Yesterday, it seemed as if half of NYC was in line at the Big Apple Barbeque festival. Nevertheless, after a bit of waiting, mass quantities were consumed.
Coverage at eGullet: ”Live” from the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party ’04
While browsing through the eGullet thread, I was rather surprised to see myself in one photo, intently watching brisket slicing at the KC Baron booth:
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Other photos and reviews:
rion: big apple barbeque
Tien Mao: Big Apple Barbecue Block Party
NYC Eats: Big Apple Barbecue Block Party
The Food Section: Big Apple Barbe-queue
Jason Kottke: 2nd Annual Big Apple Barbecue Block Party
Gothamist: Gothamist Eats At The Second Annual Big Apple Barbecue Block Party
Carnivores in Gramercy

Andrew Raff