Bruce Schneier, The War on Photography: “What is it with photographers these days? Are they really all terrorists, or does everyone just think they are?
Given that real terrorists, and even wannabe terrorists, don’t seem to photograph anything, why is it such pervasive conventional wisdom that terrorists photograph their targets? Why are our fears so great that we have no choice but to be suspicious of any photographer?”
Serious Eats, On Banning Photography from Restaurants: “It’s not hard to relate to Chang’s position on Ko; from the minute the place opened, it was overrun by camera-toting food-porn obsessives wanting to capture the joy of a meal at the best new restaurant in the city. But if you ask me, an outright ban is entirely unfair. No photos of the chefs? Sure. No photos of other people in the restaurant? Well, of course. Don’t use a flash? Naturally, that’s rude.”
Preventing Photography
Andrew Raff