IP Colloquium: Privacy in a Networked World

UCLA Law professor Doug Lichtman hosts The Intellectual Property Colloquium– a series of hour-long podcasts of conversations with leading legal thinkers about current issues in IP law.
Professor Lichtman writes, “The conversation is about the legal rules that apply when sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace gather private information from their users. Does Facebook have any liability, for instance, if a user uploads some scandilous tidbit that turns out to defame someone else? What if Facebook uses that information to help its advertisers or indeed imbeds it in some advertising tool like Beacon? My guests are GW Law Professor Dan Solove (an expert on high-tech privacy issues and author of several pop-press books on point) and Santa Clara Law Professor (and former GC of epinions.com) Eric Goldman.”
And listeners can earn free CLE credit in NY and California now, with other jurisdictions coming in January.
Subscribe in iTunes.

Andrew Raff @andrewraff