Since I’m starting law school next week (and no, I’m not ready), I’ve started searching out some good law-related blogs (blawgs.) If nothing, these should be an easy way to find articles when I’m too busy to post.
For starting point, I like Ernie the Attorney and his very cool lawblog outline.
At the top of the heap are: Bag and Baggage, Outside Counsel, How Appealing, Unbillable Hours,, Trademark blog.
Harvard and Yale get all Slash-y at Greplaw and Lawmeme. Harvard’s Donna Wentworth writes Copyfight at Corante.
Captain Warblogger Glenn Reynolds is a law professor. Law professor Eugene Volokh and cohorts blog at The Volokh Conspiracy
Who Stole the Tarts is excellent, and especially excellent for Alice’s advice to first-years (thanks!)
Andrew Raff