Fun with RSS

RSS is a very useful web format. It is designed to allow web sites to syndicate content so that it can be used by an application, such as a desktop news aggregator or another web site.
Blogs have led the way in using RSS, mainly because most weblogging programs, including Movable Type, TypePad, Radio, Livejournal and pMachine, automatically generate RSS feeds by default. Blogger is the notable exception. For example, I have feeds for this site, Linky links and the IPT blawg.
News sites have started to provide headlines in RSS format, including The New York Times, BBC,, and Wired News.
By using a news aggregator, instead of surfing in a browser, one can read more of the web in less time and keep current on more issues from a wider variety of sources.
Besides presenting news, RSS feeds can be used in many different ways. Any information that is serially or chronologically presented can be displayed in an RSS reader. Here are some of the more interesting uses of RSS that I’ve seen. Please add others in the comments:

How to use feeds:
Web services:


Andrew Raff @andrewraff