Colleges plan for coping with P2P on campus

The AP reports Colleges Move to Stop File – Swapping

Students arriving for fall classes at colleges across the country are facing new restrictions and stern warnings to discourage the swapping of pirated music and movies over high-speed campus Internet connections.
Some schools are even using software to choke the amount of data that can flow in or out of a computer when students use Kazaa and other file-sharing programs.
And in a new approach disclosed Tuesday, at least a dozen universities are exploring ways to offer students a fee-based music service whose fees could be bundled with room and board costs.

Joint Higher Education and Entertainment Group Issues Review Of Year-Long Efforts To Curb Illegal File Sharing On College Campuses

A joint committee of leaders from the higher education and entertainment communities, formed to develop collaborative solutions to address illegal file sharing on college campuses, today released a review of its efforts and the progress accomplished during the past year, as well as projects still on the agenda.

Andrew Raff @andrewraff