Jon Stewart on Crossfire

On Crossfire, Jon Stewart confronts hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson over their refusal to practice journalism instead of merely repeating partisan hackery. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Some choice quotes:

STEWART: I didn’t realize that — and maybe this explains quite a bit … is that the news organizations look to Comedy Central for their cues on integrity.

CARLSON: We’re here to love you, not confront you.
CARLSON: We’re here to be nice.
STEWART: No, no, no, but what I’m saying is this. I’m not. I’m here to confront you, because we need help from the media and they’re hurting us.

STEWART: You’re on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls.

STEWART: You know, the interesting thing I have is, you have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you fail miserably.
CARLSON: You need to get a job at a journalism school, I think.
STEWART: You need to go to one.

CARLSON: I do think you’re more fun on your show. Just my opinion.

STEWART: You know what’s interesting, though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.

What does it say about our media environment if The Daily Show, a comedy show, offers some of the most rigorous political journalism on television? Jon Stewart: Crossfire “hurting America”: “I’ve heard people talk about “The Daily Show” as an oasis of sanity, a public service. I couldn’t agree more. Stewart’s appearance on “Crossfire” was another public service. ”
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Andrew Raff @andrewraff