Rejected April Fools ideas:
- Heartfelt notice about ending this blog. [It’s been done]
- Quitting law school to campaign for John Kerry [too close to reality to be funny]
- Supporting Bush/Cheney 2004 [too disturbing to be funny]
- Quitting law school to go on tour in the William Hung backing band [not funny].
- Quitting law school, moving to Australia to become a cattle judge [might be too confusing with that other Andrew Raff]
- Free 1GB email for all!
April Fools elsewhere on the web:
- Homestar Runner loses its domain.
- EFF merges with the DOJ
- De Novo: Today in Legal History: “Soviet Union annexes United States as newest republic in communist empire (1988)”
- Hockey Rodent becomes Hockey Robot. Go Leafs Go.
- Poon quits
- MetafilterWiki
- The IRS starts WYSKster, a social networking site at
- Ernest Miller: Wal-Mart to Purchase Universal Music Group
- Lawmeme: RIAA Sues Google
- Duke University Purchases Public Domain
- Work for Google, on the Moon