
Now this is a trade show that looks like fun to visit. Wired News covers the American International Toy Fair: Toys R Unusually Lame at Fair
I may need one of these:

An 18-inch-high R2D2 will do quite a bit more, responding to 40 voice commands. Ask R2 to dance, and it dances the Twist to the theme from the bar scene in the original Star Wars. Ask the droid if it remembers Darth Vader, and it starts to shake and squeal with fear. Of most interest to the frat house community will be R2’s retractable arm, just large enough for a 12-ounce beer can.


Along with the usual variety of action figures and make-believe weapons, there are items like the Polyjuice Potion Maker – Harry Potter’s version of the chemistry set — which lets kids combine a half dozen powders and cups of goo into an orange soda-ish concoction.

Kids will be disappointed to find not only does the polyjuice potion not actually work, but it tastes bad, and it’s also an industrial strenght laxative, by the way.

Andrew Raff @andrewraff