: Is the Patent System Broken? NYY Times: Does the Patent System Need an Overhaul? Two professors conclude in a new book that a …

: Is The Daily Show the best political reporting on television? The Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that viewers of The Daily Show are knowledgeable about …

: Survivor v. Survivor Survivor (television show and cross-marketed CD) does not infringe “Survivor” mark registered by …

: EFF: Deep Links EFF: Your Vote Is Safe – We’ve Got Paperclips Approximately five minutes into the audience …

: Where It’s Mac Daring Fireball: For Whatever Reasons New Windows updates, new anti-virus software, new ad-blocking …

: My Ox is Broken! With Tuesday’s season finale and race to the finish line, The Amazing Race demonstrated why it is …

: Anti-spyware bill lacks teeth In the San Jose Mercury News, Columnist Dan Gillmor recommends a veto of a pending spyware bill in …

: I Want My DTV Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) introduced S.2820, “A bill to ensure the availability of certain spectrum …

: More Concerns About E-Voting Wired News: Activists Find More E-Vote Flaws Voting activist Bev Harris and a computer scientist …

: An Expensive 0.59375 Second Wardrobe Malfunction After receiving more than 542,000 complaints, the FCC assessed a $550,000 fine, the statutory …

: The Governator asks to see ID The San Fransisco Chronicle reports: Governor signs Internet piracy bill / E-mail address required …

: CBO, WEF, DRM and other TLAs David Weinberger reports on a speech by Douglas Holtz-Eaken, Director of the Congressional Budget …

: Kryptonite is protected by trademark law, at least NY Lawyer: DC Comics’ ‘Kryptonite’ Trademark Survives Court Challenge by Maker of Bicycle Locks A …

: Miscellaneous Events Election Law @ Moritz: Electronic Voting: The 2004 Election and Beyond. Thu, Sept. 23, 2004. This …

: Copyright Trolling National Law Journal: Trolling for Copyrights Under the URAA, foreign works that had been allowed …

: VoIP, eh? In the Toronto Star, Michael Geist contemplates the potential of VoIP regulation in Canada: No need …

: Posner on Fair Use In the inaugural volume of The Economists’ Voice, Judge Richard Posner writes about Eldred and Fair …

: Power Broker Week I finally finished reading The Power Broker (TPB), Robert Caro’s excellent (and long) biography of …

: LIttle Orphan Copyrights Wired News previews Kahle v. Ashcroft, which contests the copyrighted status of so-called “orphaned …

: Pick An Exit, Any Exit It certainly felt appropriate to see the film Garden State in the garden state itself and follow it …

: Barbarians at the Digital Gate NY Times: Barbarians at the Digital Gate The rapid proliferation of [spyware and adware] has …

: IP Writing Competition NY State Bar Association: Law Student Intellectual Property Award Writing Contest for 2004. The …

: Rosh I’ll be back next week…

: Moo Eighth Circuit rules that black-and-white cow spots are not functional, but can be protected as …

: DMCA Down Under? Wired News: U.S. Exports DMCA Down Under Australia appears ready to adopt U.S-style copyright laws, …

: Apple to settle with Apple? The Beatles’ Apple Corps. sued Apple Computer to protect its trademark rights, claiming that the …

: . <a href=“http://www.andrewraff.com/weblog/photos/0903/P1010021-thumb.jpg"

: Free Riding on IP Stanford’s Mark Lemley writes: Property, Intellectual Property, and Free Riding Courts and scholars …

: Pennsylvania Porn Prohibition Pronounced Unconstituional A federal district judge struck down a Pennsylvania state statute, the Internet Child Pornography …

: Oracle wins antitrust case News.com: Oracle wins antitrust case U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker sided with Oracle …

: IICA Kevin posted the Copyright Office’s Recommended Statutory Language and Explanatory Memo for the …

: More Weekend Music In addition to The Bosch at Luna Lounge on Saturday night, there is at least one other show that I …

: Does the fun ever start? My computer is, once again, back from repair. Reinstalling applications and restoring backup files …

: Goodbye, Bob MT-Blacklist does an excellent job of preventing comment spam here. However, one spammer’s posts …

: Moving Right Along Michael Froomkin: Moveoneforamerica.org — Trademark Infringers There are important and substantial …

: Takes a licking… Polar Bear Productions, Inc. v. Timex Corp. (9th Cir. Sept. 3, 2004). This intellectual property …

: Digital Copyright Crisis In the Boston Globe, Harvard Law professor John Palfrey writes an op-ed about The digital copyright …

: Keyword Suit Survives Summary Judgment News.com: Geico gets green light to sue Google, Overture The unpublicized Aug. 25 decision by Judge …

: Super Fine Washington Post: FCC Plans Record Fine For CBS The $550,000 indecency fine would be the largest …

: Computers in Class Expect light blogging this week as I am still discombobulated without my Mac (although I have gotten …

: Contracts, Clickwrap and Copyright Misuse Lydia Pallas Loren: Slaying the Leather-Winged Demons in the Night: Reforming Copyright Owner …

: Yet Another $0.99 Legit Download Site Microsoft opens MSN Music.

: Municipal Broadband News.com: [Time Warner broadband suit advances][1] A federal appeals court has breathed life back …

: Analysts Predict Legal Expenses Will Increase MediaPost: Jupiter Asks eMarketer To Cease And Desist, Suit May Define ‘Fair Use’ On The Internet …

: Claria Settles News.com reports that Claria has settled the pending consolidated litigation: [Pop-up purveyor …

: Um… Black Box Voting: Look at this — the Diebold GEMS central tabulator contains a stunning security …

: DMCA Decision Opens Doors? The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals tests the DMCA in Chamberlain Group, Inc. v. Skylink …

: Wired on the E-Vote Beat Wired News: : E-Vote Recount Rule in Dispute Florida officials will not require any recounts of …

: Bush Administration Opposes Open Access Requirement Washington Post: High Court Petitioned on Cable Net Access Rule In the past year, the U.S. Court of …

: The other games begin Need distraction from the Republicans? Going through Olympic withdrawal and miss watching water polo …

: Among the Republicans First hand perspectives from inside the Garden: Satan’s Laundromat, Aaron Bailey, Slower.net and …

: German look at Jibjab INDICARE: Knock out by copyright expiration: The JibJab Media Inc. v Ludlow Music Inc. copyright …

: Bagged In Louis Vuitton Malletier v. Dooney & Bourke, Inc. (S.D.N.Y., Aug. 27, 2004), Louis Vuitton, …

: Not in the law? In an interview with Engadget’s JD Lasica, Jack Valenti offers up the following proposition: “fair …

: NYT on Grokster NY Times: <a title=“The New York Times > Opinion > EDITORIAL: Grokster and the …

: Good, Bad, and Ugly On Saturday, my iBook returned home after its little trip to the Apple service center. The good news …

: RNC Roundup Cyclists ride, get arrested Mike, of Satan’s Laundromat fame, went indirectly to jail After taking …

: Paper Trail Chase One way to increase the accuracy and transparency of direct recording electronic voting machines may …

: Verisign-ICANN antitrust suit dismissed A federal district judge dismissed the anti-trust portion of Verisign’s complaint against ICANN: …

: RNC Miscellany Will the city reap any economic benefits from having the convention? Can the gains offset the cost …

: Classy Classes When I signed up for classes, I picked out some classes, but didn’t give that much thought to the …

: Salty News.com: Justice Dept. takes P2P with ‘grain of salt’ Hewitt Pate, assistant attorney general for …

: Dance for hire Martha Graham School and Dance Foundation, Inc. v. Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, Inc. …

: Jibjab Settles EFF: Music Publisher Settles Copyright Skirmish Over Guthrie Classic Music publisher Ludlow Music, …

: Turner misses media regulation Ted Turner: My Beef With Big Media If nothing else, the 1990s dot-com boom showed that the spirit …

: Required Reading Judge Richard Posner blogs, sitting in at Lawrence Lessig’s. While he can’t talk about pending …

: DRM Blog The DRM Blog. Should be self-explanatory.

: Withdrawal I miss my Mac. You see, it got sick and was feeling very gray. Fortunately, even though the computer …

: Yahoo and the crepes of wrath In Yahoo! Inc. v. La Ligue Contre Le Racisme et L’Antisemitisme, the Ninth Circuit held that US …

: US is source of spam BBC News: US tops league of e-mail spammers Almost 43% of all unwanted e-mails originated from the …

: Counterfeit Auctions Law.com: Tiffany and eBay Clash Over Sales of Fake Goods Tiffany and Co. is complaining, but not to …

: In my country, there is treaty IPKat reports that Kazakhstan has ratified the WIPO Copyight Treaty and the WIPO Performances and …

: Are Gambling Ads Protected Speech? NY Times: Lawsuit Claims Free Speech for Online Casino Ads The lawsuit, filed on Aug. 9 by Casino …

: Tapping VoIP Isn’t Cheap NY Times: The Call Is Cheap. The Wiretap Is Extra. At first glance, it might seem like the simple …

: Shhh. It’s a secret! AP: E-Vote Machines: Secret Testing The three companies that certify the nation’s voting …

: Geographic location dot com E-Commerce News: Domain Name Geography: Mexico Loses Fight over Mexico.com In a recent decision, a …

: Interesting Intersecting Erik J. Heels has some interesting News and Commentary about Law, Technology, and their Intersection …

: Ninth Circuit Affirms Grokster Ruling The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that P2P has substantial noninfringing uses and that …

: Summer Vacation As previously reported by Slice, Brooklyn Heights pizza purveyor Fascati’s is on vacation for …

: Spectrum as a public good Clay Shirky: The Possibility of Spectrum As A Public Good This matters, a lot, because with the …

: Empire

: Caller ID for E-Mail Patented? InternetNews.com: Microsoft Faces Patent Lawsuit Over Caller ID for E-Mail F. Scott Deaver, owner …

: Spynet Tap Newsweek looks at possible effects of the Councilman decision and the FCC ruling that VoIP services …

: Confusing Fried Consumers NY Times: <a title=“The New York Times > New York Region > The City > Chicken …

: Elvis has left the building Index on Censorship: Isn’t 50 years of copyright enough? Twenty-seven years after his death, Elvis …

: Crusade Wired News: Copyright Crusaders Hit Schools For the third year in a row, software companies are …

: Blue Yes, I really did post a photo from the 9th hole on the Blue course at [Bethpage][1]. Stop …

: Brand overcontrol Olympian struggle Strict regulations published by Athens 2004 last week dictate that spectators may …

: CBO on Digital Copyright Congressional Budget Office: Copyright Issues in Digital Media Rapid technological progress in …

: One <i>Million</I> iTunes Apple: iTunes Music Store Catalog Tops One Million Songs The iTunes Music Store now has over one …

: Canada: Take Notice Michael Geist discusses the potential implications of a notice and takedown regime in Canadian …

: Hybrid Disc Holdup Reuters: Record Industry Faces Duel Over New ‘DualDiscs’ Plans to sell new hybrid CD/DVDs have hit …

: Ex-Parrot, er, X-Patent NYT: Lawyers Unearth Early Patents The Patent and Trademark Office has issued nearly seven million …

: Booyakasha! Perhaps the most insightful program on television today (aside from The Daily Show) is Da Ali G Show …

: Republican Convention Strategery The Republicans are coming! The Republicans are coming! NYC is trying to figure out how to deal with …

: Caution: Merge Ahead In Pivot Point Int’l, Inc. v. Charlene Products, Inc., the Seventh Circuit examines the merger …

: Flamewar Lawsuit Retuers: Calif. Lawyer Sues Yahoo Over Message-Board Posts A California lawyer who has waged an …

: Three From the FCC The Commission allows TiVo to deploy the TiVo to Go service, which was found to comply with the …

: Favor? Do any AndrewRaff.com readers use Rhapsody, MusicMatch or Napster? If so, can you drop me an e-mail …

: Open Bar! Trek out to Williamsburg tonight (via the dreaded L train) to Trash and see The Bosch. We play …

: Popping Fresh In Findlaw’s Modern Practice, Jason Allen Cody discusses Pop-Up Ad Litigation Strategy: Forums, …

: Copyright at the online grocery story The Second Circuit discusses whether online grocery store listings are copyrightable in MyWebGrocer …

: Keying Trademark PublicCitizen.org filed an amicus brief supporting the principle that keyword advertising does not …

: Flying the Broadcast Flag Washington Post: TiVo vs. the Broadcast Flag Wavers TiVo, the company that makes the …

: Spam Conference LawMeme’s Rebecca Bolin visited the Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy (ISIPP) conference …

: Don’t call us ‘adware’ News.com reports: Symantec sued for labeling product ‘adware’: “A small San Diego software company …

: Fake journalist, real questions According to Slate.com’s Dana Stevens, Ted Koppel is concerned that “A lot of television …

: Dentists Drilled for Royalties In Canada, music played throughout a dentist’s office may be considered a public performance for …

: Real Useless Besides the potential legal threat from Apple, Real may have a bigger problem with Harmony, its DRM …

: JibJab Goes to Court EFF (who represents JibJab) reveals: JibJab Files Suit in order to obtain a ruling that its “This …

: Spyware Blog Spyware Warrior discusses spyware-related news and tips on how to deal with spyware.

: Another Fare Hike? With little more than a year past since the MTA raised fares, the MTA is once again planning to make …

: File Sharing, Piracy and DRM Jeevan Jaising: Piracy on file sharing networks: Strategies for recording companies We find that …

: In the Trash Last night, I caught The Bamboo Kids at Trash and they played a good, raucous, fun set. What I saw …

: Post-hoc Parody In re-evaluating whether the Jib Jab “This Land” animation is parody or satire, Chris Cohen wonders …

: JibJab link roundup Previously: This Use is Fair Use Wired News: Sue You: This Song Is Our Song As far as money is …

: Hey! You! Get off of my Pod Today, Apple released a statement responding to Real’s announcement of Harmony: We are stunned that …

: Doe, ID, and P2P* Judge Denny Chin ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the anonymity of uploaders of …

: Fun with insomnia If I am going to be up at weird hours during the early morning, due to not being able to sleep, I …

: Tapping E-Mail In response to the Councilman case, Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) is introduced the E-Mail Privacy Act of …

: GAO on E-Voting GAO: Electronic Voting Offers Opportunities and Presents Challenges (pdf): Looking toward to the …

: Automatic Weapon IP Piracy? The NY Times reports that the US has been purchasing unlicensed knock-off Kalashnikov AK-47 rifles: …

: Adware Patent Jupiter analyst Gary Price wonders if NetZero has really been granted a patent for adware: NetZero …

: Raising the Bar Good luck to those who are sitting for the Bar today (and tomorrow)! Expect to see many of the …

: Russian Ringtone Rights Pravda reports: Russian musician protects his intellectual property rights The leader of the …

: This Use is Fair Use CNN reports that Woody Guthrie’s publisher is unhappy with the JibJab’s animated take on “This Land …

: Real DRM The NY Times reports that RealNetworks Plans to Sell Songs to Be Played on iPods Tomorrow, without …

: Fulton Landing Bluegrass This would have been a nice afternoon to have a real camera with me. Instead, here are some low …

: Regulating VOIP Yesterday, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee passed a Voice Over Internet …

: Apple’s Next Product This week, Apple started shipping Airport Express, a compact WiFi base station which enables iTunes …

: CD Piracy The IFPI finds that traditional music piracy (involving actual CDs) is at the highest level ever, …

: In Europe IPKat reports on the latest European Commission attempts to harmonize copyright law as well as the …

: Cell phone spam PC-Radio.com reports on the First Lawsuit Over Cell Phone Spam Lawyers for Verizon Wireless claim …

: Acxiom hackers indicted Directing marketing giant Acxiom had its database hacked, leading to an indictment in US District …

: MPAA, NFL flag TiVo In February, TiVo filed with the FCC for broadcast flag certification under the Digital Broadcast …

: Induce hearings

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary held hearings today about the INDUCE Act: “An Examination of …

: Fake News Beats Real News What does it say about the mainstream news media if The Daily Show, a fake news show on Comedy …

: Where’d You Get That Virus? I was surprised to receive a virus-laden e-mail sent to a mailing list I administer which purported …

: Spam Miscellany LawMeme’s Rebecca Bolin looks at the state of state anti-spam laws: Fun With Preemption: State Law …

: Thanks for the feedback Thanks to the handful of readers who e-mailed, commented and called in response to my query last …

: Siren fest Brief overview: I got to Coney Island in time to see Mission of Burma, who were solid. We missed …

: Get your Induce on Lawmeme: The LawMeme Reader’s Guide to Ernie Miller’s Guide to the INDUCE Act

: Next up: Trademark Utah-based ClearPlay developed software designed to skip over objectionable content on DVD’s. In …

: Americans Complain Americans complain to the FCC more than ever. Denise Howell reports on a <a …

: Urban Legend Helps Counterfeit Fighters The Trademark Blog’s Martin Schwimmer offers a helpful tip for finding counterfeit goods for sale …

: Copyright Term Cheatsheet The Copyright Information Center at Cornell has a handy guide to Copyright Term and the Public …

: Political Economy of IP Landes and Posner, The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Law This monograph seeks to …

: 18 hot IP issues 18 hot IP issues (mostly patent, some trademark and other internet-related.)

: Why are you reading this? Ending his guest-blogging stint at L3, Milbarge riffs about the point of blogging (“blog groupies”). …

: Elmo Posted from a cameraphone, using Flickr This is pretty neat and somewhat useless, but I can now post …

: Useless Frank Field wonders: is anybody else sick of the new NYTimes RSS feeds? (first noted here on Jun. …

: Pierless Manhattan- Hudson River shore at Riverside Park South See also: Photos at lightningfield.com NY …

: Oops Ministry of Mobile Affairs (MoMA) is forced to change the name of its new gaming system because it …

: With Pictures Edward Samuels: The Illustrated Story of Copyright

: Appetite for Litigation The AP reports: Judge Reject’s Axl’s Case to Stop Album A federal judge has rejected a request by …

: House Hearings Gov. Computer News reports on e-voting hearings before the House Administration Committee: Lots of …

: iTunes Takes Europe Harvard Berkman Center Digital Media Project: iTunes Europe: A Preliminary Analysis [This] report …

: DRM basics and beyond John T. Mitchell introduces the law and policy of DRM in DRM: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly This …

: RFID and Privacy Two quick links for your perusal and enjoyment: Wired Magazine on the promise and perils of RFID: …

: State FOI Laws State Freedom of Information Laws

: Reading List Lately, I have had the chance to read for personal enjoyment, rather than just for school. Here are …

: Download this Via Kevin, this NYT article reveals the shocking truth that downloads from iTunes are lossy …

: Filter this NY Times: Internet Filters Are: [Good] [Bad] [Both] In a case decided by the Supreme Court last …

: CAN-SPAM in effect Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly filed the first state enforcement action against a spammer …

: VoIP is not a telephone A federal magistrate rules that the NY Public Service Commission may not regulate VoIP . …

: Adware Advertisers Ben Edelman examines which Advertisers are placing ads on WhenU. News.com reports: Adware’s going …

: Not Legal CNet’s Eliot Van Buskirk looks at some “legal MP3” sites which are no more legal than free P2P …

: Declare AndrewRaff.com turned 4 years old in June! In what’s become a yearly tradition: In Congress, July …

: RIAA Lawsuits Unpopular Here’s a real surprise: RIAA Lawsuits Unpopular with Americans According to the FindLaw survey, 56 …

: No Trademark for Patents.com “.com” is a top-level domain indicator without any source-identifying significance, so patents.com …

: Exterminate Licensing A copyright licensing dispute prevents “TV’s most evil villains,” the Daleks, from appearing in the …

: Real estate photos not really infringing In CoStar Group, Inc. v. LoopNet, Inc., the Fourth Circuit holds that an ISP or web site publisher …

: Canada: ISPs are like common carriers In Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian Association of Internet …

: Improving the reliability of E-Voting The Brennan Center for Justice and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights released a set of …

: Kickball Kickball is ON today. At Hecksher Field in Central Park. It’s in Central Park, just west of the …

: Ashcroft v. ACLU link roundup Justice Dept. Dir. of Public Affairs: Regarding the Supreme Court’s Decision on the Child Online …

: Ashcroft v. ACLU The Supreme Court released its decision in Ashcroft v. ACLU, upholding the injunction on the Child …

: Taxi Confidential Taking a taxi for the first time since the fare hike last month, I was shocked at the cost. Both …

: Investigating E-Vote Officials Wired News: Digging for E-Voting Skulduggery: “The woman who launched the controversy over …

: Every Gator has its day in court The 9th Circuit held oral arguments en banc on Wednesday in Gator.com v. L.L. Bean, 02-15035. The …

: Future of P2P in the Senate Earlier this week, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation held hearings on …

: The Act formerly known as Induce Ernest Miller: The Obsessively Annotated Introduction to the INDUCE Act News roundup at FurdLog: …

: Gee, mail I have a few GMail invites available for whomever wants one.

: Not just the subway Apparently, Time Warner does not want photographers to take pictures of the Time Warner Center: …

: Utah Anti-Spyware Law Enjoined News.com: Utah judge freezes anti-spyware law A Utah judge has granted an injunction to adware …

: Boucher on tech legislation News.com’s Declan McCullagh interviews Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va) about copy protection, the DMCA and …

: BusinessWeek intro to adware BusinessWeek is running a feature about adware in its June 28 issue: Guess What — You Asked For …

: It slices, it dices A recent study finds that camera phones produce images better than disposable film cameras: Camera …

: To Space and Back Today, the first civilian astronaut, Mike Melvill, reached the same milestone that Alan Shepard did …

: Spruce If I ever started a Bruce Springsteen cover band, I’d have to call it Spruce Bruce: Draft Bruce to …

: Easy as 1-2-3 ESPN/ABC Sports broadcast this year’s NHL Stanley Cup Finals as well as the NBA finals. Hockey …

: Induce Act Roundup Fred von Lohmann broke the news that song writing Senator Orrin Hatch plans to introduce the …

: Blogging the Oracle Anti-Trust Trial In June 2003, Oracle made an unsolicited tender offer to buy PeopleSoft, a competitor in the …

: Those wacky libertarians Yesterday, the Cato Institute held a conference on Law and Economics of File Sharing & P2P …

: Inspiration or Infringement? Last year, the son of photographer Guy Bourdain sued Madonna claiming that the video for the song …

: Music industry donates only top-shelf albums As part of the music industry price-fixing class action settlement, the music industry agreed to …

: Is DRM bad business? Cory Doctorow tells Microsoft why DRM is bad business: Here’s what I’m here to convince you of: …

: Patent Rules beSpacific has links to the Latest Revisions to Patent Laws Available Online

: FTC: Do-Not-Spam Registry is No-Go FTC: New System to Verify Origins of E-Mail Must Emerge Before “Do Not Spam” List Can Be …

: Soft Patents In a Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia working paper, James Bessen (Research on Innovation and …

: Hanging chads are starting to look good AP: New ‘Hiccup’ for Florida Voters The [voting[ machines, made by Election Systems & Software …

: Prosecution Prompts Porn Purveyors’ Panic Wired News: Legal Threats Stalk Adult Sites The landmark federal prosecution of an infamous porn …

: Going International American Society of International Law: Guide to Electronic Resources for International Intellectual …

: A quick one SCO, The Beatles, NeimanCarcass and more in Denise Howell’s latest contribution to IP Memes: Not SCO …

: Fun with licensing Permissions on Digital Media Drive Scholars to Lawbooks Many scholars, librarians and legal experts …

: Broadcast This In the Observer (UK), John Naughton criticizes the WIPO broadcast treaty proposals: A law unto …

: iTunes Takes Europe iTunes is available in the UK, France and Germany. Prices are £0.79/£7.99 in the UK ($1.44/$14.61) …

: Carnivores in Gramercy Yesterday, it seemed as if half of NYC was in line at the Big Apple Barbeque festival. Nevertheless, …

: Calculating statutory damanges In Venegas Hernandez v. Sonolux Records, the First Circuit examined the calculation of statutory …

: Filesharing lawsuits popular in Europe The IFPI is bringing litigation against its consumers as a business strategy to Europe. Already, the …

: WhenUtah A Utah Court heard oral arguments this week in WhenU’s challenge to Utah’s Anti-Spyware Act. AP: New …

: Claria countersues LL Bean ClickZ: Claria Fires Back at L.L. Bean Suits Against Advertisers Claria’s lawsuit, filed in the …

: Set the phones free The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights filed a lawsuit against AT&T Wireless, T-Mobile …

: Takedown and dirty Do ISPs have the potential to step into the role of Internet censor or copyright police? Christian …

: Anti-Spam in the EU BBC News: United front against spam urged [EC’s Information Society directorate Philippe] Gerard …

: Summertime Mirage With the temperature passing 90

: WIPO considers broadcast flag Cory Doctorow, Wendy Seltzer and David Tannenbaum took notes from the World Intellectual Property …

: Get your kickball on Kickball season is underway! Thursday, from 6 PM on at Hecksher Field in the southwest corner of …

: iTunes goes mobile BBC News: Apple iTunes ‘set for UK launch’: “ITunes is due to be unveiled in London on 15 June, …

: Patently portable Sony settles patent suit with inventor of the “Sterobelt,” a portable music player which preceded …

: America’s Favorite Pasta? In American Italian Pasta Co. v. New World Pasta Co., the Eight Circuit held that the use of the …

: Win one… Nearly ten years ago, Ronald Reagan announced that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. …

: What is a Billiken? Judge Evans’ opinion in Crue v. Aiken features an interesting analysis of college nicknames and …

: News Search and Defamation Findlaw’s Julie Hilden: Why You Can’t Sue Google: The Reason Defamation Law Applies to News Sites, …

: Subway Photography Ban Last month, the MTA proposed rules which would prohibit photography in the subway without a permit. …

: Adware: Clickwrap Licenses and Informed Consent

Part of an ongoing series. Previously: Part 1: Defining Adware
Quality of Consent to Adware …

: At Yahoo, Adware ≠ Spyware Last week, Yahoo! released a toolbar (for Windows Internet Explorer) designed to detect existing …

: Copyright Law Changes Rap Public Enemy’s Chuck D and Hank Shocklee discuss how copyright law affected the creative approach of …

: E-Voting Roundup NY Times: Who Tests Voting Machines? Whenever questions are raised about the reliability of …

: Madonna settles photography copyright suit Madonna reached an out of court settlement with Samuel Bourdin, the son of photographer Guy Bourdin, …

: Amending the Federal Trademark Dilution Act An April 22, 2004. Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and …

: Lots of legit download sites BBC News: Legal music sites break 100 mark: “In May 2003, there were 20 legal online music sites …

: California Senate passes anti-Gmail bill Reuters: Tightening the Reins on Gmail: “California’s state Senate approved the first-of-its-kind …

: Ante Up Mark A. Lemley: Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Justifications for Intellectual Property In this paper, I …

: Lose Yourself AP: Eminem suit against Apple, MTV to proceed On Monday, U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor …

: Counterfeit Clubs PGA.com: Raids in Shanghai shopping area turn up millions in counterfeit clubs Chinese …

: Coffee Table Still Life

: Adware special report Over the next week, in place of regular blogging, while my brain eases out of vacation mode back …

: Defining adware

Adware is software, installed with some minimal level of user consent, which monitors Internet …

: Not to gloat, but… In early April, I predicted that NBC might pick up the NHL broadcast deal on the cheap. In the NY …

: More insecure e-voting Law.com: Count Crisis? A scathing internal review of the iVotronic touch-screen voting machines …

: The New Surveillance Snoia Katyal (Fordham Law School): The New Surveillance A few years ago, it was fanciful to imagine …

: Privacy theories In the Yale Law Journal, James Q. Whitman contemplates the two dominant Western theories for …

: Pop-ups trigger more lawsuits L.L. Bean filed suits against companies who advertise on Claria, including Nordstrom, JC Penney, …

: Smith-9th St. Bluejake: Smith and 9th Street and Smith and 9th Street 2 NYCSubway.org: IND Crosstown: Smith-9th …

: In Williamsburg See also effinchamp: Billyburg Twilight

: Perceptions and Expectations So, SixApart finally introduced the long-awaited version 3.0 of Movable Type with a new “we’re a …

: Sunset over Jersey

: Victory is mine! Well, maybe complete and utter defeat is mine. But, I am done with exams. I am not a fan of the 24 …

: Nap time I am barely two hours into a 24-hour take-home exam (don’t you wish that your Saturday night was …

: Really Radical Fortunately, the letter R rarely appears in words, right? In the midst of furiously typing away …

: Is someone trying to tell me something? Here at AndrewRaff.com World HQ, we’ve received thousands of spams in the last couple of days …

: Future of Music Derek Sivers blogged the Future of Music Sumimt.

: Allez Exam! Say goodbye to blue books (well, except for this Bluebook), break out the examsoft, bang a gong, we …

: It’s getting cold in here While studying freezeouts (for those of you keeping track, a type of corporate transaction intended …

: Get Your CAN-SPAM On GigaLaw: CAN-SPAM Library. Legislative history, litigation, FTC action, research studies and …

: Sit Down, Stand Up I try to spend as little time as possible around the law school during finals time. Not only is it …

: Surf the web, tax-free AP: Senate Keeps Web Access Tax-Free  The Senate voted overwhelmingly to restore a ban on taxing …

: Trademark fair use hypo time I have to learn a whole lot of corporations law before I get around to studying for my trademark …

: Mac troubleshooting help Recently, I have become reacquainted with my old friend Pine. Who needs fancy graphics or colors for …

: A New Pentagon Papers Case Ernest Miller: A New Pentagon Papers Case – Newspapers, Blogs and the Diebold/Jones Day Memos On …

: Congress Watch Washington Post: A Development of High Interest for All College Students Rep. John Boehner …

: Who doesn’t like freedom? The Computers, Freedom and Privacy conference is running through today over on the left coast. Read …

: P2P at the Crossroads Conference Reports LawMeme’s James Grimmelman braved a visit to Newark and went to the P2P symposium at Seton Hall. He …

: California election panel desires to dump Diebold AP: Panel: Don’t use Diebold touch-screen voting machines California should ban the use of 15,000 …

: The GMail Saga Brad Templeton discusses Google’s GMail, expectations of privacy and ECPA: The GMail Saga

: I am the I am far too happy with my new mobile phone. This is not because I now can actually use the phone …

: Springtime in Brooklyn Ah, spring. The sun is shining, trees are blooming and there’s no place I’d rather be than sitting …

: Live at Baker’s It may be only half the album it was supposed to be, but James Carter’s latest release, the …

: PCs infested with spyware In a “spyware audit” of more than 1 million computers, Earthlink found more than 29.5 million …

: Push to wiretap News.com: Pushing to wiretap ‘push to talk’ U.S. cell phone service providers are willing to …

: Online Chat with Lessig WashingtonPost.com will host an online chat with Lawrence Lessig today on Copyright in the digital …

: Label Your Porn Spam The FTC announced new rules which require pornographic spam to be labeled “SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT:” in …

: WhenU Challenges Utah Anti-WhenU Law This year, the Utah state legislature passed Spyware Control Act (H.B. 323). This law is intended to …

: GMail Privacy Kerfuffle On April 1, Google announced Gmail, its new free webmail service, which features an unprecedented …

: Screech loses his website In a UDRP arbitration hearing, actor Dustian Diamond could not recover DustinDiamond.com from its …

: Freebie The Fourth Circuit released a decision finding that “freebie” is a generic term: Retail Services, …

: Digital Cops Roundup Lawmeme’s James Grimmelmann posted some notes about the ‘Digital Cops in a Virtual Environment’ …

: Uploading, Downloading and Freeloading Ed Felten proposes a grand unified theory of file sharing The Grand Unified Theory explains the …

: If you believe that… …I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Or three:

: Spyware and Adware Roundup News.com The spyware that loved me I had an idea something was amiss when ordinary Web browsing got …

: Tonight We’re Going to Rock You Tonight Get your Passover on with a little rock, roll and surf music tonight. I will be playing with …

: Drive for Life Just before teeing off at The Masters, Tom Watson learned that Bruce Edwards, his longtime caddy, …

: Playoff Picks Here we are: time to sit down with a box of matzah to watch Stanley Cup playoff games. These …

: Happy Passover Remember: it’s good for the environment to [recycle][1].

: Wonderfalls on its face I had planned to write a post extolling the virtues of the clever and critically acclaimed …

: Free Culture Flame War In Forbes, Stephen Manes writes Let’s Have Less Of Lessig Lessig replies: “It’s Simple” says the …

: File Sharing Heresy NY Times: A Heretical View of File Sharing The music industry says it repeatedly, with passion and …

: Insane in the rank game Last week, US News and World Report released the latest installment of its law school rankings. …

: Crawford Copyright Office Talk at Cardozo Prof. Susan Crawford addressed the Copyright Office earlier this week. But I’m here to tell you …

: Take me out to the ball game (and golf course) With PacBell Park offering free WiFi at Giants games this season, a BoingBoing reader wonders “If I …

: Two new blogs from EFF Deep Links and Mini Links (no relation to Linky Links).

: Cup Runneth Over Although overshadowed by the NCAA basketball tournament (yawn) and baseball opening day (the last …

: Popping Fresh IPKat reports on a German decision granting a preliminary injunction in Hertz’s suit against pop-up …

: File Sharing, Eh Some reactions on and commentaries about the Canadian decision finding that placing files in a …

: Fools in the Rain Rejected AndrewRaff.com April Fools ideas: Heartfelt notice about ending this blog. [It’s been …

: Stand By Your Words Via Kevin, we learn what happens when a fictional, but entirely plausible, hiring partner hears the …

: My Next Phone? Engadget reports on the arrival of the Motorola V600, a quad-band GSM mobile phone with bluetooth …

: Uploading Is Not Infringement In Canada, a court ruled that making files available on a file sharing network is not proof of …

: Uploading Is Not Infringement In Canada, a court ruled that making files available on a file sharing network is not proof of …

: Penguins Everywhere SF Chronicle: Lawsuits change approach to Linux: Companies more cautious about use of open source …

: You’re Fired At Findlaw, Irwin R. Kramer evaluates The Donald’s likelihood of success in obtaining trademark …

: It’s what’s for dinner Via Howard, we learn that the 9th Circuit is set to hear oral arguments in an appeal of some Montana …

: E-Voting Threatens Democracy, Film at 11 Wired: How E-Voting Threatens Democracy Over the past year, doubts about the accuracy and integrity …

: E-Voting Threatens Democracy, Film at 11 Wired: How E-Voting Threatens Democracy Over the past year, doubts about the accuracy and integrity …

: First Skate This afternoon, I broke out the skates for the first time this year. (In contrast, last year’s first …

: Yale Cybercrime Conference Susan Crawford blogged the Yale Information Society Project conference on cybercrime, Digital Cops …

: Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Senators Hatch (R-UT) and Leahy (D-VT) introduced the Protecting Intellectual Rights Against Theft …

: Achievements L-Cubed wonders What Had You Accomplished By Age 27? Unless next year is much more exciting than …

: Free ‘Free Culture’ Lawrence Lessig released his latest book, Free Culture, this week. Lessig has also posted an …

: WTO Bets on Online Gambling NY Times: U.S. Online Gambling Policy Violates Law, W.T.O. Rules The World Trade Organization, in …

: Fourth Circuit Invalidates Internet Speech Regulation Yesterday, in PSINet, Inc. v. U.S. Internet Service Provider Assoc., the Fourth Circuit struck down …

: I need to take better notes The full extent of the notes I took about Kahn v. Tremont Corp. read: Kahhhnnn!!!! …

: Spring time and the skiing is easy In today’s Times, Bill Pennington ponders why, for most people, ski season ends too early: Time to …

: A new Constitutional Copyright Challenge In another interesting project from the Cyberlaw clinic at Stanford, the Brewster Kahle, the …

: Net democracy GrepLaw interviews Joel Reidenberg: Joel Reidenberg on Hack Toolz, Lex Informatica, and Affirming …

: More file sharing suits Reuters: RIAA sues 532 more file-sharers Like 1,063 similar suits filed since January, the …

: Sex and the Cell Phone Here are two news articles about attempts to use the mobile phone for more technologically advanced …

: Wal-Mart Launches Legit Downloads Reuters: Singing at Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, said Tuesday it …

: Copyright in Canada, Again Michael Geist has another article about the Canadian Supreme Court’s decision in The Law Society of …

: What Every Citizen Should Know About DRM What Every Citizen Should Know About DRM is a primer on digital rights management (DRM) technologies …

: 10 Years of Spam Spam’s Tenth Birthday Ten years ago today, spam as we know it was born. On 5 March 1994, a message …

: Popping Fresh GigaLaw: Roundtable Discussion: Pop-Up Ads and the Law Pop-ups and banner ads are the bane of many …

: FCC Revisits Profanity Ernest Miller: FCC Revives Notion of the Profane In a decision released yesterday, the FCC …

: Accountant Sues Google AP: Man ‘Googles’ Himself, Sues for Libel Mark Maughan is a certified public accountant with the …

: Namespaces In this week’s New York Times Magazine, James Gleick writes about about names, namespaces, trademark …

: CAN-SPAM Can’t Do Pew internet & American Life Project: The CAN-SPAM Act has not helped most email users so far …

: Cybercrime Convention Commences With the approval of a fifth country, Lithuania, the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime now …

: Constitutional Challenge Concerning Copyright Convention Continues The Cyberlaw Clinic at Stanford’s Center for the Internet and Society represents the plaintiffs in …

: 50 million iTunes Apple announced that it has sold more than 50 million iTunes downloads: “iTunes users are now …

: P2P and Secondary Liability The Progress & Freedom Foundation, a conservative think-tank based in DC, recently released a …

: Personality rights around the world Script-ed, a new publication from the AHRB Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and …

: California to force file sharers to wear name tags A bill (<a …

: Critical Information studies Siva Vaidhyanathan attempts to define the field his scholarly work fits in and dubs it Critical …

: You’re Fired Trump applies for trademark on phrase “You’re Fired.”

: Glass

: Walk On, Walk Off The Walk-Ons at Acme Underground:

: Privacy Policies New Study Reveals Corporate Privacy Spending Patterns The study, commissioned by IBM, surveyed 44 …

: Will IP Survive? In the Financial Times, Ricgard Epstein asks Can IP survive its critics? Intellectual property is …

: US v. Online Gambling NYT: U.S. Threatens Action Against Online Gambling Federal prosecutors have begun a wide-ranging …

: A Fact The central library of the Brooklyn Public Library (at Grand Army Plaza) is closed on Mondays. …

: Raising the bar De Novo is a new blog that reunites most of the group from En Banc. De Novo stands out from the rest …

: Shelved Yesterday, Russian voters went to the polls and decisively reelected President Vladimir Putin. BBC …

: Stanford Privacy Symposium This weekend, the Stanford Law, Science and Technology Program held a symposium on Securing Privacy …

: Compulsory Hearing Last week, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing concerning Section 115 of the Copyright Act: …

: Wiretap dancing The Justice Department, DEA and FBI filed a petition with the FCC for an expedited rulemaking …

: AGs to target P2P? Wired News: Who’s Teaming Up Against P2P?  A draft letter purportedly circulated by [California …

: Starbucks to sell digital music BusinessWeek: Starbucks Tunes In to Digital Music The company thinks the service will significantly …

: Reflection time One’s birthday is a good time to evaluate where one is in life. Lately, I’ve been wondering whether …

: Upcoming events Mar. 15 (next Monday), I’m sitting in with Hieronymus Bosch on saxophone and keys. Come by and enjoy …

: Broadcast Flag Lawsuit Filed Against FCC EFF: FCC Faces Suit on Regulation of Digital Broadcast Television: “The Electronic Frontier …

: Fair Use? Priceless Jason Schultz: Nader Wins Priceless Fair Use Victory v. MasterCard Today, after four years of …

: An Apple a Day Today brings news about a copyright suit in France against Apple Computer and a trademark suit by …

: Lessig in NYC Larry Lessig will speak at the 92nd St. Y about Free Culture: Creativity and Its Enemies on Tue, Mar …

: CAN-SPAM hits the big time Last week brought us the first lawsuit filed under CAN-SPAM and this week brings us suits filed by …

: Digital Camera Patents NY Times: Kodak Accuses Sony of Patent Violations on Digital Imaging In a suit filed Monday in …

: FTC Spyware Workshop The FTC will be hosting a workshop on spyware on April 19.

: EU passes Anti-Piracy Directive The European Parliament passed the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive by a vote of …

: Canada Copyright The Toronto Globe and Mail gets some more reactions to the Canadian Supreme Court decision in CCH …

: How do you say ‘copyright infringement’ in Klingon? Ernest Miller: Klingon is Copyrighted Can you really copyright a language? You can copyright a …

: Inmate seeks to Copyright Name NY Newsday: Inmate seeks to copyright name A Rikers Island inmate wants the Queens judge and …

: One lawsuit per uploader Wired News: One File Swapper, One Lawsuit  A federal judge ruled on Friday that the music industry …

: Pornographers Lead the Way USA Today reports that the online porn industry is moving to adopt new technologies, like DRM, …

: Patent Office Rejects Browser Plug-in Patent Reuters: Feds reject Eolas browser patent The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has invalidated a …

: Archives Over at the ACS weblog, Tuffer has a spectacular post about his visit to the Blackmun archives at …

: Limited Medical Privacy NY Times: Bush Administration Sets Forth a Limited View on Privacy In a sharp departure from its …

: I’ve got a team Thanks to the Windows e-mail virus du jour, I’ve learned that I have an Andrewraff.com team: From: …

: First suit under CAN-SPAM Wired News: ISP Files First Can-Spam Lawsuit  Hypertouch, based in Foster City, California, filed …

: DVD Code Injunction Overturned In DVD Copy Control Assoc., Inc. v. Bunner, a California Appeals Court overturned a grant of a …

: Copyright Reform Act Passes House The House of Representatives passed The Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act of 2004 …

: Database Protection Here are two analyses of the problems and shortcomings of The Database and Collections of …

: Copyright Balancing in Canada The Supreme Court of Canada recently decided a copyright case in which it discusses the balancing of …

: Make Your Own Jay-Z Remix Fans of the Grey Album can make their own remixes using the Jay-Z Construction Set

: DMCA Database Decision Dissected Security Focus takes a look at Inquiry Management Systems v. Berkshire Information Systems and …

: Digital Music Forum Report Derek Slater: Digital Music Forum: What the Industry Players Do and Don’t Get The Digital Music …

: Segue A useful segue, courtesy of one Comparative Constitutional Law professor: “Let’s indulge now in …

: One year of Linky Links I started posting separate linky links one year ago. In that one year, I’ve posted 1689 links. …

: Faith-based FCC Fines Sen. Zell Miller Introduced a Bill to Crack Down on Indecent Broadcasts (S. 2147): Under Miller’s …

: Won’t somebody think of the children? Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Ashcroft v. ACLU, the second challenge to the Child …

: Super Tuesday e-voting tech problems AP: Technical Problems Reported in E-Voting Scattered technical problems were reported in the …

: Piracy Around the World The International Intellectual Property Alliance recently released its 2004 report on global piracy.

: Vote It’s primary day here in NY (as well as Connecticut, California, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, …

: Lessig on Eldred In Legal Affairs, Larry Lessig: How I Lost the Big One I took the phone off the hook, posted an …

: The Special Problem of Digital IP The Digital Connections Council of the Committee for Economic Development report Promoting …

: Greenspan on IP Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan discussed Intellectual property rights at the Stanford …

: E-Voting in the US and India At tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primaries, voters in California, Maryland and georgia …

: Big money in domain names NY Times: Domain Names Are Big Again Dot-com domain names are fetching respectable prices again, …

: Useless question of the day In elementary school, why did we start the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the …

: Verisign Sues ICANN ICANNWatch: VeriSign Sues ICANN The lawsuit reportedly attacks ICANN for purporting to have the …

: DMCA doesn’t protect databases Even after the DMCA, copyright does not protect databases. News.com: Court doesn’t extend database …

: Apple takes Apple to court Reuters: Apple War Pits Beatles Label Against Computer Maker Apple Computer and the Beatles’ record …

: Jessica Litman on Redesign of Copyright GrepLaw interviews Jessica Litman: The most important and in my view scariest trend is simply a …

: Copyright in Comics Characters Here’s another Seventh Circuit copyright decision from Judge Posner: Gaiman v. McFarlane. At issue …

: EFF’s File-Sharing Future EFF: A Better Way Forward: Voluntary Collective Licensing of Music File Sharing The concept is …

: Grey Tuesday Downhill Battle declares that today is Grey Tuesday, “a day of coordinated civil disobedience: …

: Eminem sues Apple AP: Eminem’s Publisher Sues Apple Over Song At issue is an ad for Apple’s iTunes pay-per-download …

: Suing Diebold E-Voting activists file law suit against Diebold Bev Harris on behalf of the California members of …

: Napster results News.com: Napster reaches 5m downloads In contrast, Apple has sold 25 million tracks on iTunes as of …

: FBI “drowning” in wiretap data CQ: FBI ‘Drowning’ in Information Harvested by Bugs and Wiretaps Thanks to the bundle of …

: Madrid Oppedahl & Larson LLP: Resources for Madrid Protocol US filers

: New look It’s weblog posts and linky links all remixed together onto one page. It’s crazy! But if you’re …

: DVD copying is circumvention Wired News: Hollywood Wins DVD-Copying Case  Judge Susan Illston of the Northern District Federal …

: “Screw edutainment!” Wednesday’s Angel episode, Smile Time, was one of the best hours of television this year, not merely …

: Elsewhere I posted a long piece about DJ Danger Mouse’s Grey Album, sampling and copyright over here: White, …

: White, Black and Grey

What happens when you mix together the Beatles’ White Album with Jay-Z’s Black Album? DJ Danger …

: When you are a friend The EFF filed an amicus brief supporting WhenU in its appeal to the Second Circuit in 1-800 Contacts …

: Economists on Copyright AEI-Brookings Joint Center: Seventeen Famous Economists Weigh in on Copyright: The Role of Theory, …

: The Purpose of Copyright Lydia Pallas Loren: The Purpose of Copyright Copyright permeates our lives and yet, despite its …

: Trademarking numbers Erik Heels looks at what numbers are trademarked: Trademarking Numbers The number 1 is a …

: Europe considers anti-piracy law News.com: Antipiracy law heads for EU vote The proposed law, the Intellectual Property Rights …

: Countersuing the Sopranos, Tenors, and Music Execs After being sued by record labels for sharing files on P2P, a New Jersey woman is filing a …

: Painkiller patent suit killed NY Law Journal: Federal Circuit Dismisses Suit Over Painkiller Patent The U.S. Court of Appeals …

: Sony takes the mic to stop unlicensed karaoke in China Xinhua: Chinese Karaoke bars face the music The Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court began …

: Fun with Hypochondria Monday, lunchtime: enjoy a tasty hamburger. Wednesday afternoon: get a headache and worry about …

: Do not call The 10th Circuit affirmed the constitutionality of the Federal do-not-call list: “We hold that the …

: Long weekend Cold, but very nice skiing (days 8 & 9 of this winter for me.)

: VoIP is not a phone The FCC ruled today on the regulatory status of Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony: FCC Moves to Allow …

: Spam around the world Lawmeme looks at different approaches to dealing with spam in Australia and Japan

: Defending Privacy On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law passed …

: Compulsory reading The Register interviews Jim Griffin, who discusses Why wireless will end ‘piracy’ and doom DRM and …

: Master of the domain names Jonathan Weinberg writes about the domain name system, Site Finder and Internet Governance in the …

: Generic Windows? In the Microsoft v. Lindows.com case, U.S. Chief District Judge John Coughenour ruled that a jury …

: Webcast Royalty Rates The US Copyright Office released new royalty rates for webcast which apply through the end of 2004: …

: Capitalization If a word is not an acronym, do not capitalize all the letters in the word. The most frequent one I …

: Voting machine showdown Salon.com: Voting machine showdown In court on Monday, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other …

: University Patents USPTO: 10 Universities Receiving Most Patents in 2003 The top three are University of California …

: Adventures in Baking With plenty of better things to do, I baked some chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm…chocolate-ey…

: FCC considers VoIP NY Times: Thorny Issues Await F.C.C. on Internet Phones On Thursday, the Federal Communications …

: This trademark’s for who? US brewer Anheuser-Busch and Czech brewer Budejovicky Budvar are involved in a long-running dispute …

: Hack the vote Salon.com: Will the election be hacked? Leaving the security of such a crucial government function …

: CAN-SPAM ineffective BBC News: US anti-spam law fails to bite US e-mail filtering firm Postini said the Can-Spam Act had …

: Digital Media in Asia Berkman Center Digital Media Project: <a …

: Yoga copyright Reuters: Bikram Master in Court Battle Over Yoga Positions The eccentric Calcutta-born yogi who …

: Patented wheat Greenpeace and two Indian NGOs are challenging Monsanto patents on wheat. EU patent EP0445929 was …

: Legitimizing P2P The Distributed Computing Industry Association (DCIA) recently proposed a new model for P2P. …

: Columbus Circling Yesterday I was on the Upper West Side and went by Columbus Circle and the new Time Warner building: …

: Brooklyn in flux Downtown Brooklyn is going through a stage of transition. Large parts of the neighborhood are in …

: More Copy Protection and DRM Joe Gratz brings news about Yet Another Brainless CD Copy Protection Scheme: Let

: P2P in the 9th Circuit, Again The 9th Circuit heard oral arguments yesterday in the appeal of MGM v. Grokster. EFF: Listen to the …

: Stupid DVR I arrived home all ready to watch tonight’s new Angel episode only to find that my DVR faied to …

: Getting Nothing Done, Slowly I am getting nothing done, slowly. It’s almost as if I’ve come down with a case of Liebermania or am …

: Court to Hear Landmark P2P Case Wired News: Court to Hear Landmark P2P Case On Tuesday, lawyers for the entertainment industry …

: Home field disadvantage The Super Bowl should be played at the home field of the division-winning team with the best record, …

: Porcine Patent Houston Chronicle: Patent holder has major bone to pick with ham rival: “Logan has invested tens of …

: Mixed Up DJs mix CDs attacked in attempt to control copyright DJ mix CDs, sold in almost every independent …

: omputr upt (or, computer update, as typed on my iBook’s keyboard.) I’ve managed to log in to my iBook using a …

: Great While sitting in class earlier (corporations, for those of you keeping score), I managed to spill a …

: Mmmm…television Enough with the politics. It’s been really cold out lately, nearly Russia cold and I have little …

: Get Your Primary On The Internet does a better job of covering politics than television news. If you haven’t been …

: Netscape, Playboy settle Netscape, Playboy settle search trademark case Netscape settled a 5-year-old lawsuit brought by …

: Going to Europe NY Times: Online Music Industry Is Focusing on Europe Europe is the next battlefield for portable …

: Collect all 100 While going through some random things, I found this John Kerry Senate trading card: It’s not his …

: Spam Law Generates Confusion Wired News: Spam Law Generates Confusion and, so far, fails to curtail spam.

: Red Planet Last week, I discussed Bush’s announcement of a renewed space effort (see Lonely Planet: Mars.) …

: Still downloading after all these years IFPI: music industry’s internet strategy is ‘turning the corner’ The anti-piracy campaign also …

: The Anti-Feist On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee approved HR 3261, the Database and Collections of …

: Trends in Fraud and ID Theft The FTC released a report yesterday on National and State Trends in Fraud & Identity Theft, …

: Garage Rhodes I’m having far too much fun playing around with GarageBand. The software instruments are impressive, …

: Deregulation shuts out snoops NY Times: Easing of Internet Regulations Challenges Surveillance Efforts The Federal …

: Insecure Internet Voting The Federal Voting Assistance Program promises to allow citizens living overseas to “Vote Using the …

: More File Sharing Suits The RIAA filed more lawsuits against suspected p2p file sharers, again. AP: More Suits Filed Vs. …

: Don’t Call it a Comeback He came in third behind Kerry and Edwards. Dean’s done. At least that’s what the pundits seem to …

: Round thermostats Seventh Circuit denies a preliminary injunction and allows Eco Manufacturing to sell round …

: Do the Bartman Eugene Volokh on The Chicago Cubs, rooftops and copyright.

: Secrecy as a campaign issue Wired News: Secrecy Suddenly a Campaign Issue  But in the last week, on the eve of the formal start …

: Microsoft v. Mike Rowe Soft Website row pits B.C. teen against Microsoft It took a while for Microsoft to come after Mike Rowe …

: Fantasy Primary It’s like politics mixed with fantasy sports. Predict when each of the Democratic candidates will …

: Lonely Planet: Mars Earlier this week, President Bush announced a plan to send astronauts to the Moon, then to Mars. NY …

: Do record labels fail to respect copyright? News.com: Rights issue dogs CD protection At issue are “double session” CDs that include two …

: Blame Canada David Fraser writes the Canadian Privacy Law blog As of January 1, 2004, the Personal Information …

: Digital Cops Information Society Project @ Yale presents Digital Cops in Virtual Environment – CyberCrime and …

: Today’s links Here are some links of interest, sans commentary: NY Times: Students’ Data on Web, and N.Y.U. on …

: In the Garage While much of the Mac web is filled with disappointment about Apple’s announcement at MacWorld …

: (9/5)C + 32 Staying in the city for the last day of vacation and not going skiing was probably a good idea:

: Hudson River Schooled Sanford R. Gifford, Hunter Mountain, Twilight, 1866 Hunter Mountain, Mid-Afternoon, 2001 I went to …

: Looking ahead So, this is 2004. Here are some of my goals (one could call them resolutions, if so inclined) for …

: 2003 in Review Where did 2003 go? It seems like just yesterday was the middle of the summer, and now we’re on the …

: Unexpected twists in Internet law Unexpected twists in Internet law

: Professionally irresponsible Done!

: Senators stand up for spam bill Senators Wyden and Burns: Why we’ve finally canned spam In the end, fighting spam is going to …

: Not evidence

Since I have plenty of better things to do, I added some new images to the page header rotation …

: No injunction for pop-ups Boston.com: Judge says Internet company can send pop-ups for now A federal judge ruled Monday that …

: Snow Time For a Good Time

: Oh Canada Canada Copyright Board decides that downloading from p2p is legal (although uploading is not): …

: Virginia indicts spammer News.com: Virginia files felony spam charges Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore announced …

: Evidence Hokey Pokey You put the evidence in you take the hearsay out Then impeach it with old statements and get it all …

: Get your voter data here Wired News: A Vending Machine for Voter Data

: Good TV Perhaps the best show on television, or at least one of my current favorite is Good Eats (Food …

: Ripped from the headlines When taking an exam (for example, copyright), if one comes across a fact pattern that looks …

: More CAN-SPAM Anita Ramasastry: Why the new federal ‘CAN Spam’ law probably won’t work Dan Fingerman: Response to …

: Examarific With 2004 only a few weeks away, one large hurdle (or 5 medium-sized hurdles) remains for this year: …

: Applause As classes are wrapping up for the semester, many of my classes are closing with the class giving a …

: In print Not long ago, LawDork popped up in my Technorati Link Cosmos as one of the sites linking here. Chris …

: Snow Look, it’s snowing!

: The Hebrew Hammer I first blogged about this film back in January, before it premiered at Sundance (see …

: E-Racketeering BBC News: E-commerce targeted by blackmailers “Criminal syndicates operating from Russia have …

: FTAA IP Chapter IP Justice analyzes the problems with the IP chapter of the Free Trade Area of the Americas …

: Happy Thanksgiving Enjoy! Gothamist, Bluejake and Rion have photos of the thanksgiving day parade giant balloons, …

: Colour trademarks IPKat reports on a UK trademark decision involving the use of color as a mark: When a Single Colour …

: Senate votes against spam NY Times: Antispam Bill Passes Senate by Voice Vote. Via Prof. Lessig, CongressDaily reports that …

: Coffee and Tea Some countries have a coffee culture (like the US, with a Starbucks on every corner), while other …

: Cell phone problem survey has problems Today, the City of New York released its Mobile Phone Deadspot Survey, based on the results of a …

: Diebold’s done Diebold forgoes copyright suit over leaked memos Diebold… has decided not to take the additional …

: Dewey Decimal Trademark Suit Settled OCLC and The Library Hotel settle trademark complaint Under the settlement terms, The Library Hotel …

: TeeVee The major TV networks and Nielsen Media Research wonder why males, ages 18-35, watch less …

: Proprietary Database, Public Data and Copyright In Assesment Technologies of WI, LLC v. WIREdata, Inc., the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals held …

: House and Senate Agree on Identity Theft Bill In conference, House and Senate negotiators agreed on legislation to prevent identity theft.

: Wireless Number Portability and Regulatory Power Starting today, wireless carriers must allow customers in the 100 largest service areas to take …

: Judge hears challenge to RIAA subpoenas News.com: SBC raps RIAA subpoenas in court at a hearing concerning SBC’s motion for summary judgment …

: Some Free Culture for Free Excerpts from Prof. Larry Lessig’s new book, Free Culture: How Big Media uses Technology and the Law …

: Diebold and Dennis Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has taken a leading role in creating public awareness and discussion …

: House passes spam bill NY Times: Lopsided Victory for Bill Curbing Junk E-Mail The antispam measure was passed by the …

: Open Source Litigation Martin Schwimmer: “IP litigation is the Internet’s answer to college football.”

: Study locations I need a new place to outline and study. My current options are home and the law library. Each has …

: Paper trail to follow California E-Voting LA Times: State Tells Counties to Establish Paper Trail on Electronic Voting Secretary of State …

: Colleges, Computers and Copyright Harvard undergrad Derek Slater posted a copy of the Diebold memos to his weblog, on a Harvard …

: Constrain Crazy Copyright Claims In the Legal Times, Jason Mazzone discusses the problems of publishers claiming overbroad copyright …

: AT&T sues eBay over patent News.com: AT&T sues eBay, PayPal over patent The suit, filed in federal district court in …

: Fake news archives poorly While unlimited access to Lexis and Westlaw may be the crack cocaine of legal research, free access …

: Spyware where Today, the Center for Democracy and Technology released Ghosts in Our Machines: Background and …

: Can CAN-SPAM Can Spam? Marketing Profs: The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003: Real Reform or Political Pork? The CAN-SPAM Act clearly …

: Optimism and Pessimism Is the music industry growing or shrinking? Reuters reports on optimism from Forrester and GartnerG2 …

: AT&T patents spam obfusaction tech News.com reports: AT&T patents anti-antispam technology. Shouldn’t the double negatives cancel …

: Politboro Approves of Broadcast Flag Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) discusses the FCC Broadcast Flag ruling in a San Jose Mercury News op-ed: …

: A Devillish Trade At PuckUpdate, Steven Ovadia notes that the Devils may be trying to trade Scott Gomez and thinks …

: Public Bandwidth NY Times: In Utah, Public Works Project in Digital The cities involved argue that reliable access …

: Opt-out opt out Wired News: Acxiom Opts Out of Opt-Out Acxiom calls itself the premier source of addresses and …

: Everyone will sell music on the internet Microsoft Plans To Sell Music Over the Web and Wal-Mart to launch online music service. Steve Jobs …

: Brooklyn rooftop sunset

: Fun with RSS RSS is a very useful web format. It is designed to allow web sites to syndicate content so that it …

: Time flies Professors have started to hand out course evaluation forms. I guess that means I need to start …

: Criminal Penalties for Pre-Release Pirates The Artists Rights and Theft Prevention Act, introduced in the Senate by John Cornyn (R-TX) and …

: Video Game Law A conference in NY will discuss the intersection of video game interactions and legal norms: The …

: Kaaza to distribute Bollywood film News.com: Kazaa says hello to digital Bollywood The Hindi-language film, “Supari,” will be offered …

: Internet Surveillance on Campus Salon.com: Don’t look now, but the dean is watching Perhaps most disturbing to critics and privacy …

: Global webcast licenses IFPI: Recording industry announces new one-stop-shop for webcast licensing The recording industry …

: UK and EU Copyright law standing together in harmony On October 31, the United Kingdom’s new copyright law took effect: The Copyright and Related Rights …

: Madster seeks Cert Albany Times-Union: Madster creator seeks hearing: “The founder of the defunct file-swapping service …

: DRM and Social Norms First Monday:Digital rights management and the breakdown of social norms by Christopher May At the …

: Hollywood, meet Innovation LA Times: Is Hollywood Failing to See the Big Picture? Even in this era of sweeping technological …

: E-Vote Update The establishment media is picking up on the issues and potential problems with unsecured electronic …

: FCC Allows Wired-to-Wireless Number Portability The FCC ruled yesterday that consumers will be able to not only port phone numbers from one mobile …

: Penn State and Napster While Penn State’s deal with Roxio will provide access to popular music, how relevant is the Napster …

: Flagged Washington Post: FCC Deserves a Digital Thanks for Nothing The Federal Communications Commission …

: FTC blocks pop-up spammer The FTC took action against D-Squared Solutions in order to stop that company’s deceptive trade …

: Legislation and Blacklists InternetNews.com: AGs Want to Can the Can Spam Bill AGs from California, Kansas, Maryland, Nevada, …

: Catching Up: Music Here are some digital downloading and music-related links I didn’t get around to posting on Friday: …

: One Word Review of The Matrix Revolutions Meh.

: Napster Goes to School Reuters: Napster, Penn State to Announce Deal – Sources Song-swap pioneer-turned online music store …

: 3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days of Litigation Law.com: Hip-Hop Band Sues Fox Over New Sitcom’s Name On Sunday, Fox debuted a new comedy called …

: Gloomy day

: Making the US safe for Spam Salon.com: Making the U.S. safe for Spam By eliminating a consumer’s right to sue, overriding state …

: FCC Adopts Broadcast Flag FCC Adopts Anti-Piracy Protection for Digital TV FCC order: In the Matter of: Digital Content …

: Sampling without infringing A three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decided Newton v. Diamond, et. al., an …

: Pirates of the Internet 60 Minutes ran a scare story about file sharing this week: Pirates Of The Internet Fortunately, …

: Streaming Patent Suit to Go Forward News.com: Patent ruling tugs at Net downloads Last Thursday, a federal judge in the Western …

: California Halts E-Vote Certification Wired News: California Halts E-Vote Certification The discovery that uncertified software may have …

: Digital Music Faces Hurdles in Europe Reuters (via BizReport.com): Digital Music Biz Faces Hurdles in Europe Apple’s plans to take a bite …

: EFF, Stanford seek court order against DIebold EFF: Online Policy Group v. Diebold, Inc. Diebold, Inc., manufacturer of electronic voting …

: Vote NO on Question 3 In tomorrow’s election, New York City voters will decide whether or not to radically overhaul the …

: Copyright, File Sharing and Democracy NY Times: File Sharing Pits Copyright Against Free Speech Forbidden files are circulating on the …

: Boomers buy music NY Times: At Sea With MP3’s, Boomers Buoy Struggling Record Industry Even better for the music …

: U.K. plans to extradite spammers Reuters: U.K. Plans to Extradite Spammers  British lawmakers plan to use a new tactic to stop the …

: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Vote! Vote! Vote! Wired News: Aussies Do It Right: E-Voting. Unlike here in the US, Australian e-voting technology is …

: Napster: Not Bad Wired News looks at the new Napster legit download service and finds that despite some confusing and …

: Don’t plant, those seeds are patented NY Times: Saving Seeds Subjects Farmers to Suits Over Patent In 1998, Mr. McFarling bought 1,000 …

: Workplace Computer Privacy Law.com: Workplace Computer Off-Limits? A New Haven, Conn., criminal defense lawyer wants the state …

: British Library archives websites Change in UK Law Allows Library to Archive Electronic Publications A Private Members Bill, …

: Boucher Calls Copyright Office ‘Misguided’ dc.internet.com: Boucher Calls Copyright Office ‘Misguided’ U.S. Rep. Rick Boucher (D.-Va.), a …

: Wine E-Commerce and Interstate Commerce Yesterday, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held hearings about online wine sales and …

: House Spam Hearings The [FTC][1] Howard Beales, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, testified: “Any …

: Comparing the legit download services Open chart (in a new window) See also: WSJ: Walt Rocks: Rating the New Music Sites NY Times: Paying …

: RIAA sues more sharers AP: Music Group Files 80 Downloading Lawsuits The recording industry filed 80 more federal lawsuits …

: SCO claims GPL is unconstitutional In its copyright infringement lawsuit against IBM, the SCO Group is asserting that the GPL (General …

: FTC suggests improving patent law policy The Federal Trade Commission released a report on How to Promote Innovation: The Proper Balance of …

: Apples One reason why autumn is my favorite season: fresh apples.

: Happiness is… …a ReplayTV stocked with the complete library of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes.

: New JC song on iTunes I was pleasantly suprised to find Sunset, a pre-release track from James Carter’s forthcoming …

: Hastert wants to can spam internetnews.com: Speaker May Force House Anti-Spam Vote U.S. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert …

: Star-Ledger on Compulsory Licensing Newark Star-Ledger: Prof to music labels: Lay off ‘cyber-pirate’ suits and try a tax The music …

: Online music openings NY Times: Online Music Business, Neither Quick Nor Sure In a striking lack of originality, every …

: Diebold, Diebolder, Dieboldest Wired News: E-Vote Protest Gains Momentum “My concern and I think the concern of the students is to …

: Touchscreen Voting Sans Paper Trail Not Unconstituional The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled today in Weber v. Jones that California’s …

: TVs to tune digitally The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit upheld an FCC rule, over a challenge by the Consumer …

: Anti-circumvention exception The Librarian of Congress determined that the following four classes of works are exempt from the …

: Spam Multiplies Politech: An insider’s analysis of the Senate’s anti-spam bill NY Times: Big Companies Add to Spam …

: Black Box Voting Blues Newsweek technology columnist Stephen Levy discusses the problems with Diebold and electronic …

: CDT “Setting the Record Straight” The Center for Democracy and Technology has posted Setting the Record Straight: An Analysis of the …

: BC Student Settles with RIAA Boston Globe: Student at BC settles with music industry The student reached an out-of-court …

: Pssst I’ve been blogging quite a lot lately, but much of that has been over here, which is not quite open …

: Waving the Broadcast Flag The FCC is expected to rule soon on the “Broadcast Flag” proposal, which would require all digital …

: How many links does it take to get to the center of a Diebold memo? Lawmeme’s James Grimmelman wonders How Direct is Too Direct When It Comes to Hyperlinks to the …

: Authors Guild Fears Amazon Last week, Amazon.com <a …

: Canadian Copyright, Eh? Declan McCullagh speaks with University of Ottawa Law professor Michael Geist about Canadian …

: California Wins Against Spammer Attorney General Lockyer Wins First-Ever State Lawsuit Against Spammer. The state of California won …

: CAN-SPAM Act Can’t Stop Spam The U.S. Senate realized that spam is not just a mere inconvenience, but a burden on interstate …

: Follow the Money: License Music Music Dish: Money In Music: The Cold-Cash Facts About Music Licensing Music can be used in four …

: Students Stand Up to Diebold Targeting Diebold with Electronic Civil Disobedience Wired News: Students Fight E-Vote Firm Diebold …

: Spam Sucks The U.S. Senate realized that spam is not just a mere inconvenience, but a burden on interstate …

: Radio Station Webcasts Not Exempt From Paying Royalties Radio stations who stream over the Internet a simulcast of their broadcast signals must pay …

: TV on DVD May Sound Different Reuters: TV on DVD: What’s the Difference? Some studios are too cheap to pay to relicense music for …

: TMQ Haiku Until this week, I always enjoyed reading Gregg Easterbrook’s erudite football column, Tuesday …

: Chutzpah The person sitting next to me in class is checking her voice mail on her cell phone during class. Is …

: Spam Laws Spam Laws has information about pending and enacted Spam legislation in the US, EU and other …

: Web Poster Who Republishes Defamation May Be Liable Metropolitan News-Enterprise reports on the California Court of Appeal for the First Appellate …

: Identity Theft Made Easy Sensitive personal financial information belonging to Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney recently …

: RIAA Warns, then Sues NY Times: Record Industry Warns 204 Before Suing on Swapping A sample of the letter provided by the …

: Senators Want JetBlue Probe Wired News: Senators Want JetBlue Probe after JetBlue violated its own privacy policy and released …

: Flecktonic B

: Spam and the Spamming Spammers Who Spam Us Nearly anyone who has used internet e-mail in the last four years is aware that unsolicited …

: DMCA Prevents Archive from Saving Old Software Wired News: Fighting to Preserve Old Programs  [Brewster] Kahle and his nonprofit Internet Archive …

: Confusing Search News.com: Are search engines confusing surfers? Last year, the FTC notified Web operators–including …

: Social file sharing Clay Shirky: File-sharing Goes Social. Shirky expects file sharing to become more like traditional …

: Want Privacy? Go to the EU The Wall Street Journal reports on how EU privacy laws are more protective than in other countries: …

: Murdoch to BBC: Stop Unencrypted Satellite Broadcasts The Guardian: Murdoch chief threatens to sue BBC “We don’t believe the BBC has the right to provide …

: Cameraphones vs. Privacy In the NY Times, Amy Harmon writes: Smile, You’re on Candid Cellphone Camera “The technology is …

: Patriot Act Slows E-Commerce? Some online retailers fear that provisions of the USA Patriot Act will make consumers less likely to …

: More prestige An unidentified reader wrote in to follow up on my earlier post about lawyers and prestige: What no …

: Open House NY A word of advice: always remember to check your camera to make sure you have charged batteries and a …

: Comment spam redux Wow, comment spam hit with a vengeance this weekend. Some spammers must have just developed a new …

: Step away from the shift key, or we’ll sue Barely two days after Princeton grad student J. Alex Haldermann released a report on SunnComm’s CD …

: Record Companies Sue New Jersey Flea Market NY Times: Record Companies Sue New Jersey Flea Market a group of record companies is suing the …

: VoIP is not a Phone Company A Federal District Judge in Minnesota ruled that VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider Vonage …

: Parents Sue To Stop School Wi-Fi Parents in Oak Park, Illinois filed a class-action lawsuit against the local school district in …

: Radiohead All in all, an excellent show last night at MSG, perhaps the loosest and most relaxed that I’ve seen …

: Step away from the shift key, or we’ll DMCA you Barely two days after Princeton grad student J. Alex Haldermann released a report on SunnComm’s CD …

: Lunch with Judge Gleeson US District Judge John Gleeson spoke at the law school today, at the invitation of the ACS, about …

: Crazy California If it wasn’t obvious at the beginning of the recall, California has definitively taken the title of …

: 20 Questions with Judge Birch Howard Bashman posted 20 Questions for Circuit Judge Stanley F. Birch, Jr. of the U.S. Court of …

: Intranet distribution can be suprisingly expensive Reuters reports that a federal jury awarded $20 million in damages to market analyst Lowry’s Reports …

: Why only music? LawMeme’s Ernest Miller continues to analyze the ideas and assumptions behind proposals for …

: To Defeat Copy Protection, Just Press ‘Shift’ “Second generation” CD copy protection debuted last month on R&B singer Anthony Hamilton’s …

: Protecting artistic vision Do artists have sole control over how their art may be modified and moved, if their art is in a …

: Verisign’s Tangled Net After Verisign broke the internet, ICANN president Paul Twomey sent an open letter to Verisign: …

: Comparative IP and Cyberlaw Symposium The University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal is holding a Comparative IP and Cyberlaw …

: Microsoft Sued For Virii Reuters: Microsoft Faces Class Action Over Virus Crashes Microsoft Corp. faces a proposed …

: Trusted Computing The EFF presents two pieces discussing trusted computing, an idea which is largely unfamiliar to me. …

: Inconsistent privacy standards NY Times: Your Own Affair, More (VCR) or Less (MP3) “Consumers are almost totally unaware that …

: Online payment patent suit AP: PayPal Files Patent Lawsuit Vs. Bank One In the latest complaint filed Monday, PayPal says it …

: E-mail is broken Salon.com: E-mail is broken: “Four Internet pioneers discuss the sorry state of online communication …

: Redskins Win Trademark Case Washington Post: Redskins Can Keep Trademark, Judge Rules U .S. District Judge Colleen …

: NY Settles with Yahoo! New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer announced a settlement with Yahoo! that will “protect …

: Trademark Dispute Documents Online ResearchBuzz: USPTO Puts Trademark Dispute Documents Online: “The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board …

: Anonymity, the DMCA and the First Amendment FindLaw columnist Julie Hilden discusses Anonymity Versus Law Enforcement: The Fight Over …

: Sunroofs and Free Speech The Trademark Blog: CrownPontiacNissan.com – Free speech domain name case: This decision is …

: Talk before suing and more Today’s developments in the music industry’s battle against file sharers: Washington Post: Music …

: Ergonomic Deluxe Here are the lyrics to a song that I’ve been working on lately: Johnny slaves in a windowless office …

: Excellent RIAA & File sharing summary Tech Law Advisor has an excellent page which answers the question Where can I find good information …

: Do-Not-Call List in Limbo Columbia professor and FindLaw columnist Michael Dorf: The Legal Status of the Don’t-Call Registry. …

: Madonna video infringes photographer’s copyright? Samuel Bourdin, the son of fashion photographer Guy Bourdin, has sued Madonna, claiming that sets …

: Dialing for Dollars Yale law professor Ian Ayres contributed an Op-Ed to the NY Times: Dialing for Dollars, which …

: This Time It’s Personal Wired News: Spam: This Time It’s Personal. Finding and fighting domain-stealing spammers is not …

: Freedom of information around the world Freedominfo.org released their 2003 Global Survey, Freedom of Information and Access to Government …

: P2P developments The ACLU, along with five library associations, the Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg, filed an …

: Bizarro World Need more evidence that we’re in bizarro world? Baseball’s regular season has ended. The Cubs and …

: Not So Amazin I went to the Mets game last night, or at least as much of the Mets game that we could stand. The …

: Music, Sharers, Lawsuits, Yadda Studios Moving to Block Piracy of Films Online. “If Hollywood executives have learned anything …

: Nike, FIFA and “USA 2003” Can FIFA have a trademark over soccer-related uses of “USA 2003?” Nike thinks not, and went to …

: Air Travellers & Data Sharers Wired News: Status Quo for Travel Privacy: Most airlines “are saying they do not plan to make any …

: Happy Birthday, We’ll Sue Snopes discusses the copyright status of “Happy Birthday”. While the music is in the public domain, …

: Oops Boston Globe: Recording industry withdraws suit he recording industry has withdrawn a lawsuit …

: Jury convicts man in DMCA case News.com reports: Jury convicts man in DMCA case A federal jury has convicted a Florida man of …

: Jury convicts man in DMCA case News.com reports: Jury convicts man in DMCA case A federal jury has convicted a Florida man of …

: UK passes anti-spam law UK bans spam messages. “Under the new law, spammers could be fined £5,000 in a magistrates court or …

: Copyright, the Internet and… Hitler? Simon Waldman, the director of digital publishing at Guardian Newspapers in Britain, obtained a 1938 …

: Contract by typos unlikely LawMeme’s James Grimmelman looks at Verisign’s terms of service for its “Site finder” service and …

: Dispatches from the Music Front Since the RIAA lawsuits, the New York Times has covered digital copyright issues nearly every day. …

: Electronic voting and election fraud Salon: An open invitation to election fraud Not only is the country’s leading touch-screen voting …

: File under Trademark Infringement The Online Computer Library Center filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Ohio against New …

: JetBlue and CAPPS II The backlash begins against JetBlue for sharing its passenger data with TSA contractor Torch …

: Fantasy Hockey Anyone want to join the official fantasy hockey league of andrewraff.com? We’d like to fill 3 open …

: Would you really want to work with this guy? I’ve got to give some respect to Tulane 3L Matthew Toll to a certain extent to send this letter to …

: On Lawyers and Prestige In her snazzy new Typepad blog, Scheherazade asks Why Are Lawyers Such Snobs? our profession …

: AGR Reunion Concert (I’ve been meaning to post this for about two weeks now) I was very happy to see Agents of Good …

: Programming notes You may have already noticed, but I’ve added comments to the links sideblog. Why? Because I can. …

: House Bans Taxes on Internet Access AP: House Bans Taxes on Internet Access. The ban permanently extends one, enacted in 1998, which …

: How file sharing works. Is it wrong? Today’s NY Times Circuits section includes two articles on file sharing. Is It Wrong to Share Your …

: Verisign breaks the Internet Verisign, the company that manages the .com and .net domains, introduced a new system this week that …

: Truth, meet fiction We’ve reached the point where truth is following only a day behind fiction. Dave sent along some …

: Apple sues Apple BBC reports: Beatles sue Apple over iTunes The Beatles’ record label Apple Corps is suing Apple …

: eBay: privacy for sale Ha’aretz reports: Big Brother is watching you – and documenting “I don’t know another Web site that …

: Newsweek on the RIAA lawsuits Newsweek has three articles about the RIAA lawsuits: Courthouse Rock Last week the recording …

: Senator introduces DRM legislation Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduced the Consumers, Schools, and Libraries Digital Rights …

: Volokh and Solum on IP Rights Here’s an interesting blog-dialogue (blogalogue?) between law professors Euguene Volokh and Lawrence …

: Ranking Privacy at Work Wired reports on the best and worst corporate attitudes towards privacy. Best includes IBM, HP, …

: The Bottom Line’ problems with the bottom line The NY Times reports that The Bottom Line may be evicted from its current space by NYU: Village Club …

: Verizon challenges RIAA subpoenas The DC Circuit heard oral arguments from Verizon and the RIAA about the music industry association’s …

: Senate overturns FCC ownership rules The Washington Post reports: Senate Approves Measure to Undo FCC Rules The Senate voted 55 to 40 …

: Music Industry and P2P Day at the NYT The NY Times examines various aspects of the P2P and music industry situation with 4 articles and a …

: Tribute in light Other photos: <a …

: Privacy and Human Rights US-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and UK-based Privacy International released …

: No Truce in the Spam Wars Wired News reports No Truce in the Spam Wars. In April, EmarketersAmerica.org filed a lawsuit …

: Your logo here As of yesterday, Snapple is the official beverage of New York City. For beverage makers that don’t …

: RIAA Strikes Back On Monday, the RIAA filed lawsuits against 261 alleged file sharers in federal courts around the …

: RIAA Strikes Back On Monday, the RIAA filed lawsuits against 261 alleged file sharers in federal courts around the …

: Impractical Apple finally reveals that a sale of iTunes Music Service songs from one user to another is legal, …

: Washington, DC

: A Guide to the Patriot Act In Slate, Dahlia Lithwick and Julia Turner have written a handy guide to the USA Patriot Act. …

: Impractical Apple finally reveals that a sale of iTunes Music Service songs from one user to another is legal, …

: What is Noncommercial Use? One thread of discussion surrounding the copyright law is the idea of creating a compulsory license …

: Databases: Next front in the copyright battles? Reuters: Databases–the next copyright battle? Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are …

: File-sharer amnesty for sale Record Labels to Offer Amnesty to File Sharers, With Conditions To be eligible, sources said, …

: Dollars, Cents and Downloads Can you resell a downloaded file purchased from iTunes? George Hotelling hopes to find out if the …

: Dollars, Cents and Downloads Can you resell a downloaded file purchased from iTunes? George Hotelling hopes to find out if the …

: No Soup For You I recently bought Soulive’s latest album, an eponymous release which was recorded live during late …

: Note to self: don’t subpoena an adverse party’s ISP At Lawmeme, James Grimmelman discusses how Abusive E-Mail Subpoenas Are Actionable Under Federal Law …

: Colleges plan for coping with P2P on campus The AP reports Colleges Move to Stop File – Swapping Students arriving for fall classes at colleges …

: Amazon attacks spam spoofers On Monday, Amazon.com filed 11 lawsuits in 6 states and in Ontario against spammers who send forged …

: Amazon attacks spam spoofers On Monday, Amazon.com filed 11 lawsuits in 6 states and in Ontario against spammers who send forged …

: Where’d the summer go? We start classes tomorrow. What happened to summer? This semester, I’m taking: Copyright, Evidence, …

: Blackout casualty My refrigerator never recovered from the blackout. When the power came back, the fans started …

: Blackout I had a very calm blackout experience yesterday. I didn’t get stuck in a subway, I didn’t have to …

: Frankenberries Findlaw has the Complaint in Fox v. Franken I’ll leave the actual application of trademark law to …

: Back and Blocked I’m back from vacation and a bit jet-lagged. Thanks to Dave and Krikor for their excellent …

: Vacation! I’m away on vacation this week. Woohoo! I’ll be in Europe enjoying getting out of New York for a …

: Photos. No catchy title Look, it’s plywood covering the front of a new restaurant!

: Time flies I can’t believe that it was 6 years agothat I first saw Agents of Good Roots play and got addicted …

: Logical Disconnect While Al-Qaeda ‘plans summer attacks’ Airlines in the United States have been warned that the …

: Market-based intelligence Um, maybe free markets aren’t the ideal solution for every problem. Darpa’s Policy Analysis Market …

: Skiing is safer This week’s NY Times Magazine includes an interesting data table counting the number of injuries …

: Central Park’s 150th Scenes from Saturday: World Archery Championships NY Times: For U.S. and South Korea, an …

: Summer Snow Tenney Mountain in New Hampshire is making snow this summer for snowtubing and a small park. They …

: Lower Manhattan

: The President who cried “WMD!” I posted a new piece over at BRR, The President who Cried “WMD!”. It’s a fable slightly updated for …

: $2 a ride The Appellate Division issued its ruling in the Straphangers v. MTA lawsuit. The ruling upholds the …

: Philharmonic and Class Warfare On Thursday, I headed up to the Great Lawn in Central Park for the NY Philharmonic in the Park …

: Free Kayaking While I was up in Riverside Park today, I discovered a nice freebie. Free kayaking in the Hudson. …

: Adventures on skates This weekends’ skating wasn’t all that much of an adventure. On Saturday, I reprised a skate that I …

: Tenet Takes the Blame George Tenet stepped up for team Bush and took the blame for publicizing the false information …

: : Spam saga part III Those bouncing spam mails are still pouring in. But I’m finally starting to take action. Criminal. …

: Spam saga update: The crap they’re selling After about 21 hours of receiving bounces and failure notices as a result of spammers sending spam …

: F*ckity F*ck F*ck F*ck E-mail is dead. In the last two hours, I’ve received over 100 bounced email notifications, because …

: Back in Brooklyn After enjoying a weekend of cool mountain air, it’s difficult to adjust back to the sweltering city.

: Declare WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by …

: On the record I walked in to a record store last night to buy Radiohead’s latest, Hail to the Thief. I walked out …

: Too hot to blog It’s too hot to blog today. I’m also rather busy.

: Big day for announcements Lots of announcements today: Supreme Court decision in the Michigan Affirmative Action cases, Gratz …

: It’s just easier

: Tuition at NY Metro area law schools Got a letter from school today stating the tuition rate for the upcoming year. What’s interesting is …

: I Can’t Believe it’s a Law Firm Jeremy has been riding the subway and enjoying the quality law firm ads: Advertisement on the NYC …

: Radioheading Last night, I caught Chris Potter play a set at 55 Bar, with Adam Rogers (guitar), James Genus …

: There’s one for you, nineteen for me How do Dubya’s latest tax cuts affect us, New Yorkers in our mid 20s? Jason writes: I got my latest …

: Opera in the Park Last night was a perfect, comfortable summer night to see an opera in the Park, along with 100,000 …

: More signs and a sunset in Brooklyn Heights.

: But it’s on my resume When presented with the opportunity to actually use my Russian language skills, I floundered and …

: No smoking International Bar, Saturday June 7.

: Toni Tony Tone A couple of weeks ago, I actually went to see Hairspray, the musical which won a bunch of Tony …

: Finally, a nice day Some photos from Hudson River Park: And one from the Brooklyn Bridge:

: Mmmm…Pizza While it’s possible to get a decent slice of pizza just about anywhere in NYC, a few places stand …

: Movin’ out It seems like just about everyone I know here in NYC is moving this summer. I’m so glad that I’m not …

: Fun with media consolidation FCC Statement: “Today, we complete the most exhaustive and comprehensive review of our broadcast …

: $2 in Cash After a scant 3 hours sleep, I headed up to the Beacon Theater to get in line for $2 Radiohead …

: Sign of the Times One neighborhood bar features Brooklyn Cyclones (minor league baseball) tickets as the first prize …

: Morning photos: Columbia Heights Some photos from along Columbia Heights (in Brooklyn Heights) this morning:

: Elsewhere Although I started it here, I posted a longer piece about US policy in Iran over at Buzz Rant & …

: Brooklyn braces for possible tourist infestation Although I see the occasional tour group wandering around Brooklyn Heights, those are few and far …

: Operation Atlas is back Operation Atlas is in full effect. While I rode on a downtown A train last night, about a dozen …

: New Jersey After watching the entire Sopranos Season 2, and seeing a different side of New Jersey than what I’m …

: And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you

The Brooklyn Bridge celebrates its 120th birthday today.

Brooklyn Bridge 5/24/03

Brooklyn Bridge 5/24/03

Brooklyn Bridge 5/24/03

Also, Gothamist: Happy 120th, …

: Reloaded Matrix Reloaded wasn’t as good as its parent film, but still fun. The cliffhanger leaves enough …

: Golf Andrew: bad1 Annika: good2 1I paid too much to hit some balls at the range at Chelsea Piers. Out of …

: Bye Bye Buffy After seven years of mixing dramas and being surprisingly intelligent for a show called “Buffy the …

: Tax rebates Fun, fun fun

: That’s all, folks The writing competition paper is in (5 minutes before the 11am deadline) and my first year of law …

: WiFi, WiFi everywhere I’m sitting outside on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade working on the writing competition. After a …

: Attention spa… I now have the attention span of a gnat. That’s all…

: No such thing as a free shirt Where have all the free t-shirts gone? While law school is good for free beer, free food, free pens …

: Contract Because I’m obviously going insane, here are some song lyrics inspired by my contracts outline. Got …

: Last chance to dance on down the American grain Last class of first year. Holy $#!&! (The title of this post comes from the lyrics to The …

: iWant my iTunes With the advance press its gotten, was anyone surprised when Apple unveiled its new iTunes music …

: More on bike lanes As a follow-up to last week’s post on bike lanes, Segways and skating, here are some info on bike …

: Journalrific Last week, I went to an info session for the law journals. For those of you not aware, law reviews …

: Segway segue With Segways starting to appear in the city, the state Senate is considering a bill that would …

: Skating and Spidey Sequel Shoot Since it was such a nice day out, I took a little time out to go rollerblading. After last week’s …

: Happy Passover

: Hours and hours In a NYT Op-Ed, Workweek Woes, John De Graaf wonders why Americans work so much and vacation so …

: On elections We’re in the middle of election season at the law school. The Student Bar Association (student …

: Inline skating follies Since it was such a nice day, I went out to inline skate the loop in Prospect Park. Until I got into …

: WINY Last night, I joined Robin and Sharif in celebrating their birthdays at the worst karaoke bar in …

: Token away Subway tokens can no longer be purchased in NYC. Yesterday was the last day for token sales and on …

: On comments Recently, I noted that comment spam is one reason to discontinue commenting. Of course, comments …

: It’s April, right? This storm didn’t bring as much snow as the April Fool’s storm brought to Boston my freshman year in …

: Mooooot On Saturday, I dropped by school to watch the finals of the Prince Evidence Moot Court Competition. …

: 2 x 2 Last week, I went to two bars in Brooklyn that I hadn’t previously been to. On Monday, it was …

: New host This is the site on the new host, Pair. I moved off Your-site because they decided they were going …

: End of Free at NYT The New York Times site was perhaps my favorite site on the web. It is comprehensive, nicely …

: (Not) Off the air for a bit I’m in the process of moving andrewraff.com to a new host. Blogging will resume when I get MT moved …

: Bomb scare in Brooklyn Heights When walking to get some lunch, I noticed that a larger than normal police presence had closed down …

: Banned and Operation Atlased Friday night, I went to see Steven Bernstein play at 55 Bar with John Medeski, Dave Binney, Mark …

: Theocrats in Washington Today, the House passed H. Res. 153 “Recognizing the public need for fasting and prayer in order to …

: Blog comments spam Paul Gutman first warned me about the problem. Ben Hammersley explains more. I haven’t had a major …

: Bizarro World Despite some initial skepticism, I can confirm earlier suspicions that we are now living in bizarro …

: Like deja vu, all over again Denise Howell links to a number of blogs of next year’s crop of law students. Ahh, the memories of …

: Grassroots blogpaining In today’s NYT Circuits section, Lisa Napoli writes about how Howard Dean supporters are using free …

: Fun with jurisdiction online While discussing how the Internet affects a court’s jurisdiction over a person in Civ. Pro this …

: Still not cheap enough The Shifted Librarian: ReplayTV Rebate That means you can get a 40-hour DVR for $390 total. Not bad …

: You never know who may be reading If Bork Had Blogged: The Opportunities and Dangers of Lawyer Blogging So plenty of lawyers, …

: Depressing There’s something awfully depressing about getting rejected from volunteer internships…

: Linky Linky I’ve decided to follow the trend and added a link bar over on the right. The best way to use it is …

: iWant my iMusic Labels Think Apple Has Perfect Pitch Top executives at the major record companies have finally …

: Long weekend links Here are links dating back to Friday. It’s a Wonderfully Privileged Life (This is funny) Breakfast …

: DRM and Spectrum Conferences Here are links to assorted notes from two academic conferences in California (at Stanford and …

: Establishment Clausewitz On Friday, the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled on Newdow v. US Congress, denying …

: Tain Last night, I caught a set from Jeff “Tain” Watts at Iridium. Watts is one of my favorite jazz …

: Linky linky U.S. Diplomat Resigns, Protesting ‘Our Fervent Pursuit of War’. “Our fervent pursuit of war with …

: It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Thanks, Mr. Rogers. Jurist notes that Mr. Rogers influenced the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in …

: Mac users of the Law & Economics Movement Unite Even though his Torts casebook is not the most fun book ever, Prof. Richard Epstein picks up some …

: Writer’s, er, what’s that called? Well, my brief is done, and it’s perhaps the single worst piece of $#@! I’ve ever written. I never …

: Caught in NYC Last Friday, I met up with Krikor and Robin and caught a set from The Bamboo Kids. Good stuff, with …

: New Jersey and Porn, Perfect Together The Garden State Is a Gateway to Porn Of all the states, New Jersey tops the list in many measures. …

: Fun with legalese From our property casebook: A freehold estate could not be created unless a feoffment with livery …

: What Lies Beneath The Morning News: What Lies Beneath “New York and Washington have their differences, but the …

: Control your Mac from your phone Have a Sony Ericsson phone with Bluetooth? Have a Mac with OS X and Bluetooth? Then go and get Sony …

: Conan, not quite the barbarian The Onion A.V. Club: Who Could You Take In A Fight? Conan O’Brien: Let’s see, who could I take in …

: Today’s links Hopefully I’ll finish writing some of the things I’ve started once I finish with my brief… Here are …

: Get a life? I happened to drop by Metafilter before going to sleep and came across this thread, which touches on …

: Just some links I may need to start one of those fun linky linky thingies… You Bought the Wine. Now What’s for …

: Have low expectations Expect minimal blogging for the next week, until my draft moot court brief is out the door and …

: Get Your Schmooze On The more career center events and panels that I go to, the more I realize that I need to learn how …

: Any publicity is good publicity? How did Michael Jackson end up as the subject of three different television features (on ABC, NBC …

: Flashy idleworm: games – gulf war 2 This is a projection of the most likely outcome of a new war in the …

: Balkinizin’ Yale Law Prof. Jack Balkin wrote two excellent opinion pieces this week. One in the LA Times: A …

: Not Giant Salmon, Giant Slalom NYT: Miller Shares Golden Moment USSA: GS Gold for Bode, Bronze for Schlopy USSA: Miller, Schlopy …

: Still going…and going…and going… Who turned America’s best TV show into a cartoon? The Simpsons no longer marks the elevation of the …

: Vegetable Orchestra the first vienna vegetable orchestra the first viennese vegetable orchestra consists exclusively of …

: USA! USA! Americans Miller takes gold, Schlopy bronze in giant slalom at St. Moritz Worlds In the giant …

: Are you prepared? So this is Orange Alert… I still need the heavy plastic sheeting, whistle and iodine tablets before …

: Hell’s Kitchen Or do we have to call it Clinton now? Jason Levine links the goods about the hood

: NetNewsWired The super-excellent final NetNewsWire is out. I can’t say enough good things about this program. It …

: RSS-enclosed Song of the Week I’ve moved the MP3 of the week semi-feature from the main blog here over to the sidebar (under the …

: Homegrown Stalinism As an undergrad, I majored in Russian studies and even considered going on to graduate school in …

: More skiing world championships Women’s combined: Janica Kostelic wins combined gold in duel with Austria’s Nicole Hosp Janica …

: NiFTy Krikor hooked me up with a copy of the 2003 Not For Tourists Guide to NYC and the Brooklyn Pocket …

: Casual Dress Casualties Casual Dress Is History At NY Firm Lawyers in the New York office of Greenberg Traurig were …

: More Ski Racing I don’t know if it’s gotten any coverage on Sportscenter, but the Alpine Skiing World Championships …

: Spam, spam , spam, spam James Gleick: Tangled Up in Spam I know what your in-box looks like, and it isn’t pretty. It looks …

: EXE as MP3 Matthew Ostrowski: Listening for patterns in the sand: Playing an .exe as an mp3. Brewster Kahle …

: More on RSS and Comments Not long after I posted about the theoretical discussion aggregator, Brent Simmons released the …

: Music’s heading somewhere Siva Vaidhyanathan discusses the music biz with Tim Quirk, songwriter and musician for the pop group …

: Grades matter Grades really do matter. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher requires all hires, including lateral partners, …

: Job opp? There’s a shortage of lawyers in Nunavut. CBC: Nunavut’s 4 private lawyers struggle to deal with …

: RSS Sucks! Where’s my discussion aggregator? As I was writing the previous post about how sites without RSS feeds don’t lend themselves to …

: RSS Rules! The Shifted Librarian: The “Me” in Media but the Corante crew just doesn’t want to give up the RSS …

: Eph, See? See! Crunch Time at the FCC One of the most important votes of 2003 will be cast not in Congress or in …

: Eye patches not included

: Grades and other law school miscellany Grades are arriving, and I am not particularly happy. Check that, I’m disappointed, pissed off and …

: Skiing world championships day 2 Maybe I’m the only person interested, or perhaps this will get some coverage here in the states: …

: Take a Bite out of Apple Apple dealers biting back: Mac sellers say computer maker cuts them out in favor of its outlets — …

: File sharing feels some love John Snyder (president of Artist House Records, a board member of the National Association of …

: Go to Europe Today marked the beginning of the 2003 FIS Alpine World Championships in St. Moritz. (Today, in the …

: Columbia I remember sitting in my second grade class (during a math lesson) when another teacher came in and …

: Simon Extreme Simon Extreme for Mac OS Xis a “reinterpretation of the classic 1978 Milton Bradley game Simon for …

: Once again, the web goes both ways Earlier this week, I wrote about why Content doesn’t matter. Here are two posts that eloquently …

: LOC Audio Archives Available Online Selected Collections The Library of Congress holds the nation’s largest public collection of sound …

: Porn is smaller than gambling, online Gambling is Most Lucrative Vice Online eMarketer estimates that online content spending for …

: Those wacky Libertarians… Manhattan Libertarians start (toy) Guns for Tots campaign Tongues firmly in cheeks, the Manhattan …

: LawKM Law.com: Knowledge Management and the Law Firm Librarian

: City’s Records Go Online New York City’s Landmark Online Records Bill The New York City Council has passed, and sent to …

: The Networked Music Future plasticbag.org : Observations and Speculations on Music Like everything else, music is becoming …

: No Case Law for You InfoToday: Democracy in the Dark: Public Access Restrictions from Westlaw and LexisNexis Although …

: Consumers, Congress & Copyright Consumers, Congress and Copyright Issues According to a 2003 SutherlandGold survey of 1,000 US …

: ‘NEW flips (sorta) NY Post: WNEW Playing Name That Tine Yesterday, the station began playing everything from Top 40 to …

: Broadband does not need Content to succeed Link Hoewing, assistant vice president for Internet and technology policy at Verizon: Will 2003 …

: Where can you get dragged into court for doing business on the internet? It depends Web Activity Gives Plaintiff Chance for Jurisdictional Discovery Even if an Internet Web site is …

: Pootie-Poot pursues powder on-piste BBC News: Russians follow Putin to the piste “Mr Putin began skiing, and now it has become the …

: The State of the Union will be… Intoxicated Adam Felber: The State of the Union Drinking Game (2003 Edition): Updating the game for this year …

: Blawgistan Times Jonas and Kevin are rocking out with the Blawgistan Times

: Superbowl ads iFilm: Super Bowl Ads.

: Stop the wah-wah Join the PornOrchesetra The PornOrchestra is an attempt to radically reinterpret the soundtrack to …

: Order to Chill Cert has been denied in Mattel v. MCA, the Barbie Girl case, in which Mattel, owner of rights in …

: Putin, the house-elf? A “major Moscow law firm” is preparing to sue Warner Brothers, for apparent misuse of Russian …

: IP Law on the Net INTA: The Internet Guide to Intellectual Property Law The law of intellectual property is an …

: Yup, it’s cold out How cold is it? TMN: Freaking Cold. The Non-Experts have some suggestions on how to stay warm, …

: Get ready to dial more numbers The 10- or 11-Digit Local Call When the city changes to what the industry calls “1 plus” dialing …

: The year the music dies Wired: The Year The Music Dies Record labels are under attack from all sides – file sharers and …

: Balancing Act Digital rights under fire Robin Gross thinks international copyright laws are out of step with the …

: How clean are the restaurants in your neighborhood? NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Restaurant Inspection Information The New York City …

: OPEC’s got nothing on these guys Alice notes that the federal appellate judge clerk hiring cartel is starting to crack, with some …

: File sharing generation gap

: No soup for you! Judge Rejects Obese Teenagers’ Suit Against McDonald’s A federal judge in Manhattan today threw out …

: No right to privacy for alleged pirates RIAA Wins Battle With Verizon Over Customer Data Judge John D. Bates, United States District Court …

: Em eye see, kay ee why, Em oh you ess ee Chris Sprigman:The Supreme Court’s Copyright Extension Decision On January 15 of this year, the …

: Off the deep end Doc Searls writing for the American Open Technology Consortium: Going deep Watch the language. …

: Extra, Extra: News media biased! The more pernicious bias is less substance, more fluff “The news media are biased.” It’s the most …

: Axle of Evil Gregg Easterbrook in The New Republic: Axle of Evil: America’s Twisted Love Affair with Sociopathic …

: Big Flip Clay Shirky: The Music Business and the Big Flip The first and last thirds of the music industry …

: Old-Timey Congressional Records get on the Web A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873. …

: Research for Nothing and Law for Free? Jerry Lawson compares Free Search Engines vs. Westlaw & Lexis, which prompts Tom Mighell to ask: …

: Cause or effect eMarketer: As Income Rises, TV Time Drops

: Invoking the LazyBlawg I’m looking for organizations based in NYC who are doing work in the area of Internet and technology …

: Jewsploitation One Mean Heeb: Jonathan Kesselman brings the baddest Chasid to the screen in the first …

: Take it to the street Many bloggers have discussed the Eldred v. Ashcroft decision. I didn’t want to feel left out. The …

: Valuable resume material Should Paul take his dispute with his ex-landlord to Small Claims Court or The People’s Court? …

: Hey ho big bro Wired News: ACLU: It’s Almost 1984 An ACLU report released Wednesday warns that the United States …

: Miscellaneous, unrelated links Each of these links deserves an individual post, but here they are. The Burger Takes Center Stage …

: Song of the week Crosstown Traffic. Medeski, Martin & Wood. October 14, 1995. I think this will become a regular …

: More litigious hockey players It started in the junior leagues, now pro hockey players are joining in the fun and suing their …

: Public domain waiting game Eldred lost. 7-2 for the government, with Justices Breyer and Stevens dissenting. Much, much more to …

: Adventures with e-mail If you sent me email this morning (between about 9am and now, 1:10pm) at andrewraff.com, I never got …

: Hello? Jobs? JewishBuddha: Dear Job Market Dear Job Market, Please come back. We really miss you. The late …

: Drag and drop your way to a links sidebar Lazy Mac OS X: Weblog links sidebar

: Idiot’s Delight Doesn’t Stream Anymore The DMCA makes radio host Vin Scelsa takes his archives off-line. Vin Scelsa goes offline In order …

: The things you learn from ads in the subway Futurama (reruns) are on at a regularly scheduled time (Sunday-Thursday @ 11pm) on the Cartoon …

: Liberals need not apply Washington Post: Justice Dept. Hiring Changes Draw Fire A special Justice Department recruitment …

: Share your iTunes iCommune iCommune is a plug-in which extends Apple’s iTunes software to share music over the …

: Trade you an American Idol for a Bands on the Run Fortune: Is TV Show Swapping Legal?

: New Apple stuff Since I was skiing, I’m only now finding out about what Apple introduced at Macworld SF 2003. Safari …

: This tactic worked against Mr. Search LawMeme summarizes the latest developments in the Spam King v. Google suit: Google replies to …

: LotR Geek Humor Secret Diaries of the Fellowship (via Gawker) Slashdot: Lord of the Rings, as Written By Everyone …

: Expensive burger BURGER DELUXE “THE World’s Most Decadent Hamburger” has come to New York. Served at the Old …

: Foreign Groceries Foreign grocery museum. Pictures of strange foreign groceries. (via Boing Boing)

: Has the NFL moved its office to Florida? The NFL decides that the Giants should have had another attempt to kick at the end of the game, only …

: City Pro Sports Rankings ESPN.com’s Page 2 calculated which North American city had the best year in pro sports for 2002. The …

: Slogans 73 Slogans Advanced by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union for the 60th …

: Snazzy Despite the crushing Giants defeat, you’re looking at the snazzy new style for this site. While URLs …

: NYT on DRM The NY Times nicely summarizes some issues with DRM: Using Digital Armor to Fight Piracy “This …

: Song of the day [Bomb Silo][1]. Agents of Good Roots, 10.6.2000. [1]: /music/mp3/Bomb Silo.mp3

: So you’re living in a police state This Stephen Colbert piece is so funny because it is so disturbingly accurate: Enjoy The Police …

: NY Mag tells us where to eat New York Metro: Where to Eat Now 2003

: Oh, that’s great Paul Gutman (on his snazzy new Movable Type-powered site): “Often, people look at me funny when I …

: Expired in europe Companies in U.S. Sing Blues as Europe Reprises 50’s Hits Recordings made in the early- to …

: Mayor sues himself Edgewater, NJ Mayor files suit against himself When Christiansen and Borough Council President Neda …

: 2002 review At the end of the year, what better way to find something to post than go through and find this …

: No more naked quad run? Boston Globe: Tufts may no longer bare a student tradition

: Paper trail Danny O’Brien: On following the rules. Insert a witty dig at the INS and its excessive bureaucracy …

: How big is your online porn industry? size matters– but Measurement is Tricky While other aspects of the internet sector have been …

: What’s not available Movies not available at all [Prof. Lessig] Recordings never made available on CD [NPR Weekend …

: Commonality Creative Commons and Animation about the Commons I’m going to read through the different licensing …

: Law school songbook Jeremy Blachman is a mad genius (or maybe just simply mad.) If the world went by the Model Penal …

: Just call me Number 6 Citizens, not consumers I am a citizen, or denizen, if you will, of the internet. A netizen. I’ve …

: Downtown plans Today, LMDC unveiled seven new plans for the WTC site

: That’s 5 PM EST Begging for a Break? Now then, you, umm, might want to download Realplayer by 10 PM GMT on …

: Who likes debt? Didn’t accrue enough debt going to law school? Why not add some more immediately after law school? …

: Exam time rambling Since the tenative agreement between the MTA and TWU fortunately kept the subways running, exams …

: 24 Today was the conclusion of this year’s edition of one of the more unique events in sports, 24 Hours …

: For later reading The Free Expression Project: The Progress of Science and Useful Arts: Why Copyright Today Threatens …

: Money for Something Robert X. Cringely: Curtain Call: Finally, a Business Model for Music in the Internet Age, and Why …

: Decentralized in December Scott Rosenberg covers the Supernova Conference on decentralized technologies: Life on the edge Or, …

: On Online Distribution Tim O’Reilly: Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online …

: Be aware, be very aware Some reading on Total Information Awareness via Politech: The New Yorker: Too Much Information …

: Mapping Manhattan After finding Manhattan in WiFi, Metafilter maps Manhattan (and Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and …

: Yes, there is a Santa Claus, but not in Virginia Ever wondered where FedEx sends a letter to Santa?

: Making the rounds Technical difficulties and Oliver Willis put together a nice Bush/Lott Campaign Ad. For more …

: Work with The Corporate Crime Chicken Do Big Debts Keep Law Grads Out of Low-Paying Public Service Jobs or do Law grads turn to corporate …

: Linky law suits? Should Linking Be Immune From Lawsuits Linking can trigger a whole variety of legal claims. They …

: From Sweden, in Flash Fun with Flash: Swedish Singing Horses

: Aussie Aussie Aussie Australia’s High Court delivers an opinion on Internet jurisdiction in Dow Jones & Company Inc v …

: Take a look on the bright side As bad as it may seem to be a student this time of year (and my crim law exam was not fun), we …

: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Where I’d like to be: Where I am:

: Blog in the Big City John Hiler’s new Cityblog: New York could become very cool. Some improvements could catapult from a …

: Random attacks of panic Ernie the Attorney: Anatomy of a conversation among weblogs. What does Judge Posner really think …

: From the Dept. of Homeland Irony Keep Big Brother’s Hands Off the Internet There is a concern that the Internet could be used to …

: Switched Santa Will Ferrell: “Santa got hit by a lawsuit. I got my ass handed to me.” Also, Ferrell reveals what’s …

: Is California, Is Not California Just because the Internet makes everything distant seem local, does that effect jurisdictional …

: Official stuff New York has quite a number of official state items. For example, the bluebird is the official state …

: Rare Red Meat is the funniest comic strip I’ve come across lately. It’s even useful for studying for …

: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How many bloggers does it take to blog a conference about blogs? Lawmeme’s Steven Wu Hylton …

: Even the right gets it right sometimes Posner on copyright law: Left gets nod from right on copyright law

: Advantage: insomnia One advantage of not being able to fall asleep is that it frees up time to do things you’re putting …

: Turducken Some people think in ways that I will never comprehend. For example, the inventor of turducken. …

: The fun of teaching law? Prof. Cooper: “Sometimes I encounter an argument that seems so self-evidently wrong that I hardly …

: One way web vs two way web Is the personal computer a media creation tool or simply a playback device? I wrote a follow-up …

: Tunnel vision Tunnel Visions Few New Yorkers are aware that an abandoned railway tunnel runs under downtown …

: Free stuff Get a free copy of Sean Carter’s book If It Does Not Fit, Must You Acquit? — Your Humorous Guide to …

: Not by choice I’m not sure why my internal clock has decided that going to sleep earlier and sleeping straight …

: Radio is a sound salvation The Future of Music Coalition released a large study on the effects of consolidation in the radio …

: Straphanging NYPIRG’s Straphangers Campaign suggests that the MTA should lower fares without losing revenue.( …

: No movie downloads for you! Macs have a number of easy to use tools for creating and managing audio and video, such as iMovie …

: It all starts with the bass If I took away anything from Standing in the Shadows of Motown, it is the importance of a good bass …

: Double your major, double your fun Double majoring is becoming the latest hot trend in college: For Students Seeking Edge, One Major …

: Hockey law, eh? Following up on the junior hockey lawsuit story is Bill Pennington’s Sports of the Times column …

: It’s time to get things started NPR: ‘The Muppet Show’ Goes On

: Your name is whose name? Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones’ original bass player) is suing Bill Wyman (Atlanta journalist): Will the …

: Hi spies! William Safire: You Are a Suspect

: My word! New words in the OED. NYT: Latest Word: ‘Klingons’ in, ‘Muggles’ Not Quite “Obviously the majority …

: Manute Bol, Hockey Star Manute Bol to play minor-league hockey. No kidding. Fresh off his celebrity boxing match with The …

: Spy vs Don’t Spy RIAA to colleges: P2P is evil, take a look at it EPIC to colleges: Do you really want to spy on your …

: Subterranean Homesick Laws The jurisprudence of Bob Dylan [New York Law School professor Michael] Perlin believes that Dylan …

: Supreme Court pornography Court to hear porn case. Actually, the case is about mandatory filtering in libraries and the …

: Please sir, may I have some appropriations? Northeast as Outsider, Begging for Scraps With their capture of the Senate last Tuesday, …

: Dis is where we get bling-bling on da blog, dawg Rock and Roll Confidential’s Guide to being on MTV’s Cribs includes such sage advice as: They are …

: Doll from a different Barbie world Bondage Barbie is a parody that appears to pose no threat to sales of Barbie dolls and does not seem …

: Probably not a candidate for the sportsmanship award Father sues team for not naming son MVP A Canadian father is suing the New Brunswick Amateur Hockey …

: F—ing rights F-Word in Thesis Earns an F in Court Next month, Christopher Todd Brown will try to get the U.S. …

: Hayseed Dixie-land John Wheeler, better known as Barley Scotch, the lead singer of Hayseed Dixie is on with Steve …

: Free as a what? New York State Artistic Freedom Act of 2002 The “Artistic Freedom Act of 2002,” will protect …

: Indoor plumbing or TiVo? More U.S. homes have outhouses (671,000) than TiVos (504,000 to 514,000). I wonder how many homes …

: Take a Chance on me Pud has the full Clifford Chance Associates memo. The associates have some concrete suggestions to …

: iSync, youSync This week, I got a new mobile phone, the way cool Sony Ericsson T68i. The T68i has built-in …

: The crack cocaine of legal research Denise Howell discusses distributed legal research & commentary: Back Linking, Forward Looking …

: 200 hour week? Bogus, dude. Stop the Clock? Critics Call the Billable Hour a Legal Fiction Carl T. Bogus, a law professor at …

: More on Tenafly Eruv More links to material on the Tenafly Eruv lawsuit. Law.com: Removal of Eruv Found Violative of …

: <sarcasm>I’m so proud </sarcasm> Demonstrating its penchant for getting involved in ridiculous lawsuits, my hometown of Tenafly made …

: All you can eat at the digital banquet Denise Howell on the present and future of legal research: Modern Taxonomies for The Digital …

: Anyone can record guitars TechnoPop: The Secret History of Technology and Pop Music Just 15 years ago, a professional-quality …

: Weasliest Dilbert readers decided that lawyers are the second-“weasliest” professionals, behind news …

: Mmmm…Googleicious Cookin’ with Google from ResearchBuzz.

: Online Auction Breakdown Does eBay discriminate against independent artists? At least one Band Can’t Sell Own Music on eBay.

: Achtung, baby Do NOT download or read these books online if you or your system are in the United States. (via …

: At least as funny as The Onion Somehow I doubt this is the kind of contract that we’ll be covering in Contracts class: ‘SPACE …

: Time wasted Roadies, a flash time-waster from the BBC. Get the Roadies to the gig on time, avoiding the perils …

: Comments, we get comments In the discussion about freeing legal data, tph posted about citation copyrights and public domain …

: Used to play that mean guitar Chronicle of Higher Education: Who is Eric Eldred?

: M.C. Microcontent Anil Dash: Introducing the Microcontent Client

: But does he have a Linda Ronstadt theme song? PageRank by Judicial Decree? SearchKing Sues Google LawMeme is curious how much SearchKing is …

: You Came, You Saw, You Conquered Ronettes’ Profits Limited by 1963 Contract The New York Court of Appeals denied a pioneering “girl …

: Reach people whose opinions actually matter The Remote Controllers With the aid of the Internet, the loftiest dream for television is being …

: Assorted links from posting limbo I’m still thinking about open access to public legal documents. On a related theme, Yale Law …

: Free your data and the rest will follow

Alice questions the feasibility of my utopian legal research scheme and wonders if it would end up …

: Lawsuit from the mothership Label gets setback in royalties suit A federal judge in Nashville has issued the first major ruling …

: The French are talking, the French are talking Interesting things may show up in your web referral logs.For example, French U2 fans are talking …

: Law school, meet the geeks Mike, at Method to the Madness talks about judicial decisions as an XML data object, something that …

: Suprise: Russians like beer, too Beer Toppling Vodka’s Reign. Beer is becoming more popular in Russia, and could threaten to change …

: Finns finish finagling free phonographs from foreigners New copyright legislation to ban all imports of pirate copies [Finland’s] new law on copyrights …

: The Ballad of Eldred and the Piano Prof. Lessig: from the front line The greatest fear we had about this strategy (beyond the …

: Fantasy league True law geeks can eschew fantasy sports for the Fantasy Supreme Court League. (via Ernie the …

: Socratic tactic I’ve occasionally wondered how law professors prepare for class. Jeff Cooper shares some insight.

: Ice time We’ve got hockey

: More Eldred links Copyfight links to scads of accounts from Eldred v. Ashcroft: AP, SCOTUSblog (Erik Jaffe), …

: Blading the park Q Daily News: Oh, how much I love rollerblading in Central Park. (with map.) I usually start at …

: Happy birthday Movable Type Movable Type is 1 year old

: I can’t come up with any good Supreme Court puns Lawmeme’s Raul Ruiz and Ernest Miller report live from the Eldred v. Aschroft oral arguments (from …

: Trio of wackiness Yet another example of something that could only exist on the web: Collection of others’ grocery …

: Full Court Press It’s First Monday, and the Supreme Court is starting its session. Hopes are high this year for the …

: That’s one big pig HR 5524, the Global Internet Freedom Act (revisit last week) is meant to ensure the Internet remains …

: Revenge of the blog Looks interesting. Yale Law School: Revenge of the Blog.

: Supreme blog SCOTUSBlog, a blog covering the US Supreme Court. Hopefully the admirable level of detail will …

: Maybe we’ll fund democracy in Florida, next Wired News: Fighting Net Censorship Abroad Rep. Chris Cox (R-Calif.) introduced a bill Wednesday …

: Will blog for food Clay Shirky: Weblogs and Publishing A lot of people in the weblog world are asking “How can we make …

: Time v. Money The Onion: Temp Hides Fun, Fulfilling Life From Rest of Office “At a job like this, where you’re …

: Phone home David Pogue looks at the latest batch of convergent devices (PDA/phones): Cellphones, and Then Some: …

: V.C.Arrrr, the video pirate Perhaps this is too strict a reading of the term video pirate? VCD pirates take to the high seas to …

: Insert joke about The Sopranos and NJ politics here The NJ Supreme Court ruling and video of the oral arguments in the Toricelli case. (via Jurist)

: Radio, radio The Onion: RIAA Sues Radio Stations for Giving Away Free Music In Salon, former Gavin editor Todd …

: Yarrrrr! Downloads ahead, matey I thought that the big draw of P2P and digital music was the ability to download and have new music …

: Fritz’s hit list Princeton computer science Professor Edward W. Felten is keeping track of what could be banned by …

: Who’s the target audience? Since leaving eMarketer, the amount of spam I receive has decreased. But what I received recently is …

: Hollywood swinging Dan Gillmor: Studios’ copyright goal is total control To protect a business model and thwart even …

: Siberia CamWorld: Trips: 2002: Siberia. Some very nice photos from Siberia, which remind me that I’d like to …

: Free and fair? Ted Rall: The Case for Regime Change

: What would Kirk do? What kind of Star Trek villian would Saddam be? Salon.com: Been there, done Iraq Classic Star Trek …

: Dwarf tossing violates human rights A French dwarf challenged a French law banning “dwarf tossing” claiming that it took away his right …

: Fresh out of witty titles I’m going on hiatus from posting here for a few days, so I can reset my mental filter. I’ll be back …

: LA Times on Lessig The Cultural Anarchist vs. the Hollywood Police State Before 1710, the Stationers’ Company, a guild …

: If Darryl and Doc smoked crack… Mets Close Ranks After Reports of Drug Use Mets General Manager Steve Phillips denied that the team …

: Foreigners on Moscow Pros and cons of Moscow life Corrupt traffic police and a lack of public toilets are the worst …

: How do you abbreviate an F? IM spellings are creeping into students’ writing assignments: Nu Shortcuts in School R 2 Much 4 …

: In the news I’m glad to see that procedure we discuss in class on Wednesday shows up in the news. How Appealing: …

: It don’t mean a thing, if it ain’t got that swing From Canada comes the Virtually Perfect Golf System, a new high-tech gadget to teach improving your …

: Artificially Intelloquent iBush: An artificially unintelligent Oval Office Occupant simulator for OS X.

: Internet Archive Archives the Etree The Internet Archive is now archiving etree files. This could be the basis for an amazing …

: Shocker: American Idol Contestants Owned The American Idol contestants had to sign over their management rights to the producers? I’m …

: Greenwich threatened by rampaging Scientologists Lindsay reports on a workplace discrimination suit which alleges that the director of the Greenwich …

: Speakeasy style I went to 55 Bar Friday night to see David Binney and friends. The friends included Brian Blade …

: Not law school? Fortune: Where Are the Dot-Commers Now?

: But I’ve never been to Ouagadougou Ahh, the Internet. I can post something from New York to my server in Massachusetts which can be …

: Pop Law Picturing Justice: The Online Journal of Law and Popular Culture discusses issues and portrayals of …

: Love in the time of commuting NYT subway columnist Randy Kennedy rides the subway with the “Organisation for Better Underground …

: Have a cluestick Dan Bricklin offers a cluestick with which to whack the record industry: The Recording Industry is …

: New Adventures in Hi-Fi Anyone with an interest in the music industry and recording should drop some time into reading The …

: Where’s the computer revolution? JCA wonders law research is stuck somewhere back before the computer age. I have no doubt that this …

: What was and what will be This week’s New York Times Magazine focuses on the construction of the WTC and some interesting …

: These drivers probably speak English… Theory: A significant number of pet owners in Manhattan enjoy an excess of disposable income. …

: What would Clausewitz do? A brief history of the ongoing skirmish between Silicon Valley and Hollywood, in Washington: Digital …

: Secret Agenda Man Hollywood has a secret agenda? I’m shocked. Shocked and Appalled. Actually, I’m not at all …

: Smogalicious Moscow is suffocated by smog so bad that visibilty in the city has dropped to as little as 300 feet. …

: But where’s the alcoholic robot? Professor Rogelio Lasso of Washburn University School of Law imagines the law school class of the …

: TMQ Haiku Gregg Easterbrook’s Tuesday Morning Quarterback column has moved from Slate to ESPN, but is still …

: New ‘NEW? Since cancelling Opie and Anthony last month, WNEW, has suffered from a lack original programming. …

: Libation for the Baritone Saxophone Nation I caught the last set of the Bluiett Baritone Saxophone Nation’s week at Iridium last night and …

: Sorta Par Sorta Golf Association (SGA) Sorta Golf features a revolutionary collection of rules amendments, …

: Think big Thinking Big in New York, Seeking a Grand Vision of Public Works Since Robert Moses there have been …

: And now, welcome your New York State Court of Appeals Have Gavel, Will Travel Ladies and gentlemen, coming to Brooklyn next week for an exclusive …

: The web’s sleazy underbelly and safety turtle BusinessWeek investigates the The Underground Web Warning: You are about to enter the dark side of …

: What is software? Talk amongst yourselves. Topic: Should software be covered by copyright or patent? For how long? …

: Today tomorrow There may be a very interesting segment on the Today show tomorrow…

: Classroom advice A word of advice for other first-year law students: it pays to be early to class, especially on the …

: I’m an other expert A couple weeks ago, a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel contacted me about Conversations with the …

: Strange Bedfellows What does it mean when an evil empire (like Verizon) thinks bad legislation is really evil? Does …

: Truth is stranger than fiction Crazy Apple Rumors: Jaguar Release To Include Real Jaguars, No, really. Those wacky Canadians…

: An overdue reaction An interesting column by Dan Gillmor: Activists take on Hollywood cartel A movement is beginning to …

: I’m number 1! Jurist, from the University of Pittsburgh Law School is a very large, interesting site, that I’m …

: Jaguar I’ve updated my ibook to 10.2. The process was fairly easy, but time consuming. Overall, I haven’t …

: Kingtinued Kingtinued: “The Greatest Elvis Songs You’ve Never Heard!” It’s an Elvis impersonator singing some …

: Stop, aggregate and listen NetNewsWire is a great news aggregator for OS X and one of the more useful programs I’ve come across …

: Chasing paper Well, I managed to be the first person in my first class of law school (Criminal Law) to be randomly …

: People whose opinions actually matter Professor Lessig: “I say that in addition to blogging, and coding and whatever, we’ve got to do …

: Would you mind taking a short opinion survey? Howard Bashman: Poll-Tergeist – Why the Supreme Court shouldn’t care what you think. Allowing the …

: Happy happy joy joy happy happy fun Law.com: Paying for Conviction: A 2L Summer The thing that made law school so attractive to so many …

: That’s anthropology! Passport to the Pub: A British Guide to Pub Etiquette Most anthropologists go off to remote parts …

: More advice Even more law school advice from Denise Howell and Garrett Moritz. I’m keeping score on these, but …

: The Steve agrees with me In today’s NY Times, John Markoff speculates that Apple might be planning to introduce an “iPhone”: …

: Music on parade As I was walking to the subway this afternoon, I saw a parade marching up 63rd St, then up Amsterdam …

: Presidential El Camino NYTimes: A Century of Passengers in Chief [Bill] Clinton caused a stir when he told autoworkers …

: Blogging 1970-1973 Tehran -> Washington, DC 1970-1973 Back in 1970, Hilary and Kathy were 14 years old and best …

: Use a standard Nokia ringtone and your fine is doubled Hush-Hush Hooray, Says NYC In what would be the first such ban in any U.S. city, New York City …

: Shocker: US laws don’t work in China Record Labels Want 4 Internet Providers to Block Music Site Testing out a tactic to combat online …

: More 1L advice More advice to new law students from Prof. Lois Schwartz, Slate editor Dahlia Lithwick and CD …

: Tell me something I don’t know More Students Seek Law Degrees Many New York law schools are reporting a record number of …

: Plant or Animal? Robert Plant discusses artists who have borrowed from Led Zeppelin with Playboy.com: PB: Now it’s …

: The easy way to get quotes Since I’m now some sort of knowledgable source on IM bots, I feel obligated to point to Donna …

: Who are the bloggers in your neighborhood Blogstreet is mapping blog neighborhoods, by analyzing blogrolls. As of now, I’m around the 8000th …

: Blawgarific Since I’m starting law school next week (and no, I’m not ready), I’ve started searching out some …

: Expert? Sure, why not? Last week, a random newspaper reporter contacted me after coming across an article I wrote for Buzz …

: From the ‘to read later’ files… Rip, Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer and Copyright Law Whereas Lessig’s recent work engages …

: 1 hour It takes about an hour to travel from Union Square to Yankee Stadium and back, if you don’t watch a …

: In the middle of the earth… Matt Haugey has found the phenomenon of Leonard Nimoy singing. Things like this will never stop …

: Big change This is my last week at eMarketer. It’s been a good experience, but I start law school later this …

: The Earl of Sandwich would be proud I’m glad that there is quality research like this on the vitally important topics of business: …

: Down the shore Experience some Jersey shore culture: NJGUIDO.com The Guidothon is On. It’s summer time in New …

: Burn, burn let the radio burn Last month, the Internet Debacle made the rounds of Lower Blogistan. Now, Janis Ian writes about …

: How not to have an illicit affair New York Magazine: Fool for Love How did an Orthodox Jewish lawyer and family man fall so hard for …

: Shameless Corporate Promotion Coming off the subway at Union Square this morning, I think I saw the latest Sony Ericsson promotion …

: Shalom, superhero Marvel Comics has revealed that the Fantastic Four’s The Thing is a member of the tribe.

: Attack of the Lego First it was the episode III script, now the trailer for Episode III has been leaked to the web, the …

: Not Mostly Mozart Most of Mostly Mozart Festival Is Canceled by Orchestra Strike. Is it still a “Mostly Mozart” …

: Is baseball trying to kill itself? If baseball players go on strike this year, I think that will kill Major League Baseball as a major …

: From the club to the computer Now that there’s a RealPlayer for OS X, I’ve been able to again use one of my favorite web sites, …

: Goodbye microfilm This looks way cool. Wired News: Read All About It With over 3 million pages, over 25 million …

: Pop-up video While iVillage plans to eliminate its pop-up ads, could there be a use for pop-up/under ads? David …

: Lower East Side Lolitas Manhattan Humberts, Watch It! Listen up, fellows: Rich, bored teenage girls in New York City are …

: Are they trying to tell me something Following any URL cut and pasted from Silicon.com is bringing up Gates’ mansion overrun by …

: Sorry, Sir Richard This is why I won’t be using Virgin Mobile wireless service, no matter how good or cheap the …

: More bad ideas, part 2 Politech: Peer-to-peer hacking bill officially introduced in House (includes full text of the bill …

: Leather pants aren’t cool? Rock and Roll Confidential makes fun of goofy looking band photos. The Metafilter thread picks out …

: Attention: Sybwa yanno untsmint saren otclear The Straphangers Campaign rates the the quality of announcements in the subway system In three out …

: More bad ideas Declan McCullagh reports that Howard Berman (D-CA) and Howard Coble (R-NC) plan to introduce a bill …

: Round up a posse The Bush Administration is looking to repeal the Possee Comitatus Act, the one that keeps the …

: Is phone food too slow? Marketers Push Single Servings And Families Hungrily Dig In A frozen, individually wrapped peanut …

: I’ll trade you a Cheney for an Ebbers Slate has the first series of Corporate Scandal Trading Cards. Start speculatingly wildly and watch …

: Two from the Times Shocker: People like the Internet. Investors May Have Repudiated the Internet, but Consumers Have …

: Fanta’s back New York is now a more worldly city, or at least seems that way. I’ve noticed in the past couple of …

: Online dating finds a niche The new courtship: targeted romance via Internet “If you want to find Jamaican midgets, you can …

: Globalization I’m continually amazed by how computer and communications technologies are making the world a …

: Blogfia Meetup is trying to get people to take the virtual communities from the internet to real life, and …

: Overrated Let’s be controversial and show up in the Daypop Top 40 by recommending getting rid of overrated …

: On the drawing board The Lower Manhattan Development Corp. has posted six conceptual plans for the WTC site. All these …

: The ambience of a bar, at work Murph’s Guide to NY Bars: Bar Room Banter, a very long list of overheard quotes: Woman #1: Do you …

: Sidewalk this way Without this Times articles, I never would have known that New York sidewalks are crowded and that …

: Get a kick out of it Having played kickball last week, I feel so trendy. Kickball is the next big thing: Grownups getting …

: Thanks Dubya and Dick Adam Felber worries that the government may take away his job: Once again, our government goes out …

: We’re smarter than you are! Are Mac users smarter? Those who surf the Web using a Mac tend to be better educated and make more …

: Too free or not too free? Are broadband lines for telecommunications or data? The FCC has decided to classify it as an …

: THIS is working I’m working from home today on a project, but for today, filling in for the role of home is Bryant …

: Whatchu talking about? I’m not entirely sure why this is entertaining, but it just is. On the way to play kickball in …

: Over and Above? Andersen video puts Cheney on spot In the video Mr Cheney – then Chief Executive of the oil company …

: Decode encoded terrorist messages for fun and games! Militants wire Web with links to jihad Lately, al-Qaeda operatives have been sending hundreds of …

: Google mirror Literally: elgooG

: 3 Down… We played with another drummer last week, who is a great drummer and seems to be a nice guy. But …

: Purple Haze A fire in Quebec has covered all of New York state in a haze for the last couple of days. …

: The rocket’s red glare Over at DCRP Jeff has put up some very nice fireworks photo Galleries.

: Geek humor How do you know if you’re a geek? If you find quotes like this to be funny: hm. I’ve lost a …

: Air Traffic Tracking While the Trip.com FlightTracker is great for seeing the status of one flight, FlightView can show …

: Happy 4th! Four-day weekend! Woohoo! We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, …

: WiFi week Wired News: Wi-Fi Users: Chalk This Way Warchalking, it seems, is so cool it doesn’t even matter if …

: Park n’ Surf NYT covers the Bryant Park WiFi project: Escaping to Bryant Park, but Staying Connected to the Web. …

: It’s summer On a hot day, like today, it is very nice to be able to wear shorts and sandals to work. WeatherPop …

: Download or Debacle? Janis Ian: Music and the Internet Debacle: An Alternative View I don’t pretend to be an expert on …

: Turn up the Radio King In a shocking twist, the Future of Music Coalition Radio Survey finds that Americans want more …

: Is Cyberlaw/Is not Cyberlaw WSJ: The Hot New Field of Cyberlaw Is Just Hokum, Skeptics Argue The skeptics start by questioning …

: Stealing or Sharing? NYTimes: A Dispute Over Wireless Networks Politech: Text of NYC Time Warner nastygram to free 802.11 …

: Tracking I’ve upgraded to Movable Type 2.2, to see if I can figure out exactely what TrackBack is. Maybe this …

: Suing the sounds of silence Big noises at odds over the sound of silence Mike Batt, the man behind the Wombles and Vanessa …

: Smash your head against the wall I had my first experience with jury duty today, it was definately less than I expected. I’m pulling …

: Coaster video I like riding coasters, even though I very rarely go. Not to mention, I’m not too keen on the health …

: Terror victim? Have a cake This is a nice idea, but something about this strikes me as very odd. Fly a Cake Thousands of …

: Bow before your super-intelligent musical overlords! How music is the food of brain cells Musicians have larger and more sensitive brains than their …

: How to surf for porn at work FindLaw: Porn Surfing at Work Here’s a helpful tip: if you’re going to look at pornography on the …

: Radio song The world is collapsing Around our ears I turned up the radio But I can’t hear it … Now our children …

: Settling for glorious failure WORLD CUP | Germany v USA | Germany beat valiant USA But try as they might, the States could find …

: Top X Lists Fast Company is running The 15 Best Product Designs (via Premium Blend). Why do magazines feel the …

: Where super villians shop The internet makes it easier for supervillians to shop. Save money on R&D by purchasing lairs, …

: Die, Amtrak, Die! Bush Warned to Be Speedy on Amtrak Funding The chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee …

: Why? Pets.com Sock Puppet Gets Second Life

: Pledge Week Not only is it pledge week on WNYC, with lots of nagging throughout Morning Edition, (Did you know …

: Who’s afraid of the big bad web?

John Hiler: is the music industry scared of blogs?
I don’t think the music industry is not scared …

: The Net is good: Reason #2463 Web gives a voice to Iranian women

: Fear Factor Bill Keller has an excellent op-ed in today’s Times, Fear Factor, a follow-up to his Nucleear …

: Let’s get ready to.. golf! The Nets season may be over, but the US Open opens today for the “People’s Open” at Bethpage Black …

: Random stats I love how it’s so easy to find random information on the web, when looking for other information. …

: Operation Teapot, short and stout The Smoking Gun has documents from the results of Operation Teapot, a 1955 test of an atomic bomb on …

: Laptop demise Top Ten Most Bizarre Laptop Demises UK laptop insurer Complete Computer Cover highlights some of the …

: Smilin’ Joe Fission Yesterday, I saw a news release about nuclear waste shipping maps going online, and found it ironic …

: Mail this If you haven’t noticed yet (does anyone actually read this, anyway?) I added the “mail this” link to …

: Get your nuclear waste here Need to find some radioactive material to make your dirty bomb? Thanks to theEnvironmental Working …

: NYTblog Some good links from today’s Times: Tom Friedman: The Best of Enemies? Despite the official ban, …

: An evil petting zoo? AP: Bush pledges fight against evil “When we see evil, I know it may hurt some people’s feelings, …

: That’s a change While I’m not a fan of the trend of players thanking God for success in sport, it’s refreshing to …

: If these are the stars… The NY Post reports that BMG is fully acquiring Zomba. The deal will turn BMG into a mega major …

: Coming or going? This weekend in concerts included Coppersonic at the Luna Lounge on Friday with a solid set and a …

: PDA Genealogy This Palm Evolution tree is nicely done. While you’re interested, read all about the PDA Market …

: Not Subway Q&A, NYCBloggers Q&A atNewYork interviews Mike Everett-Lane and Liz Maryland Hiraldo the folks behind NYCBloggers.

: Psst…the Cold War ended 10 years ago NATO Must Attack Terrorists Before They Hit, Rumsfeld Says As NATO seeks to maintain relevance as a …

: Bush loves Bureaucracy? Bush to announce new intelligence agency President Bush will announce Thursday the creation of a …

: Mac stuff OS X 10.1.5 + Mozilla 1.0 + silk= smooth browsing. The computer industry makes much more sense now …

: Digital Music: Forget the Labels, Forget the Fame How to beat the record labels on the Web, according to venture capitalist Robert von Goeben, is to …

: Moscow Moles, Mysteries and Metro As always, BoingBoing finds some great links. Mark posted a link to this 1997 article Mysteries …

: Around the US in 80 MPG Tank Tales: Hybrid Hot-Rodders Revved Up by MPG, Not MPH He’s part of an obsessed subculture of …

: They’re back As the Apple Turns is back: And let’s face it: it’s a tough but true fact of life that when you do …

: Engrish The China Internet Network Information Center Semiannual Survey Report has enough minor translation …

: Old ads

At Broadway and 64th Street, some buildings are being knocked down to be replaced by a new …

: Gr33nSp4n 0wnZ U This is very funny: H4x0r Economist, basically photos of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan …

: Mobile phones through history Forbes: Forbes.com: Wireless Evolution

: Avoid Instant Death I’m always glad to come across sites that provide useful info, such as: How To Avoid Instant Death

: A question for the ages As I’m sitting outside on a beautiful day surfing the web via WiFi today, I see someone in a gym …

: Slactivism They Weren’t Careful What They Hoped For teachers setting up Internet projects underestimate the …

: Episode 3 George Lucas doesn’t want you to see this Star Wars Episode 3 script

: I’d like to see a menu first Similar to Google’s catalog search, Amazon now offers restaurant menus. It may seem odd that Amazon …

: NYC blogger subway map nyc bloggers is putting together a list of bloggers in the city, grouped by subway stop. It’s a very …

: Panic This week’s NYT Magazine has a great cover story by Bill Keller about nuclear terrorism: Nuclear …

: Aqua audio This is cute: Sonata in X

: Bush only half as popular as Clinton In Moscow, Clinton matroishka dolls outsell Bush ones nearly 2:1. Unhip Bush dolls fail to stack up …

: I’m guilty I’ll admit it. I watched Fox’s Celebrity Boxing 2 on Wednesday. it’s hard to not watch an event that …

: Stop the Presses! A major label is releasing music in MP3 format! A major label is releasing music in MP3 format! To …

: Fun Facts The Census Department released detailed Census 2000 data for New York today. Some facts about …

: Take Us to Fuschia Alert, Mr. Ridge Both Tom Friedman and Maureen Dowd have excellent columns in today’s Times about the Bush …

: The Army at E3 You’re in the Army now with military’s video game America’s Army, scheduled for a July release and …

: Stop. Hammer time. Yo, let me bust the funky lyrics. You can’t touch this

: Fun Google Stuff Google has a public window into their labs with demos of their latest search tools. Now, it includes …

: Upgrade? After configuring our installation of Moveable Type at work, I decided to upgrade this installation …

: I have a bad feeling about this Unfortunately, no one paid attention to the “noise” before 9/11: Foreboding Increased, but No Single …

: Attack of the box office Like nearly everyone else in Blogistan, I’ve now seen Episode II: Attack of the Clones. I was …

: Big Brother Big Brother Is Watching, Listening Kate Rafael, a California peace activist, often takes part in …

: Crazy blog stalkers John Hiler looks for synergy between the world of weblogs and the world of Jerry Springer: Are You a …

: Good Guys use Macs 24’s Good Guys Do Use Macs As Fox’s hit espionage thriller 24 draws to a close, the theory that …

: Paying artists directly? Kazaa, Verizon propose to pay artists directly Recording Industry Association of America president …

: Born to Run for office? Some in N.J. Want a Sen. Springsteen. Maybe they should try asking him first…

: Know your audience The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century It all started with an airline ticket that never …

: Astute Again, I think Tom Friedman does a fantastic job of summarizing the overall situation and basic …

: Oops? Canp’n Crunch’s Oops! Choco Donuts. Putting aside the obvious question of “what’s the point of a …

: It’s the bootlegs that got small The LawMeme Guide to Spider-Man and Star Wars Bootlegs For reasonable people, the significance of …

: Funky drummers We had a band rehearsal yesterday and for the second week in a row, the drummer bailed on us at the …

: 68% of all statistics are misleading Jupiter Analyst, RIAA Trade Barbs Over P2P Findings To counter Jupiter, the RIAA presented its own …

: Cloned funk? While the BBC review makes it seem promising, I fear that the NY Times review may be more accurate …

: News in Haiku Headline Haikus: All Your News in Seventeen Syllables

: Not again! Everytime there’s an article about weblogs, it’s linked everywhere. At least Scott Rosenberg’s piece …

: Classic Radio ReelRadio hosts an archive of old radio material, in streaming Real Audio (when is the OS X player …

: Uncle George Owns Me I really was planning on planning on waiting to see Episode 2 for at least a week after the opening, …

: Lobbyist money vs. Reality Distortion Field When I met with Senators Kennedy (well, his staff) and Kerry a couple of years ago on the hill, I …

: Those pesky Germans In 1900, the Kaiser planned to invade New York and Boston

: Headline, article, GIANT AD, article The New York Times on the Web has made a bit of a redesign so that its articles are now interrupted …

: Remember Crystal Pepsi? At the time, I thought the clear cola idea was pretty cool. Most people didn’t (with some …

: Who says Internet users aren’t searching for sex online? Perhaps Google needs to reexamine just how much it loves blogs. Not longer after I post a link to …

: 42 miles later… Yesterday, I rode in theBike New York 5 Boro Bike Tour. It was a lot of fun and rather tiring, since …

: When Dinosaurs Roamed the Net Business Week interview with Lawrence Lessig: The “Dinosaurs” Are Taking Over The traditional …

: Does this count as experience? Welcome to Our Law School, Young Man. We’ll See You in Court. Louisiana law school is giving one …

: Angry Weblog Mob Justice Revisited Verisign is evil

: Old-school web This is a real old-school and very funny ‘weird web’ page: Things my girlfriend and I have argued …

: Sunday drive, er, ride A Day for Sunday Drivers on Two Wheels No sideswiping taxis, no fume-belching buses, no zigzagging …

: Notes from the Altitude Alan Arnette is climbing Mt. Everest and blogging dispatches during his attempt to summit Mt. …

: It’s funny because it’s true

: Concerts of the week On Tuesday, I caught Flickerstick at the Bowery Ballroom. Thursday was Jump, Little Children at …

: Knowing your audience Robert Loch usually blogs about <a href=http://netmarketing.blogspot.com">online …

: We’re the Devils Now that they’ve made their earliest exit in a while, the Record looks at what’s up with Devils …

: We’re Number 25! In the 2002 State of the Air study, The American Lung Association ranks the New York metro area as …

: Back to Life, Back to Reality Jason McCabe Calacanis (from the magazine formerly known as the Silicon Alley Reporter) is holding …

: Imagine yourself in Lego Ever wondered what you’d look like as a Lego character? Wonder no longer and find out with the …

: NY Cheesesteak One good thing (maybe the only good thing) about Philly is cheese steak. Now there’s a New York …

: Save Internet Radio! Today, Internet radio stations are observing a day of silence in order to save Internet radio. Why …

: Extra! Extra! Dallas Morning News Doesn’t Understand the Web Site Barks About Deep Link. The Dallas Morning News wants BarkingDogs.org, as well as anyone else, …

: Jumping Sharks Matt Groening predicts the Simpsons will end soon. “It becomes increasingly difficult as the years …

: Decentralized web Doc Searls : Radio Bulletin I want to see the Web restored to its original design as a symetrical …

: Copyright, copyleft, copyfight Copyfight is a new blog about “IP Law, Politics and Technology on the Net” from Corante, written by …

: Shalom Nashville! In Effort to Lift Their Rankings, Colleges Recruit Jewish Students Competition for top Jewish …

: Small Pieces I was given a copy of Small Pieces Loosely Joined last week and I finished reading it today. I think …

: Wireless blogging It’s a beautiful spring day here in NYC. After inline skating around Central Park, I’m sitting on a …

: That’s 3 for 3 Unfortunately, my prediction was correct. In Fall 2000, the Mets lost to the Yankees in the World …

: Lies, damn lies and statistics Newsbytes reports that Long-Time File-Swappers Buy More Music, Not Less, according to research by …

: Apparently, it’s my fault French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine blames American Jews for the breakdown in the peace process. …

: Jack and Hilary sitting in a tree Some good perspective on the latest MPAA and RIAA kvetching to Congress from George Scriban and The …

: Can we get a do-over here? All they are teaching gives peace no chance: At a few Gaza schools, children get an education in …

: Elmo testifies Mr. Elmo goes to Washington. Before the Education Appropriations Subcommittee, Elmo testified in …

: Vital stats Good to see that pollsters are getting their fingers on the pulse of Americans. Scarborough Research …

: Clues for sale I started to make a point about how clueless the anti-globalization protestors are, but gave up …

: Fighting the parking war Theodore Angelus is trying to help people park on the Upper East Side, by linking up people leaving …

: Shocker: Record Labels Screw Over Musicians Damien Cave in Salon: Musician to Napster judge: Let my music go Professor and msuciant Joseph …

: Network Solutions Sucks I’ve heard about instances recently of Network Solutions/Verisign letting domains get hijacked …

: So Long, Subway Q&A The Times reports that The Metro Channel is reinventing itself to focus on fashion:All New York, All …

: 4-20 protest, dood! Radley Balko of The Agitator, wirtes a hilarious account of his day surrounded by cluelessness at …

: Rollin’ I caught a very entertaining set from Regan with Andrew Winn and Patrick Turner last night at The …

: Oh boy, sleep! Fairly interesting Kuro5hin discussion on sleeping habits. All I could think of was the Seinfeld …

: Surfing in Molasses Wired News: Why Do New iMacs Surf So Slowly? Tests conducted by Wired News confirmed reader …

: Here Comes the Sun I finally found an issue of The New York Sun today. I’m not quite sure what I think of it. It’s …

: I’d like to place an order for delivery… Who Was General Tso And Why Are We Eating His Chicken? General Tso Tsungtang, or as his name is …

: Da? Nyet. D’oh! I think it’s a good idea, but Russians are overhwlemingly hostile to reforming the language: Russia …

: No Gary Cherone? Former Van Halen singers David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar are going to tour together The flashy Roth, …

: Yikes! Plane hits Milan skyscraper

: Love the Leader Anchordesk columnist David Coursey learns to love the leader, er, OS X.: Can a Windows guy learn to …

: NYC Water Now that we’re in a state of drought, I decided to check out the NYC Department of Environmental …

: Mmm…procrastination and beer… Researchers find that 71% of procrastinating college students carry a grade point average of 3.0 or …

: Fissile Material Not Included It seems that the British government released a step-by-step atomic bomb guide to the public, via …

: Why to buy YHF No Sales Depression Wilco offered the album for free on the Web six months ago, and it has since …

: Lost in translation I use Altavista Babelfish and Google Translate, but they’re not particularly accurate. I’ve always …

: Bush vs. Democracy Is it really surprising that the Bush administration doesn’t see democratically elected leaders as a …

: Geek factor 8 This is pretty cool, I have Moveable Type now running under OS X. I’m not entirely sure what to use …

: Tiger I’m continually astounded by Tiger. Woods Captures Third Masters. He may even be learning how to …

: Send in the clones Why does Dubya want to Ban Cloning Research? Obviously, he’s afraid of the Attack of the Clones

: X-ey I’m now venturing into the world of OS X on my new iBook. I’m very impressed with actually using OS …

: Shocker: Americans Like TV The Economist reports that despite the rise of the Internet, television remains the most popular …

: Notes from the Microeconomics George Scriban takes a look at the correlation between rising CD prices and the impact on CD sales …

: R U F’d? Dave interviews Pud, asking nothing but the hardest-hitting of questions. F’d Interview eMarketer: …

: George on George Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/09/2002 | George Soros: The sound of one billionaire lashing “Although …

: Nukes, chickens and spies This Reuters article at the FT has perhaps the best headline ever: Nukes, chickens and spies as …

: Money for Nothing? Paul Andrews in the Seattle Times: Musicians are key to settling digital discord All it would take …

: Falettinme Be Mice Elf Big thanks to John at Microcontent News for his kick-ass Google Translate Bookmarklet. I’ve been …

: Bike NY I’ve registered for the Five boro bike tour. Now I just need to prepare to ride 42 miles around the …

: Pong: Behind the Paddles Behind the Scenes at Pong proves that violence has been an integral part of video games since the …

: Letters, we get letters We get some of the most eloquent letters to the editor over at Buzz Rant & Rave. Such as this …

: Squeal Citizens Against Government Waste published Pig Book 2002, a list of what they classify as pork …

: I’ll take Saddam for $500, Alex The Council on Foreign Relations and Markle Foundation have a Terrorism primer: Terrorism: Questions …

: Big dogs This is something that I’ve been wondering about for a while now: I see people in NYC walking these …

: PDAs The eMarketer PDA Market Report, which I wrote, is finally out today.

: Double standard? The BBC reports that the Nobel committee would like to take back the Peace prize they awarded to …

: Celine Dion CD crashes computers There’s some poetic justice in here: Celine Dion’s new CD causes certain computers to crash “The CD …

: Monorail, monorail, monorail! Project has Muscovites going ’round and ’round Critics complain that the [world’s largest ferris …

: Investigative weblogging Rob at Cockeyed.com (home of the highly entertaining how much is inside?) put together an excellent …

: April Fools Roundup Ahh, April Fool’s Day on the Web. here we go…. Kuro5hin acquires Metafilter, er Met4filter. Fucked …

: We’re Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely hearts Club Fellowship Beatles wanted to do Lord of the Rings film in 1960s John Lennon wanted to play the grasping, …

: Two thumbs up An excellent take on the futility of copy protection from Roger Ebert: Don’t Confuse Fans With …

: Make me a map Map.net: Maps of the Web is a visual representation of the Open Directory. I’m not so sure how …

: Take the ‘A’ Train In some ways, I’m fairly impressed with Mayor Bloomberg so far. This is a welcome change: Mayor Sets …

: 30. GOTO JAIL CBDTPA bans everything from two-line BASIC programs to PCs The CBDTPA says that if I were to write …

: Polkaing pachyderms? Yet another take on the new Hollings bill, the music industry and technology: When elephants dance. …

: Your ideas intrigue me… Doc Searls suggests that Tom Friedman is putting out feelers for the administration’s foreign …

: Scandal-icious Playboy soliciting `Women of Enron’ for upcoming pictorial Playboy Magazine may entice some of …

: Take a stand in the place where you are Dan Gillmor: Bleak future looms if you don’t take a stand I’m not a thief. I’m a customer. When …

: I know the feeling…

: See– I am organized The Social Life of Paper: Looking for method in the mess The piles [of papers] look like a mess, …

: This is cool The Video Archive from This is SportsCenter has many of the entertaining spots from the This is …

: Texting U.S. not getting wireless message If you use your mobile phone to send and receive text messages, …

: Free stuff? Tim O’Reilly responds to Michael Eisner’s comments in the NY Times piece on digital media and …

: 24 Wow. 24 years ago today. Another year. I’m pretty much in the same place I was last year at this …

: Go Fair Use! DigitalConsumer.org Home Page We are advocating a Consumer Technology Bill of Rights that will …

: It’s Madness! SatireWire: Global March Madness Selection Committee Gives U.S., China No. 1 seeds; Iraq a No. 3 …

: How smart? Cardboard cards stop Russians drinking Residents are largely paid for their work not in cash, but …

: Arrrr… VCR, the video pirate Dear Jack [Valenti], A Music Lesson on Piracy for Hollywood Piracy bill could lock up computers …

: How Dumb Can You Go? Business 2.0 presents 101 Dumbest Moments in Business. Some of the highlights include: The Gartner …

: Can you see the real TV? I found Bands on the Run to be highly entertaining. The producers decided not to make a second …

: Satire wired Gagpipe aggregates satire links the way that MacSurfer does for mac links.

: Have I mentioned recently how much I like my job? The Times interviews some seniors at Tufts in an article about how terrible this year’s job market …

: PDA stuff. No catchy title. In today’s NY Times, David Pogue reviews 3 color PDAs with a good dose of realistic cynicism. Dan …

: Baseball on speed I watched this year’s NFC championship game (Eagles-Rams) on video tape, fast-forwarding through the …

: March on Washington! Doc Searls: It’s time to show these fuckers what Democracy is all about We face a plain conceptual …

: Even more digi music links Two from the NY Times: Downloading Files and Storms and You Listen, You Pay: Post-Napster Music …

: Movie Archive Internet Archive Movie Collection has digital versions of old film reels, educational things, etc. …

: More on Digital Music Memo to Hollywood: Downloading Can’t Be Stopped Vivendi and others don’t need Washington’s help. …

: Life on the Tombigbee Why drawbridges are useful, as demonstrated by Jimmy Wilkerson in 1979

: Get excited about statistics Think the Census Is a Snooze? Think Again In 1998, more Americans were injured by their toilet …

: I hope this is the last one The logical conclusion of the proliferation of “which ____ are you” web pages is Which online …

: Angry Weblog Mob Justice (Part II) Corante’s Microcontent News (a weblog about weblogs) has an article about Angry Weblog Mob Justice …

: Panic? ok Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers The report was kept a tight secret former …

: Andrew vs. CSS Apparently, some of the revamped stylesheet I started on yesterday isn’t agreeing too well with …

: Regan Last night, I headed down to the the Knitting Factory to check out Regan performing with Andrew Winn …

: WiFi The NY Times has two articles about WiFi today: Good (or Unwitting) Neighbors Make for Good Internet …

: Tourette’s Syndrome Barbie Tourette’s Syndrome Barbie: This is simply funny.

: Feh I’ve been really pissed off today. Maybe it’s because it ended up not raining, but I still didn’t go …

: Sun light It’s 6 pm and still relatively light out. That’s a sign we’re getting out of winter, but I only have …

: Big dig The Big Dig (The Central Artery/Tunnel Project — the very expensive project that involves replacing …

: StalinWorld Stalin World in Lithuania: The Amusement Park “It combines the charms of a Disneyland with the …

: Yaks can pack Something not about piracy for a change: The International Yak Association is at the vanguard of the …

: I am not a crook CD Technology Stops Copies, but It Starts a Controversy What bothers some consumers is that the …

: Even software piracy is easer on a Mac Have iPod, Will Secretly Bootleg When Apple introduced the iPod, the company was aware that people …

: A challenge I just turned on the Grammys to see National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences president …

: clueless Piracy blamed for CD sales slump Perhaps instead of branding everyone who downloads music a thief, …

: Buy the Expos Some UPenn students are seeing how much money could be raised from the public to buy the Expos.

: Donate $10 million, be the commencement speaker Omidyars To Deliver Commencement Address. I actually think this is a good choice, since eBay is a …

: So why not? Office of Strategic Mendacity: “So why not just tell the truth?”

: Masters of the Obvious So I-bankers are motivated primarily by money. Is that really a surprise?

: Can I borrow $20 million? NSync Band Member Lance Bass to Visit International Space Station According to industry sources, …

: Herbie Herbie Hancock is endorsing all sorts of cool stuff. Mac Fiends Who Live for Updates …

: Why Can’t We Get CBC Here?

I’m disappointed with NBC’s coverage of the Winter Olympics. It is better (and less shmalzy) than …

: Sue Me Now! ‘Miss Cleo’ faces lawsuits – Feb. 15, 2002 Some might argue that self-described television psychic …

: Bezos knows e-commerce At somepoint in 1999, I added a Wishlist to my Amazon.com account. This week, I got an email from …

: This is good 240-to-189 Vote Caps Seven-Year Effort to Ban Soft Money

: Pro Tools and the Music Biz Great article from the Denver Post: Ability to mask shortcomings puts musical talent in a minor key …

: Toys! Now this is a trade show that looks like fun to visit. Wired News covers the American International …

: The real story of the winter games b-may is blogging from behind the scenes at Salt Lake 2002.

: Didn’t we learn to share in kindergarten? EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow onThe Crime of Sharing Over the last several years, the …

: Oh no! Rupert Murdoch is Attacking Futurama! gotfuturama.com and Ain’t it Cool News are reporting that Fox is cancelling Futurama. This has been …

: Got etiquette? The Morning News Guide to Urban Etiquette: New York City Don’t engage other passengers in mild …

: Salon skips Salt Lake Red, White and Wrong I couldn’t make it to Salt Lake City this year — long story, something to do …

: Maybe “evil” words work after all… Iraq Calls Bush’s Bluff on Weapons Scrutiny and indicates that they’re willing to let UN weapons …

: When simplicity goes bad After Dubya declares Iran part of the “axis of Evil”, Chants of ‘Death to America!’ Mark March by …

: a different persepctive Hunterm Mountain from Helicopter. These photos give a really different perspective on the mountain …

: eBlog Interview Dave Berkowitz discusses blogs with Baron Lowery from RappDigital. he’s also set up a blog with the …

: Radio song Krikor is going to be playing some songs tonight on Ron & Fez on WNEW (7-11 PM).

: Jumbo fraud I’m so proud. Enron CFO Andrew Fastow is a Tufts alum (LA ’84, with a major in Economics.) His …

: In your polyester leisure suit [Boston Globe Online / Business / Lehman closets casual dress policy][1] Now, men working at Lehman …

: Worst error message…ever For a company whose reputation is based on making the Internet easy to use, AOL’s software is not …

: You will conform US Department of Commerce: Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use Of The Internet

: Terry Gross and Gene Simmons KISS Frontman Gene Simmons Brings Trash Talk to NPR Airwaves Gross: I’d like to think the …

: February madness “February 20th is a day all hockey fans should call in sick,” said Molly Solomon, the coordinating …

: Porn on PBS! It’s no channel 35, but Frontline on PBS will be running a show this week (on Thursday, to be exact) …

: This is how to run a sports team Gregg Easterbrook: Offseason renovations at Green Bay’s Lambeau Field will reduce the number of …

: Superbowl Ads iFilm is hosting the Super Bowl 2002 ads. Real and Windows Media only, though. No Quicktime.

: M-life So how much of my mobile phone bill went to paying for all those m-life ads that AT&T ran at the …

: But did they take into account the massive corruption? April 2001: Online Energy Trading Will Exceed $3.6 Trillion By 2005, According To Forrester …

: Super Sunday It’s 11:30 and there’s already pregame coverage for the Super Bowl on Fox Sports, ESPN and CNN …

: today is 02/02/02 and groundhog day, too… Last night, went to see Victor Wooten at Irving Plaza, and once again, a …

: nothing to see here Projection vs. Reality: is a new eMarketer whitepaper. I’m using this link to troubleshoot something …

: Fitter, Happier, Full of iMac-ey Goodness He Writes the Songs: Mac Songs Lots of music is made on the Macintosh, but there’s not a lot of …

: Candidate 2012 Reality tv, meet reality: Candidate 2012 is HBO’s entry in the field, as they follow someone around …

: W.E.F. Smackdown Billionaire? Supermodel? You’re Not Invited If Heidi Klum can’t get into WEF parties, I guess that …

: Diplomacy for Algernon Adam Felber’sFanatical Apathy: “This country started as a naive and mannerless little land, grew to …

: So a spammer, a lawyer and a priest walk into…

I’m not entirely sure why, but this is one of the funnier spams I’ve seen recently.

: Mayor Mike rides the subway I think this definately increases the chance of the 2nd Avenue subway getting built :It’s a Subway, …

: Protest week The Davos forum has come to New York and they’ve brought their own protestors. As I was leaving work …

: hello, free speech? Tattletales for an Open Society An Open Letter to Dr. Lynne Cheney and Senator Joseph Lieberman …

: it may be on a lousy network… Can Fox sink any lower? Meanwhile, for people who tire of Winter Olympics competition on NBC, Fox …

: Can someone explain this? From Dubya’s State of the Union Address For too long our culture has said, “If it feels good, do …

: fuzzy math? Today, President Bush announced $50 million in credit for private investment in Afghanistan to help …

: ooops And Now, a Few Words We Wish Had Never Been Written In yesterday’s issue, The New York Times did …

: Google-rific One more indication of how Google rules. A breakdown of some of the top search terms in the Google …

: Where the links have no description U2 – Their vague majesties of rock. hmmm….

: Cool Runnings 2? On streets of San Jose, Aremenians prepare. That’s right, the Armenian bobsled team. Krikor must be …

: Googlewhacking Googlewhacking is the latest craze to hit the web. The game? Searching on Google to find word pairs …

: iMac phone home Using AppleScript and Timbuktu to clean off and trace a stolen iMac: at Macscripter.net

: Lego of the Rings It’s Lord of the Rings, told in Lego

: huh? Back in December, Nick Smith (R-MI) and Curt Weldon (R-PA) introduced to the House a bill (Universal …

: Two Bucks in Stock Get your Enron memorabilia here! Enron stock certificates are going for upwards of $100 on eBay. …

: mmmm….locust bean gum I just bought a pack of these Listerine Pocket Paks which are pretty cool– these things dissolve on …

: Tear the roof off the sucker

So, I went to two concerts over the last two nights. Flickerstick at Irving Plaza and The Roots at …

: Devil’s Pretzel Got a Devil’s pretzel in my throat Bush meets Beck.

: Me fail sleeping? But that’s where I’m a viking! “I felt like by the time you got to college you should be able (to use a) bed.” Princeton, however, …

: excellent! Wallace and Gromit return online Aardman is going to release a series of Wallace & Grommit …

: on the bbc Only the BBC gives you the whole story behind the story: What are pretzels? Chewy salt-encrusted …

: Enrongate? I have seen the Enron collapse/fiasco/scandal/really-shady-affair referred to as “Enrongate.” (as …

: D’oh! I guess I should have called in sick today. 14″+ of fresh is quite a bit more interesting than any …

: way cool While the rumor sites were speculating about what the big announcement was going to be (iWalk, …

: photo of the year Crowne Plaza, Richmond, VA, 1.1.02 4:19am Just over an hour post-AGR. Not necessarily the best …

: AGR NYE Photos Photos from the final Agents of Good Roots show on new years eve are up.

: buy stuff! So you can now buy Buzz Rant & Rave t-shirts. They are most stylish and I highly recommend …

: good advice from Bill This is not easy to do, but I’m telling you, no terrorist campaign has ever succeeded, and this one …

: hmmm…. Al Quaeda is Arabic for “The Base.” So really, the goal of this war is to make All Your Base Are …

: hot fun, summer in the city Summer in the city can be miserable. last week, particularly was brutal. While it’s 95 degrees out, …

: it’s like from that twilighty show about that zone… Another Andrew Raff (from Australia) emailed me today. It’s like my evil twin from the southern …

: i guess steve jobs doesn’t watch survivor I guess Steve Jobs and Steve Case don’t watch Survivor since Apple or AOL didn’t pony up the big …

: sax-a-maphone, sax-a-ma-phone My alto needs to be fixed up. There is definately something wrong with it. (See, it is the horn!) …

: wow… so this is the beginning of year 23 for me… That’s scary. Hopefully it will be a calmer year where I …

: ironminds I’ve started reading Ironminds again. It’s like Buzz Rant & Rave, but with copy editing. And …

: subway music You’ve got to love the weird mix of music played in the nyc subways. At the Times Square station …

: the story of the gravity stone This page has the story behind why Tufts has the gravity stone.

: I got me a car it’s as big as a whale Well, I’ve got no car, but I do have a new job. woo-hoo. It’s at eMarketer. I got the offer this …

: jersey day ESPN does great advertising. The Sportscenter NJ Day celebration ad is cool, as it features Ken …

: bad day for sports Yesterday was a bad day for sports. Not only did my Giants get routed in the Super Bowl, but because …

: some thoughts I’ve been very lazy about writing stuff here recently. That’s attributable to: 1. moving and not …

: i’ve been hearing about this internet… Not having an internet connection at the new Buzz Rant & Rave World Headquarters (aka the …

: two quick things Take a trip down memory lane and enjoy perusing the older incarnations of my personal web pages, …

: Buzz Rant & Rave If you’re reading this, you should be considering contributing an article, opinion piece or some …

: world domination? Is Starbucks really trying to take over the world? Even if they’re not, their pervasiveness is …

: Four more years! This whole election thing is surreal, like in some twisted weird Bulgakov story. Four more years for …

: Disney, you’ve made my enemies list… wait, that’s richard nixon’s enemies list! Seriously, Disney sucks. We went to the ESPN Zone in …

: USA! U! A! S! er…. It’s the stupidity, stupid “No presidential candidate ever went broke betting against the …

: Subway Series The subway series is here. Will anyone outside of new york watch? who knows. It’s all about the Mets …

: Is america really this dumb? About half of America is seriously considering electing Dubya as our next leader. “I will have a …

: NERRRRD!!! Apartment hunting (surprisingly) is demonstrating how much of a geek I am. I’m bringing along not …

: Get up every morning at the alarm clock’s warning and take the 8.15 into the city I started work this week. Not only is it awkward transitioning into a new job, but it’s really …

: Kid A listening event I went to a multimedia listening event for the new [Radiohead][1] album, Kid A, which will be …

: Outbound review Bela Fleck and the Flecktones are heading outbound to their new contract on Columbia in fine form. …

: Recent reads I’ve been doing a decent amount of reading recently. Here are some of the books that I’d recommend. …

: Good news item #1 After well over a year in limbo, Needle and Thread, the latest album from Agents of Good Roots will …

: So THAT’S how this works I keep watching this page to see when it gets updated, and keep wondering why it doesn’t. Then I …

: Heads up Be on the lookout for Andreas Country and the United Nations, an idea hatched last night, who will …

: Chasing the Gypsy and Layin’ in the Cut The first music reviews that I’m going to have up here on andrewraff.com will be of JC’s two new …

: Rock on I put the music section in here. Of course, it’s nowhere near completed, but it’s a start. What’s up …