Where’s My Clickwrap Decoder Ring?

In Wired Magazine, Mark D. Rasch thinks that You Need a Robolawyer:

Unfortunately, the law assumes we all do – and that by clicking, we are “agreeing” to the unread privacy policy, to spyware being installed on our systems, or to pornographic pop-up ads. Almost every site has terms and conditions; as a result, regular Internet users are faced with dozens of such agreements a week. Some come in the form of the ubiquitous “I Agree” button, others in the form of prose hidden at the bottom of the homepage under the moniker “Legal.”

What is needed – desperately – is a law robot. A browser-based automaton that could be adjusted to match your tolerance for legal mumbo jumbo.

Perhaps software developers should be required to include clear and concise disclosure about whether their software will pop-up ads, or collect and transmit personal or clickstream data across the internet.

Andrew Raff @andrewraff