Manute Bol, Hockey Star

Manute Bol to play minor-league hockey. No kidding. Fresh off his celebrity boxing match with The Fridge, Bol is going to become the tallest minor league hockey player in history.

By all accounts, Bol has never played the sport or ever laced up a pair of skates. At this point, equipment that would fit the Dinka tribesman has not been located.

Bol is going to become the tallest minor league hockey shameless publicity stunt in history.
UPDATE: Here are some links with more information about the crisis in Sudan, as well as NGO’s working to alleviate the situation:
CIA World Factbook: Sudan
WHO: Situation Reports for Sudan Humanitarian Crisis
UNICEF: Sudan Overview
USAID: Darfur Humanitarian Emergency
CRS: Sudan: Humanitarian Crisis, Peace Talks, Terrorism and US Policy (4/23/03)
ReliefWeb: Sudan

Andrew Raff @andrewraff