Vital stats

Good to see that pollsters are getting their fingers on the pulse of Americans. Scarborough Research finds that Sports Fans Make Surprising Choices in Beers and Wines

Those who engage in Xtreme sports (bungee jumping, skysurfing, etc.) are 107 percent more likely to drink imported beer than the average person. In contrast, golfers and hunters display a clear preference for domestic light beer, choosing it 64 percent more often than the norm. On the other hand, the study reveals that wine drinkers engage in a wide variety of sports and entertainment activities, not just the fine-arts-related pastimes that stereotypes suggest. For instance, those who attended R&B/rap/hip-hop concerts are 94 percent more likely than the average person to drink champagne or sparkling wine, and snow skiers are 89 percent more likely than the norm to consume red wine.

Anyone want to join me for moguls and merlot?

Andrew Raff @andrewraff