• Wikipedia and Authority

    I initially posted this as a comment, following up to a comment by “Y456two” on Wikipedia Woes, but here it is as its own entry, because, well, it is rather long.

    This portrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what Wikipedia is. Adding editors amounts to turning Wikipedia into the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Why would you want to do that? Don’t we already have an Encyclopedia Brittanica?

    No– it represents the fundamental gap that separates what Wikipedia is from what it seeks to become. A user driven Wikipedia edited by panels of subject experts in various fields will be both more comprehensive AND more authoritative than a traditional encyclopedia.

    If you believe that the masses are not smart enough to make their own judgements about the veracity of what they read, then, yes, absolutely, we should have a heavily regulated Internet, publishing industry, and media (sounds like China, don’t it?)

    I do think that heavy internet users and information professionals over-estimate the information literacy of the average internet user, but private editorial control on a private web site is a long way from state regulation. Why do we trust articles in the NY Times more than the Washington Times or the West Podunk Pioneer Press? A reputation for accuracy and veracity. Why would one prefer to buy from a seller on eBay with a +300 feedback rating than one with no feedback rating? A reputation for being an honest dealer.
    What do we know about the authors of a wikipedia entry? Why is it authoritative? We only know that wikipedia as a whole is generally accurate. But because each article is written by a different group of authors, researchers do not have an easy way of figuring out which articles are accurate and which contain blatant falsehoods or smaller inaccuracies.
    Adding a series of editorial boards comprised of acknowledged experts in various fields to monitor wikipedia entries will go a long way towards increasing the accuracy and trustworthiness of wikipedia as a whole. And it is possible to do this without becoming a Britannica clone– in fact, doing so would take advantage of the same internet and collaborative technologies and processes that make wikipedia possible. It just happens to also acknowledge the fact (and, yes, it is a fact) that some people simply have more knowledge and experience in various subject matters than others. In the wikipedia model, these boards would not be simply appointed from the get-go, but could be composed of flexible memberships, with new members joining either by distinguished work in academia or business as well as by distinguished contributions to wikipedia itself.
    At the very least, Wikipedia could post a list of the contributors who wrote or edited each article. This would make it possible for researchers to find out more about the authors of each individual article and make an educated decision whether to trust the accuracy of the wikipedia article.

    I could say that the ‘blogosphere’ needs editors. I could claim that the problem with blogs is that there isn’t some credentialed editor who controls what is posted.

    Unlike Wikipedia, the “blogosphere” is not a single entity. Individual blogs have attributes that establish their reputation for accuracy and veracity. For example, you can read my biographical information and see that my posts carry less intellectual heft than those of Prof. Goldman, for example. Unlike the millions of individual blogs posted by named or pseudonymous authors, Wikipedia presents itself as a centralized authority and strips away many of the signs that make it possible for an individual researcher to decide whether a single article is reliable. We can’t look to the author’s biography. We can’t judge the publisher’s credibility, because this publisher will post anything. We can’t look at the professionalism of the page design. The Wikipedia brand takes credibility from articles that justifiably grant credibility and it also lends credibility to articles that are not worthy of it.
    The problem with Wikipedia is that it lends its brand to anyone. In the trademark context, a trademark owner who nakedly licenses a mark to anyone without keeping track of the quality of goods sold under that mark may lose the right to defend the mark. Since a trademark is meant to protect consumers and indicate the source of a good or service, nakedly licensing the mark strips away value from the mark. By allowing anyone and everybody to edit entries on wikipedia, wikipedia may squander any credibility it has attained.

    As for Eric Goldman, I suppose he would be surprised to know that Usenet continues to thrive and be useful to millions of users every day.

    I would challenge the idea that Usenet continues to thrive. I have yet to even load a Usenet news reader on my Powerbook, which means that I haven’t delved into that thriving medium in at least nine months and haven’t missed it a bit. People may still use newsgroups, but they have long since ceased to be relevant. How many average internet users can recognize that “alt.nerd.obsessive” denotes a newsgroup?

    Here is the heart of the issue: do we trust people?

    We trust people to the extent that the people have as full information as possible to make decisions. As another analogy, this is the driving principle behind securities law– we have a policy bias towards requiring publicly traded corporations to disclose information– because this allows investors to make informed decisions. The more that identifying information is witheld, the less reason we have to trust

  • Exit, stage left and make room for the $1,000 drink

    The NY Times reports on a study which finds that the creative sector is becoming less concentrated in NYC as artists are priced out: New York, Once a Lure, Is Slowly Losing the Creative Set.
    The Center for an Urban Future report Creative New York illustrates how important the creative industries are to New York:

    No other place in the U.S. even comes close to matching the city’s creative assets. In fact, 8.3 percent of all creative sector workers in the U.S. are based in New York. The city is home to over a third of all the country’s actors and roughly 27 percent of the nation’s fashion designers, 12 percent of film editors, 10 percent of set designers, 9 percent of graphic designers, 8 percent of architects and 7 percent of fine artists.

    Among the challenges facing the creative communities, the report summarizes:

    New York faces a number of significant challenges to its creative sector, including the high cost of appropriate work space; a general lack of business skills among individual creative entrepreneurs; pressures to conform to a traditional for-profit business model; creative workers’ widespread lack of benefits such as health insurance; barriers to reaching appropriate markets; and the impact of changing technology.

    The cost of housing alone makes it difficult for artists to give up their day jobs. But in addition, the nature of housing makes it difficult for artists to work out of their homes and need to rent a separate studio space. Bands have the additional cost of figuring how to get all their equipment from a practice space (usually in Brooklyn or Queens) to a club (usually in Manhattan) when none of the musicians own a car.
    Finally, the report outlines some proposals that the city could enact to provide more support to the creative communities the city:

    • Create a centralized coordinating body modeled after Creative London.
    • Establish an industry desk for creative industries at the NYC Economic Development Corporation.
    • Begin to address affordability issues facing individual artists and creative enterprises.
    • More flexible support from the philanthropic community.
    • Expand market access for locally-made creative products.
    • Help creative individuals and enterprises get access to business assistance services.
    • Improve access to health insurance and other work supports for creative workers and enterprises.
    • Begin to address the creative core’s workforce development needs.

    Why are artists crowded out of the city? To make room for the clubs that can charge $950 for a drink and the patrons who are willing to pay $950 for a drink. Also in today’s Times: Hey, Bartender, Can You Break $1,000?: “Served in a traditional martini glass, the cocktail is made with super-premium Grey Goose L’Orange vodka, Hypnotiq liqueur, orange and pomegranate juices and topped off with Dom Pérignon. The coup de grâce: a one-carat ruby affixed to the stirrer. And the bar tab for a Ruby Red? An eye-popping $950.”
    I guess it’s just a different form of the creative arts.

  • Wikipedia Woes

    Wikipedia is one of the best sites on the internet– volunteers compile information about esoteric topics and the entire compilation is a giant guide to the universe. The beauty of the site is that the internet community has created a vast encyclopedia without a single editor.
    Nature compared Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica and found that the upstart contains only slightly fewer errors: Internet encyclopaedias go head to head: “The exercise revealed numerous errors in both encyclopaedias, but among 42 entries tested, the difference in accuracy was not particularly great: the average science entry in Wikipedia contained around four inaccuracies; Britannica, about three.”
    Wikipedia is becoming more frequently cited as a trusted source, despite potential for inaccuracies and often amateur writing and organization (just like this blog!) Evan Brown reports at InternetCases.com: Wikipedia and the courts: “lthough not everyone is convinced that Wikipedia can be trusted to always tell the truth, it is interesting to note that in the past year or so several courts, including more than one federal circuit court, have cited to it to fill in background facts relevant to cases before them. ”
    The problem with Wikipedia is that the internet community has created a vast encyclopedia without a single editor. Entries can contain factual inaccuracies or present topics in a skewed, biased manner. Wikipedia needs editors. Who chooses the experts for a particular field?
    At the Volokh Conspiracy, Orin Kerr finds an interesting relationship between the level of general interest in a subject and the accuracy of that subject’s Wikipedia entry: Checking in on Wikipedia’s Patriot Act Entry:

    I have found Wikipedia entries to be quite helpful when the topic is something esoteric. It seems that when fewer people care about a topic, the better the entry tends to be. When lots of people care about something, lots of people think they know something about it — or at least more people feel strongly enough that they want to get their 2 cents worth into the entry. When lots of people have strong opinions about a topic, even uninformed ones, the Wikipedia entry for that topic ends up being something like Tradesports betting odds on who Bush would pick to replace Justice O’Connor. It’s an echo chamber for the common wisdom of the subset of people who use the site more than anything else. And if the views in the echo chamber happen to be way off, then so is the entry.

    This suggests that the common wisdom may be entirely backwards. Instead of greater interest leading to greater accuracy, the more people who have a strong interest in a topic, the more likely it is that discredited or inaccurate theories will find their way into that topic’s Wikipedia entry. Vocal critics of a widely accepted theory may be more likely than well-respected experts to spend time crafting the Wikipedia entry, so that the end result is that the Wikipedia entry is more likely to reflect the generally discredited minority view.
    In an op-ed piece in USA Today, John Seigenthaler discussed A false Wikipedia ‘biography’: “I had heard for weeks from teachers, journalists and historians about “the wonderful world of Wikipedia,” where millions of people worldwide visit daily for quick reference “facts,” composed and posted by people with no special expertise or knowledge — and sometimes by people with malice.”
    Mike Godwin thinks that this problem is not limited to Wikipedia, but is endemic of the Internet as a whole: Wikilibel: “To me, the notable thing about this incident is that it seems to have given John and others doubts about Wikipedia in particular, when in fact the problems he sees are endemic to the Web and the Internet at large.”
    Unlike posting a random website on the internet at large containing the same defamatory text, posting the information at Wikipedia gives it credibility. The first place most internet users look to assess the credibility of a piece of information is the source. Because Wikipedia contains a growning number of thorough, accurate and well-written entries, Wikipedia as a whole is gaining a reputation as a trusted source for information. According to the Wikipedia entry about Wikipedia, “Articles in Wikipedia are regularly cited by both the mass media and academia, who generally praise it for its free distribution, editing, and diverse range of coverage.” An incomplete, incorrect or defamatory article posted to Wikipedia gains from the authority of the accurate entries.
    Eric Goldman believes that Wikipedia Will Fail Within 5 Years: “Wikipedia inevitably will be overtaken by the gamers and the marketers to the point where it will lose all credibility. There are so many examples of community-driven communication tools that ultimately were taken over—-USENET and the Open Directory Project are two that come top-of mind.”
    Unless Wikipedia starts to implement a strong editorial policy, the entire project will become suspect because of entries like the one about Siegenthaler. Wikipedia is at a critical point in that it has enough entries and reputation that by continuing to allow anyone to edit any entry may harm the future development of the project.
    As with any controversial topic these days, some lawyers are already preparing a Wikipedia Class Action.

  • Hijacking RSS Feeds for Fun and Profit

    Full-text RSS/Atom feeds are wonderful for information addicts. A newsreader brings new articles and posts in from around the web and makes it possible to skim through hundreds of sites very quickly. Well, the upper limit is probably around 200 where reading blogs is not one’s full-time vocation.
    From a publisher’s perspective, full-text feeds cause problems. Such full-text feeds make it especially easy to enable copyright infringement.
    Two of my favorite hockey blogs, Puck Update and James Mirtle, recently switched to publishing only abridged feeds after finding their posts providing the content for a third-party web site.
    Merely publishing an RSS feed does not grant a license to republish the content on another site and republishing the full text of the content without permission is a prima facie example copyright infringement. But, what about when a service republishes the full text because a user subscribes to a full-text feed through a hosted service? What is the difference between a user-driven republication and one initiated by the republisher? Is it merely the commercial intentions of the republisher? Does it have to do with source identification and misattribution? The right of publicity?
    Micro Persuasion’s Steve Rubel is also a victim of Blog Content Theft: “This problem is only going to grow over time. Perhaps some digital watermarking technology needs to come into play here. Or, once again, Google needs to step in and shut down all Adsense sites that are deliberately spamming the blogosphere and bloggers. Anyone have other ideas?”
    Daniel Solove suggests one way to deal with Blog Post Piracy:

    There is, of course, copyright law. The creative commons license for Rubel’s blog states that the work must be attributed to its author and it cannot be used for commercial purposes. The pirated post doesn’t contain his name on the post or the name of his blog, but it does at least have a link to the original post on Rubel’s blog. Is this sufficient enough attribution? As for commercial purposes, the blog copying Rubel’s posts is displaying Google Ads.

    What about hosting an RSS feed that republishes the content of another RSS feed? What if that RSS feed consists of pointers to audio files hosted on the original publisher’s server? This is the situation with at least one podcast “service”– it is publishing its own RSS feeds that link to a podcaster’s audio. These feeds do not hold themselves out to be the publisher of the content, but by placing their feeds in podcast directories, these hijackers manage to control the connection between the podcaster and her subscribers. Colette Vogele discusses potential legal solutions: RSS Hijacking? A threat to podcast and blogging infrastructure?:

    Since RSS and podcasting is new technology, there does not exist a handy “anti-RSS feed hijacking statute” out there on the books. There are, however, other possible claims that a lawyer can consider. For example, I’m brainstorming on a number of claims including unfair competition, trademark infringement/dilution, DMCA takedown options, computer fraud and abuse, tresspass, right of publicity, misappropriation, and the like.

    Read the comments for additional technical methods of approaching this problem.
    Cyberlaw Central’s Kevin Thompson discusses: RSS Hijacking: Is it Copyright Infringement? “Alleging copyright infringement should work, at least for purposes of a cease and desist letter.” Thompson goes on to note, “Interestingly, although the RSS feed itself could be copyrightable by itself if it contains sufficiently original material, this method of infringement doesn’t copy the RSS feed itself. The interloper’s site just links to the existing feed which remains intact at the podcaster’s site. The interloper just acts like any other subscriber to the feed, making it difficult to detect.
    Finally, if you are going to <a href="repost content from my blog, all I ask is to properly attribute the author and to maintain the indications of quoted text– don’t make it appear that “Rafferty” wrote something that should be properly attributed to Easterbrook. Not that it should be too difficult for a careful reader to distinguish…
    Previously: Syndication and Copyright: “What are the norms for using, repurposing and republishing syndicated feeds?”

  • One continent and an undisclosed distance

    What does it say about this season of the Amazing Race that the best part of the entire season was the teaser for the next season? 5 continents, 60,000 miles, 11 teams of 2! Hot girls! Nerds! Red Rocks! Fighting elephants! Moscow! Brazil! Mt Fuji! Monkeys!
    From what I understand, the idea for the Family Edition of the Race came from CBS, not from the producers of the show, World Race Productions. Maybe the reason that this season was such a weak version of the Race to make it suck, so that the producers could develop future versions with as little network interference as possible.
    Considering the rest of the season, this episode actually wasn’t too bad. The tasks were all relatively interesting. Killer fatigue finally hit some teams. This was the second double leg in the race, instead of the usual two-leg final episode with a pit stop in the middle. The roadbock geography challenge was one of the best final tasks of recent seasons– much better than eating pizza or finding a cigar store. Plus, the final task led directly to a foot race to the finish line.
    Apply for TAR 10. Or don’t, so that I have a slightly less unrealistic chance.
    Previously: What happened to the “Amazing”?

  • Fun with maps

    This Interactive NYC Transit Map Google map mashup is really neat. Perhaps in the next version, walking directions will accurately reflect ways people can walk, rather than simply going as the crow flies.
    Here at the AndrewRaff.com research labs, we’re working on a potentially useful subway mapping project, to be announced early next year. Hopefully, early next month…

  • Law 2.0

    The Wired GC wonders when the law will migrate to Web 2.0: Web 2.0, Heading West to Law 2.0: “What is needed to make Law 2.0 applicable to legal research is for standards to emerge: how courts and agencies will preserve their work (html or pdf?), how they will announce it (RSS?), how they will categorize it (tags?), and how we will search it (guess who?).”
    Let’s take a look back, all the way to the year 2002 [music cue “In the year 2000 (and 2)”], where the geeky legal blogosphere was looking forward to courts publishing decisions in a standard, open XML format. This would allow greater public access to the law and make it possible for law firms and information specialists to create their own value-added databases: Free your data and the rest will follow. That post isn’t particularly well-written, but it does hit on the tip of the iceberg of the potential for using the RSS, XML and the web to distribute court decisions.
    “Alice” (nka BK) noted some of the advantages to having a central authority for caselaw: More Geek: “I predict there won’t be any critical mass happening on that front in the courts anytime soon (and probably not within our lifetimes). People may have grown up using computers, but there are still many many people who don’t understand anything but basic application use (and can’t even take advantage of the advanced features of those applications). Computer knowledge needs to be driven to comparatively astronomically high levels before judges — even those that grew up on computers — will see the need for such a system, especially considering the time, expense, and potential problems with switching over, even if the implementation of the system is transparent.”
    As lawyers and judges become more web-savvy and enjoy using Google, they may wonder why they can’t access caselaw using a search engine that is as fast and friendly.
    Denise Howell looked at Trackback and imagined a scenario where “legal citators improve accuracy and stay in business because their editorial judgment continues to have value. Legal research nevertheless becomes more accessible and less costly. This probably won’t happen any time soon, but it’s not difficult to see how techniques being tested in the weblog arena now may shape the way research is done and laws are made down the road.” Back Linking, Forward Looking
    Are courts any closer to publishing decisions in an open format and using RSS/Atom (or a similar technology) to make it possible for more aggregators to create value-added services? Probably not.
    The good news is, at least, that Westlaw added RSS feeds to its Intraclip service, which allows subscribers to create search watchlists. LexisNexis only offers feeds for some press releases and legal news, but not caselaw.
    A different type of Law 2.0 is WikiLaw, which aims to be an open-content resource. I’m not entirely sold on the concept– can such a resource every be considered an authority? Will it be gamed for litigation advantage by counsel?

  • Competitive Advantage?

    Market researchers Ipsos-Reid found that Only 2% of Consumers Care About Legal Issues With Downloading Music: “Only 2% of people who paid a fee to download music from the Internet cited that the contentious legal issues surrounding online music distribution concerned them.”
    In other words, most people use legitimate services because those services are more convenient, easier to use, or offer better quality and features than illegal P2P.

  • HarperCollins Plans to Scan

    The Wall St. Journal reports that HarperCollins will scan its books and allow search services to index those scans while itself controlling the full-text in digital form: HarperCollins Plans to Control Its Digital Books

    Instead of sending copies of its books to various Internet companies for digitizing, as it does now, HarperCollins will create a digital file of books in its own digital warehouse. Search companies such as Google will then be allowed to create an index of each book’s content so that when consumers do a search, they’ll be pointed to a page view. However, that view will be hosted by a server in the HarperCollins digital warehouse. “The difference is that the digital files will be on our servers,” said Brian Murray, group president of HarperCollins Publishers. “The search companies will be allowed to come, crawl our Web site, and create an index that they can take away, but not the image of the page.”

  • First looks at BMG v. Gonzalez

    William Patry: BMG v. Cecilia Gonzalez: “The opinion is significant in many respects. First, it established primary liability for those who download (at least under similar facts), an essential underpinning to all the previous (and presumably future) third party liability suits. The opinion then discusses what constitutes primary liability.”
    Joe Gratz takes a closer look at the procedural aspects of the damages portion of the decision: 7th Cir.: P2P Downloading Is Not Fair Use: “Gonzales, understandably, wanted to plead her case before a jury; tens of thousands of dollars in damages arising from a few dozen MP3s seems excessive to most people. But BMG was clever. They moved for summary judgment only with regard to the 30 MP3s that Gonzales admitted she downloaded and retained without owning CD copies, and only asked for the $750 minimum in statutory damages for each song. This left the jury with nothing to decide. She admitted she’d copied the songs, leaving only the question of damages, and BMG asked for the smallest damages the jury could lawfully award.”
    Eric Goldman: Downloading Music Isn’t Fair Use–BMG v. Gonzalez: “This case deals with a central topic in P2P file-sharing lawsuits–was the downloading excused by fair use? This issue has come up in oblique ways in the past. For example, when the P2P file-sharing services were sued, they unsuccessfully claimed that their users’ activities were fair use (e.g., Napster, Aimster). And warez traders (who engaged in large-scale uploading and downloading of copyrighted files) unsuccessfully claimed fair use (US v. Slater). However, we’ve had very few cases where the downloading defendant litigated his/her own fair use defense.”
    Cathy Kirkman, Silicon Valley Media Law Blog: 7th Circuit rules in P2P user infringement case: “While the outcome here is unsurprising as a matter of fair use analysis, the Court’s characterization of the holding in Sony, while it may be technically correct, does seem like a rather narrow reading of the landmark Sony Betamax case. If the goal of some content owners is to limit the Sony Betamax case to its facts, they seem to have found a receptive audience in the 7th Circuit in that regard.”
    Evan Brown, InternetCases.com: Seventh Circuit rules in BMG v. Gonzalez: downloading music via P2P is not fair use: “The Seventh Circuit has affirmed a lower court’s grant of summary judgment against a user of Kazaa, holding that the downloading of copyrighted music files is not fair use under the Copyright Act.”
    Kevin A. Thompson, Cyberlaw Central: BMG v. Gonzalez: 7th Circuit weighs in on fair use for filesharing: “The Seventh Circuit ruled yesterday in the case BMG Music v. Gonzalez, which involves a claim of fair use for songs downloaded from the peer to peer file sharing system, KaZaA. The district court had granted summary judgment to BMG, awarding $22,500 in statutory damages and an injunction against further infringement. Gonzalez then appealed to the Seventh Circuit.”
    Michael Madison: Easterbrook on Fair Use: “With Judge Easterbrook’s imprimatur, Gonzalez may turn out to be the ProCD v. Zeidenberg of copyright law: a case that takes a complex issue and treats it both reductively and persuasively. (Ironists take note: we already have a ProCD v. Zeidenberg of copyright law. It’s ProCD v. Zeidenberg.)”
    Previously: Liability for P2P Downloading

  • Tasini to run for Senate in NY

    Of mild interest to those interested in copyright law, Jonathan Tasini is running against Hilary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for Senator from NY. Newsday reports: Labor activist to challenge Hillary Clinton for Senate.
    Tasini was the lead plaintiff in New York Times v. Tasini, 533 U.S. 483 (2001), where the Supreme Court ruled that a license to include a work in a newspaper or magazine does not grant the publisher the right to include that work in a database, if that database allows the work to be accessed independently of the work’s original context in a newspaper or magazine compilation.

  • Liability for P2P Downloading

    In the latest P2P file sharing case, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a summary judgment decision of the district court that downloading songs off of P2P services constitutes copyright infringement. BMG Music v. Gonzalez, No. 05-1314 (Dec. 9, 2005).
    Writing for a unanimous panel, Judge Easterbrook rules that downloads off of P2P are not the same as time-shifting copies recorded off of television and should not be a fair use:

    A copy downloaded, played, and retained on one’s hard drive for future use is a direct substitute for a purchased copy—and without the benefit of the license fee paid to the broadcaster. The premise of Betamax is that the broadcast was licensed for one transmission and thus one viewing. Betamax held that shifting the time of this single viewing is fair use. The files that Gonzalez obtained, by contrast, were posted in violation of copyright law; there was a copy downloaded, played, and retained on one’s hard drive for future use is a direct substitute for a purchased copy—and without the benefit of the license fee paid to the broadcaster. The premise of Betamax is that the broadcast was licensed for one transmission and thus one viewing. Betamax held that shifting the time of this single viewing is fair use. The files that Gonzalez obtained, by contrast, were posted in violation of copyright law; there was no license covering a single transmission or hearing—and, to repeat, Gonzalez kept the copies. Time-shifting by an authorized recipient this is not.

    Easterbrook uses the “substitutionary use” test for fair use, which posits that a use is not fair use if it substitutes for the original work: “Music downloaded for free from the Internet is a close substitute for purchased music; many people are bound to keep the downloaded files without buying originals.”
    Copyright owners may recover damages not only for copies that directly replace sales, but for copies that harm the market for other licensed uses of the work:

    Although BMG Music sought damages for only the 30
    songs that Gonzalez concedes she has never purchased, all 1,000+ of her downloads violated the statute. All created copies of an entire work. All undermined the means by which authors seek to profit. Gonzalez proceeds as if the authors’ only interest were in selling compact discs containing collections of works. Not so; there is also a market in ways to introduce potential consumers to music. Think of radio. Authors and publishers collect royalties on the broadcast of recorded music, even though these broadcasts may boost sales.

    (via How Appealing)

  • Another Google Book Search Panel

    The Association of the Bar of the City of New York: “GoogleNet” and Fair Use: How the “Open Web” May (or may not) Threaten the Rights or Authors, Publishers, and Copyright Holders: “The panelists will discuss how copyright law should treat such content-scanning programs, the extent to which Google (or any other search engine) can or should truly be considered a “digital library,” what harm or unfairness such programs pose for authors and publishers, and, more broadly, who has, or should have, the right to control information contained in books.”

  • Stream on

    For the last few months, I’ve been looking enviously at the celestial jukebox services Rhapsody, Napster 2.0 and Yahoo Music Unlimited. Unfortunately, the services are all tied to Windows. This week, Rhapsody introduced a web-based version of its service that works on Mac OS and Linux, freeing the service from its Windows-only client.
    The web service is nice, but awkward. Compared to iTunes, Rhapsody’s web page is awkward to use and borders on confusing. Creating and managing playlists could be much easier. Discovering music using the web interface is not so easy. Some applications still do work better as applications than as web sites. After trying the free version of the service, it just doesn’t seem worth paying for to use only through the web site.
    Radio Indie Pop, from the brains behind Luna Lounge, has seen some nice upgrades recently. In addition to new Alt-Country, Ramones, and Featured Favorite Unsigned Artist channels, listeners can choose between 7 different channels of indie rock, with a different mood for each day of the week.
    After registering at Audioscrobbler in early 2003, I never used the service (which keeps track of one’s music listening.) Since then, Audioscrobbler became part of last.fm, which is a fantastic streaming radio service and music recommendation engine. It selects songs based on one’s listening habits and streams new music based on prior listening. While it lacks the on-demand streaming of Rhapsody, last.fm’s free streaming radio far outstrips Rhapsody’s free radio service, which is limited to 25 channels and does not allow users to skip tracks.

  • Blogging Is the New Black

    Law.com reports: Blogging Is the New Black and that lawyers are finding blogging useful: “And now, through a blog, lawyers can speed up the process of establishing their reputation as an expert. For instance, rather than an occasional appearance at a conference or seminar, attorneys can have an ongoing exchange of ideas regarding their particular expertise.”

  • Google Miscellany

    Everyone seems to be talking about Google these days. SiliconValley.com hosts a roundtable on Google and The Googleverse:

    These days, you can hardly call Google a mere search and ad company. Its products and services are now ubiquitous and include news, blogs, e-mail, instant messages, voice, video, maps, library books, desktop accessories, photo editing and more. It is interested in promoting open document standards, building municipal Wi-Fi systems and analyzing NASA space data. And its next moves are the subject of constant speculation.

    Eric Goldman attended and spoke at Yale’s Regulating Search conference and posted a thorough write up of the conference: Yale Regulating Search? Conference Recap. Papers presented at the symposium are available on the conference web site.
    Daniel Solove comments on how Google search histories are traceable to individuals: Google’s Empire, Privacy, and Government Access to Personal Data: “No matter what Google’s privacy policy says, the fact that it maintains information about people’s search activity enables the government to gather that data, often with a mere subpoena, which provides virtually no protection to privacy — and sometimes without even a subpoena”
    In Newsweek, Eric Schmidt and Hal Varian discuss lessons at Google for managing smart employees in the information age: Google: Ten Golden Rules: “The ongoing debate about whether big corporations are mismanaging knowledge workers is one we take very seriously, because those who don’t get it right will be gone. We’ve drawn on good ideas we’ve seen elsewhere and come up with a few of our own. What follows are seven key principles we use to make knowledge workers most effective.”
    The New York Times reports on Google’s corporate culture: At Google, Cube Culture Has New Rules: “Google, like I.B.M., says that it is forging a corporate culture in which success depends on performance.”

  • Bar exams in the news

    The Wall St. Journal reports: Raising the Bar: Even Top Lawyers Fail California Exam:

    Kathleen Sullivan is a noted constitutional scholar who has argued cases before the Supreme Court. Until recently, she was dean of Stanford Law School. In legal circles, she has been talked about as a potential Democratic nominee for the Supreme Court. But Ms. Sullivan recently became the latest prominent victim of California’s notoriously difficult bar exam. Last month, the state sent out the results of its July test to 8,343 aspiring and already-practicing lawyers. More than half failed — including Ms. Sullivan.

    California has no reciprocity with other states, so all lawyers who move to California are required to take the bar exam. Admitted attorneys have the option to take a 2 day version of the exam that omits the MBE.

    The two-day test, which is identical to the longer exam but omits a long multiple-choice section, had just a 28% passage rate in July, an astoundingly low figure that state bar officials are at a loss to explain. Out-of-state lawyers can take the full three-day exam if they choose.

    The bar exam tests how well one has prepared for the bar exam, not how good of a lawyer one may be. Passing the exam requires knowing the test and not just the law.
    At Concurring Opinions (my favorite new blog of recent launch), Daniel Solove discusses further: Abolish the Bar:

    One big problem with the Bar is that it functions so as to make it very onerous for lawyers to move to a different state. Thus, Sullivan is already licensed to practice in New York and Massachusetts. She has already passed the Bar. But she many years later because she wants to practice in California she now must pass an exam filled with a bunch of irrelevant questions. In fact, the longer one practices and the better one knows the law, the worse one will do on the Bar Exam. That’s because the Bar Exam bears so little relationship to law practice, and as they tell you in BarBri class, thinking on the Bar Exam will hurt you, not help you. Sullivan’s problem was that she didn’t waste enough hours memorizing the often obsolete and reductive rules for the Bar Exam. Indeed, any practicing lawyer or law professor who doesn’t have a lot of time on her hands to waste would encounter a similar problem. She probably thought she knew the law and had a ton of legal experience — but this would hurt her in the exam, not help her.

    Practicing attorneys who are working are less likely to have lots of free time to study and it shouldn’t be surprising that they pass at a lower rate than fresh graduates who are taking the entire summer off to study.
    Those graduates who are taking the summer to study are almost all taking the Bar/Bri review course. THe NY Times reports on an anti-trust lawsuit filed against Bar/Bri: Are Lawyers Being Overbilled for Their Test Preparation?

    But now BAR/BRI could use a few lawyers itself. Some of the people who paid the fees, took the courses and passed the bar have turned on the company, which is owned by the Thomson Corporation of Stamford, Conn. Represented by an aggressive Los Angeles lawyer named Eliot G. Disner, they have filed a lawsuit charging that the company that helped them to become lawyers has operated an illegal monopoly and has overcharged hundreds of thousands of students by an average of $1,000 each – or, collectively, by hundreds of millions of dollars.

    The choice quote from the article is: “Bar review is a very profitable business.” Especially when you need to host only a single lecture with most of students watch recorded lectures on video.
    En Passant links to the complaint

  • Hot Practice Areas

    New York Lawyer’s list of Hot Practice Areas for 2006 includes “intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, private equity and litigation.”

  • Claria pops-up some good press

    Claria gets some good press from Wired Magazine: Don’t Call It Spyware

    Today Gator, now called Claria, is a rising star. The lawsuits have been settled – with negligible impact on the company’s business – and Claria serves ads for names like JPMorgan Chase, Sony, and Yahoo! The Wall Street Journal praises the company for “making strides in revamping itself.” Earlier this year, The New York Times reported that Microsoft came close to acquiring Claria. Google acknowledges Claria’s technology in recent patent applications. Best of all, government agencies and watchdog groups have given their blessing to the company’s latest product: software that watches everything users do online and transmits their surfing histories to Claria, which uses the data to determine which ads to show them.

    Spyware researcher Ben Edelman finds that Claria’s latest installers are not particularly user-friendly: What Claria Doesn’t Disclose (Any More): “Claria’s ordinary installations still fail to tell users what users reasonably need to know in order to make an informed choice. In particular, Claria’s current installations omit prominent mention of the word “pop-up” — the key word users need to read in order to understand what Claria is offering, and to decide whether to agree.”
    If Claria’s software does not accurately disclose the nature and frequency of pop-ups and denies internet users of the opportunity to accept with informed consent, should it have “the blessing” of “government agencies and watchdog groups”?

  • A quick guide to info literacy

    Lifehacker’s Wendy Boswell posted a useful basic guide to information literacy for web searching: Seek and Ye Shall Find: How To Evaluate Sources on the Web: “Believe it or not, the Web does not always contain accurate information. In fact, every once in a while, you might come across something that (gasp!) is not true. Well, that’s to be expected, really – the Web is made by people, and people aren’t perfect, and people make up a LOT of coo-coo-crazy stuff.”
    Previously: Information Literacy and the Law, Information Literacy.

  • Another Google Book Search Commentary Roundup

    Here are the most interesting articles and podcasts about the Google Book Search and copyright law that have been published and posted since my last collection of links.
    In Wired magazine, Lawrence Lessig discusses: Google’s Tough Call: “Google wants to index content. Never in the history of copyright law would anyone have thought that you needed permission from a publisher to index a book’s content. Imagine if a library needed consent to create a card catalog. But Google indexes by “copying.” And since 1909, US copyright law has given copyright holders the exclusive right to control copies of their works. “Bingo!” say the content owners.”
    At the University of Chicago Faculty blog, Douglas Lichtman writes: Lessig, Google Print, and Movies: “How should we decide when a copyright holder is entitled to earn revenue from a new technology? Consider, for example, movies. If I make a movie based on your book, and my movie hurts sales of your book, I take it that it is easy to agree that I should have to share some of my movie revenue with you. The new technology in that case displaced sales of the old one, and the law likely should help to dampen that blow, in this case by requiring movie producers to license the work. But what if it were the case that movie sales did not at all diminish book sales?”
    Brad DeLong puts an economist’s spin on the debate: GooglePrint: “I tend to put on my right-wing public-choice hat here, and side with GooglePrint. The private beneficiaries from assigning too much of the value of innovation to the dead hand of old property rights are concentrated. The private beneficiaries of assigning too little of the value are diffuse. In a public-choice world ruled by lobbyists, there will be strong pressures on legislation and law to overprotect existing property.”
    In the Boston Globe, David Weinberger examines one of the potential advantages of having book content digitized: Crunching the Metadata: What Google Print really tells us about the future of books: “Despite the present focus on who owns the digitized content of books, the more critical battle for readers will be over how we manage the information about that content-information that’s known technically as metadata.”
    At the MassLawBlog, Lee Gesmer discusses Google And The Digitization of The Planet’s Books: “I suspect that what’s really keeping the publishers and authors up nights is this question: who’s going to have control over this compilation of data? Sure, it’s “Do No Evil”-Google today, but who might have the resources to do the same thing, even on a smaller scale, in the future? And remember, the future is a long time. One can imagine the great-to-the-nth descendants of today’s publishers cursing their literary ancestors for allowing Google to take the first step down the slippery slope that leads, who knows where?”
    Edward Wyatt covered the debated at the NYPL for the NY Times: Googling Literature: The Debate Goes Public: “If there was any point of agreement between publishers, authors and Google in a debate Thursday night over the giant Web company’s program to digitize the collections of major libraries and allow users to search them online, it seemed to be this: Information does not necessarily want to be free.”
    Lawrence Lessig offers his take from the NYPL debate: the “discussion”: the morning after: “The AAP and AG say they believe in “fair use.” If that’s so, then they must believe that someone has a right to make money using fairly the work of others. If that’s so, then they must believe that someone has the right to fairly use the work of others without permission. And so if that’s so, then if Google Book Search is fair use. not only is Google doing nothing wrong. Google is, from the perspective of the authors and publishers, doing something extra nice — giving them the permission to opt out of the index.”
    The Progress and Freedom Foundation hosted another debate about Google Book Search: Gutenberg Meets Google. C-SPAN covered the debate and has video of the event.
    PFF’s Adam Theirer discusses some of the points raised there, in particular the law and economics evaluation: Google Print and Transaction Cost-Based Analysis for Fair Use Law: “I’m not going to go into all the issues at stake in this debate, but I did find it interesting the panel of legal experts speaking at the event spent so much time focusing on transaction costs, something we usually only hear about when the panel consists of a bunch of economists.”
    Evan Brown’s InternetCases.com Podcast for November 29, 2005 is the audio from a panel discussion at the John Marshall School of Law: “Professor Doris Long moderated the discussion. The first panelist to speak was professor Leslie Reis, who addressed various business issues pertaining to the Google Book Search model. Todd Flaming, a practicing attorney and adjunct professor at John Marshall spoke next on the technology behind the project. [Evan Brown] spoke next on the legal issues in the cases filed by the Authors Guild and the American Association of Publishers, focusing mainly on the fair use factors of copyright law… Professor David Sorkin compared the nature of indexing pages in Google Book Search with the process of indexing regular web pages. The final speaker was Tom Keefe, a reference librarian at the John Marshall Law School library, who gave a librarian’s perspective on how Google Book Search could affect the future of research.”
    Rebecca Tushnet reports on a talk at George Mason University’s Center for History and New Media about Google Book Search and similar projects: Massive Digitization Projects: “The speakers, Clifford Lynch (Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information) and attorney Jonathan Band, were engaging and informative; the audience seemed to be library-oriented rather than lawyer-packed.”
    Even if Google prevails in the lawsuits with publishers and authors in the US, European law does not have the same concept of fair use as American law: Google digitisation faces Euro legal challenge: “The American “fair use” law, which Google has used as a justification for its scanning of in-copyright material from libraries in America, is, Morris said, broader than its European equivalent, “fair dealing”. Google is currently embroiled in lawsuits in the US with both the Authors Guild and the Association of American Publishers over its actions.”
    Previously: Google Print and Fair Use, Google Print at the Public Library Publishers Sue Google, Too, Google, Publishers, Copies and “Being Evil”.

  • Is preferential still open?

    Telecom and internet infrastructure providers seek changes in the way the internet is regulated to be able to charge for preferential treatment and greater access. The Washington Post reports: Executive Wants to Charge for Web Speed: “William L. Smith, chief technology officer for Atlanta-based BellSouth Corp., told reporters and analysts that an Internet service provider such as his firm should be able, for example, to charge Yahoo Inc. for the opportunity to have its search site load faster than that of Google Inc.”
    In Linux Journal, Doc Searls discusses why open access, rather than preferential access, makes the internet the success that it is today, and how end-users and creators can protect this principle: Saving the Net: How to Keep the Carriers from Flushing the Net Down the Tubes:

    They see a problem with freeloaders. On the tall end of the power curve, those ‘loaders are AOL, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other large sources of the container cargo we call “content”. Out on the long tail, the freeloaders are you and me. The big ‘loaders have been getting a free ride for too long and are going to need to pay. The Information Highway isn’t the freaking interstate. It’s a system of private roads that needs to start charging tolls. As for the small ‘loaders, it hardly matters that they’re a boundless source of invention, innovation, vitality and new business. To the carriers, we’re all still just “consumers”. And we always will be.

  • Information Addiction

    Via Kevin Heller, today’s NYT style section features an article discussing whether internet addiction is a serious problem: Hooked on the Web: Help Is on the Way: “These specialists estimate that 6 percent to 10 percent of the approximately 189 million Internet users in this country have a dependency that can be as destructive as alcoholism and drug addiction, and they are rushing to treat it. Yet some in the field remain skeptical that heavy use of the Internet qualifies as a legitimate addiction, and one academic expert called it a fad illness.”
    I don’t know about internet addiction, but I’m pretty sure that I am an information addict. The internet and RSS/Atom, in particular, make it easy to get connected to new information all the time. This really isn’t much of a problem unless it keeps you from getting necessary things done.
    And I think that reading loads of articles and posts for this blog is doing that– it does enable me to feel like I’m doing something productive and useful, while not actually doing anything productive, like finding a job. Of course, the correlary is that the job market for recent law school grads outside of Biglaw (and public-sector biglaw, like the DA) is very small. And the Biglaw hiring is generally done through OCI and summer programs, not after graduation. Most of the interesting, available attorney positions are for lawyers with 3-5 years of work experience. For many other positions, a JD is overqualified. It’s not that positions aren’t out there, but they seem few and far between, so I am frustrated.
    The blog does at least keep me in touch with the law and current events. A small number of the posts are actually not bad…

  • Six strings, no initial interest confusion

    The Sixth Circuit ruled that the shape of a guitar alone is not enough of a similarity to create a situation of initial interest confusion. Gibson Guitar Corp. v. Paul Reed Smith Guitar, LP, No. 04-5836, No. 04-5837 (6th Cir. September 12, 2005). Consumer products will tend to appear like their competitors at a sufficient distance, and initial interest confusion can not substitute for “point-of-sale confusion” in this context.

  • Open Source Licenses

    The NY Times reports on the Free Software Foundation’s plans to revise the General Public License (GPL), which is the license that governs the use of Linux and many other open source programs: Overhaul of Linux License Could Have Broad Impact.
    Lawrence Lessig discusses the problems caused by mixing works that use different free licenses: On Compatibility: “All of these free licenses, as well as the current versions of all Creative Commons licenses, share a common flaw. Like the world of computing in the 1970’s, or like the world of content that DRM will produce, these licenses wrap creative work in ways that makes that creativity incompatible.”
    In LLRX, Dennis Kennedy offers Best Legal Practices for Open Source Software:
    Ten Tips For Managing Legal Risks for Businesses Using Open Source Software
    : “The Open Source licenses represent a very different approach to licensing than most businesses, and their lawyers and legal departments, have become accustomed to in the commercial software setting. Research on the Open Source licenses will often turn up conflicting interpretations, misinformation, philosophical arguments and diametrically opposed points of view. This result should not surprise you, especially if you have researched the commentary on the changing Microsoft software license policies where you will see much of the same. There is good reason, in both cases. Important issues are at stake and a casual approach can result in significant consequences.”

  • Grippy Science

    Recently, I read Brian Greene’s new book, The Fabric of the Cosmos. The book is a fascinating look at string theory for non-physicists. String theory (along with quantum theory) is very difficult to comprehend the same way that Newtonian physics make sense. Our interactions with the physical world are adequately explained by Newton’s ideas on the scale that we can see and feel. Only as we look at things that are even larger or smaller do Newton’s laws fail to accurately predict what actually happens. Most of us, however, are never going to observe the effects of relativity or quantum physics in our daily lives (excepting those people who work in a particle accelerator.)
    String theory is even more difficult to comprehend. While it is possible to conduct experiments that demonstrate theories of quantum physics or general relativity, I find it impossible to comprehend a 12-dimensional universe.
    The more complicated our understanding of the universe becomes, the more people may be looking for a simple explanation.
    On Monday night, Greene was the guest on the Colbert Report. This exchange provides one explanation for the surprising popularity of intelligent design:

    Colbert: What is string theory? Why would something be string shaped?
    Greene: If you follow the mathetimatics of the theory, if you were to examine the structure of matter on tiny, tiny scales, it would look different from the matter we see on everyday life
    SC: Can we do that? Can we go examine it?
    BG: Not as small as we’d like to see the strings itself…
    SC: So we can’t actually physically prove that this is true or not.
    BG: No.
    SC: So we can’t actually physically look and prove that this is true or not? So you can just say things and not have to prove it. What’s that like?
    BG: Here’s the thing. The mathematics of the theory have to make sense and the theory has to embrace previous discoveries like relativity and quantum mechanics in a sensible way. That is a huge requirement that any theory has to pass and you can’t just say anything because of that.
    SC: Oh, you can’t?
    BG: Well, you can try.
    SC: I’ll say something crazy– uh, uh, strings exist in 2 dimensions at once.
    BG: See, that wouldn’t work. That wouldn’t be compatible with relativity
    SC: No? Don’t these strings have crazy properties? Like they’re curled up inside themselves?
    BG: Well, they’re tiny little loops of vibrating energy and the vibrating strings look like the vibrating strings on a violin or cello, but they’re really tiny.
    SC: You’re kidding me! They literally are, look like strings? It’s not a metaphor, it’s actually a string?
    BG: That’s right. The idea is…
    SC: Attached to what?
    BG: Attached to itself– so it could have ends that are attached to space itself or loops that have no end that would vibrate in space.
    SC: Now do you see why people like intelligent design? It just seems easier than that, you know? Occajm’s razor tells us that the simplest answer is certainly the right one. Which is easier to understand– that, or [snap] it just happens?
    BG: It definitely is easier to follow your answer, but we have learned that our sense of what’s right and wrong needs to be dictated by observations– by facts. Relativity and quantum mechanics make predictions…
    SC: By what’s right and wrong? By cold facts?
    BG: Let me give you an example…
    SC: I’m not a fan of facts.

    Facts aren’t popular with a surprisingly large percentage of Americans. For example, in the news today, UC Berkeley sued for hosting evolution website: “Plaintiffs claim site shows government endorsement of evolution.” Yeah, it’s a real shame that the government is supporting science.
    More physics for non-physicists from Brian Greene and PBS in The Elegant Universe.

  • Senate to get techy next year

    Internet News reports that the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a number of hearings on internet and communications issues early next year: Senate Sets Ambitious Tech Schedule: “Signaling its intent to focus on Internet and telecom issues next year, the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee plans to hold 14 hearings on a wide variety of technology topics between January and March.”
    I’ll try to cover these as much as possible. Maybe it’s time to consider finding a sponsorship to underwrite complete coverage…
    Committe on Commerce, Science & Transportation upcoming hearings:

    • 1/19 – Decency
    • 1/19 – Internet Pornography
    • 1/24 – Video Content
    • 1/31 – Broadcast and Audio Flag
    • 2/7 – Net Neutrality
    • 2/14 – State and Local Issues and Municipal Networks
    • 3/2 – Wireless issues/spectrum reform
    • 3/14 – Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
    • 3/14 – Wall Street’s Perspective on Telecommunications

    Previously: Fair Use in the Internet Age, Broadcast Flag and the Analog Hole, Protecting Copyright and Innovation in a Post-Grokster World.

  • Libel Suits Against Bloggers

    The Media Law Resource Center has a list of lawsuits brought against bloggers for libel (and related claims.)

  • Ten Rules for Web Startups

    Blogger founder and current Odeo CEO Evan Williams suggests Ten Rules for Web Startups.

  • Privacy Law and Internet Policy Fellowship

    I probably should try to keep the number of applicants down to increase my chances, but since chances are I won’t get selected anyway, here it is: Ron Plesser Fellowship:

    The law firm of DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary has established a public interest fellowship at the Center for Democracy and Technology (‘CDT’) in honor of Ron Plesser, a senior partner at the firm who died suddenly last fall. Ron was a leader in the fields of e-commerce, freedom of information, and privacy law who began his career as a public interest lawyer. Over the course of his legal career, Ron helped frame the still-evolving legal standards for information policy in the digital era. In order to encourage new lawyers to follow in his path, the first fellowship will be awarded in 2006 to a recent law school graduate to practice in the areas of privacy law and Internet policy at CDT for two years under the direction of the organization’s senior attorneys.

  • Variety’s Slanguage

    Dealing with Hollywood? Variety’s Slanguage Dictionary can demystify the industry lingo and make it possible to translate its articles into English.
    Update: If have to go to a film set, The Artful Writer has a primer on Set Lingo For Writers (and lawyers.)

  • Thanks

    Even though I have no job and have to take bar exams in February (NY again, NJ just for the heck of it), I am very thankful for having my family and friends who have been extremely supportive; thankful to be living in the best city in the world; and thankful for having the internet and blogospheres to feed my information addiction.
    And here’s a nice photo from last year, for no particular reason:

  • Finding the value in the entertainment dollar

    In the Wall St. Journal, columnist Jason Fry examines The Ringtone Riddle— why the $2.49 price point may work for ring tones but not for full tracks. A short snippet of a song may command a premium over a complete track, because users usually buy only one ringtone over the life of a phone, in order to have a distinctive personal style on a phone, but tie the value of a single track in with the value of an album. Fry believes that the $2.49 digital download is doomed to fail:

    My bet is the labels won’t be able to get away with it for downloads over cellphones, either. The labels and wireless carriers seem to be basing their hopes of commanding $2.50 for cellphone song downloads on two things: customers’ willingness to pay a premium for instant gratification and the idea that since people with cellphones vastly outnumber people with MP3 players, the cellphone will become the default device for listening to digital music as phone capabilities improve and more and more people dip a toe into digital music.

    WSJ Technology columnist Walt Mossberg thinks that Sprint’s $2.49 download price is “a lethal combination of two industries many consumers believe typically charge too much.” I discussed the $2.50 price point last week: Digital Music, Mobile Phones and Price, and noted some evidence pointing to high price elasticity for digital song downloads.
    Earlier this week, the NY Times ran an interesting article discussing the increasing number of subscription services that are available for the entertainment-hungry consumer: How to Tame an Inflated Entertainment Budget:

    The game industry is trying to push prices higher for the hottest games, to as much as $60, but even at that price, on a dollar-to-minutes-of-enjoyment basis, video games may be one of the best values, about 12.5 cents a minute for the easily bored, or fractions of a penny for those who can play “Half Life” their whole life.
    Among the worst?
    Live opera works out to about 37 cents a minute, for a middling seat in the New York Metropolitan Opera house to hear “Aida,” compared with 7 cents a minute for “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” at a Loews Cineplex.
    But a Gwen Stefani concert, in again, middling seats, is about $1.25 a minute and that’s with a serving of Black Eyed Peas thrown in.

    With the variety of entertainment options available, copyright owners have to be very careful with deciding how to set prices. Digital delivery may create new services, but those services are competing for limited free time and entertainment budgets with existing media, so these prices are not set in a vacuum.
    When Apple debuted the iTunes video store, although there are no established competitors selling music videos or television episodes, there are an immense number of television shows available on DVD. If Lost sells for $49 for a 24 episode season on DVD, who would buy episodes online for $5? The standard price point for television on DVD falls in the range of $30-$40 for a full 22 episode season of a half-hour program and between $40-$60 for a full season of an hour-long program (with The Sopranos commanding a premium over the typical market price.) So buying 24 $1.99 episodes of Lost is competitive with the cost of the DVD box set (trading immediate acquisition for extra features and greater video quality.)
    Although time-shifting television is even more popular with digital video recorders than with VCRs, medium shifting video onto the computer remains relatively rare. Few computer users have video content ready to sync onto a video-capable iPod or other media player.
    2006 will be the year where video starts to get portable.
    CBS made a deal with Comcast to offer $0.99/episode on-demand access to its most popular programs (including “The Amazing Race”) on digital cable. NBC made a deal with DirecTV. Time Warner plans to make its archive of television programming available online for free on an ad-supported basis. None of these services figure into the portable media ecosystem. These are services tethered to a computer or television. But networks are experimenting with using the web as a delivery device to find audiences for new shows. CBS is offering streaming episodes of “Threshold.” The Sci-Fi is streaming an episode of the new Battlestar Galactica series.
    Marc Cuban, however, thinks that new technology will lead to a Golden Age of Television: ” People want content, where and when they want it.” Digital delivry methods have the opportunity to fill all types of demand.
    TiVo announced that it will enable users to medium shift recorded programming onto video iPods and PlayStation Portables: TiVo to Transfer Shows to iPods, Sony PSP: “‘This is another thing we can do to add value for our subscribers,’ said Jim Denney, TiVo’s vice president of product marketing. ‘We’ve seen reasonable demand and interest from people to bring their videos with them.'” Transferring video from a TiVo to an iPod will be a slow process, since it requires converting from the MPEG2 format to the MPEG4 format– converting video from one format to another requires considerable computer processing time. This is one reason why medium-shifting video is not yet popular.
    Variety reports that copyright owners are unhappy with TiVo allowing users to medium shift programming: Peeved over TiVo : “Several TV and studio execs told Daily Variety that they were considering legal action against the company, whose main product has huge brand awareness but is increasingly being pushed aside by no-name DVRs offered by cable and satellite companies.” The copyright maximalist position suggested here seems to be that one time shift is tolerated under Sony, but that a time-shift and a medium-shift exceed the bounds of fair personal use.
    Joe Gratz considers whether a service that bundles a video iPod with DVD movies and medium shifts those movies to the iPod is liable for copyright infringement: TVMyPod. While it is certainly within the real of fair use to make copies for personal use on a device, is it fair use for a company to provide such a service? Unlike MP3.com, TVmyPod requires customers to buy the DVD at the time of purchasing its services.

  • BitTorrent deals with the MPAA

    BoingBoing’s Xeni Jardin has the scoop on the MPAA and BitTorrent deal. BitTorrent’s Bram Cohen announced a deal with the MPAA to remove links to infringing content from the search engine at BitTorrent.com: MPAA, Bram Cohen announcement today in Hollywood (UPDATED). Perhaps this is one step closer to using the BitTorrent protocol in conjunction with a legitimate online distribution service.

  • Analysis of use (and mis-use) of DMCA Takedown Notices

    Jennifer M. Urban and Laura Quilter, Efficient Process or “Chilling Effects”: Takedown Notices Under Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
    The study found that a substantial number of takedown notices were flawed:

    • Thirty percent of notices demanded takedown for claims that presented an obvious question for a court (a clear fair use argument, complaints about uncopyrightable material, and the like);
    • Notices to traditional ISP’s included a substantial number of demands to remove files from peer-to-peer networks (which are not actually covered under the takedown statute, and which an OSP can only honor by terminating the target’s Internet access entirely); and
    • One out of 11 included significant statutory flaws that render the notice unusable (for example, failing to adequately identify infringing material). Update: C.E. Petit takes a closer look, noting that this summary “completely ignores the problem of overlapping data,” and that the study itself may suffer “dataset bias.” Scrivener’s Error: More Statistics
  • MTA defends F Line trademark

    NY1 reports that the MTA won an injunction against F Line Bagels, a subway-themed bagel store in Carroll Gardens: MTA Forces Brooklyn Bagel Shop To Cover Up Subway-Themed Signs: “A judge has sided with the MTA and ordered the owners of F Line Bagels in Carroll Gardens to cover up the subway logos on its signs. However, lawyers for the MTA say that’s not good enough. They want the signs completely removed and the owners to pay them $5,000 in licensing fees.”
    Previously: MTAtm

  • Studying P2P Studies

    Rufus Pollock evaluates 5 empirical studies of P2P file sharing and its effect on music purchasing: P2P, Online File-Sharing, and the Music Industry: “The basic result is that online illegal file-sharing does have a negative impact on traditional sales. The size of this effect is debated, and ranges from 0 to 100% of the sales decline in recent years, but a figure of between 20 and 40% would be a reasonable consensus value (i.e. that file-sharing accounted for 20-40% of the decline in sales not a 20-40% decline in sales).”

  • Fair Use, Films and the First Amendment

    The LA Times reports on the importance of fair use in allowing documentary filmmakers to engage in protected speech: Copyright isn’t the last word: “The documentary ‘Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,’ Alex Gibney’s chronicle of the excesses and collapse of the giant energy company, could not have been made without the use of some unlicensed copyrighted material. Neither could ‘Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism,’ Robert Greenwald’s exposé of Fox News, which was packed with damning footage the network would never have cleared.”
    This Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use was developed by the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, Independent Feature Project, International Documentary Association, National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture, and Women in Film and Video (Washington, D.C., chapter), in consultation with the Center for Social Media in the School of Communication at American University and the Program on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest in the Washington College of Law at American University:

    This Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use is necessary because documentary fi lmmakers have found themselves, over the last decade, increasingly constrained by demands to clear rights for copyrighted material. Creators in other disciplines do not face such demands to the same extent, and documentarians in earlier eras experienced them less often and less intensely. Today, however, documentarians believe that their ability to communicate effectively is being restricted by an overly rigid approach to copyright compliance, and that the public suffers as a result. The knowledge and perspectives that documentarians can provide are compromised by their need to select only the material that copyright holders approve and make available at reasonable prices.

    The statement puts forth four categories of uses that are most likely to generate a fair use of a copyrighted work:

    1. Employing copyrighted material as the object of social, political, or cultural critique
    2. Quoting copyrighted works of popular culture to illustrate an argument or point
    3. Capturing copyrighted media content in the process of filming something else
    4. Using copyrighted material in a historical sequence
  • Among the Tin Foil Hat Crowd

    A study at MIT measured the effectiveness of alumninum foil helmets in blocking radio waves and suggests an unlikely rationale for at least one allocation of spectrum by the FCC: On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study:

    Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government’s invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason

    Unlikely? yes. Plausible?

  • Google Print at the Public Library

    Paul Frankenstein live blogged the NYPL debate on Google Print (mentioned here last week): Live From The Public (Library): “Speaking tonight will be Allan Adler, Association of American Publishers; Chris Anderson, Wired Magazine; David Drummond, Google; Paul LeClerc & David Ferriero, The New York Public Library; Lawrence Lessig, Stanford Law School; and Nick Taylor, The Authors Guild.”
    Google Print is now officially called Google Book Search.

  • Wex

    Wex: “Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It is sponsored and hosted by the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School.”

  • Fair Use in the Internet Age

    The House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection held hearings today on Fair Use: its Effects on Consumers and Industry.

    • Mr. Peter Jaszi
      Washington College of Law
      American University
    • Mr. Gary Shapiro
      President & Chief Executive Officer
      Consumer Electronics Association
      Arlington, VA
    • Ms. Prudence S. Adler
      Associate Executive Director
      Federal Relations and Information Policy
      Association of Research Libraries
      Washington, DC,
      On behalf of: The Library Copyright Alliance
    • Mr. Jonathan Band PLLC
      Washington, DC,
      On behalf of: NetCoalition
    • Ms. Gigi B. Sohn
      President & Founder
      Public Knowledge
      Washington, DC
    • Mr. James V. DeLong
      Senior Fellow & Director
      IPCentral.Info Progress & Freedom Foundation
      Washington, DC
    • Mr. Frederic Hirsch
      Senior Vice President, Intellectual Property Enforcement
      Entertainment Software Association
      Washington, DC
    • Mr. Paul Aiken
      Executive Director
      Authors Guild, Inc.
      New York, NY

    An archived webcast and witness and member statements are available here.
    Much of the hearing focused on discussing the merits of HR 1201, The Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act of 2005. HR 1201 would create a fair use exemption to the DMCA prohibition on circumventing digital rights protections schemes (aka DRM). In addition, the bill would authorize the FTC to require manufacturers and retailers to label copy protected CD’s.
    Most of the witnesses who addressed the panel spoke in favor of this bill and in defense of the fair use right. Jaszi discussed the tradition of fair use within the Copyright Act and noted a number of policy arguments in favor of the fair use rights, particularly the fact that fair use prevents copyright from overwhelming the First Amendment. As the reach of copyright law is constantly expanding to provide more restrictions on uses than ever before, fair use matters.
    Shapiro started off discussing how fair use ensures innovation. Without fair use, there would be no VCR, tape recorder, Tivo, or iPod. The information technology industry relies on fair use– fair use is all that protects inventors from an over-protected world. Because every use of digital content requires making a copy, fair use is especially important and needs to be strengthened. Americans should be able to use their property in any way they choose that does not harm others.
    Band also noted that all actions in the digital world require making copies, including viewing web sites and replying to emails. Search engines depend on fair use in order to exist. Each major search engine copies a large portion of the world wide web every month under and opt-out scheme of implied consent. Kelly v. Arriba Soft found that search engine indexing is fair use and limiting this use would hurt the way we find information on the internet.
    Adler discussed the relevance of fair use to the mission of libraries. Fair use works well because it is flexible, dynamic and inherently ambiguous. In addition to fair use by library patrons, librarians rely on fair use to create print and electronic reserves and to digitize print works. But when acquiring databases and electronic resources for collections, libraries license, rather than acquire like print material. License agreements are more restrictive than the scope of rights under fair use. Once technological controls are built-in to software, it is impossible for libraries to negotiate exceptions in license agreements.
    Adler concluded by stressing the importance of libraries, who, rather tan publishers, archive copies for future uses. Fair use is an important safeguard on our nation’s interest in cultural information.
    Sohn discussed how fair use rights are slowly being chipped away. Although consumers expect to use content when, how and where they want, the content industries have managed to restrict these uses in the name of preventing piracy. Under the current anti-circumvention law, it is illegal for an individual to copy songs from a copy-protected CD for personal use, shifting video from a DVD to view on an iPod, or removing malicious DRM “rootkit” software from a computer. Sohn asked the representatives to “reject the notion that your constituents are pirates and theives. They do purchase digital products when those digital products are avilable on the market.” In addition, she encouraged the representatives to reform the DMCA so that it permits circumvention solely for lawful purposes and clarify and strengthen the DMCA triennial review process.
    Public Knowledge thinks that DRM is fine, so long as it is marketplace driven, not driven by legislation. FairPlay works in the marketplace, while Sony’s didn’t. The government should not mandate technological protection measures. DeLong agreed with applying a marketplace test to technology. But then, DeLong thinks a marketplace will sort out all problems with the copyright economy.
    DeLong testified, “We don’t talk about the need to balance the interests of automobile manufacturesr and drivers. We assume that we can establish rules promoting markets and allowing the market to sort itself out.” Fair uses usually exist when the transaction cost of getting permission is out of proportion to all value to the user and detriment to the creator.
    The internet is taking transaction costs out of the system.
    DeLong credited DRM with creating marketplace solutions to things that used to have a cost. On the other hand, DRM imposes a cost on performing actions that the law has traditionally considered to be fair uses– uses either so important to the free spread of ideas or so trivial that the law is not concerned with imposing a cost. These are actions that have no monetary value, yet are to be part of a marketplace? Fair use and free use are not necessarily the same.
    Aiken and Hirsch, not surprisingly, spoke against strengthening the scope of fair use.
    In both his opening statement and questioning of the witnesses, Stearns focused on seeking a technological solution for the “fair use problem.” He thinks that technology should be able to come up with a magic bullet that would absolve Congress of its role in having to make difficult decisions about what activities should be encouraged and which activities prohibited. Stearns asked, “Why not make this the copyright equivalent of a race to the moon? Why shouldn’t we be able to technologically limit the number of copies?”
    Impressionistic transcripts of the most interesting questions asked by the subcommittee follow in the extended entry.

    I have a CD or DVD here in DC. Do I have a right to make a copy of a CD or DVD that I can use in my other home in Florida?
    Jaszi: Yes.
    Stearns: What about if I have a beach house, too?
    Jaszi: So long as it is for your personal use, then yes.
    Stears: Can I continue to make copies for my personal use forever?
    Jaszi: So long as it is for your personal use.
    Stearns: What about if I make copies for each of my children?
    Jaszi: That is a debatable question?
    Stearns: What about sharing libraries between two portable MP3 players?
    Jaszi: Wholesale copying of music libraries is outside of the law, but for a single copy may be ok.
    DeLong: This is solved in a market. If you want one copy, pay for one copy. If you want more copies, you should be able to pay for multiple copies. They will invent ways of doing this. 1. Why should the person who needs very light use subsidiize the family of somebody else? 2. Why should the law get involved in this?
    Stearns: There must be some ind of way of solving this with a flag.
    Shapiro: The AHRA allows making an unlimited number of copies of an original, but no copies of a copy.
    DeLong: Fair use and free use are different things. Lets rely on a market, rather than central planners.
    Schakowsky: Are libraries pushed into license agreements rather than buying books by publishers?
    Adler: With the move from primarily print-based resources to electronic resources, the electronic resources are available only as licenses with a publisher.
    Aiken: if there is a Google exception to copyright, then there is a search engine exception to copyright.
    Burton: Should we outlaw black CD’s, blank tapes, and recorders? These can all be used to make copies of things. But the opponents of fair use would outlaw every copy. Why can’t we find a way to support creators and not outlaw usage? Is it possible to create and manufacture equipment that would technologically allow a small number of copies?
    Shapiro: Under the AHRA, the equipment is designed to allow one copy off an original, but no copies off a copy and pays a royalty to copyright owners. [And look at the overwhelming success of DAT among the general public.]
    Ferguson: How are consumers harmed by the current copyright environment? We can download songs for $0.99, buy a DVD for $15. How does DRM adversely affect fair use? WIthout DRM, consumers wouldn’t have these products to make fair use of at all? How does gutting §1201 help the consumer when these products may not be in the stream of commerce to begin with?
    Sohn: The ability to make fair use is limited by the DRM management tools. PK does not oppose DRM, but the way in which those tools limit the ability to make fair use, there needs to make a narrow exception.
    Ferguson: How is this a narrow exception?
    Sohn: Pirates don’t rely on fair use. They will do what they do whether there is fair use or DRM or not. This will allow consumers to make use of products
    Ferguson: I’m going to make a new website called Snoogle. It will be a complete copy of the Google technology. Why wouldn’t that be a problem?
    Band: Well, that would be a violation of trademark law. It might be a trademark fair use, but would probably lead to consumer confusion in the marketplace.
    Bono: Should this be enacted now?
    Jaszi: Yes.
    Shapiro: Never too early to do the right thing
    Adler: Yes.
    Band: No position– look at broadcast flag.
    Sohn: yes.
    DeLong: Give it another century
    Hirsch: Wait and See.
    Aiken: The Authors Guild has no position.
    Boucher: Will allowing bypasses for a lawful use allow for piracy?
    Shapiro: Don’t even understand why piracy is under discussion here. My favorite example is that I can’t fast forward through copyright notices and commercials at the beginning of a DVD.
    Band: DeCSS can be downloaded from 300,000 sites on the internet to crack DVD encryption, but that hasn’t taken away from the growing DVD marketplace.
    Boucher: HR 1201 clearly says that the only time a person may bypass a technogical protection is for a lawful purpose. If that person is bypassing for an infringing purpose, such as piracy, I see no validity for why 1201 would lead to more policy.
    Hirsch: From an enforcement standpoint, we can’t be in everybody’s homes to figure out who is engaging in a lawful use or not. So we seek to prevent unlawful uses through technology.
    Stearns: If we have a unified DRM system, maybe this could all be resolved without legislation.

  • Working for the Clampdown

    At Coolfer, Damian Kulash (of OK Go) presents the musician’s case against DRM: The DRM Hullabaloo

    DRM just flat out sucks. Its most obvious problem is that it doesn’t work. No matter how sophisticated the particular software, it only takes one person to break it, once, and the music that was ‘protected’ by the DRM is free to roam the vast expanses of the P2P networks. It’s the most ridiculous house-of-cards model imaginable: one single breech and the whole system implodes. As if to underscore the superlative absurdity of their goal, the lightbulb-heads also managed to cook up software that is comically easy to break. Way to go, guys.
    Beyond the guaranteed functional failure, DRM is bad for everyone involved.

    At Slate, Adam Penenberg notes that the only winner in DRM is the companies locking-in consumers to certain DRM schemes: Digital Rights Mismanagement: How Apple, Microsoft, and Sony cash in on piracy prevention

    Companies like Apple claim that digital rights management—”digital restrictions management” to critics—is a tool to dampen the threat of piracy, which the record industry claims has cost it billions in revenues. But DRM also locks consumers into using their technologies over those of competitors. The term “FairPlay” is a classic example of technological doublespeak. Since Apple sells about 80 percent of legal music downloads in the United States, FairPlay effectively stunts competition and consumer choice.

    Sony BMG’s use of spyware/DRM on new CD releases is a security and PR problem. Ed Felten and Alex Halderman discuss the security problems at Freedom to Tinker. Coolfer discusses the PR problem. BoingBoing has a summary timeline that shows how quickly information and bad publicity spread on the internets.

  • Ring Tone (with The Magic)

    Inspired by the ring tone on G.O.B.’s fancy phone (on Arrested Development), the official mobile phone of AndrewRaff.com now has a new ring tone (after a quick Google search and edit in Quicktime.)
    For phones that can use General MIDI files as ring tones: finalcountdown.mid
    Via ALOTT5MA, Amazon has a great deal on a bundle of Arrested Development Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD for only $31.97 total.

  • Thursday, Thursday, Thursday

    NY Bar Exam results will be posted on Thursday.

  • Law School: The Movie

    Via an email, All About Law School:

    “All About Law School” is the first ever DVD about the law school experience. Whether you’re considering law school or are already enrolled, nothing can prepare you better. Law students are never told how or what to study. Most don’t figure it out until it is too late. This DVD puts you ahead of the game by teaching you the specific strategies you’ll need to maximize your grades and avoid the common pitfalls. Full of specific advice from real law students, it is an invaluable resource for anyone who is serious about their success in law school.

    This film looks like it takes its subject waaaay too seriously. Let me know if I’m wrong, but I can think of a number of better ways to spend $35, including one that will actually be useful.

  • Order Cut Back

    It looks like Arrested Development is nearing the end of its run, as Fox will extend its order beyond the first 13 episodes of this third season.
    This probably isn’t a surprise, as the show has suffered anemic ratings, despite critical appeal. While Fox will promote Family Guy, The Simpsons, Prison Break 24, and reality shows during football, I think I have yet to see a promo for Arrested Development while watching football on Fox. On the Season 2 DVD outtakes, David Cross (in costume as Tobias in costume as Mrs. Featherbottom) rants about Fox’s inability to promote the show.
    The SF Chronicle’s Tim Goodman confirms rumors and discusses the show in his column today: Die-hard ‘Arrested Development’ fans already feeling sting of loss:

    Now, let’s get serious here for a minute as it concerns Fox’s alibi. The fact is, Fox has never known what to do with “Arrested Development,” which has won six Emmys, including outstanding comedy. On-air promotions for the series have been sporadic at best and incompetent, never selling the humor of the series.

    To give Fox some credit, at least they are showing the episodes in order, started the show off in a decent time slot, and brought the show back for its second and third seasons. This is more of an patience than Fox exhibited with other beleaguered shows. Maybe broadcast is the wrong medium for Arrested. Maybe the show is better off in an alternative medium.
    After all, creator Mitch Hurwitz described that show as one made for the DVR generation: An interview with Mitchell Hurwitz of ‘Arrested Development’: “We’re making the show for new technology and DVDs, it’s made for TiVo, much moreso than it’s made for watching once. There’s a value in rewatching it.” With numerous callbacks and foreshadowing to jokes introduced in other episodes, Arrested rewards dedicated viewers.
    Will AD become the first tv show to cross over into post-television distribution? Since the debut of the iPod with video and the addition of TV episodes, including Lost and Desparate Housewives, to the iTunes Music Store, many other media companies have announced plans for post-television video distribution– either through the internet, on DVD or through on-demand pay services on cable and satellite systems. (That will be another post when I get over this cold.)
    With a dedicated fan base that will follow Arrested to any new medium, it seems a likely candidate for testing new methods of distribution. However, it is also an expensive show to produce, with 9 main cast members, many of whom are established performers, it seems unlikely that the show will get financed by the studio without a commitment from a network. Goodman reports rumors that have Showtime the most likely candidate to pick up the Bluth family with an outside shot of Fox trying again in another year. There is a case for why Fox should stick with the show– it brings respect and prestige to Fox within the creative community. Shows may take longer than 2 seasons and 4 episodes to develop into hits– The Amazing Race was in danger of cancellation for its first 4 seasons. Only in season 5 did that show become a hit. Like Arrested, the Race is show that is expensive for the category (and logistically difficult), but after floating around the schedule with indifferent promotion, the quality show found an audience. (And then, CBS decided that the “Family Edition” would be a good idea, and is now airing a lame, watered-down version of the Race. The Amazing should be back with TAR9, hopefully.)
    As a show that only reveals its genius after multiple viewings, Arrested may take longer than usual to find its audience. The fans will follow.

  • Robot Lawyer

    It sounds like a rejected SNL character, but Engadget reports: Law firm set to offer “robot” lawyers: “South African law firm Buys Inc. plans to introduce a trio of ‘robot’ lawyers next year designed to offer online legal advice to customers.”

  • Indecency

    In the Washington Post today, an article about the FCC and indecency reglations: Delays, Low Fines Weaken FCC Attack on Indecency: “The agency’s role as broadcast nanny has come under greater scrutiny in recent months as consumers and lawmakers grow concerned about the increasingly coarse content of radio and television — last year, the FCC received more than 1 million complaints about programs. Broadcasters say the FCC’s content guidelines are too tough and arbitrarily applied while some lawmakers, viewers and interest groups blame the agency for being too lax.”
    Reuters reports that the Senate Commerce Committee will hold hearings on broadcast indecency later this month: US Senate panel to examine decency issues November 29: “The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said on Tuesday it plans later this month to discuss indecent content aired on television to determine how to proceed on potential legislation to limit such material.”
    This week’s episode of Family Guy, “PTV” was a hilarious satire of and attack on the FCC indecency regulations. In a crackdown, classic TV shows, like the Dick Van Dyke show are edited to meet heightened levels of scrutiny; After Peter starts his own television station, the Commission arrives to crack down on indecency in real life. This description obviously doesn’t do justice to the show, which included a musical number about the “Freakin’ FCC.”

  • Guilty until proven innocent

    On Poilitech last week, James Reid posted a story about the excessive scurity at a movie screening: How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience: a first-hand report: “the line was moving slowly because they were asking customers to raise their arms so that they could be electronically frisked with a metal detector, and
    women’s purses were being searched by uniformed security guards. Try to remember that this is Toronto, Canada we’re talking about here, not New York, Tel Aviv or London.”
    I have had this same experience going to see pre-release films in New York. The concern has nothing to do with security as it does with paranoia. I can understand confiscating cell phones for the purposes of enhancing the movie going experience, but to take camera phones because someone might take a blurry picture or video of the screen? That’s really going to serve as a substitute for going to see the movie in a theater? Who is going to watch a pirated version of a movie recorded on cameraphone?
    Marc Cuban’s HDNet is trying a new model that may take away a significant amount of the market for pirated DVDs– releasing the film in theaters and on DVD at the same time: The Movies today are better than ever!: “Our first movie, Enron – The Smartest Guys in the Room, premiered in theaters and on HDNet Movies the very same day. Enron went on to not only get great reviews, but also become one of the highest grossing documentaries of all time.”

  • Digital Music, Mobile Phones and Pricing

    In the NY Times, David Pogue reviews Sprint’s new mobile music download service. Unlike the disappointing Motorola ROKR iTunes phones, Sprint’s new offerings enable users to download songs directly to their phones over the air. Also, in contrast to iTunes, the pricing seems designed by committee to allow every possible intermediary to get a piece of the pie.
    At Last, Phone Some Tunes to Yourself

    Unless they’ve just spent four years in a sensory-deprivation tank, surely Sprint’s executives know that the iTunes Music Store and its rivals have solidly established the sweet spot of customer acceptance at $1 a song. What makes Sprint think it can charge two and a half times as much and still make people happy?

    Well, that $2.50 per track offers something that iTunes doesn’t– right? Better sound quality? Nope. The mobile downloads are about one-fourth the quality of iTunes downloads. At least Sprint allows buyers to download a version to their PC in Windows Media format, which is incompatible with iTunes or on an iPod (and may be Mac-compatible around the time that, oh, hell freezes over.)

    The PC copy arrives in a far higher-fidelity format (WMA, 128 kilobits per second) than the songs you get on your phone, which have been heavily compressed to conserve memory-card space. (To be precise, the phone songs are in AAC+ format, at a toe-curlingly low 32 kilobits per second.)
    As a final shock, you can’t use your downloaded songs as ring tones. If you love a certain Beyoncé track, you’ll have to pay $2.50 for the ring tone, and another $2.50 for the whole song. The average music fan is to be forgiven for concluding that the whole enterprise reeks of greed.

    It makes sense that the mobile phone and the music player should come together– after all, they are both portable computers designed to reproduce sound. The first notable effort, Motorola’s ROKR with Apple iTunes software is an anemic entry. Slate’s Paul Boutin examines: Off Their ROKR: Why Motorola’s new iTunes phone is a flop. “The iTunes phone is a case study in form failing function. On paper, it’s a reasonable combo device. The price is OK—$250 plus a service plan from Cingular. The sound quality is the best I’ve ever heard on a cell phone. But for a gadget meant to break new ground, the ROKR sags behind the curve.”
    Unfortunately, there are too many entrenched interests that need to be placated in order to get into this market. Phone manufacturers can sell products only at the whim of mobile network operators, who control access to subsidized phone deals. Mobile operators want a piece of the transaction– they don’t want their customers to move data on and off their phones any way but through the mobile network, on a pay-per-byte basis.
    The music phone also faces competition from Apple– who has a good thing for its bottom line with iPod sales. Apple does not want to cede the iTunes market to the phone– because licensing software to hardware manufacturers is a significantly less profitable business than selling hardware. Hence, the 100-song limit keeps the ROKR from competing with any of the iPods. The phone manufacturers do not want to have to pay Apple a licensing fee for each handset.
    Wired magazine’s Frank Rose explains in detail: Battle for the Soul of the MP3 Phone: “Consumers want an iPod phone that will play any song, anytime, anywhere. Just four little problems: the cell carriers, the record labels, the handset makers, and Apple itself. The inside story of why the ROKR went wrong.* (*And what it will take to make a truly rocking music phone.)”
    The same considerations that kept the ROKR from, well, rocking, are the same considerations that has Sprint selling songs for $2.50 per track. If that especially-inflated price point is at all successful, the Big 4 will be using that as leverage in their negotiations with Apple over renewing the iTunes Music Store licenses that expire in April.
    As legitimate digital downloads are becoming a larger part of the music market– 6% of record industry sales according to IFPI, labels are trying to figure out how to maximize the value of this market. One way is to introduce variable pricing for digital downloads– both more and less than the $0.99 price point. Back in August, the NY Times reported on the negotiations between the labels (who want variable pricing) and Apple (who wants to continue simple pricing): Apple, Digital Music’s Angel, Earns Record Industry’s Scorn. Rolling Store also reported: Apple, Labels Feud Mounts: “Apple’s iTunes contracts with the labels expire next spring, and, at this point, neither side is budging from its demands”
    It is important to remember that the legit services are competing not only with each other at the $0.99 (and higher) price points, but with P2P at $0/track. The higher the prices for legitimate services are, the more effort a listener may exert to download for free. For most people, the opportunity cost of pirating a track is worth more than $0.99.
    SharkJumping discusses price elasticity: Music Label Unhappiness with ITunes – a Price Elasticity Debate: “digital download purchases are utterly price elastic when measured over a period of time across a large group of consumers – that means that demand for the product is closely related to the price – increasing the price will actually drive down revenue since fewer people purchase the product, while decreasing the price actually increases the overall revenue since many more people purchase the product, more than making up for the lower price per unit. ”
    Barry Ritholtz: Music Industry Attempts Price Increases (or Hari Kari, Part II)
    if the labels manage to crank up ITMS prices, expect those pricey legal downloads to plummet in volume. That’s just basic economics — if a free alternative exists, and consumers already think your product is overpriced, than you are in for a heap of trouble if you try to raise your selling price point.
    Chris Anderson: Could the labels actually be right? “There’s plenty to like about variable pricing. For starters, it’s almost always the most efficient way to maximize markets of disparate goods and customers.” “The reason is simple Long Tail math: there’s a lot more music in the Tail than there is in the Head, and labels are generally more willing to experiment with discount pricing outside of the top 1,000 than they are with their hits. Those niches represents most of the music available today, measured by number of titles, and because they’re only modest sellers individually they’re less likely to create channel conflict with CD retailers, who tend to only stock the hits.” “Imagine, for starters, that Apple introduces a three-tiered band of pricing: $1.49, $.99 and $.79 (that would no doubt soon expand to include $.49, but below that the transaction costs of credit card processing and the like start to loom large). Tiered pricing–gold, silver, bronze–is still pretty simple for consumers to understand, yet it introduces a valuable new dimension of demand creation.”
    Prices are not set in a vaccuum. Any legit music service is ompeting with $0/track prices on P2P. But why do people buy from a legit service? Not just for the psychological satisfaction of rewarding copyright owners, but because P2P has an opportunity cost, too. Only if someone’s time is worthless does P2P provide a better value than iTunes. Searching for a track on a P2P network is time-consuming and can produce results of varying quality.
    Interestingly, Apple already uses variable pricing in the iTunes store. Labels have some price flexibility and can set the price of albums so that the average price of a track on an album will be higher or lower than $0.99/track.
    iTunes Japan already has variable pricing for individual tracks. Looking to see what’s popular in Japan, some songs on the the Japanese Top 100 chart cost ¥150 ($1.32) while others cost ¥200 ($1.77).

  • Google Print and Fair Use

    Google Print is the topic that may single-handedly keep the copyright-related blog world in business for the next few years.
    Last week, Google added the full text of 10,000 public domain books into the Google Print database. The NY Times reports: Google Adds LIbrary Texts to Search Database: “The additions, from the university libraries at Michigan, Harvard and Stanford and from the New York Public Library, represent the first large group of material to be made available electronically from those libraries, which along with Oxford University contracted with Google last year to let the company scan and make searchable the contents of much or all of their collections.”
    On Google’s corporate blog, Adam Mathes writes: Preserving public domain books: “The world’s libraries are a tremendous source of knowledge, much of which has never been available online. One of our goals for Google Print is to change that, and today we’ve taken an exciting step toward meeting it: making available a number of public domain books that were never subject to copyright or whose copyright has expired.”
    The following day, Amazon.com announced a program that will sell online access to “any page, section or chapter of a book.” These commercial programs will convert the full-text databases used for searching into a way to offer access to full text works as well as a way compensate rightsholders– like iTunes. Again, from the NY Times: Want ‘War and Peace’ Online? How About 20 Pages at a Time?: “The idea is to do for books what Apple has done for music, allowing readers to buy and download parts of individual books for their own use through their computers rather than trek to a store or receive them by mail. Consumers could purchase a single recipe from a cookbook, for example, or a chapter on rebuilding a car engine from a repair manual.”
    This week, the debate even spilled over into my favorite football-related column, Gregg Easterbrook’s Tuesday Morning Quarterback, where Easterbrook writes:

    Copyright law gives authors and performers the exclusive right to make or authorize copies of their works; the exclusive right to make or authorize copies is, at heart, what a copyright represents.…
    [Google] says it will not scan books whose authors send a letter of objection. But if you want to use a copyrighted work, the legal onus is on you to get permission, not on the copyright holder to lodge a protest. Google’s position is like saying that if you do not want your house broken in to, it is your responsibility to send a notification to thieves. In this analogy, Google is the thief — just like in the real world! Remember when Google maintained it would never be the next Microsoft? It’s not; Microsoft obeys the law. Remember when Google was going to be a corporate good-guy? Google is fast becoming the next Enron; maybe this is the kind of thing that happens when your founders decide they need an entire Boeing 767 to themselves. Contrast Google’s corporate kleptomania to Amazon’s decision to offer online books only if authors grant permission. As we enter the digital age, it becomes ever-more important society resists the idea that unaccountable corporations have an unlimited right to seize whatever exists in electronic form. And Google, now that you have declared it is fine to copy intellectual property without permission, surely you won’t object if anyone steals your proprietary software and corporate data?

    In order to understand the legal implications of the Google Print case, we have to look at what Google is doing– scanning books into an electronic database for the purpose of indexing.
    In Kelly v. Arriba Soft, The 9th Circuit ruled that creating thumbnails of images in a search engine is fair use.

    The search engine at issue in this case is unconventional in
    that it displays the results of a user’s query as “thumbnail”
    images. When a user wants to search the internet for informa-
    tion on a certain topic, he or she types a search term into a
    search engine, which then produces a list of web sites that
    contain information relating to the search term. Normally, the
    list of results is in text format. The Arriba search engine, how-
    ever, produces its list of results as small pictures.
    To provide this service, Arriba developed a computer pro-
    gram that “crawls” the web looking for images to index. This
    crawler downloads full-sized copies of the images onto Arri-
    ba’s server. The program then uses these copies to generate
    smaller, lower-resolution thumbnails of the images. Once the
    thumbnails are created, the program deletes the full-sized
    originals from the server. Although a user could copy these
    thumbnails to his computer or disk, he cannot increase the
    resolution of the thumbnail; any enlargement would result in
    a loss of clarity of the image.

    The Google Print service provides essentially the same service as the Arriba Soft image search engine, except that it searches print books instead of digital images.

    We must determine if Arri-
    ba’s use of the images merely superseded the object of the
    originals or instead added a further purpose or different charac-
    ter…Although Arriba made exact replications of Kelly’s
    images, the thumbnails were much smaller, lower-resolution
    images that served an entirely different function than Kelly’s
    original images.

    The court ruled that create a search engine index is a transformative use that does not supersede the purpose of the original work. The character of a copy used in a search engine index is different than the character of a copy used to read. The search engine use helps to find the book. The intrinsic purposes of the use are different.
    The court found that creating a complete copy is necessary to create a service that adds value to the images:

    It was necessary for Arriba to copy the entire
    image to allow users to recognize the image and decide
    whether to pursue more information about the image or the
    originating web site. If Arriba only copied part of the image,
    it would be more difficult to identify it, thereby reducing the
    usefulness of the visual search engine

    Google’s book scans are used only for the purpose of creating a full-text index for searching and not for offering text to users. Google is not distributing copies of copyrighted books without permission. For books submitted to the index by publishers, Google provides acess to a couple of pages (with permission of the copyright owner.) For books scanned in under the partnership with university libraries, Google provides access to ~30 word excerpts that contain the user’s search term. Google’s Screenshots page explains this well.
    In UMG Recordings v. MP3.com, the court found that a digital locker service, which created medium-shifted full copies of recorded music, was an infringing use. The defendant’s service not only created but distributed complete copies. Like the Arriba Soft thumbnail images, these copies were at a lower resolution/fidelity than the original works. Unlike the Arriba Soft thumbnails, these copies were used to supplant the original use of the works– for listening.
    The key difference between Google and Arriba Soft is that Arriba searches images already on the web in digital form. Google is digitizing the books made available only in print, possibly superseding the market for electronic versions of those same books. Images placed on the web may be thought to be made available with an implied consent to be indexed.
    Google Print does not provide access to the complete work and its full copies are used to add value by creating an index, rather than to merely replace the traditional use.
    If Google, like Amazon, was providing access to a complete copyrighted work, Google would clearly need permission.
    The authors and publishers complaint is based on the fact that Google is copying the entire book without permission in order to create this index. And this question shows why this case is important. Does Copyright law regulate the act of copying or the act of distribution? If making a copy of a complete work in order to create a searchable index, then Google’s entire business is threatened. In indexing the web, Google creates complete copies of web pages, unless the web publisher explicitly opts out using the robots.txt protocol. In addition, Google not only creates, but also distributes medium-shifted cache copies of .PDF and .DOC files.
    If Copyright law is concerned with regulating the act of copying, then Google may be in trouble, but then so might culture. As a matter of public policy, copyright law might be better served by regulating distribution rather than regulating copying per se. If it is impossible to search the entire web, we lose this wonderful resource. As a matter of public policy, prohibiting intermediate copying will harm public access to information. Just because Google would have the ability to disseminate infringing copies might not mean that it should be prohibited from using infringing copies.
    The NY Public Library will hold a live panel discussion, The Battle Over Books: Authors & Publishers Take on the Google Print Library Project, with Allan Adler (Association of American Publishers), Chris Anderson (Wired Magazine), David Drummond (Google), Paul LeClerc & David Ferriero (The New York Public Library), Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law School), and Nick Taylor (The Authors Guild.) I will liveblog this, if possible.
    Pat Schroeder and Bob Barr wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Times stressing the rights of authors: Reining in Google: “Not only is Google trying to rewrite copyright law, it is also crushing creativity. ”
    In Forbes, Nick Schultz defends Google: Don’t Fear Google: “The way the current copyright law works, I can take a book out from any library, read it and write a review of it for publication on the Web site I edit or in the pages of Forbes.com or anywhere else. This “fair use” of material involves no copyright violation. Readers benefit from learning a bit about the book, authors and publishers benefit from increased exposure. ”
    Copyright treatise author Raymond Nimmer thinks that the Google project is very different from the Arriba Soft case and that Google’s use is not fair use, based mainly on the fact that it is a commercial enterprise: Google Lawsuit Begins; Fair Use On the one hand, this large company desires to make a massive number of copies of other persons’ property for its own profit. On the other hand, the authors and publishers that own the property rights have been given exclusive rights to copy or distribute copies of their works as part of a statutory scheme that intends to provide authors with incentive to create new works.”
    Another treatise author, William Patry, prefers to apply a market substitute test for fair use: Google Revisited: “So in the Google project, why should we care if there are server copies? The purposes for the copies in connection with the Print Library project is to give people access to knowledge about the existence of the book as well as a tiny amount of text. That is of great help to researchers and hopefully to authors and publishers of the books too. It in no way harms copyright owners unless the project becomes something else, namely a full-text service which then is a market substitute.”
    I tend to think that this is the core analysis of fair use– if the use is a market substitute for the original work, it is probably not a fair use.
    Jason Schultz was quoted in a segment on NPR’s California Report on Google Lawsuits over Images, Books
    In Salon.com, Farhad Manjoo has an excellent piece that summarizes the implications of these cases: Throwing Google at the book: “A year later, Google’s grand plan to digitize the world’s books still seems as fantastical as it did when it was first proposed. Earlier this year, the company started scanning books at libraries, and on Nov. 3 launched an elegant beta version of its book search engine — but the project faces an uncertain future.”
    On a tangentially related note, Eric Goldman discusses a different search engine indexing case: Newborn v. Yahoo: “In this case, a web publisher sued Google and Yahoo for contributory copyright and contributory trademark infringement based (apparently) on their indexing the publisher’s press releases. I say “apparently” because the plaintiff was unable to articulate a legal complaint or a statement of facts that the judge could understand. Because of the defects in the complaint, the judge granted a motion to dismiss with prejudice, ending the case before it started.”
    More links and commentary follow in the extended entry.

    Search Engine Watch’s Danny Sullivan discusses the difference between creating a full-text index and making the full text content accessible on the web: Indexing Versus Caching & How Google Print Doesn’t Reprint: “Here’s the thing. Google is NOT, repeat NOT, republishing copies of books that it scans out of libraries. This is a fundamental mistake that many people seem to be making.”
    In Slate, Tim Wu frames the debate: Leggo My Ego: Google Print and the other culture war.: “What’s going on? Google has become the new ground zero for the “other” culture war. Not the one between Ralph Reed and Timothy Leary, but the war between Silicon Valley and Hollywood; California’s cultural civil war. At stake are two different visions of what might best promote authorship in this country. One side trumpets the culture of authorial exposure, the other urges the culture of authorial control.”
    Michael Madison also looks at how the publishers frame the case: Google Print II: “This is not only bet-the-company litigation, it’s bet-the-Internet litigation.”
    At the U of Chicago Law faculty blog, Doug Lichtman ponders Google Print: “Remember that whatever legal rule we create here is a legal rule, not a Google-specific contract. Thus, we have to make sure that any fair use rights we articulate here will work in a world that has lots of players (Google, Yahoo, new startups, and so on) plus also dishonest players that will abuse the rules here in much the same way that the Grokster and Napster folks abused the rules related to small-scale sharing of music.”
    Joseph Liu wonders how the Grokster contributory infringement standard will affect Google’s liability: Google & Grokster: “Even if you believe, as do I, that Google’s activities are or should be fair use, there’s an interesting separate question re: what efforts, if any, Google should be obligated to take to keep the digitized books secure from third parties. For example, what if third parties could use Google Print to easily reconstruct full digital versions of print books (e.g. by sending a series of overlapping queries to Google Print and reassembling the search results)?”
    In the Washington Post, Mary Sue Coleman, the president of the University of Michigan, defends Google: Riches We Must Share . .: “Beyond the specific legal challenges emerging in the wake of such a sea change, there are deeply important public policy issues at stake. We must not lose sight of the transformative nature of Google’s plan or the public good that can come from it.”
    While in the same WaPo op-ed page, Nick Taylor, president of the Authors Guild writes: . . . But Not at Writers’ Expense: “The value of Google’s project notwithstanding, society has traditionally seen its greatest value in the rights of individuals, and particularly in the dignity of their work and just compensation for it.”
    Laura Quilter comments on both op-ed pieces: lost licensing revenue & Google Print: “I was particularly disappointed with Nick Taylor’s editorial, in a few ways. Taylor wisely doesn’t actually make any legal arguments. Instead, his editorial boils down to the complaint that Google Print is lost licensing revenue for publishers. It’s okay, that he makes that point, because that’s actually the publishers and Authors’ Guild’s real (and only) point. I just resent the rhetorical slurs that are used to pad the actual argument.”
    Wired reports that Writers Side With Google in Scrap: “Google’s plan to scan library book collections and make them searchable may be drawing ire from publishers and authors’ advocates, but some obscure and first-time writers are lining up on the search engine’s side of the dispute — arguing that the benefits of inclusion in the online database outweigh the drawbacks.”
    One of those authors is Meghann Marco, who sent A Letter to Google: “I think Google Print is a good idea. No one has been able to explain to me how I would suffer from people being able to search for phrases and read excerpts of my book on-line. ”
    Richard Nash, is a publisher whose company Soft Skull Press is a member of the Association of American Publishers, but who disagrees with the position of the association: The Google Debate: “I’ve been having a (very civilized) exchange with the Association of American Publishers over their Google lawsuit. I’m basically furious about what’s going on, though I can’t blame them directly: it’s the membership that decides what they do.”
    In the LA Times, Xeni Jardin admonishes, You authors are saps to resist Googling: “If the paranoid myopia that drives such thinking penetrates too deeply into the law, search engines will eventually shut down. What’s the difference, after all, between a copyrighted Web page and a copyrighted book? What if Internet entrepreneurs could sue Google for indexing their websites?”
    Siva Vaidhyanathan, Derek Slater, Michael Madison and Laura Quilter discuss the long-term potential effects on copyright, as well as the relevance of Google as the defendant. (There are more posts by each on their blogs, but these are probably the core of the discussion)
    Siva: “Game On” for Google Print: “My real issues are with the libraries here. Google can and should do what’s best for its shareholders. The rest of us should worry about what’s best for the culture, democracy, and the Internet. We can’t count on any company to do that for us. We should be able to count on libraries to do it. They work for us. Google doesn’t.”
    Slater: Gogle Print and “Copyright Meltdown”: “hese days, any time a comparison is made to P2P of almost any kind, many people have knee jerk reactions and resort to firmly entrenched battle stances. Those interested in having serious discussions about the future of copyright must work very hard to keep that tarpit of a debate about P2P from infecting all other issues – debates not only about Google Print, but also about podcasting and me2me technologies, for instance.”
    Madison: Google Bad, Library Good — Follow Up: “Both Google and the libraries are parts of overlapping institutional universes, and it’s best to look at Google Print, and the wisdom of signing on with Google (or rejecting Google’s plans) in light of those universes.”
    Quilter: Google’s evilness is beside the point (Bonus Rant Included) The point of people’s support for Google Print is not that we support Google, love Google, or want Google to control our access to information. The point is that Google, and any other entity who wants to do it, should be able to add value to information. Google should not be THE ONE; Google should be ONE OF MANY. Picking and choosing a single entity presupposes that the information is already controlled, and this new use, this new added value, is to be carefully metered as a scarce resource.”
    Findlaw’s Julie Hilden: Authors Sue Google Over Its “Print for Libraries” Project: Will the Suit Succeed? Should It? And Why, As An Author, I’m Opting Out of Any Class Action” “Should this suit be certified as a class action? What should Google’s position be on class certification? (We know the plaintiffs position: They want it.) Who’s likely to win this suit? And, assuming the suit is certified as a class action, should individual authors opt in, or opt out?”
    LawFont has a nice summary of the controversy: Book digitisation projects: Google Print and all that
    Copyfight’s Donna Wentworth strings together a similar cross-blog conversation: Speaking Volumes
    Finally, Google Print, a bibliography.

  • Thunk

    There is something very satisfying about voting on New York’s vintage lever voting machines. Pulling the lever to record the vote is a large tactile movement that really feels like you’ve done something to contribute to the democratic process. This may have been the last time New Yorkers vote using the old lever machines.
    The Help America Vote Act requires all states to transition to replace punch card and mechanical voting machines with optical scan or direct recording (DRE) machines by 2006. While there is a slightly greater likelihood of a vote being recorded accurately in an optical scan voting system than on a lever system, lever systems may be more accurate than DRE systems. See this 2001 Caltech/MIT report: Residual Votes Attributable to Technology: An Assessment of the Reliability of Existing Voting Equipment.
    Learn more about the upcoming shift in voting technology in the last segment of today’s Brian Lehrer Show.
    It appears that e-voting machines in Ohio exhibited problems yet again this year: Day Begins With Vote Machines Problems

  • Blawg Review #31

    Welcome to Blawg Review #31, the weekly guide to the best posts in the legal blog world. This week, Blawg Review will fall in love, geek out, go online, get some useful advice and maybe even engage in some light treason.

    Previously on Blawg Review

    Blawg Review went Underground
    Blawg Review fought the man!
    Blawg Review sold out!
    …and now, stay tuned for this week’s exciting all-new episode of Blawg Review!

    Act I: The Alito Nomination

    The big story around the blawgs this week was obviously the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court. For an example of how useful legal blogs can be, look no further than these posts.

    Laura Quilter looks at Alito’s record on copyright, the First Amendment and Cyberlaw, finding that “while Alito appears to be careful and thoughtful about copyright, the picture that emerges from looking broadly at his consumer rights and interests decisions is not a good one. Alito appears to be quite concerned with enforcing the letter of contracts and working through the nuances of textual interpretation.”
    Ronald K.L. Collins and David L. Hudson Jr., from the First Amendment Center, look at Alito’s record on the First Amendment (surprise, surprise) and find Judge Alito fairly strong on free expression.They find Alito “(1) quite protective of several categories of expression, including religious and commercial expression; (2) far less protective of First Amendment claims raised by prisoners; (3) guardedly protective of First Amendment rights in defamation cases, and (4) generally concerned about prior restraints on expression.”
    At New World Man, Matt Barr looks at Alito’s First Amendment jurisprudence in two posts: one on free exercise/establishment of religion and the other on free speech “These opinions were written by someone not appearing to be disposed to defer to government when it encroaches on the free speech rights of its constituents.”
    William Patry looked at Alito’s decisions in Southco, Inc. v. Kanebridge Corp.Judge Alito and Copyright, calling them “thoughtful looks at basic questions of originality.”

    Business Law

    At Concurring Opinions, Dave Hoffman wonders if Alito would be a
    Business Friendly Justice?and delves further into
    Judge Alito’s record on Securities Law.
    Larry E. Ribstein of Ideoblog asks Is Alito Pro-Business? Alito has displayed a marked tendency to enforce contracts as written, specifically including choice of law/forum and arbitration provisions that are intended to mitigate litigation costs. He’s also obviously aware of the problems that can be caused by lax proof standards and open-ended liability.
    ACS Blog offers a quick look into Alito on Business

    Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

    Douglas A. Berman from Sentencing Law and Policy discusses Alito and the death penalty
    The White Collar Crime blog looks at (shockingly) Judge Alito and White Collar Crime.
    TalkLeft thinks that Alito: The Career Prosecutor would be “a disaster appointment for those who care about the constitutional rights of the accused.”
    Crime and Federalism looks at Alito and Police.
    Daniel Solove asks Is Alito Strongly Pro-Privacy?.

    International Law

    Opinio Juris examines Alito’s record in lnternational law cases in a series of posts: Judge Alito and Internationalism, Judge Alito and Forced Abortions Alito and Deference to Foreign Courts, Judge Alito and the Case of the “Stateless” Marijuana

    Other Important Issues and Miscellany

    At BlackLawProf, Sherrilyn Ifill looks at Alito on Civil Rights and continues with More on Alito on Civil Rights, “mounting set of troubling decisions in civil rights cases”
    Yale Law Journal’s Pocket Part posted Samuel A. Alito’s Student Note, “The Released Time Cases Revisited: A Study of Group Decisionmaking by the Supreme Court.”
    Jack Balkin ruminates on What the Alito Nomination Means for Constitutional Law: “If successful, Alito’s nomination will make Anthony Kennedy the median or swing Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
    ProfessorBainbridge.com® looks at the politics of nominating a conservative and the likelihood of a filibuster through the lens of game theory: Game theory, the Gang of 14, and the Alito nomination
    Dave Hoffman argues that Congress Shouldn’t Subpoena Judge Alito’s Clerks..
    Article III Groupie (A3G) posted some thoughts from Alito’s Clerks. A3G is the source for information about Alito, with posts about Judge Alito’s Sense of Humor, Rosemary Alito (the Official Sister of Judge Alito and New Jersey’s leading labor law litigatrix), and Alito’s Kids
    When he was U.S. Attorney, Sam Alito hired Eric Muller into the Appeals Division of the US Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey. Muller didn’t work with Alito for too long (before Alito was appointed to the Third Circuit), but did have enough time to form an impression: Sam Alito, As I Knew Him.

    The Alito hearings are set to begin on Jan. 9

    Act II: The Judiciary and Procedure

    Meanwhile, in other courts…
    SCOTUSblog’s Lyle Denniston reports about Chief Justice Roberts’ service on the D.C. Circuit: Roberts: a judge on two courts. Michael Froomkin and Steve Vladeck discuss Circuit Justice Roberts’s Eleven-and-a-Half-Day-Gap: “Did Chief Justice Roberts accidentally create grounds for reopening (and even rearguing) Banner v. United States?”
    Chris Cohen reports the interesting case of a Mormon Utah Judge Married to 3 Sisters: “A 14 month investigation of Judge Walter K. Steed of Hilldale, Utah has determined that Steed violated the Utah law against bigamy by marrying three sisters.”

    Act III: Internet and IP

    Since these subjects are the usual focus of this blog, here are a few links that won’t cannibalize the rest of my source material for the week.
    Raymond Nimmer looks at Google Print: Google lawsuit begins; fair use.
    William Patry Two Fair Use Cases: “The first involved Jeff Koons appropriating yet again another photographer’s work. The second involved use of very small excerpts from a classical musical performance by a nonprofit satellite program about the arts. The results in the cases are the opposite of what one would expect from this introduction.”
    Eric Goldman discusses a Search Engine Indexing Case–Newborn v. Yahoo: “We got a new case on search engine liability for indexing content. The importance of the topic makes the case blog-worthy, even though this particular case gives very little insight into the legal propriety of search engine indexing.”
    Laura Quilter is ruminating on … rumination? information? tinkering? imagination?: “For some time (years, literally) I’ve been pondering the perfect phrase to capture ‘information rights’ — the natural right people have to create, invent, tinker, think, imagine, ponder, access information, etc. The First Amendment conceptual toolkit doesn’t really measure up: we have First Amendment concepts for speaking and the corollary, listening. But these concepts don’t fully capture the rights which are restricted by intellectual property laws, government Secrets Acts, and the like.”
    The Patent Prospector: Coffee Beer: “Nestec, a subsidiary of Swiss-based Nestlé, has filed patents (WIPO application) in every major market worldwide for ‘coffee beer.'”
    Here are two reports from last week’s P2P Litigation Summit in Chicago: Derek Slater podcasted his reactions: First Thoughts and Take Two. Ray Beckerman posted a text report on the p2p litigation summit.
    Cardozo Law Prof and first-rate blogger Susan Crawford was nominated to the ICANN board and should be a positive impact on internet governance.
    At Legislating IP, I discussed new proposed bills to authorize the FCC to implement the Broadcast Flag and plug the Analog Hole.

    Act IV: Useful Advice and Practice Tips

    The vast majority of posts suggested by the smart Blawg Review contributors could be grouped very generally under this heading.

    Interviews and First Impressions

    Douglas Sorocco at rethink(ip) notes how the actions and attitude of individual lawyers are the as important of a part of a firm’s branding as the firm’s work product: You Are the Brand
    LawDawg had what may have been the worst. interview. evar. And Now, a Lesson In: Don’t Ask the Question If You Don’t Want the Answer.: “This has to be the very first interview where I got CAT CALLED both BEFORE and AFTER the interview.”

    Litigation and Trials

    At The Illinois Trial Practice Weblog Evan Schaeffer offers tips on Presenting an Expert Economist at Trial
    The Wired GC has an interesting series of posts about Bet-the-Company Litigation. In this first post, he suggests two keys to successful litigation. In the second post, he offers some tips on avoiding BTC litigation in the first place. In the two final posts in the series, he offers two case studies: Bet-the-Company Litigation: China Style and Bet-the-Company Litigation: Part 3, a look at the demise of the Arthur Andersen firm.
    The Wired GC also launches the first in-house podcast: The Wired GC Unplugged #1.

    The Business of the Practice of Law

    Tom Collins: The Practice of Law; It is a Business: “When you talk to General Counsels they make it clear that law firms have to begin to operate like a business. Those that become more efficient are going to get business and those that continue to operate “their way”, the old way, are going to be on the losing end of the economy.”
    Rethink(IP)’s Stephen M. Nipper disuccses Insourcing Quid Pro Quo.
    Andrew Magwood wonders, To Contingency or Not To Contingency… (That is the question).
    “The Greatest American Lawyer” is about to send out a detailed client survey and would like to hear from other firms that have conducted similar surveys.

    Organizing Information

    Raymond Ward offers some useful suggestions on how to Own your downloaded legal authorities.
    Tara Calishain loves tagging
    Jim Calloway reports that Oklahoma Courts Now Offer RSS Newsfeeds. More RSS is always good. Hi, my name is Andrew and I am an RSS addict.
    The Dark Goddess of Replevin posts on Buying Your Own Data Back from Lexis.

    The Ivory Tower

    Prawfsblawg’s Dave Hoffman has some advice for candidates looking to get into the legal academy who are attending the AALS Hiring Conference this week.
    Joseph Liu Fantasy Law School League
    Brian Leiter’s Law School Rankings moves to its own site, at leiterrankings.com.


    Ask Metafilter holds a course in Law Firm 101: Law Firm Realpolitick.
    George’s Employment Blawg wonders, Do Workplace Gun Bans Help or Hinder Workplace Violence Prevention?
    The Employment Law Bulletin Guns in the Workplace – Isn’t this a No-Brainer? Employers have enough to worry about in maintaining a safe working environment these days without being forced to allow employees to come to work armed and dangerous.
    Ernie (The Attorney) Svenson has some advice for working in a recovering hurricane-addled city:
    Please be patient while we rebuild your city
    bk! suggests taking a Self-Proclaimed Holiday to brainstorm, work from home, or to simply make the other days less hectic.

    Act V: Issue to Watch: National Security Letters, Torture and Executive Power

    Law profs Wendy Seltzer, Daniel Solove and Orin Kerr all posted about the rising use of National Security Letters (NSLs) last week. NSLs are secret subpoenas the government can use to collect information on communications and transaction information. with no requirement of probable cause. These can be used without judicial authorization. The FBI simply issues the letter and gets the information. Oh, and there’s a gag order that prevents the institution receiving the letter from disclosing this fact.
    Opinio Juris discuses Executive Deference and the CIA’s “Black Sites”: “”it is useful to keep in mind that such deference, even in issues relating to foreign affairs and national security, is not always a good thing.”
    Finally, Fafblog (The World’s Only Source for Fafblog) has its own unique take on the use of torture: We Are All Torturers Now: “It’s time to combine the good old-fashioned tradition of American volunteerism with the brand new traditions of forced sleep deprivation and genital electrocution.”

    Act. VI: The Next Blogger Book Deal?

    One of my favorite blogs about lawyerly life, Opinionistas, gets a writeup in the Sunday Times (City Section): Blogging the Firm. One example post begins: Lottery “My department has chosen an associate sacrifice. I’ve seen it happen before, apparently the phenomenon isn’t uncommon. The ritual begins with the senior and midlevel associates furtively selecting a member of the newest batch of fledgling first years, still rosy-cheeked and ravenous for their initial paychecks. It could be anyone, from great schools, sporting a glowing transcript and resume, a fresh arrival who has absolutely no clue what it feels like to be openly despised by her peers.”
    O seems to be following the Blachman method of transitioning from law to literature: 1. Write a clever anonymous blog. 2. Get publicity in the NY Times. 3. Book deal! Hey, I’d buy her book.


    That’s all for this week’s edition of Blawg Review. To learn about upcoming hosts and how to submit posts, visit the Blawg Review web site.

    Next week on Blawg Review…

    …Blawg Review visits Jag Central, the world’s first weblog devoted to military justice and military law issues.
    Howard Bashman blogs events before they occur (cut to: Bashman leaving 3rd Circuit courthouse in a De Lorean)
    …A3G has the dirt on the next (if necessary) potential Supreme Court nominee— a nominee who will skew younger. With juries and so forth.

  • How not to pitch Blawg Review

    I’m reading through some of the submissions to this week’s Blawg Review, which should be up sometime around midnight, but one stood out to me as the perfect example of what to avoid when submitting a link to Blawg Review (or a similar blog event, like Carnival of the NHL).
    Here is the email submission, stripped of identifying information:

    From: name(at)firm.com
    Subject: Blawg Review #31
    Date: November 4, 2005 2:13:07 PM EST
    To: post(at)blawgreview.com
    Please visit our weblog, www.domain.com® for legal news.
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    When pitching a post idea, please include a post title or a couple of sentences describing what the post is about. In general, keep the boilerplate in your signature to one short paragraph or less.
    The Blawg Review Submission Guidelines provide a good model of how to submit a post.
    There are some interesting posts that were submitted this week…

  • Driving a Lexus to an Olive Tree

    This is a good week to be NYT Foreign Affairs columnist Tom Friedman:
    Gawker finds someone who made a Friedman-o-lantern for Halloween: Introducing the ‘Moustache of Understanding’ Jack-o-Latern

    The audiobook version of The World is Flat was the top album download on iTunes yesterday, beating out Kanye West, Depeche Mode and Santana.
    Of course, two other non-music albums charted ahead of Kanye West yesterday: Scary Halloween Sounds and Ashlee Simpson.

  • Entertainment Law for Indie Bands

    Indie Night School, an occassional educational series for independent musicians, offers a podcast of its session on Entertainment law, with panelists Richard Grabel and Ken Anderson.

  • Fun with DRM

    Barry Ritzholtz bought a My Morning Jacket CD and was dismayed to find that it contained a DRM program that prevented him from shifting it onto his iPod with his Windows computer. He looked a little further and found that the DRM is merely a way to annoy music fans who use iTunes and iPod: The Big Picture: DRM Crippled CD: A bizarre tale in 4 parts: “This DRM is not at all about making the CD immune to piracy. Instead, its part of a pissing contest between Sony and Apple:  Variety writes that ‘the new copy protection scheme — which makes it difficult to rip CDs and listen to them with an iPod — is designed to put pressure on Apple to open the iPod to other music services, rather than making it dependent on the iTunes Music Store for downloads.'”
    The band’s record label (Dave Matthews’ ATO imprint) isn’t happy with the decision of its distributor (Sony BMG) to implement DRM. Information Regarding Our Artists’ Music, Copy-Protected CDs and your iPod: “We at ATO Records are aware of the problems being experienced by certain fans due to the copy-protection of our distributor. Neither we nor our artists ever gave permission for the use of this technology, nor is it our distributor’s opinion that they need our permission. Wherever it is our decision, we will forego use of copy-protection, just as we have in the past.”
    The label and fans have a reason to be unhappy. J. Alex Halderman describes how the DRM software Sony uses adopts some of the nefarious practices of spyware: CD DRM Makes Computers Less Secure

    When XCP2 installs its anti-copying program, it also installs a second component which serves to hide the existence of the software. Normally, programs and data aren’t supposed to be invisible, particularly to system administrators; they may be superficially hidden, but administrators need to be able to see what is installed and running in order to keep the computer secure. What kind of software would want to hide from system administrators? Viruses, spyware, and rootkits (malicious programs that surreptitiously hand over control of the computer to a remote intruder). Rootkits in particular are known for their stealthiness, and they sometimes go to great lengths to conceal their presence

  • Transportation Bond Act

    In addition to the various local offices up for election next week, including mayor, public advocate and city council, New Yorkers will vote on 4 ballot questions, including one funding a transportation bond (#2).
    The Transportation Bond Act (Gotham Gazette. October, 2005) will authorize a $2.9 billion bond to fund various public transportation and highway projects throughout the state. The city public transportation funding includes

    • $450 million for the Second Avenue Subway
    • $450 million for the East Side Access project, connecting the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal;
    • $100 million for the JFK rail line;
    • $115 million for purchase of new subway and commuter railroad cars;
    • $90 million for new buses; and
    • $161 million for track replacement and tunnel lighting.

    The Gotham Gazette has a solid overview of ballot question as well as the various groups supporting and opposing the Transportation Bond Act, along with an op-ed in favor and another opposed to the bond.
    Supporters of the bond act include Straphangers, Bloomberg, Ferrer, Pataki, Spitzer, Newsday and The New York Times.
    For the other elections and ballot questions, The Gotham Gazette has a useful Guide for the Last Minute Voter.

  • Bluetooth Everywhere

    Last year, I wondered, “Where is the [ski] helmet with the built-in bluetooth mobile phone headset?”
    This year, victory is mine. Two companies offer ski helmets with Bluetooth connectivity: Marker with the M3 Audiorama and R.E.D. with the Tantrum Audex. At around $250, neither is a bargain. The Bluetooth feature comes at a $100-$150 premium over comparable helmets, including helmets with built-in wired headphones.

  • Alito on Copyright and More

    William Patry discusses Judge Alito’s decision in one copyright case and thinks that it bodes well: Judge Alito and Copyright

    Copyright lawyers should cheer the appointment of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. In 2004, Judge Alito was the author of the en banc opinion in Southco, Inc. v. Kanebridge Corp., 390 F.3d 276. He was also the author of a panel opinion in the same case three years earlier, 258 F.3d 148. Both opinions are thoughtful looks at basic questions of originality.

    Laura Quilter looks at Judge Alito’s record on copyright, First Amendment and internet law cases: Alito on Copyright, First Amendment, Cyberlaw:

    I haven’t found much in the 3rd Circuit case law that suggests Alito has dealt with a lot of the most pressing copyright questions or the constitutional copyright questions, beyond originality. He has been good on originality, and in general he appears to be careful and thoughtful about copyright.

    C.E. Petit is “not entirely displeased” with the Alito nomination, but thinks the Court could use a justice versed in the scientific method: Scrivener’s Error: Just a Short Note:

    What really bothers me, though, is that there hasn’t been a scientist on the Court in a looooooooooong time. The closest we’ve come has been Justice Blackmun, and that’s far from satisfactory. Instead, we have something much closer to Paul V trying to determine whether the Earth really did move after condemning to Galileo.1 Some of the greatest errors in administrative law (and, to a lesser extent, in intellectual property law) have come because the Justices, their clerks, and the lawyers arguing before them had not internalized the scientific method… and thereby missed significant policy implications.

    Copyright may be one of the more interesting, but in all likelihood not the most important issue on which the next Supreme Court justice will rule. Scotusblog (not surprisingly) offers a solid roundup of reactions from bloggers and interesst groups: Blog Coverage of the Alito Nomination

  • Under Review

    Denise Howell hosts Blawg Review #30 this week. Next week, Blawg Review stops by here. Fortunately, it looks like it should be a busy week in the blawgosphere, with election day, a new Supreme Court nominee, and whatever else happens in the next week.
    Also, we’ll be taking advantage of hosting to make the big announcement about major changes coming to this little site here…

  • Filtering blogs

    Wired News reports on companies that are using filtering software to prevent access to blog sites: No Longer Safe for Work: Blogs:

    Robert Mason (not his real name) would love to spend a few minutes during lunch catching up on blog posts from around the web, but his company doesn’t allow it. The financial institution where Mason works as a vice president has security filters set up to block access to — among other things — any website that contains the phrase ‘blog’ in the URL.

    It can be dangerous to let employees access to a type of technology that can connect those employees with frequently-updated sources of information about work-related topics, right?

  • Oh, Canada

    A new blog about copyright policy in Canada: CopyrightWatch.ca: “This blog is supported by a team of academics, public interest advocates, and creators concerned that copyright serve the interests of ordinary Canadians.”

  • How a faux French band wound up in federal court

    Dan Crane, who played guitar as “Jean-Luc Retard” in the band Les Sans Culottes recounts the fun of federal trademark litigation over the band name in Slate: Nom de Guerre – How my faux French band wound up in federal court.: “On June 20, 2005, my faux French band Les Sans Culottes showed up for our strangest gig to date: an appearance in federal court.”
    This is why intra-band operating agreements are a good idea.

  • Beware of the Loose Seal

    The NY Times reports: Protecting the Presidential Seal. No Joke.: “You might have thought that the White House had enough on its plate late last month, what with its search for a new Supreme Court nominee, the continuing war in Iraq and the C.I.A. leak investigation. But it found time to add another item to its agenda – stopping The Onion, the satirical newspaper, from using the presidential seal.”
    See 18 U.S.C. §713: Use of likenesses of the great seal of the United States, the seals of the President and Vice President, the seal of the United States Senate, the seal of the United States House of Representatives, and the seal of the United States Congress

  • Sports and Old Media

    After a season lost to labor problems, the NHL is back playing hockey, but with significant changes in the game and the business. New rules are resulting in more penalties. The new collective bargaining agreement has teams and players concerned with salary caps. OLN, the league’s new cablecast partner, has lower ratings than ESPN.
    The OLN cablecasts are probably an improvement over the ESPN versions, because the top OLN broadcast team, Mike Emrick and John Davidson (who will also call the NBC broadcasts), are much better than ESPN’s woefully mediocre top pairing of Gary Thorne and Bill Clement. Adding Davidson to the booth for ABC broadcasts did somewhat ameliorate the awfulness of the Thorne and Clement pairing.
    Best known for covering the Tour De France cycling and World Cup skiing, OLN picked up the hockey contract as a way to become a competitor to ESPN and Fox Sports. And even though I’d love a sports channel of just hockey and alpine skiing, OLN needs more programming to fill its schedule, which leads to fun moments like this one described by ESPN.com columnist John Buccigross: Observations from my hockey night:

    During last Monday night’s Sabres-Penguins game on cable station OLN , I heard Mike Emrick read an OLN promo for Ted Nugent’s meat-seeking reality hunting show. At one point, while reading the ‘Ted or Alive’ promo, Emrick said, ‘And at some point, Uncle Teddy will bite the head off a wild boar while killing an elk with nothing but a fishing hook.’ Or something close to that. It was truly a seminal television moment.
    While Emrick read the promo, you could hear in his voice, ‘I can’t believe I am actually reading a promo for a Ted Nugent animal shooting-spree television show.’ It was priceless.

    Not many viewers had the opportunity to watch that gem. OLN only reaches about 65 million homes, which is about 25 million fewer than ESPN and ESPN2. Cablevision and Dish Network subscribers who receive OLN were not able to watch the hockey game. Richard Sandomir in the New York Times reports: Now You Almost See Hockey. Now You Don’t.

    If you’re a Cablevision or a DISH Network satellite subscriber who looked forward to watching National Hockey League games on OLN, you’ve fallen victim to an anti-fan policy that boggles the mind.
    The games you’ve expected to see since last Monday have been replaced by other programs on OLN – which, until making its deal with the N.H.L., was known largely for carrying the Tour de France – because its parent company, Comcast, wants to boost the number of its own subscribers.

    Despite the expectation that they will experience a mediocre season, OLN featured the New York Rangers in its opening day cablecast and will feature the Rangers 7 more times throughout the season. Cablevision happens to own the New York Rangers. The result of this situation is that Cablevision subscribers to OLN were not able to watch the Rangers opening game at all.
    Rangers blog Hockeybird explains: Disgraceful

    Cablevision (which also owns the Rangers and the MSG network), does not carry OLN on its basic tier. In order to get OLN, Cablevision subscribers need to pay about $5 dollars extra per month for an additional “sports tier”, which would give them OLN, along with several other channels, including the Golf Channel and Fox College Sports.
    HOWEVER…….OLN feels it should be carried as a basic tier network as it is in most areas of the country, and is not permitting its coverage of NHL games to be shown on Cablevision, EVEN IF THE SUBSCRIBER PAYS EXTRA FOR THE NETWORK. The National Hockey League is fully aware of this situation, and is permitting OLN to engage in this practice.

    Most of these Cablevision subscribers have no other choice for cable television, since municipalities generally grant a monopoly franchise to one cable operator. The major cable operators all belong to media conglomerates. Cablevision owns the Madison Square Garden, the Rangers, the Knicks and the MSG and Fox Sports NY networks. Comcast owns OLN among other cable channels. Time Warner Cable is part of the Time Warner mothership. In the lack of an open market for cable channels, where customers can choose which networks to subscribe to, the cable providers compete with various bundles.
    Sports programming attracts fans who want access to every game, so holding sports programming hostage is a common tactic of competition in cable television. This summer, Time Warner subscribers were unable to watch Mets games on MSG and FSNY while Cablevision and Time Warner negotiated for licensing fees.
    This pseudo monoply power restricts access not just to cable television programming, but is contributing to stagnation in the market for home broadband. See Salon.com, Free American broadband!

    Most Japanese consumers can get an Internet connection that’s 16 times faster than the typical American DSL line for a mere $22 per month.
    Across the globe, it’s the same story. In France, DSL service that is 10 times faster than the typical United States connection; 100 TV channels and unlimited telephone service cost only $38 per month. In South Korea, super-fast connections are common for less than $30 per month. Places as diverse as Finland, Canada and Hong Kong all have much faster Internet connections at a lower cost than what is available here. In fact, since 2001, the U.S. has slipped from fourth to 16th in the world in broadband use per capita.

    Because of the same monopoly power granted to incumbent telephone and cable operators and in the absence of a national broadband policy, cable and DSL providers have few reasons to offer services at rates (of both speed and price) comparable to those available overseas.

  • Publishers Sue Google, Too

    Following on the heels of authors, The Association of American Publishers is suing Google:

    The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today announced the filing of a lawsuit against Google over its plans to digitally copy and distribute copyrighted works without permission of the copyright owners.  The lawsuit was filed only after lengthy discussions broke down between AAP and Google’s top management regarding the copyright infringement implications of the Google Print Library Project.
    The suit, which seeks a declaration by the court that Google commits infringement when it scans entire books covered by copyright and a court order preventing it from doing so without permission of the copyright owner, was filed on behalf of five major publisher members of AAP: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Pearson Education, Penguin Group (USA), Simon & Schuster and John Wiley & Sons.

  • Citing to the Blogosphere

    The newest (18th) edition of the Bluebook features a new rule for citing to blog posts:

    Posting to blogs take one of two formats. If there is only one poster to the blog, cite as a Web page, but include the date and time-stamp to indicate the specific posting cited. If there are multiple posters on the blog, cite as a posting to a discussion forum. In both cases, indicate the title of the blog before the URL:
    single poster – How Appealing, legalaffairs.org/howappeal… (Sept. 1, 2004, 21:20 EST).
    multiple posters – Posting of Lyle Denniston to SCOTUSblog, www.goldsteinhowe.com/blog/inde… (Sept. 28, 2004, 13:26 EST).

    Instead of taking advantage of permalinks and post titles, this citation format makes it more complicated and difficult to find a cited resource.
    Anthony Rickey notes that the Yale Law Journal’s new website, The Pocket Part, suggests that authors disregard the Bluebook suggested form for citing to blogs and use a citation format that makes sense: Bluebook Followup: Do As We Say, Not As We Do: “Nice to see one of the Gang of Four deciding that the rules on blog citation don’t make sense.”
    One argument (made in a comment to Rickey) is that the Pocket Part is a “web site,” not a “blog.” Why are the rules for citation different? How are authors supposed to to evaluate whether an internet resource is a “web site” or a “blog?”
    The Bluebook rule actually makes some amount of sense for an internet resource that has no more precise way to point to a specific page. But why not cite the author’s name in a single author blog? What is to be done with blogs that use only category-based archiving, rather than date-based archiving?

  • Tragedy of the digital commons

    The internet is a network of networks, decentralized and generally unregulated– a digital commons. Is the internet suffering a tragedy of the commons?
    Wikipedia has a concise summary of the evolution of the spam problem on the net: Spam. First, Usenet fell to the assault of spam. Then, e-mail. Now, the web is under assault.
    Matt Haughey noticed how spammers are abusing Google’s Blogspot service: When it rains, it pours:

    It looks like one monster spam blogger has unleashed a boatload of new blogspot blogs, always in the form of keyword-(random number).blogspot.com (like lottery-123123.blogspot.com). They suck in RSS feeds from blogs like mine and boingboing and others, then insert random phrases into the copy, with a link to their own sites using phrases they want to game google with

    Mark Cuban: The Shit hit the fan today: “The blogosphere was hit by a blogspot.com splogbomb. Someone did the inevitable and wrote a script that created blog after blog and post after post.”
    Are all open digital communities subject to the spam dilemma? How do we bar unproductive uses of the digital commons without raising the barrier to entry and blocking other voices?
    The internet revolutionizes communications, making it possible for anyone to reach a global audience. That has a downside.

  • Put the mouse down and step away from the internet

    Last night, I had a dream about prepping for and giving a presentation about DRM. I think I need to get out more.

  • Video Killed the Radio Star

    Meet the new iPod, same as the old iPod, but it is smaller and happens to play video, too. While the video capabilities are obviously a big deal, the new iPod is still mainly a music player. Video is merely a nice extra feature in the iPod, but not the core function of the device.
    Video is very different from audio. It engages both sight and sound and requires greater attention. While it is possible to walk down the street listening to music or talk radio, it is considerably more difficult and dangerous to walk down the same street watching a video, so the fact that the iPod treats video as an afterthought probably isn’t such a big drawback.
    Unfortunately, the video features in iTunes lack the polish of the program’s music management. Perhaps this is because audio is much easier to manipulate digitally. Video requires more storage space and computing power to edit and transfer medium.
    iTunes started as a program to rip music from CD’s and create a digital music library on a hard drive. So, when it first dropped, the iPod scratched an itch. Music loving geeks had been ripping, mixing and burning their music in iTunes and looking for a way to take that away from the computer. Only after the iPod was already a success was Apple able to start the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) and offer a way to buy new music online. With iTunes 6, iTMS also sells video downloads.
    Today, geeks are recording and time-shifting video on TiVo and other digital video recorders. iTunes itself does not yet have the same ability to import already acquired video from another source. It is possible to rip a DVD, but MUCH more complicated than ripping a CD. Getting video from a DVD to iTunes takes 18 steps, while getting music from a CD takes 2 steps (insert CD, click “Import.”)
    Where is the integration with TiVo-To-Go? If iTunes is going to be the premier application for managing video in addition to audio, users will probably want to add previously-acquired digital video (on DVD or DVR) to downloads from the iTunes store or videoblogs.
    But, maybe not. Video isn’t the main point of the iPod– it is just a feature that adds value at the margin for most users. TiVo users are watching on their televisions at home, not on their computers. The killer app for video on the iPod may be home movies. Exported directly from iMovie to the iPod, they are easy to carry around and show. For others, buying the occasional video for $2 a pop might be enough to scratch the itch.
    Unfortunately, the new video section of the iTMS apparently means the demise of the old free music video section. Despite its lack of organization, it was a great way to see music videos. But now, iTunes makes it possible to download video. Labels should be especially happy, as this enables the monetization of music videos for the first time.
    The video files available from the iTMS are Quicktime files encoded using the H.264 codec and encoded at a resolution of 320×240 pixels. On a 2.5″, 320×240 pixel screen, videos with a resolution of 320×240 are good enough.
    On a larger screen, though, 320×240 isn’t much. Artifacts become noticeable. On a larger screen, 320×240 video, even in the spectacular H.264 codec, can not compare to the higher-resolution files available on P2P. Last season, I caught up on episodes of Lost that I missed by downloading them. The files I found were encoded at a resolution of 608×336 using the XviD codec (with a file size of about 350 MB). At full-screen on a 12″ laptop or played through an iBook on a 27″ television, these look really nice. In fact, the downloads look better than my analog cable feed, since the P2P files came from high-definition sources. Of course, the iTMS videos have the advantage of much smaller file size.
    For music, the iTMS works well even without an iPod. Not only is it more convenient than than searching for the same songs on P2P, but the quality is generally higher than downloads from P2P, as the iTMS generally uses the highest-quality transfers available of files from master recordings. 128kbps AAC is good enough for most consumer-level headphones and speakers. All but audiophiles will be happy with the artifact-free files.
    Personally, I don’t mind that the iTunes Music Store files are encumbered with DRM, until I attempt to do something that the DRM will not allow. I was going to post a short excerpt of an iTMS video along with an excerpt of a video recorded on my ReplayTV and one downloaded from P2P. While it is possible to cut and paste a short clip from an iTMS video, Quicktime Pro will not allow one to save that short clip in a file.
    While Windows Media Center advocates and inattentive reviewers will gripe that the iPod can only play video from the iTunes store, the new iPod can play video in the open MP4 standard. Only the downloads from the iTMS involve proprietary DRM.
    Even without owning a video iPod, downloading video from the iTMS is a nice option (and would be a much better option if the files looked nicer than heavily-played VHS tape.) This could solve a problem I wrote about just over a year ago: the lack of a market for old television programming that cannot justify a release on DVD: Market Failure on the Long Tail. It took a decent amount of effort to find torrent downloads of early Amazing Race seasons. (This specific problem was solved last week, with the release of TAR classic on DVD, but iTMS provides a way to solve the general problem.
    DVD releases of full seasons of TV series have been quite successful. But for every Lost or The Simpsons, there is some other series that will not justify a DVD release. For those programs with marginal interest, there may be enough to make a profit from a digitally distributed release through iTunes. While no one in their right minds would release a DVD set of Mark Cuban’s reality TV show, The Benefactor, there might be enough people who would be interested in downloading an episode. Cuban thinks that bringing television to iTunes not only makes a lot of sense, but completely changes the economic model for television: How Bob Iger Saved Network TV
    Cuban also thinks that as the video store develops, Apple will address the concerns about video quality:

    I expect that either a 2nd tier of pricing will come along from Apple for full screen quality that is designed to play on a TV rather than an IPod or half screen on a Laptop or PC, as competitors compete by enabling higher quality and full screen playback. All of which will further expand the market.

    I look forward to the first version of iTunes that has serious video library features. For now, the big winner with iTunes 6 and the video-playing iPod is Rocketboom. Rocketboom is a wonderful videoblog that distributes free short video content every weekday. iTunes automatically downloads each vlog entry and syncs to the iPod (via RSS and the podcast features introduced over the summer in iTunes 4.9.) Video that fits in a commute, doesn’t rely on high resolution or high definition, and doesn’t cost anything to watch is the killer app for the iPod. J.D. Lasica agrees: “Not one word about what’s really going to drive sales of the video iPod: not weeks-old 52-minute episodes of “Desperate Housewives” for $1.99 a download — but free video. Professional-looking short-form video produced by people like you and me.”
    Video iPod: Where’s discussion of free video?
    The new video iPod does not redefine the portable media player like the original iPod. Instead, it is an evolutionary development that may open the doors to lots more video that can be ripped, mixed and ‘Podded. I, for one, welcome our new media overlords.

  • Video Killed the Radio Star

    Meet the new iPod, same as the old iPod, but it is smaller and happens to play video, too. While the video capabilities are obviously a big deal, the new iPod is still mainly a music player. Video is merely a nice extra feature in the iPod, but not the core function of the device.
    Video is very different from audio. It engages both sight and sound and requires greater attention. While it is possible to walk down the street listening to music or talk radio, it is considerably more difficult and dangerous to walk down the same street watching a video, so the fact that the iPod treats video as an afterthought probably isn’t such a big drawback.
    Unfortunately, the video features in iTunes lack the polish of the program’s music management. Perhaps this is because audio is much easier to manipulate digitally. Video requires more storage space and computing power to edit and transfer medium.
    iTunes started as a program to rip music from CD’s and create a digital music library on a hard drive. So, when it first dropped, the iPod scratched an itch. Music loving geeks had been ripping, mixing and burning their music in iTunes and looking for a way to take that away from the computer. Only after the iPod was already a success was Apple able to start the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) and offer a way to buy new music online. With iTunes 6, iTMS also sells video downloads.
    Today, geeks are recording and time-shifting video on TiVo and other digital video recorders. iTunes itself does not yet have the same ability to import already acquired video from another source. It is possible to rip a DVD, but MUCH more complicated than ripping a CD. Getting video from a DVD to iTunes takes 18 steps, while getting music from a CD takes 2 steps (insert CD, click “Import.”)
    Where is the integration with TiVo-To-Go? If iTunes is going to be the premier application for managing video in addition to audio, users will probably want to add previously-acquired digital video (on DVD or DVR) to downloads from the iTunes store or videoblogs.
    But, maybe not. Video isn’t the main point of the iPod– it is just a feature that adds value at the margin for most users. TiVo users are watching on their televisions at home, not on their computers. The killer app for video on the iPod may be home movies. Exported directly from iMovie to the iPod, they are easy to carry around and show. For others, buying the occasional video for $2 a pop might be enough to scratch the itch.
    Unfortunately, the new video section of the iTMS apparently means the demise of the old free music video section. Despite its lack of organization, it was a great way to see music videos. But now, iTunes makes it possible to download video. Labels should be especially happy, as this enables the monetization of music videos for the first time.
    The video files available from the iTMS are Quicktime files encoded using the H.264 codec and encoded at a resolution of 320×240 pixels. On a 2.5″, 320×240 pixel screen, videos with a resolution of 320×240 are good enough.
    On a larger screen, though, 320×240 isn’t much. Artifacts become noticeable. On a larger screen, 320×240 video, even in the spectacular H.264 codec, can not compare to the higher-resolution files available on P2P. Last season, I caught up on episodes of Lost that I missed by downloading them. The files I found were encoded at a resolution of 608×336 using the XviD codec (with a file size of about 350 MB). At full-screen on a 12″ laptop or played through an iBook on a 27″ television, these look really nice. In fact, the downloads look better than my analog cable feed, since the P2P files came from high-definition sources. Of course, the iTMS videos have the advantage of much smaller file size.
    For music, the iTMS works well even without an iPod. Not only is it more convenient than than searching for the same songs on P2P, but the quality is generally higher than downloads from P2P, as the iTMS generally uses the highest-quality transfers available of files from master recordings. 128kbps AAC is good enough for most consumer-level headphones and speakers. All but audiophiles will be happy with the artifact-free files.
    Personally, I don’t mind that the iTunes Music Store files are encumbered with DRM, until I attempt to do something that the DRM will not allow. I was going to post a short excerpt of an iTMS video along with an excerpt of a video recorded on my ReplayTV and one downloaded from P2P. While it is possible to cut and paste a short clip from an iTMS video, Quicktime Pro will not allow one to save that short clip in a file.
    While Windows Media Center advocates and inattentive reviewers will gripe that the iPod can only play video from the iTunes store, the new iPod can play video in the open MP4 standard. Only the downloads from the iTMS involve proprietary DRM.
    Even without owning a video iPod, downloading video from the iTMS is a nice option (and would be a much better option if the files looked nicer than heavily-played VHS tape.) This could solve a problem I wrote about just over a year ago: the lack of a market for old television programming that cannot justify a release on DVD: Market Failure on the Long Tail. It took a decent amount of effort to find torrent downloads of early Amazing Race seasons. (This specific problem was solved last week, with the release of TAR classic on DVD, but iTMS provides a way to solve the general problem.
    DVD releases of full seasons of TV series have been quite successful. But for every Lost or The Simpsons, there is some other series that will not justify a DVD release. For those programs with marginal interest, there may be enough to make a profit from a digitally distributed release through iTunes. While no one in their right minds would release a DVD set of Mark Cuban’s reality TV show, The Benefactor, there might be enough people who would be interested in downloading an episode. Cuban thinks that bringing television to iTunes not only makes a lot of sense, but completely changes the economic model for television: How Bob Iger Saved Network TV
    Cuban also thinks that as the video store develops, Apple will address the concerns about video quality:

    I expect that either a 2nd tier of pricing will come along from Apple for full screen quality that is designed to play on a TV rather than an IPod or half screen on a Laptop or PC, as competitors compete by enabling higher quality and full screen playback. All of which will further expand the market.

    I look forward to the first version of iTunes that has serious video library features. For now, the big winner with iTunes 6 and the video-playing iPod is Rocketboom. Rocketboom is a wonderful videoblog that distributes free short video content every weekday. iTunes automatically downloads each vlog entry and syncs to the iPod (via RSS and the podcast features introduced over the summer in iTunes 4.9.) Video that fits in a commute, doesn’t rely on high resolution or high definition, and doesn’t cost anything to watch is the killer app for the iPod. J.D. Lasica agrees: “Not one word about what’s really going to drive sales of the video iPod: not weeks-old 52-minute episodes of “Desperate Housewives” for $1.99 a download — but free video. Professional-looking short-form video produced by people like you and me.”
    Video iPod: Where’s discussion of free video?
    The new video iPod does not redefine the portable media player like the original iPod. Instead, it is an evolutionary development that may open the doors to lots more video that can be ripped, mixed and ‘Podded. I, for one, welcome our new media overlords.

  • Diversion

    Normally, the subway is an easy way to get around. Four lines are convenient and the F train is inconvenient, but within walking distance.
    But when the MTA is doing construction and the subways are running on crazy weekend schedules, things aren’t so convenient. This weekend, the service:

    2: Uptown trains run on the 4 from Nevins to 149 Sts
    3: No trains running
    A: Brooklyn-bound trains run on the F from West 4 to Jay Sts
    C: Brooklyn-bound trains run on the F from West 4 to Jay Sts
    R: Trains rerouted in both directions over the Manhattan Bridge between Canal St and DeKalb Av

    Good luck translating that into English. Actually, the service between boroughs wasn’t quite as dire as I made the map out to be. Service to Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn was completely halted only on the R train. Brooklyn-bound trains remained in service on the 2 and Manhattan-bound service continued on the A/C.
    Best of all, these kinds of service changes will be happening for the next three years.

  • Open House NY

    The third Open House NY is this weekend.
    Last year, I visted the Masonic Lodge and Jazz at Lincoln Center. The year before, just the arch at Grand Army Plaza.
    Any suggestions for sites to visit this year?

  • Protecting Copyright and Innovation in a Post-Grokster World

    On Wednesday, the full Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on “Protecting Copyright and Innovation in a Post-Grokster World,” with testimony from:

    • The Honorable Mary Beth Peters, U.S. Register of Copyrights, Copyright Office, Washington, D.C.
    • The Honorable Debra Wong Yang , U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California , and Chair of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee , on Cyber/Intellectual Property Subcommittee , Los Angeles, CA
    • Marty Roe, Lead Singer, Diamond Rio, Nashville, TN
    • Cary Sherman, President, Recording Industry Association of America, Washington, D.C.
    • Gary Shapiro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Electronics Association, Arlington, VA
    • Mark Lemley, William H. Neukom Professor of Law, Stanford University Law School, and Director, Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology, Stanford, CA
    • Ali Aydar, Chief Operating Officer, SNOCAP, San Francisco, CA
    • Sam Yagan, President, MetaMachine, Inc. (developer of eDonkey and Overnet), New York, New York

    Details about the testimony continue after the jump…

    In an opening statement, Senator Cornyn (R-TX) framed the issue in terms of protecting IP assets: “this hearing focuses on the importance of protecting property rights.… Unfortunately, every day, literally millions of dollars in copyrighted works are stolen via online services.” The witnesses discussed more specific and concrete issues affecting copyright law after Grokster.

    Before Grokster

    Sherman discussed figures concerning the decline of the music industry in terms of both unit shipments and revenue since 1999, noting the correlation with the rise of file sharing, although he did not address a causal link between P2P file sharing and the decline. Yagan discussed figures showing that the number of P2P users continues to increase. This year alone, the average number of P2P users online at any given time has grown by more than 41% to nearly ten million. In the last 5 years, the number of active P2P users has increased fivefold. At its peak, classic Napster had 2 million users simultaneously online, according to Aydar.
    Aydar offered three main lessons from the first five years of the P2P era:

    1. Consumers were ready for digital music long before the recording industry was ready or even able to provide it.
    2. It wasn’t about free, it was about having every song or symphony or speech you ever heard, no matter how exotic or obscure, at your fingertips. It was about being able to hear that music however and wherever you wanted: at your computer, in your car, on your stereo, at the beach — an unlimited jukebox to satisfy everyone’s musical tastes that couldn’t be fulfilled through traditional retail channels.
    3. Music has a tremendous meaning in many people’s lives.

    Aydar went on to offer one reason for this continued growth in P2P: “While consumers were clearly ready to obtain their music digitally, the recording industry and music publishers were not yet ready to embrace the digital channel. Despite Napster’s best efforts to transition to an authorized business model, the company was forced to file for bankruptcy after nearly two years of litigation. From its ashes sprang hundreds of new P2Ps, designed specifically to skirt the law that was established in the Napster case.… Fans are stuck between the limited selection of today’s authorized services, and the poor user experience offered by the unauthorized P2Ps – adware, spyware, viruses, spoofed files, pornography… not to mention the fact that copyrights are not respected and users risk being sued. ”

    Impact of Grokster

    While some parties, including the Register of Copyrights and the representatives of the content industries, are pleased that the Grokster decision brought clarity to the question of whether the developers of P2P file sharing software can be held liable for inducing infringement on a massive scale, technology developers fear that the Court’s inducement standard is vague and nebulous and may lead to an unnecessary chill on innovation. ”
    The immediate impact of the decision is a renewed interest in licensing content for sharing on P2P networks. Register of Copyrights Marybeth Peters testified, “By articulating some boundaries on the development of products used to infringe copyrights, the Grokster ruling may have helped to frame these negotiations and agreements. Presumably some actors who felt that the prior state of law gave them complete freedom to offer products designed to facilitate infringement – and to do so with impunity – are now having second thoughts in light of the fact that the Court has clarified that there is a basis for holding them accountable for the consequences of what they purvey.”
    The main problem faced by P2P services hoping to become legitimate is the need to obtain licenses from numerous copyright owners. Peters said, “If the legitimate music industry continues to be saddled with a time-consuming and transactionally-expensive licensing process, then it can never compete effectively with the “pirates” who can offer a wider variety of music faster and cheaper.” Aydar concurred, “Today, there are literally hundreds of thousands of living copyright owners. Each on-line retailer would have to strike an enormous number of direct deals to match the number of tracks the existing P2Ps provide — a legal, economic, and practical impossibility.”
    The market is developing intermediaries to license content. SNOCAP COO Ali Aydar described his company’s service as facilitating this marketplace. SNOCAP provides a way for rightsholders to claim, tag and control their content on P2P networks. Aydar believed that this will enable “a robust market that offers consumers more music through more channels” and notes that SNOCAP can act as a neutral registry for digital content in all media, including video and text.
    In contrast, Gary Shapiro (Consumer Electronics Association) and Yagan suggested that the Grokster ruling will affect the ability of technology companies to innovate and result in a chilling effect on technology development in the US. Shapiro testified, “The old adage is that hard cases make bad law, and Grokster was a hard case.” Shapiro worries that the Grokster decision will limit the ways that individuals will be able to transform and use content for personal purposes and that the technology industry will not be able to innovate.

    If a single court were now to label as “infringement” consumers’ home recording of content they have paid to view or hear, what will be the status of all the product design, research, development, production, marketing, and distribution activity that went into serving these consumers? Scores of products and services are being created and introduced that change how people buy a house, book travel, do research, complete their education, and even run for office. The technologies have improved access to information, education and entertainment and enhanced peoples’ lives. All digital technologies involve copying to some degree. The law should not impede or restrict these new and beneficial consumer activities or the digital technology products that make them possible. Yet, all of these commonplace activities implicate conduct – reproduction, distribution, derivative works – that an overbroad interpretation of the Grokster case could prohibit. We are at a crossroads in technology. With new technologies allowing every citizen to be a creator, we must accept that our national creativity can no longer be measured by CD sales.

    Many technology companies, including eDonkey, whose products can be used for infringement will simply find themselves unable to continue operations in a Post-Grokster world — not necessarily because they would lose under the new Grokster standard, but rather because they literally cannot afford the costs of mounting a legal defense.
    A broad inducement standard may chill innovation. Lemly noted that “since the courts have interpreted copyright law not to have any corporate veil, someone who runs or simply works for such a company could lose their house and their family’s retirement fund. The threat of a lawsuit will deter not just innovators developing technologies with illegal uses, but those who develop technologies with both legal and illegal uses and those who don’t yet know how the market will use their technology. The list of such dual-use technologies is long and distinguished: broadband Internet service, the iPod, TiVo, CD burners, and computers themselves, to name just a few.”
    In addition to chilling technological innovation in the US, the active inducement standard may send technology development overseas. Yagan noted that seven of the top ten major P2P software companies have chosen to locate outside of the U.S. and that Skype, the “hottest technology company of the moment” was founded outside of the U.S.

    Questions remaining after Grokster

    Most parties agreed that it is too early for Congress to legislate the inducement standard, but that we need time to see how the standard is applied by the lower courts. Lemly testified, “Whether the Court succeeded in creating a middle ground remains to be seen. Much will depend on how the Court’s open-ended, multi-factor test for improper purpose is interpreted in the lower courts. Much will also depend on how far copyright owners seek to take the new doctrine, and whether they overreach. For this reason, it is premature to propose legislation to correct deficiencies in the new inducement test.”
    Lemly suggested that 3 questions need to be answered about the Grokster standard:

    1. What is required to prove “improper purpose?”
    2. What conduct is required?
    3. What state of mind must exist regarding infringement?

    Yagan offered a hypothetical to explore the bounds of the active inducement test: “If eDonkey had simply written on its website from day one, ‘eDonkey is a P2P file-sharing client’ would we know for sure that we had avoided ‘affirmatively and actively’ inducing infringement? If so, then these sites will spring up immediately; if not, then the effect of Grokster will go beyond chilling, perhaps to the point of freezing innovation in its tracks.”
    Yagan went on to offer a framework for following the developments around P2P. P2P development may follow the trend towards greater anonymity, secrecy and adoption of encryption, or it may be the P2P services that pick up momentum are the “corporate, profit-motivated enterprises, which likely will be forced to comply with contractual terms stipulated by major entertainment rights aggregators such as reverting to centralized indexed searches, implementing various types of filtering, operating closed networks, and offering conventional industry-sanctioned business models like the current centralized paid download stores and tethered subscription models.”

    Impact of recent legislation

    US Attorney Debra Wong Yang discussed the impact that recent legislation has had on criminal enforcement of copyright law and preventing piracy. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act has enabled prosecuting the intermediaries who remove copyright protection from content before distributing it to warez groups on the internet or on physical media. The Family Entertainment and Copyright Act (FECA) has made it possible for prosecutors to target the pirates at the step of acquiring source material, such as in movie theaters. Last month, Department of Justice prosecutors in San Jose, California used certain FECA provisions for the first time to charge a Missouri man with felony crimes for camcording films in movie theaters and distributing the films on computer networks.

    What to do next?

    General Goals
    Lemly discussed the need to evaluate the public impact of copyright reform. While the copyright industries have the most at stake in reforming copyright laws, the public has an stake, too.

    While reducing copyright infringement is an important goal, it cannot and should not be the only goal of public policy. Congress should also be concerned that overzealous enforcement of copyright will create a hostile environment for technological innovation and entrepreneurial business models. It should strive to balance these important interests, providing effective copyright protection but also preserving an environment in which innovation can thrive.
    Nor can Congress simply rely on assurances from the copyright industry that they will foster innovation themselves, or target only “bad” and not “good” innovations. The content industry has proven short-sighted, time and again trying to stifle technologies that ultimately proved beneficial not only to society but even to copyright owners. They tried – and fortunately failed – to shut down jukeboxes, radio, cable television, the VCR, and the mp3 player. Perhaps it should not surprise us that publicly traded companies should have a short-run focus, looking at this quarter’s bottom line and not what will benefit society in the long run.

    Copyright maximalism is poor public policy, and creating an environment where copyright maximalists create the laws will result in a legal regime that serves copyright owners to the detriment of the general public.
    Yagan offered three suggestions for ways to legislate

    1. Clarify the Supreme Court’s ruling in Grokster.
    2. Make sure that the legislation will have the practical consequences you desire. Decentralization and anonymity facility infringement rather than accountability.
    3. Encourage a market solution. Tens of millions of consumers are thirsting for the content created and distributed by the major labels and studios – there will be – there must be – numerous business models that will generate immense profits from these individuals.

    Lemly suggested three issues that are the most deserving of legislative attention:

    1. Make it easier for copyright owners to target direct infringers; Use the Copyright Royalty Judges Congress created last year to administer a quick, simple and cheap system for identifying and punishing high-volume illegal file traders.
    2. Make it easier to clear rights in the digital environment.
    3. Insulate technology companies from unreasonable liability.

    Compulsory License Reform
    Peters testified that Grokster clarified the issue of inducement liability sufficently to supplant the need for new legislation: “The Grokster decision supplants the need for Congress to create inducement liability by statute.” Instead of inducement liability, Peters thikns that Congress should be focusing on making it easier to license works and reform the §115 compulsory license.

    Grokster failed to resolve the difficulties of licensing underlying musical works for legal digital redistribution, which is the main hurdle facing innovation in the legitimate digital distribution of music. Section 115 is an antiuqated provision and needs to be reformed. The statutory rate puts an unnecessary ceiling on the royalty rate for privately negotiated licenses and hurts the free market. The one-at-a-time structure for licensing individual musical works makes it difficult, if not impossible, for online music services to acquire the right to make available vast mumbers of already recorded phonorecords. Many onine services bridge the gap between public performance and reproduction/distribution. By having different methods for clearing the public performance right and the mechanical rights, the statutory license is an unnecessary impediment to legitimate, innovative online music services. Reform is needed to make it possible to clear quickly and efficiently the necessary exclusive rights for large numbers of works.

    By reforming the law for licensing works, Congress can make it easier for developers to create digital services that can compete with P2P on the open marketplace without having to engage in costly and pointless negotiations with scores of copyright owners.
    (Also posted at Legislating IP)

  • Insanity Later

    As I’ve been reading reviews of Serenity (previously discussed here), one criticism that comes up repeatedly– particularly in reviews on niche film sites, rather than in the major media– is that Serenity looks or feels like television and not a major event film.
    In fact, there seems to be a condescension among film reviewers (particularly those writing for niche film sites and magazines rather than the mainstream media) towards the television medium. This reflects the business reality of Hollywood, where movie budgets dwarf those of their small screen brethren. Shooting a major motion picture in the neighborhood brings in about 300% more crew and equipment than a Law and Order shoot. In the Hollywood pecking order, movies stand ahead of television. This is probably obvious to anyone working in the industry, but as a mere audience member, it’s something I’m just figuring out.
    But while film is a director’s medium, television is a writer’s medium.
    In film, the director runs the show. The screenwriter delivers the script, but is often treated like the second-class citizen. The director is the go-to guy. In television, the executive producer/show runner controls the writing process. T In television, the directors come in for an episode at a time, while the executive producer/show runner oversees every episode and overall story arcs. (Individual directors and writers get to leave their marks on an episode, but the exec producers and show runners are the center of the television universe.) Writers like Joss Whedon, David Chase, Mitchell Hurwitz, or the team behind Lost are the driving creative forces behind their shows.
    So, is film is about look while television is about substance? Not entirely– it’s just that film has a greater potential for developing the visual aspects while television has a greater potential to develop more intricate stories. So, while television may represent a smaller business than film, it is a medium that allows and rewards telling much more ambitious stories.
    A television season offers much more scope to develop plots and characters than a 2 hour film. In her review for the NY Times, Manohla Dargis misses much of the quirkiness of Firefly: Scruffy Space Cowboys Fighting Their Failings: “‘Serenity’ works nicely as a movie, although in blowing his television series up to the big screen, Mr. Whedon has lost some of the woolliness that made “Firefly” such a pleasant oddity.”
    Seth Stevenson in Slate thinks that the film medium is too limiting and Joss Whedon should stick to television

    Perhaps Whedon figures he now has the clout to control a movie set. But I think his skills—imagining every nook and cranny of an intricate fictional universe; conjuring an ensemble of nuanced characters with complex, long-running relationships—are actually far better suited to television. When he’s got a TV show humming, Joss Whedon, bless his pasty, dough-faced soul, is the most gifted serial storyteller alive.

    Stephanie Zacharek in Salon misses the pacing of serialized episodic television: Serenity

    My problem, I think, is that “Serenity” dredges up some of the same feelings I have when a movie adaptation of a book I love just doesn’t measure up. I’m so used to “reading” Whedon in the long form — so used to riding the rhythms of his television series, rhythms he sustains beautifully week after week, season after season — that “Serenity,” as carefully worked out as it is, feels a bit too compact, truncated. That’s less a failing on Whedon’s part than a recognition of the way TV, done right, can re-create for us the luxury of sinking into a good, long novel.

    While Firefly featured 9 main characters, Serenity is bogged down by having to keep all 9 occupied while only really featuring Mal and River. Television manages to develop plots and characters that can not be done in 2 hours on screen. Episodic television is more ambitious, at least in terms of story, than a film. Arrested Development also has 9 core characters, and it’s only a half-hour show. In 92 years on television, The Simpsons have had to feature more and more secondary and tertiary characters just to avoid recycling plots; yet, somehow, we’re still waiting to learn more about Disco Stu’s backstory.
    Lost is even more ambitious in exploring at least 12 main characters (and that’s after killing off one last season.) Lost manages to combine the look of film with the broad narrative scope of television. Shot on location in Hawaii, Lost looks more cinematic (read: expensive) than almost anything else on television.
    Well, almost anything except the The Sopranos. Like Lost, The Sopranos combine the cinematic approach to presentation with the television approach towards plot and characters. And we only have to wait another year for the next season.
    These shows are actually better adapted to long-form DVD than serialized television. Firefly only hit its stride in DVD sales. Viewers were able to see the episodes in order (and not only on Friday nights.) But it also allows viewers to skip to the next chapter in the story. Lost is actually paced better watching 2 or 3 episodes at a time rather than an episode per week. Arrested Development needs repeat viewings to catch all of the jokes and asides.
    Or, maybe I’ve been watching too much TV lately.
    Previously: Serenity Now

  • Hollywood and IP

    In an interview, Serenity writer/director Joss Whedon mentions that it might not be a bad idea for studios to look the other way about certain bootleg merchandise. The CulturePulp Q&A: Joss Whedon (be aware, the full interview will spoil major plot points of the film, but not this excerpt):

    Q. You’ve also done an absolutely smashing job of ignoring the massive amounts of bootleg “Firefly” fan merchandise…
    A. I’m a Deadhead, and where I come from, bootlegging’s a good thing.
    Q. If the movie’s a hit, and more official merchandise starts coming out, do you think there’s going to be a crackdown?
    A. I have no idea. I never have a piece of merchandising; I haven’t reached a place in the Hollywood DNA chain where I can actually ask for that. So it’s not like I’m losing money.
    But even if I was? You know, I’m doin’ fine. I have a job. I’m doing just fine. And the fact that people are making this stuff? You can call it “bootlegging” or you can call it “free advertising.”

    Note that these are not knock-offs of official merchandise, or unlicensed shirts with the Serenity equivalent of a picture of Yoda or Bart Simpson, but fan-created products that have to do with minor plot points/secondary background information from the film and television show. These are a way to capture fan energy in ways that the studio or director might never contemplate.
    I recently came across screenwriter Josh Friedman’s blog, I find your lack of faith disturbing, which is very entertaining– probably because he can, you know, actually write well. In addition, a couple of his posts can teach valuable lessons about entertainment law practice.
    One post explains why credits matter in films: “A shared screenplay credit on WOTW [War of the Worlds] puts my son through school. K thru Graduate. All private if he wants. He can probably bring a friend.”
    Another post demonstrates why having a entertainment savvy lawyer is very important:

    So he recommends me a cheap lawyer friend of his who I find out later only came to this “lawyer gig” late in life. What he really wants to do is park his Volvo near the beach and sleep. But hey, he’s got one of those law degree thingies so I figure what the fuck. He then proceeds to negotiate a contract between me and the producers WHICH ALLOWS THEM TO OPTION MY SCRIPT FOR $2500 AND THEN RENEW SAID OPTION EVERY YEAR UNTIL THE END OF TIME.

  • Fewer Indecency Complaints

    This week, the FCC released statistics showing that the number of indecency complaints received by the Commission declined significantly during the last quarter of the year. In the first quarter of 2005, the Commission received 157,016 complaints about indecency. In the second quarter, the Commission received a mere 6,161.
    This chart looks at the number of complaints received by the FCC about indecent or obscene programming on broadcast television and radio since the beginning of 2002, by quarter. The increase in complaints can be attributed to large-scale mobilized operations that have participants send form letters. The Commission notes that the data may include duplicate complaints.
    Download: indecency_graph.pdf
    In addition, during the second quarter of 2004, the Commission received 20 complaints about “Howard Stern Commentary.”

  • What happened to the “Amazing”?

    This season, The Amazing Race is taking on a different look. Instead of teams of 2 linked by some kind of pre-existing relationship (married couples, dating models, friends, co-workers, clowns, virgins, etc.), this is the Family Race, with teams of 4 related people. The team dynamics are, obviously, different. The logistics of traveling with six people (four team members plus camera and sound operators) are more difficult than traveling with four. But this race looks like it doesn’t even plan to be amazing.
    Brooklyn (yay!) to Lancaster, PA? That’s not very amazing. That’s pretty boring. Without the travel, language barriers, culture clash and multiple forms of transportation, this isn’t an Amazing race. And multiple tasks in NYC but no subway navigation? At least the cameo was appreciated here.
    TAR9 will go back to the classic formula. I’ll check back in then and hope the show has a long run without having to hold off production to do another family edition.
    In contrast, tonight’s Lost was very good.

  • Shameless self promotion

    Besides blawging, my other big revenue-negative hobby is music. In particular, I play saxophones and keys with The Bosch, and we’re releasing a new album. It’s called Buy One, Get One and will be available for the first time at the CD release party on Tuesday night, Sept. 27, at Pianos (158 Ludlow St. in New York), at 10pm.

    Here is the track listing (links go to MP3 files):

    1. Come On, Phillie
    2. The Movie Director
    3. Metronome
    4. Matching Girlfriend
    5. Teenage Symphony
    6. Back to the Laboratory
    7. Zombie Killer
    8. Napoleon Invades Russia
    9. Tell the Doctor
  • Buy One, Get One

    So, [this band][1] I play with is releasing this album today. It’s called [Buy One, Get One][2] and will be available for the first time at the CD release party on Tuesday night (Sept. 27) at [Pianos][3] (158 Ludlow St.) Here is the track listing (links go to MP3 files):
    1. Come On, Phillie
    2. The Movie Director
    3. Metronome
    4. Matching Girlfriend
    5. Teenage Symphony
    6. Back to the Laboratory
    7. Zombie Killer
    8. Napoleon Invades Russia
    9. Tell the Doctor
  • What’s on the Replay

    With the new tv season, there are actually things on my DVR worth watching.
    Arrested Development picks up as the best show on television. Jim Cramer upgrades the Bluth Company from “triple sell” to “don’t buy” and the company celebrates with a “mission accomplished” banner. Lucille goes off mood-altering drugs after hearing “some kind of scientist” on the Today Show.
    I have watched a couple of episodes of the new Battlestar Galactica and it looks interesting, but it is difficult to figure out what is going on without having seen the miniseries/pilot and first season.
    Family Guy has done very well in its second chance. Maybe its because the Simpsons are no longer as relevant as it used to be or because Family Guy has finally staked out its own identity, but Family Guy is wonderfully inappropriate.
    Kitchen Confidential doesn’t seem like it will be as edgy as its source material. It seems like the show could end up being very sitcom-y, despite being shot single camera. It’s hard to tell from the pilot if the show will be witty or witless. It could go either way. I’ll stick with the original Chef Bourdain.
    Lost opened by solving one mystery (what’s in the hatch) by posing an even bigger, what is that in the hatch? Why is it there? An article in the NY Times indicates that the creators have a plan for the series and aren’t making it all up as they go along: The Laws of the Jungle

    But the creators do know how the series ends. The survivors will not learn they are part of some dastardly experiment, or discover they are in purgatory, or wake up from a bad dream. “These guys get off the island,” said Mr. Cuse.
    Then, nearly in unison, both men add, “If it’s an island.”

    This reminds me of a bit from a Simpsons episode (not surprisingly); Lisa On Ice:

    [in the future, Lisa is being sworn in as President]
    Chief Justice: I now pronounce you President of these United —
    Reporter: Stop the inauguration! I just discovered our President Elect got an F in second grade gym class!
    [crows gasps; Lisa is handcuffed]
    Chief Justice: In that case I sentence you to a lifetime of horror on Monster Island. [to Lisa] Don’t worry, it’s just a name.
    [Lisa and others are chased by fire-breathing monsters]
    Lisa: He said it was just a name!
    Man: What he meant is that Monster Island is actually a peninsula.

    Hopefully, that’s not what Cuse and Lindelof are planning for the Lostaways.
    My Name is Earl is the best of the new shows with buzz. The SF Chronicle’s Tim Goodman describes the appeal succinctly: “What we’ve got here, essentially, is a dim-bulb, belatedly big-hearted Sisyphus.”
    The Office may not be as good as the British original, but the show is paced differently than any other comedy.
    The Amazing Race: Family Edition will probably not live up to the “classic” seasons. It may be time to watch Season 1 on DVD.
    The Simpsons is now starting its 16th season on the air. After season 7, the show started to go downhill. It’s up from the worst of the new era, but there isn’t much new left for the Simpson family to do. Although the material on the latest DVD release (season 6) far outshines the new episodes, the show is still funny, just not as funny or clever as it was during its heyday.

  • The planets in proper alignment

    Oy va Voi and Balkan Beat Box @ Irving Plaza
    Yesterday, I got tipped off to a klezmer show at Irving Plaza, and boy, a I glad I went. Oi Va Voi and Balkan Beat Box are two bands that take klezmer and other eastern european music and mix them with dance beats and other modern elements.
    Oi Va Voi takes klezmer themes and pairs them with danceable beats. They will be playing again on Sunday in Riverside Park around 6 PM.
    As good as Oi Va Voi were, Balkan Beat Box were even more engaging. Combining electronic beats with influences from jazz as well as eastern european, mediterranean and near eastern music, the songs are very unique. The set opened with the band parading through the crowd wearing masks and playing drums and horns. They even got a NYC crowd dancing. BBB’s new album is out on JDub Records and is available on iTunes.
    James Carter @ The Blue Note
    On Sunday, I caught James Carter play the last night of his week at the Blue Note and came away less impressed than the previous times I’ve seen Carter. Even though the organ trio is a format that serves him well, the set lacked focus.
    Carter is like a painter who has colors in his palette that other painters simply don’t have access to. Other improvisers have fewer avenues of exploration, but can combine them in a more coherent manner. Chris Potter, for example, shapes his solos very well– each time, he takes the audience somewhere with a specific destination in mind. Carter wanders aimlessly in various directions, which is enjoyable because of his skills, but less focused than other brilliant saxophone players.
    This particular ensemble, with and guests James “Blood” Ullmer on guitar and Hamiet Bluiett on bari sax is ne of the best that Carter has led. A live CD recored at the Blue Note, Out of Nowhere, is available on Half Note records.
    Other upcoming shows of interest
    The Bad Plus, through Sunday @ Village Vanguard
    The Walk Ons, tonight (Friday) @ Crash Mansion, 10:30
    Sam Champion, CD release show, tonight (Friday) @ Mercury Lounge, 11:30
    On Sunday, Magnetic Field is hosting Atlantic Antic on Sunday 9/25 with The Ponys, The Hong Kong, The Soul Shakers, Detachment Kit, The Dansettes playing outside on Atlantic Ave.
    The Bosch, CD Release show, Tuesday, 9/27 @ Pianos, 9:30
    Electric Six, Fri. 9/30 @ Bowery
    Beck, Thu.-Fri. 10/6-7 at Hammerstein Ballroom. On Thursday, McRorie opens.

  • BLS Blogs

    There are some blogs from current Brooklyn law students floating around on the internets. It’s like deja vu all over again.
    From 2L’s, Oh, Bitter Dicta and The Greatest People Ever.
    From various first year students, Doubting Socrates, That’s a Law Suit, and BrookLawTalk (not only a blog, but also a message board.)

  • Google, Publishers, Copies and “Being Evil”

    The Author’s Guild filed a lawsuit to prohibit Google from scanning copyrighted books without obtaining permissions from the copyright owners. The complaint in The Author’s Guild v. Google Inc, alleges “Google has reproduced a digital copy of the Works without the copyright holders’ permission and in violation of the authors’ rights under the copyright laws.”
    On its corporate blog, Google comments: Google Print and the Authors Guild: “Google doesn’t show even a single page to users who find copyrighted books through this program (unless the copyright holder gives us permission to show more). At most we show only a brief snippet of text where their search term appears, along with basic bibliographic information and several links to online booksellers and libraries.”
    Google does not yet make the full text of these scanned books available to the public, even if it has copied the full text of the book.
    Jason Schultz examines the rhetoric behind the complaint: Another inept physical property analogy re: Google’s digital library program: “So far, however, none of the publishers can show a single shred of evidence that the Google search index will reduce their sales. If anything, Google has already made the case that it will increase sales. At any rate, the physical property analogy to breaking into someone’s home is deeply flawed and misplaced, and publishers are doing a vast disservice to their industry and their authors by continuing to disseminate such flawed rhetoric.”
    The New York Times notes that not all rightsholders are opposed to the project: Writers Sue Google, Accusing It of Copyright Violation: “Some aspects of the Google Print program have encountered relatively little opposition, particularly one that invites publishers to submit their books to Google for scanning and inclusion in the Google search engine. Most of the large commercial publishing houses have submitted books to Google for scanning, in the hope that the program will lead users to find and buy their books more easily.”
    Wired’s coverage looks at two arguments, the publishers’ have the choice to withold consent and that high transaction costs could stifle a project with immense public benefit: Google Takes On Copyright Laws:

    But many publishers’ remain wary. To endorse Google’s library initiative is to say ‘it’s OK to break into my house because you’re going to clean my kitchen,’ said Sally Morris, chief executive of the U.K.-based Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers. ‘Just because you do something that’s not harmful or (is) beneficial doesn’t make it legal.’
    Many of the titles Google wants to scan are out of print and belong to no publisher at all. Jim Gerber, Google’s director of content partnerships, says the company would get no more than 15 percent of all books ever published if it relied solely on publisher submissions.

    On a first look, William Patry believes that the scanning program is a blatant violation of copyright: Scanning Documents:

    While I think the project is fantastic and would love for it to come to pass (it would greatly faciliate and democratize scholarship and thereby significantly increase learning), as to works under copyright, it can only be done with permission. Absent permission, I see no way for it to be considered fair use or covered by Section 108.
    The chutzpadik manner in which Google has gone about this is breathtaking, and indeed what they have done so far is, in my opinion, already infringing, that is the copying of the books even without making them available.

    After learning more about the service, Patry comes to look at the situation from a fair use analysis predicated on market impact and decides that the full copying combined with a limited display is a fair use. Google Revisited

    So in the Google project, why should we care if there are server copies? The purposes for the copies in connection with the Print Library project is to give people access to knowledge about the existence of the book as well as a tiny amount of text. That is of great help to researchers and hopefully to authors and publishers of the books too. It in no way harms copyright owners unless the project becomes something else, namely a full-text service which then is a market substitute.

    Eric Goldman thinks that the full-text scanning and copying likely goes beyond the current scope of fair use: Comments on Google Print

    This program has some obvious benefits to society; so much good content is “invisible” to the world because it’s locked in a dead trees delivery mechanism, and the search costs of finding that information overwhelm the value of doing so. With Google Print, a lot of the world’s knowledge will become newly discoverable by a large part of society.
    My heart says Google Print is great and therefore we should interpret copyright law in a way to permit it. Unfortunately, my head says that this is highly suspicious under most readings of copyright law.

    Siva Vaidhyanathan worries that this may not be the fight worth pursuing– that Google will not only lose and be forced to discontinue indexing the printed word, but that it will have a negative impact on all users of the written word and all knowledge and culture. Google: Betting the Company: “It’s not just Google betting the company. It’s Google gambling with all of our rights under copyright — both as copyright producers and users. Many good things could be washed away.”
    The Progress and Freedom Foundation’s James DeLong compares digitization of books with digitization of music and ultimately thinks that Google will settle, Google suit: Copyright Infringement: “Bottom line, as I see it, the authors are in the right here, but Google ought to be able to negotiate reasonable terms, and gladly–if the service they are planning to provide has enormous potential value, why not pass on some to the authors? Everyone would win.”
    However, DeLong goes on to find that Google probably has a strong fair use case: Google Responds “To show only the limited info described by Google would, IMHO, pretty clearly be a fair use. So the authors must be objecting to the fact that an entire book is being copied without permission, even if it is then hidden in an electronic vault. But what is the objection, if only snippets are shown? Is it a fear of Napsterization — that once the digital copy is made it could escape into the world? Or is it simply a naked assertion of right — “copyright law says no copying, so you must pay me to do it, even if it would actually be in my interest to have snippets made available.”
    Fred von Lohmann conducts a fair use analysis and finds that Google comes out ahead on three of the four fair use factors, with the parties’ even on the fourth factor: Author’s Guild Sues Google.
    Jonathan Band conducts a more extensive fair use analysis and also thinks that Google’s use is fair use: The Google Print Library Project: A Copyright Analysis. In comparing the Google Print project with the Ninth Circuit’s analysis in Kelly v. Arriba Soft and finds that the Google Print project uses less of the original source material than the Arriba Soft image search engine, is transformative, will have positive impact on the market, and should be considered a fair use.
    Band notes that full-text indexing is done by Google and other search engines with web content (HTML, PDF, Word documents) already. The difference between the copying/caching of web pages and the copying/caching of books is that copying books involves a medium shift. By the norms of the internet, an online publisher who does not opt-out of this copying (such as by posting a robots.txt file) has impliedly consented to having her content copied, indexed and cached.
    Mike Madison thinks that this is a case worth pursuing, since both sides are good (the rights of authors against promoting universal access to all information without being evil.) Google Sued; Books Disappearing: “If it manages to win, Google may be planting the seeds of the destruction of copyright as we know it. Depending on your point of view, that may not be a bad thing.”
    Susan Crawford argues that the public benefit adds to the argument for a finding of fair use: Why Google Is Right: “Google had a great idea. Let’s make the books in the libraries of Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and Michigan searchable. (Note — the idea wasn’t “let’s give the books away.” Not at all. The point is to make them searchable, not takeable.) There are all these wonderful books that these great libraries want to interest people in, but they’re up flights of stairs, on dusty shelves, and in darkness. Let’s make them searchable so that people know they’re out there.”
    Larry Lessig also comes down on the side of finding Google’s Use a fair use: Google Sued: “It is 1976 all over again. Then, like now, content owners turned to the courts to stop an extraordinary new technology. Then, like now, copyright is the weapon of choice. But then, like now, the content owners of course don’t really want the court to stop the new technology. Then, like now, they simply want to be paid for the innovations of someone else. Then, like now, the content owners ought to lose.”
    This case points to a more fundamental issue facing copyright law in the digital age: whether copying is the harm copyright law needs to prevent, or should the law focus on preventing unauthorized distributions. In traditional pre-Internet media, making copies, such as photocopies or audio cassette tapes, only serves to have a negative impact on the market for the original source work. With the internet, making a copy may be a mere precursor to a product that does not distribute mere copies of the original work, but uses the original work to create a public benefit without harming the market for that original work.
    C.E. Petit questions whether most publishers have the authority to grant Google rights to make copies and notes that administrative costs are not part of the statutory fair use analysis: Speaking of Common Enemies…:

    Not only is Google wrong in adopting an opt-out model when the Copyright Act explicitly requires opt-in (cf. 17 U.S.C. § 204(a)), it is wrong in assuming that the publisher has the authority to grant permission in the first place. Google—and Amazon (remember Search Inside the Book?)—would rather not deal with a large universe of authors.1 It would rather deal with a limited universe of publishers. The last time I checked, though, “administrative convenience” was not one of the four fair-use factors set out in 17 U.S.C. § 107

    Petit goes on to note some of the flaws in the publisher’s class definition: The Procedure Geek Looks at Author’s Guild v Google: “The ultimate irony here is the usual mechanism of class remedies: Usually—as in the horribly structured “database settlement” also “brokered” of late by the Author’s Guild—everyone who falls into the class definition is bound by the settlement unless they opt out. Given that opt-in/opt-out is precisely what is at issue in Google’s program, flowing in the opposite direction, this seems rather silly.”
    Making a case for reform, Tim Wu argues that the fundamental role of copyright should be in regulating the dissemination of works in a 2004 Michigan Law Review article: Copyright’s Communications Policy

    The main challenges for twenty first century copyright are not challenges of authorship policy, but rather new and harder problems for copyright’s communications policy: copyright’s poorly understood role in regulating competition among rival disseminators. Since its inception, copyright has set important baselines upon which publishers and their modern equivalents do business. As the pace of technological change accelerates, copyright’s role in setting the conditions for competition is quickly becoming more important, even challenging for primacy the significance of copyright’s encouragement of authorship.

    Ernest Miller and Joan Feigenbaum argue for reforming copyright law under this method in Taking the Copy Out of Copyright:

    The advent of digital documents has illuminated this issue: In the digital realm, copying is not a good predictor of intent to infringe; moreover, copying of digital works is necessary for normal use of those works. We argue that the right to control copying should be eliminated as an organizing principle of copyright law. In its place, we propose as an organizing principle the right to control public distribution of the copyrighted work.

    Even if the Google Print project is found to be a fair use, perhaps the law needs to be reformed to address unlawful distribution rather than unlawful copying. This will make it easier to offer more access to information at a lower cost, with greater certainty and less need to litigate whether every new development in search technology constitutes a fair use.

  • Is the third year necessary?

    At the Legal Affairs Debate Club, Professors Laura I. Appleman and Daniel Solove debate the relevance of the third year of law school: Abolish the Third Year of Law School?
    Solove ponders the nature of legal education in broad strokes:

    Some assume that the goal of a legal education should be to teach people practical skills so that when they leave law school, they can start practicing law like a pro. I don’t agree. The goal of law school is to teach students how to think better and how to work with various legal arguments. It is to expose them to different ways of understanding the law and to think about the law broadly and critically.
    Moreover, law school isn’t just about what the students want. We are training people who will be in profound positions of power—future lawyers, judges, politicians, policymakers, and so on. It is important for all of society that these individuals be given a legal education that consists of more than just taking a few key classes and rushing off into the practice of law. Law school is, for many, one of the few times that they reflect more broadly on the law, on justice, on how the law ought to be, on what works and doesn’t work well in the legal system. It is a chance to learn about the history of law, the philosophy of law, law and literature, law and sociology, law and economics, and more. I believe that these things make students be better lawyers—wiser, more creative, more well-rounded. When we train lawyers, we’re training people who will be shaping our society, and I think it is imperative that their legal education be a robust extension of a liberal arts education, not simply a trade school education. That’s because I believe that law is more than a trade; it is more than simply representing clients; it is more than just another kind of business.

    Applebaum replies:

    The problem, as I see it, is that the current system of law school education attempts to do three things (at least) at the same time: (1) it tries to impart a kind of intellectual approach to the law, a way of thinking and writing, which the student will be able to take wherever she goes; (2) it tries to teach specific bodies of knowledge, such as Criminal Law, Tax, Evidence, etc.; and (3) it tries to place students in jobs after graduation. Although different schools focus on different aspects, all law schools try to achieve all three goals. Yet law school pedagogy is so vaguely defined that students can be left struggling.

    For the group of students who enter their third year with a job offer in hand, that final year to get a degree may seem like an expensive barrier between them and the big bucks. For those going into public interest, it’s even more debt to carry into a job that is psychologically but not financially rewarding.
    However, the third year of law school allows students to delve deeper into various niches of the law with an academic interest, work for clients who might not otherwise have representation in a clinical environment, and/or explore new and unfamiliar areas of the law which may not relate to the student’s work after graduation. The third year can make the law student into a better rounded lawyer. The third year also establishes the JD as a more rigorous professional degree than an MBA, so lawyers can command more respect than b-school grads.
    On a related topic, Ambivalent Imbroglio looks into whether large debt loads are really keeping law school grads from going into public interest work: Reality Testing Law School Debt and the Public Interest Career: “he point is that the money difference between public interest and what at least half of GW grads makes is not really that big—certainly not big enough to be an excuse not to pursue a public interest career for students who are sincere in their desire to do so.”
    Update: I missed AI’s first post about the value of the third year, with some discussion: Questioning 3L, which references an AP article asking the same question.

  • [FMC] IP in a post-Grokster World

    IP in a post-Grokster World
    Preeta Bansal Partner, Skadden Arps (moderator)
    Chris Amenita Senior Vice President, ASCAP Enterprises Group
    Mia Garlick General Counsel, Creative Commons
    Cary Sherman President, RIAA
    Siva Vaidhyanathan Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication, NYU
    Don Verrilli Partner, Jenner & Block
    Fred von Lohmann Senior Intellectual Property Attorney, EFF
    Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.
    Bansal: This decision had something for everyone.
    von Lohmann: Will this change the environment for p2p file sharing? Probably not. Fans enjoy having access to full catalog. We need to get artists paid. EFF likes a collective licensing approach– allow sharers to keep doing what they’re doing and still get the artists compensated. This is not going to solve our porblems any more than the 14,000 lawsuits against file sharers.
    Bansal: Will this decision have a chilling effect on technology?
    FvL: No fundamental objection to inducement standard. Grokster did not answer our other questions: can you build a tech if it turns out it can be used for infringing? Whenever you hvae to call lots of lawyers to figure out if you can create something, that is, by definition, a chilling effect, whether it is a sampling artist in his basement or an inventor in her garage. The effects may extend far beyond just P2P.
    Verelli: The underlying activity (unlawful downloads of music and movies) is a problem of staggering scope. In the court of public opinion, there was a question of whether the activity is lawful. That debate is over, as far as the law is concerned, and will have an immense effect on public opinion. You can’t go out an build a business based on expropriating other peoples’ copyrights. The law in this area must strike a balance between protecting interests of copyright owners and allowing technological innovation. Increasing legitimate channels of distribution.
    Bansal: What specific tools has Grokster added to the entertainment industry’s tools?
    PV: Inducement liability can be used against a business that is intentionally inducing copyright infringement for damages or injunctive relief. The inducement cause of action itself is a pretty potent cause of action.
    Garlick: Ultimately, the lawyers are the ones who benefitted from Grokster. The fact-specific test means that lawyers have to get involved in product design, marketing development.
    Bansal: Where does the public end up after Grokster?
    Siva: The public remains confused and engaged at the same time. Is there evidence that p2p sharing has decreased since Grokster?
    Verelli: Not as such, it is just a prediction, but companies will move to legit business models.
    Siva: Remember that what people do is from what companies do. There are many non-commercial services. Souter managed to dodge the Sony issue. The real quesetion is how much liability to companies have for what consumers do downstream. But the effect will be on marketing, and that there will never be another product with -ster at the end of its name. That won’t matter, because consumers aren’t that dumb. I have seen no evidence that the usage of p2p has decreased since Grokster.
    The problem is the internet. The internet makes this all possible. This is an almost uncontrollable system of communication at this point. Any sophmore computer science major can create a powerful p2p search engine.
    The entertainment industry has been whacking moles for 6 years now, and it hasn’t made a difference. People are still file sharing and supplementing it with other forms of distribution.
    Bansal: But they’re not profiting from it.
    Siva: The individuals were never profiting from it and know how to stay ahead of the lawyers. And these are communications students who want to work for MTV, not computer science circuits.
    Bansal: What’s the response to Grokster in the recording industry?
    Sherman: Lot’s of behind the scenes acticity and unbelievable activity in terms of p2p companies still in existince rethinking their business models and licensing/settlement discussions that gives us a lot of hope with transformation to legit business models.
    For example, iMesh may launch within a week as a legit service. This demonstrates the power that system can have when it’s not hiding from the copyright law and taking advantage of knowing who the sharers are and what they want. p2p was always about community. This will be a combination social networking, dating and music sharing service.
    We’re seeing investment capital start to flow into services. Licensed p2p is the next phase.
    Bansal: How does the prevalence of legit p2p models serve you?
    Sherman: The goal was never to get rid of p2p, but to get rid of infringement. We’ve lived with physical piracy and will live with online piracy. We want to move people to legitimate p2p services where aartists are compensated.
    [OK, so why didn’t the industry license to Napster in 2000 and would have pretty much avoided the escalating file sharing wars of the last few years?]
    Bansal: What is the impact on creators, and what’s happening now in the actual marketplace?
    Amenita: The decision helped clarify the marketplace. The general public now understood that the activity going on in Grokster was illegal. We never wanted to shut down the technology itself, but the way people use the decision.
    Bansal: In Justice Breyer’s opinion, this was the first time that the Court referred to creators separately from the entertainment industry. Creators were amici on both sides of the case.
    Amenita: Business itself is not fair. What this decision did was clarify what one could expect to get compensated for. A handshake and a pat on the bat does not send kids to college.
    Bansal: What will be the business models of the entertainment industry going forward? The celestial jukebox? The iTunes model? Live performances replace recordings as the driving force behind the industry? Open licensing?
    Sherman: The variations on the per-track or subscription services will be interesting. There are some sites that will give out free music in exchange for watching an ad. Major corporations may begin to sponsor musicians (as patrons) and give away the music for free. There may be time-limited or limited quality free downloads. There may be a new relationship between artists and labels or artists and publishers– like the WB e-label that lets artists release songs in various size chunks (singles, albums, EPs).
    It will be easier to sell to niche markets on the internet.
    Bansal: Has p2p raised the hand of aritsts in breaking the control of labels over the industry?
    Sherman: Not necessarily p2p, but the internet. Word of mouth can have a big impact on the internet regardless of having music on p2p or a legit service. [Like MySpace.] Artists can still give away their music for free if the artist decides to .
    Siva: The industry has gotten a good idea in the last 36 months after a slow start.
    p2p and the internet are largely the same thing. What is legit p2p? Who controls it?
    Sherman: Sometimes, it’s actually a transfer from user to user, but the service tests whether it’s a good copy and then transfers it from a user, or from a central server if there is no other good copy.
    Siva: Distributed content with filters, and the filter is governed by the license terms. By moving towards this model, you’re moving away from the true p2p model. in unfiltered p2p, you’re talking about every member giving up something (bandwidth, disk space). Under this new system, how can you make it worth the time to give up the bandwidth and space, so what will the consumer get?
    Sherman: That will be the interesting test– will the sense of community to be enough to keep users engaged? But that’s what’s interest about iMesh it combines Friendster with p2p.
    Bansal: What are some of the other legit p2p business models.
    von Lohmann: The baseline reality is that BigChampagne reported that July 2005 saw a new high use of file sharing, which is interesting, because it comes after Grokster and during summer, where college students are at home and using p2p less.
    If the goal is to restrict fans, to constrain fans, then the services will not work. But largely agrees with Sherman that experimentation is good. But today’s services have high prices and limited selection and clearing tracks one by one is not a way that the. Music fans are still looking for something as good as napster Classic.
    PlayLouder, an ISP in the UK, signed a deal with Sony BMG to let PlayLouder users freely share Sony BMG music among themselves. EFF has been suggesting a model like that. Yahoo can charge $5/month for access to their whole library. Users want more catalog, fewer restrictions.
    We want a world where the instinct to be a fan does not depend on incompatible music files and seeing which service has excusives.
    Bansal: Where’s it all going to end up when we have unlimited hard drive space?
    von Lohmann: The model where you have a blanket license is more flexible and more successfull than any other. Look at the PRO’s. They’ve done a good job of being flexible. It’s about getting paid, not getting
    Bonsal: But what happens when users have all the music created already stored on their hard drive? Don’t people pay for cable tv because they don’t have enough storage?
    von Lohmann: People pay for cable television because they want to see this season of the Sopranos, this season of Six Feet Under. Music fans are always buying new songs and new albums.
    Sherman: PRO’s don’t license every listener in a restaurant. They license every business owner. In Fred’s model, we have to license every single user or sue the individual who isn’t licensed. Aren’t we trying to get out of that game?
    von Lohmann: With the internet, the kind of thing that used to have a factory to do can now be done by an individual at home. The fact that you can cut out the intermediaries and go directly to the fans is a great opportunity.
    Garlick: p2p and the internet enables direct relationships between artists and fans, especially with things like Mmagnatune. Where Creative Commons is showing is that there are a variety of different ways to publish creative works for publicity.
    Bonsal: What’s coming?
    Siva: It’s hard to make predictions without data. All these companies will try different ways of doing this. Most will fail, some will succeed, and this will benefit all parties. Five years ago, some people were arguing that the RIAA would be out of business at this point– even then that seemed far-fetched. However, we’re not going back to the time when Backstreet Boys roamed the Earth.
    Consumers are about to have a DRM revolt, largely because of the iPod, and will recognize that the only people who benefit from DRM are the companies that build weak DRM.
    von Lohmann: For a century, every new tech that has been first attacked by the entertainment industry has ended up growing the entertainment industry: the player piano, radio, the VCR. The internet will not be the first technology for which this is not true. This is not the beginning of the end, but the beginning of the beginning for the entertainment industry on the internet. There will be more creativity and more competition, which will be great for artists and great for fans.
    Sherman: DRM takes so many hits as being a limitation on consumers, when in fact is it an enabler of different business models that give consumers more choice to get more music at more prices for different types of uses. The problem needs to be solved, but that problem could be solved at the flick of a switch tomorrow if Apple and MSFT agree.
    Amenita: One thing won’t change. You need someone to create in the first place– the songwriter. Since everyone believes that artists should be compensated, let’s see the money.
    Verrilli: The debate now isn’t the same as 5 years ago. The debate 5 years ago was over whether copyright as a whole was a dinosaur. The question now is how to move forward in a way that respects copyright with a variety of different business models. The Supreme Court’s decision has helped to take this forward. The risk calculus today is very different than it was 5 years ago.
    Garlick: It’s going to be about there being more choice and more flexibility as to what models will work. There is a new relationship between creators, business and users.

  • [FMC] Representative Rick Boucher (D-VA)

    Mechanical license is outdated and needs to be updated from its paper-based, individual.
    Reform should exempt buffering, cacheing and ephemeral copies from §115.
    §114 places differing rates and services based on medium– broadcast radio pays no fee, while satellite, digital cable and internet radio all pay different rates.
    Archival copies of digital media should be a fair use.
    Electronic database at the Copyright Office to replace the paper files on file at this time.
    Need to have a safe harbor arrangement for use of song where it’s not possible to find the copyright owner, and place royalties into an escrow fund held for the artists.

  • [FMC] Sampling and Shared Art

    Rick Karr former NPR cultural correspondent/Technopop (moderator)
    Whitney Broussard Partner, Selverne, Mandelbaum & Mintz
    Jeff Chang Author, Can’t Stop Won’t Stop
    Shannon Emamali Exec Director, DC Chapter, The Recording Academy
    Bob Kohn Chairman and CEO, RoyaltyShare, Inc.
    Hank Shocklee Music Industry Producer, Founder of Public Enemy, President of Shocklee Entertainment
    [Unfortunately, Broussard isn’t here for the panel…]
    Has the law changed the aesthetics of hip-hop?
    Siva: It’s detracted from the sense of play in the art form. There was a beautiful libertarian moment in the late 70s where people could build something great out of what’s around them.
    To get through the Reagan years with any sense of optimism, I depedended on Public Enemy to make life seem beatuiful– on George Clinton to make life seem hopeful.
    We’re thinking about cultural policy here. We should be very careful when we ask the government to influence or regulate cultural expression. We don’t live in a society where people can do whatever they want with marketable cultural items.
    We should ask is it contributing to the next generation of artists or locking in power for the already established?

    Is a fan of sampling– in particular, parody, satire– to use a work to criticize the work itself (satire) or culture at large (parody.)
    Feels somewhat responsible for the Bridgeport decision, which took 8 paragraphs from his book, where he was commenting on what the law is, not what the law should be. The law says that you’re allowed to do sound-alike recordings. When you’re sampling someone else’s working, you’re potentially infringing 2 separate works and the standard for the infringement is different.

    Shocklee: Where is the menu items that a kid can go to and know if he’s taking this how much he’s going to have to pay for it? No one, not even in this room, knows the price of samples.
    Emamali: Balance between sampler and samplee. There needs to be some type of system where, particularly aspiring artists, can go to to figure out how to sample legally, and then properly credit and compensate the samplee.
    This has been a windfall for music publishers.
    Chang: This has created two classes– the super-sampler class who can afford to pay whatever it takes to get the record out, like Diddy or NAS. Any hip-hop jam will drop a sample Apache, but only NAS can afford to do that for a record. Hip-hop is not asking for any kind of OK for doing that.
    Folks are doing that now on the indie level– rappers and dance hall artists rhyming over The Cure.
    The kids who were inspired by PE/Shocklee or by Pete Rock, they know that they’re going to have to turn in a list of all the samples that go into a song, and try to give the credit (and royalties) to the brokest of all the sampled artists.
    RK: Is there a better way we can structure this legally?
    Kohn: There’s an analog in the patent world, where developers have to work out licenses for patented processes. There’s similar negotiations when placing music into films. These rules are essentially the establishment of property interests.
    If you are creating something new, transforming, and using the work, like a Bob Dylan song, for parody or satire purposes,
    If you don’t know where you’re sampling from, then don’t do it. If you do, tell your lawyer and pay the fees to the rightsholder. If you’re out there just to disobey the rules, you’re going to get burned.
    HS: We did go to the copyright owners, at least what we see on the record. We go out and make a deal with those people, then go out and get a call from someone else who is also a rightsholder.
    Siva: The transaction costs are really high. There’s no central place to go to find out who owns the master or who owns the publishing? The Copyright Office doesn’t keep track of this.
    HS: If I want to re-record a sample, the costs are really high, too. Taking a single Phil Collins snare hit for the sound, instead of going in, finding the same console, the same effects, the same mics. Should I have to go in and do all that, or can’t I just take that one sound and do something completely new and different with it? Or does Phil need to be compensated for that? [About 20% of audience applauds heartily.] Should I have to compensate the engineer who got the sound? Because how much of that is the actual performance and how much of that is the vibe of the recording?
    Kohn: Plugs his new company, Artist Share that attempts to manage the royalty relationships.
    SE: We need to establish a threshold for what needs to be compensated and figure out a way to create a central info registry for that.
    Siva: The Copyright Office is studying orphan works…
    Karr: Suggests an arbitration panel for sampling that decides what a fair price is for sampling.
    HS: The record companies have an incredible database of sampling claims. Sampling is not just limited to hip-hop artists anymore. The kids doing it don’t understand how much it costs, especially when all the big pop hits on the radio are sample-based.
    Peter Jenner: None of the sample money goes to the drummer or the guitar player who played the part that was sampled. The copyright law has gone completely up its own ass. Why does the composition copyright owner get to profit off of a few notes, but the musicians don’t?
    Siva: There hasn’t been a good fair use case made in sampling law, with someone who took the subtleness and takes from the toe of the work, not the Vanilla Ice sample that goes to the heart of the work [The Nation.] The case law has not reflected the analysis.
    Barbie Bayless: How do you come up with a rate sheet? How can all of us in the industry come up with a common rate?
    HS: We don’t know what people are charging. How can we give away more than 100% of publishing?
    Karr: You take the heart of the work (Siva: like the riff from “Purple Haze”), then you should have to pay for it.
    We have a situation where the market dictates what happens. If a mid-level hop-hop artist takes a sample from a Harry Chapin record, the hip-hop sampler has much less bargaining power.
    RK: Statutory license?
    SE: How do you set the rate? For some songs, 5 seconds is the essence of that song, then the law should have to take into account the difference.
    RK: HS, what if some White Supremacist band samples PE?
    HS: If they pay us, it’s good. The sampling is about taking the sound. When you talk about paying that license, how little of a sample needs to be compensated?
    SE: We’re focusing so much on the payment.
    Siva: Copyright law should be concerned with the work yet to be created. It’s in the Constitution. Right now, this is a system with grand winners and grand losers. There are windfall profits and there are people who can’t market what they create out of fear. A statutory license lowers these barriers to entry. It makes it possible for the next Public Enemy to pay a reasonable fee. It eliminates the hold-out problem. It’s a market rigged by some agreement or state intervention that would work for more people in more situations.
    Audience member who negotiated a lot of Polygram/James Brown sample licenses between 92 and 97: 50-50 split with the artist and the label. some of that actually did trickle down to the funky drummer. There are people who want to do well by the art form.
    [FWIW, I think that sampling reform requires both the addition of a de minimis analysis to allow people to sample short (<2 seconds?) clips without permission and a complulsory license for samples that represent a larger, but still not central part of the work, and then a market-based system for sampling that goes to the heart of the work. More later.] Useful links:
    Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films (6th Cir., Jun. 2005).
    Newton v. Diamond (9th Cir., Nov. 2004).
    Astride Howell, Sample This: “The controversy surrounding digital sampling and the legal rules
    of thumb generated in response reveal that there is quite a bit of mis-
    understanding among musicians about copyright law and samplingthe songwriter or, by assignment, a music publisher.”
    Previously: Bridgeport, Audio Sampling and Transaction Costs

  • [FMC] George Clinton and Hank Shocklee

    Special Interview with legendary funk artist George Clinton and Hank Shocklee Music Industry Producer, Founder of Public Enemy, President of Shocklee Entertainment. Hosted by Rick Karr
    Clinton: “I thought it was a DJ on the radio talking over the record.”
    “I heard a guy rapping over “flashlight” and thought it was cool and record it. Then I learned that the kids in the Bronx were already doing it.”
    “The first artist found who sampled p/funk was De La Soul.”
    “It’s just a new way of making music. The guitar, they didn’t want it around, the saxophone wasn’t in the orchestra. I always gravitate towards what people– what parents hate– cause that’s the next big thing.”
    “When hip-hop came out I was glad to hear our songs [sampled], because we were getting on the radio.”
    “I’d figure out a way to make money of it. We went back on the road and started making money playing the long version of the songs.”
    Is sampling lazy?
    “My mother called us lazy, too. She said that we just vamped– got on a groove for 20 minutes and jammed and that was lazy. There are some people out there who aren’t lazy. Hank Shocklee is not lazy… it’s probably twice as hard to make that blend… That’s not lazy there.”
    Some say that the sampling law has changed– even killed– hop-hop, that you need to have the budget of a [Dr.] Dre to do a sample-heavy record?
    “If you clear beforehand, it’s not bad. But when you take the whole song, or don’t have permission, then it’s going to cost.”
    [Enter Hank Shocklee]
    HS: When the courts say that we have to get a license, who is that protecting? The artists?
    GC: We haven’t gotten hardly any of the money from the sampling.
    HS: I know for a fact that we paid a LOT of money to Bridgeport. You look at the fact that these guys have been suing for a long period of time and a lot of money isbeing made and we should get a license for sampling, who is this actually benefitting? The original artist who made the song or the person who just happens to be the [rightsholder]?
    HS: If I’m sampling 30 seconds of the song and using that for my whole song or if
    Who determines who gets a license? Who determines the rates?
    RK: What happens to the kid in his basement in
    HS: If you took 8 bars of a song, then you’d have to get a license. Now, there’s basically no parameters. If the sample only constitutes 1/8 of the song, how does that justify giving up 50% of the publishing?
    [Remember, there are two different rights involved in clearing a sample– the copyright in the composition and the copyright in the phonorecord. Based on the 9th Circuit’s ruling in For the composition, there is a de minimis level of taking that is not copyright infringement, but based on the 6th Circuit decision in Bridgeport Music, there is no de minimis analysis for sampling of the phonorecord.
    HS: 3 different publishers each wanted 50% of the publishing, but how do you give up 150% of royalties?
    GC: Well, you have to do it beforehand.
    HS: Should you be allowed to go backwards and basically sue people retroactively for something that was done in the past and was legal then?
    HS: Sometimes, we sample because we want the performance, sometimes we want the sound, like the particular sound of a Moog synth. The best way to get that is from a recording that was already done.
    HS: Sampling is not about stealing other people’s material, it’s about capturing some of that vibe.
    GC: That’s why we put out a [sample CD] where you can get the handclap, the guitar from Flashlight… I think that’s the future of publishing, with a compulsory license for samples. We’ve had people that sampled our record from a [3rd generation sample].
    HS: There’s a difference between sampling the performance and sampling the sound. That would be like having to clear Fender every time you use a Rhodes, or Tama will charge you a royalty for the snare sound. [HS is making the case for a de minimis use analysis for sampling of sound recordings.]
    HS: [plays 4 notes from Flashlight] How much should I pay for that? Talk to some producers, then want 10k, plus a rollover rate at 10k units, or 50% of publishing.
    GC: What if you ask them in advance?
    HS: This is what they seek when you ask in advance.
    GC: When you cover a song, that’s pennies a song.
    RK: that’s a compulsory rate.
    GC: It’s blackmail the way it is now. [for sound recordings]
    HS: Is that the performance or is that the sound?
    GC: That’s recognizable. If you play the next part [one hit from Flashlight], that would be different.
    HS: So what do I pay for this?
    GC: The 6th Circuit says you’ve got to pay for it.
    HS: Let’s try to loop it [a one-note hit] and create something different. I could make it sound different, smooth out the glitches, change its pitch, change its tone. Now, when you’re looking at sampling at that level, am I stealing a performance or creating?
    RK: This [next panel] is such a let down…
    [This interview was much more awesome than my notes reflect.]
    Related Links
    Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films (6th Cir., Jun. 2005).
    Newton v. Diamond (9th Cir., Nov. 2004).
    Astride Howell, Sample This: “The controversy surrounding digital sampling and the legal rules
    of thumb generated in response reveal that there is quite a bit of mis-
    understanding among musicians about copyright law and samplingthe songwriter or, by assignment, a music publisher.”
    Previously: Bridgeport, Audio Sampling and Transaction Costs

  • [FMC] Linky link

    Derek Slater is also blogging FMC, in a more polished form than my rough notes, over at Billboard Postplay.
    Coolfer is here, too: Future of Music Summit: Day One and Future of Music Summit: Day Two.
    Herkko Hietanen is posting some real-time notes at Copyfraud.

  • [FMC] License to Cover: Section 115

    Room 307: License to Cover: Section 115
    Ken Kaufman Partner, Skadden Arps
    David Jones Counsel, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Senate Judiciary Committee
    Jonathan Potter Executive Director, DiMA
    Josh Wattles Entertainment and Technology Attorney

    Compulsory has acted as a benchmark for negotiations.
    What licenses are required for caching of streams?
    It hsa become mroe and more difficult for mechanical rights societies to get rights to all works.
    -abolition of all compulsories
    -expansion of compulsories to public performance for reproduction,distribution rights for digital services.

    DiMA represents AOL, Yahoo, MSN, Apple– legit services
    There is a consensus among all constiuents that the system is broken– legit services are having truble getting going because the music licensing system doesn’t work.
    The major victim? Songwriters. The price per song and price per performance composition royalties are getting hurt. Others? consumers– all the music isn’t available legitimately; services– can’t offer all the music they need to compete with Grokster & eDonkey.
    3 or 4 ways to fix it– discussed since 1999. Problem is that Congress is in the business of defining rights, publishers are asking Congress to set a rate.
    The law was written to accomadte old-line industries and the laws just don’t fit.
    What’s the price of modernization? Songwriters and publishers are seeking 2x-3x royalties.
    NARAS: If the recording and publishing industries can’t get together, then the industry (as a whole) can’t compete with illegal P2P. The winners are Grokster and Kazaa, the losers are everybody else.

    It’s really only about money.
    Impetus for change is coming from the tech side (unlicensed, uncompensated P2P draining the marketplace.)
    The Yahoos and AOLs are simply buyers, publishers and labels are simply sellers.
    Publishers only know how to think in terms for 200%-300% rate increases. On the other hand, streamers are selling music for nothing (marginally) and want to have to pay the publishers as little as possible.
    The government really should get out of the way as much as possible.
    The music industry has grown up around the mechanical compulsory since 1909 and pulling it out will bring dysfunction to the market. The public performance right is working while the mechanical isn’t.
    Publishers are the only group that has sold its product to multiple differentiated markets simultaneously– to movies, record labels, ad agencies, etc. They know how to adjust to different markets. They also know how to ask for 4x too much money.

    Until there’s a functioning market, there’s no way to know what the market price is. Government is not well suited to setting prices.
    This is a really screwed up area of law.
    Some of the proposals:
    -Outright repeal of §115. Some good principled arguments for it, but may be too much of a disruption to the market.
    -Merging the rights
    -Unilicense/super-agent– not fully fleshed out– anti-trust? who adjudicates?
    -Collective licensing
    -Making §115 a blanket license. This gets rid of some of the transaction costs. Who administers it? What’s the scope of the license?
    Potter: If any of us are giving music away for free, we’re still paying the royalties to do so. One thing our companies are doing are competing on price, marketing and programming. Can’t yet compete with Grokster on repertoire.
    Potter: Performance or distribution/reproduction? An on-demand stream may substitute for a CD sold, but it is non-sensical to consider that a reproduction. because an activity might substitute for distribution doesn’t mean that it should pay a mechanical. It’s just a higher-value performance. A tethered download is not a performance, even though it may substitute for it.
    In 1988, Canada eliminated the compulsory and has a copyright board…
    Fred Von Lohmann (EFF): If everytime a new tech develops, there may be more chaos everytime there’s something new. Move towards more collective licensing. Like Peters’ proposal to eliminate §115 and replacing it with MRO’s. Other than disruption and chaos, is there any principled reason for eliminating §115?
    Potter: It is absurd to have to go back to Congress every time there is a new technology. Laws were written in ways that were microscopically written to apply only to existing uses. There is no admin agency that serves as a general regulatory body to serve as a rulemaking body for copyright law. THe party that doesn’t want to modify the law can hold up reform in the morass that is Congress.
    Wattles: Collective licensing is the solution for this particular, isolated, potentially major or minor use of music buy these online services. The price for legislative collective licensing is government stepping in and creating a regulated market. Let’s try to make it about money, because that’s something we all know how to make deals for. Is this the time to create architecture or an environment which creates a place to haggle with functional, interim solutions?
    Potter: DiMA members pay ~5.25% of revenue total to ASCAP/BMI/SESAC for on-demand streaming. Publishers are getting ~8.5% from downloads.

  • [FMC] Is Digital Distribution a Good Deal for Artists?

    Panel 05: Is Digital Distribution a Good Deal for Artists?
    Walter McDonough General Counsel, Future of Music Coalition (moderator)
    Kevin Arnold Founder/CEO, IODA
    Slim Moon Owner, Kill Rock Stars
    David Pakman Managing Director, eMusic/Dimensional Associates
    David Printis President/CEO, DE-Urecords.com
    Tim Quirk GM, Music Content and Programming, RealNetworks
    Having an online presence allows a band to hang out and get drunk with its fans without actually hanging out and getting drunk.
    No one is making a profit running a $0.99/download service. Labels are making money, artists hopefully are making money off of it. Apple is making money off iPod sales. Any of the other services making money are making money off of subscriptions.
    Moon: Most of our costs [as a label] are marketing. Difference between 10 songs at $0.65/song and the cost of selling wholesale for $8.50 is larger than the cost of making the physical product.
    It’s the connection among people that will get people to enjoy music. Advocates for music make a big difference.
    Rhapsody avoids caling its recommendations “picks or recommendations.” Tries to recommend based on playing habits of listeners.
    eMusic uses personality to cull its indie catalog and make recommendations with personality.

  • [FMC] State of the Union

    Panel 04: State of the Union
    Jim Griffin CEO, Cherry Lane Digital (moderator)
    Mitch Bainwol Chairman and CEO, RIAA
    Shawn Fanning Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Snocap
    Joe Henry ASCAP artist and songwriter/producer
    Andrew Moss Senior Director, Technical Policy, Microsoft
    Marybeth Peters Register, US Copyright Office
    Gary Shapiro President and CEO, Consumer Electronics Associatio

    Shapiro: HD Radio will be big. Every big company starts small.
    RIAA’s digital radio content restriction system will hamper the development of digital radio– a strong defense of the right to do what you’ve always been able to do– Audio TiVo.
    Thanks to Jim for keeping [him and Shapiro] separate, otherwise it may devolve into physical violence.
    Rolling out HD Radio in a quick, expeditious way makes a ton of sense. Anything that enhances the experience of listening to music is a great thing. Why create a world that will eviscerate the future of music? HD Radio is about performance, not about a download. Made remarkable progress in the last two years and will make remarkable progress in the next two years.

    Snocap isn’t really a major shift between what he hoped to accomplish with Napster. As Napster classic began to build its business, there was no way t
    Providing an open rights registry to connect creators and businesspeople who want to use the work.
    Smaller companies that want to innovate will have an opportunity to
    Providing more music to more people through more panels.
    Strategy to start with major rightsholders and eventually open it up and create a level of awareness among the independent creative community. Allow the opportunity to get into multiple retail channels without having to do multiple direct deals.

    [Introduces Compulsory licensing reform.]
    Digital phonograph delivery (DPD) was first performance right available to holders of phonorecord copyrights. Today, no one is sure what a DPD is today.
    Heard that online b’casters were having problems getting rights from rightsholders.
    Online streaming implicates 3 rights– performance, reproduction,
    Trying to look at a better way to effectuate music licensing.
    Her own preferred solution is that the market generally works and that compulsory licenses should only work when there is complete market failure.
    What kind of reform is possible?
    §115 is reproduction and distribution. Publishers say there is a right to get reproduction and distribution rights when there is an interactive stream, but not when there is a non-interactive stream (just performance right.)
    In Europe, there are societies that combine the ability to license reproduction and distribution of phonorecords along with the public performance right. Of course, those societies have other problems, but it is a one-stop shopping.
    Copyright Office drafted a bill and 3 hearings. This was a trial balloon floated that didn’t really have any viability.
    The music industry has a problem to solve. If it is a revised statutory license, if it is a market solution, if it is MRO’s (Music rights organizations), then we need to find it. Compulsory rates and the scope of a license are the big stumbling blocks.
    Griffin: Do we need more competition and more intermediaries or fewer intermediaries and less competition in the licensing scheme.
    Peters: Don’t know what the route is, but the goal is to make the most efficient way to obtain rights. Is it efficient to go to 25 PRO’s? Probably not. But the 3 PRO’s here manage to compete effectively. There is an efficiency of scale in combining rights, but need to have more than 1 MRO to have competition, but at some point, there are too many.
    Henry: There is plenty of choice for performers among PRO’s. The point is communicating that music has value. It enriches the world and has real value.
    Griffin: We are in a transition to world of ‘we’ to world of ‘me’– from broadcasting to narrowcasting. How do you reach your potential audience?
    Henry: The basic concept is the same between downloads or 78’s. There has never been more opportunity then there is now. There more opportunity now. It’s potentially better for everybody. If there wasn’t a lot more money to be made in the music business then there was 15 years ago, then we wouldn’t be here talking about it.

    Moss: We have to find an appropriate balance to enable ways for people who are creative for their way of life and allow people to enjoy the fruits of that creativity.
    The problem with the analog hole exists because we are in a state of transition.
    We’re moving everything to digital. Creators will have the ability to decide how to distribute the fruits of their labor, in a way that encourages the people that use those tools that makes it exciting for the people who are using digital equipment to enjoy content. It’s a fine line.
    The transformation that we’re going through now is a few ways out.
    Griffin: There are legitimate reasons why people want to make copies (fair use, personal backup), but some creators want to restrict that right to complete and total restrictions on copying. CEA has always enjoyed copyright’s leaky bucket.
    Moss: It’s a matter of balance. Creators should have the right to determine how content is used. If those rights are too restrictive, no one is going to want to use it, so neither the devices or content will be sold. In the last 5-10 years, there has been a major revolution in devices that create and distribute content (HD camcorders, computers.) We need the same sort of innovation that occurred on the tech side to happen on the business side.
    Moss: Some magazines I buy subscription others I buy at the newsstand for a flight. There will always be different models. Balance needs to be struck by the rightsholders and creators.
    Bainwol: We tend to reduce the debate to dichotomies– rights vs. uses. We perfectly fine with timeshifting, with personal use. This not about being able to burn a copy for your car, or your boat, or your kid.
    We need to find a balance between rights.
    Half the songwriters in Nashville are out of business. Artists are suffering. The investors are hurting– jobs are lost, artists are compromised. The more you invest, the more product you get, even when that product is culture.
    Shapiro: I agree with everything that [Bainwol] said, except the last 4 minutes.
    The growth in tech has been unparalleled and somewhat disenfranchised the RIAA members. Tech has made a way for people to ggo around the people who manufacture CD’s. The RIAA member sales are not the measure of the health of the RIAA members. There is more creativity going on in the country than ever before.
    Teenagers are putting more money into videogames than into music.
    Everything that Peters said is about the interests of rightsholders. No one up here is talking about the interests of users. The rightsholders want to make the rights so broad and nebulous to make the most potential of such rights.
    Cars are not restricted as to how fast they can go (no hardwired speed limit.)
    We are being attacked. We develop products and technology that are not as dangerous as a speeding car.
    We represent 2000 technologies that just want to invent stuff. No one represents consumers, and they’re the ones that suffer.

    Griffin: When the elephants fight, the grass suffers.
    Bainwol: We’re a small industry– [CEA] dwarfs us.
    We can solve these problems if you [Shapiro] tone down the rhetoric. We can have creativity and great technologgy at the same time.
    Griffin: Joe [Henry], would you like to see the recording industry give up its compulsory over your work, so that you can negotiate the price of a mechanical license?
    Henry: Sure. Why should there be a cap on the maximum earnings for a song?
    Griffin: Mitch, are you ready to give that up? Should there be a free market?
    Bainwol: The problem is piracy, not the compulsory. We like the idea of marketplace. We have a shared future here– publishers, artists, songwriters, record labels are on the same team.
    Griffin: Have compulsories worked well?
    Peters: We may see more compulsories than fewer, which I’m not happy with. The outcry against eliminating the compulsory came from songwriters– they feel they don’t have the bargaining power to negotiate deals that pay them enough.
    My goal is to empower the songwriters, and the the intermediaries have to be there to ensure that songwriters get the money. Most songwriters feel that doing away with the songwriters.
    Griffin: Shawn, how do you listen to music these days?
    Fanning: I’m not happy with the selection on the $0.99/song services.
    Griffin: Do you still use P2P services to find music?
    Fanning: No comment.
    Griffin: Can you tell us which ones have the Shawn Fanning seal of approval? Do you think the market can bear the need to spend $10k to fill an iPod?
    Fanning: I actually like subscription services. There are so many attributes of distribution channels online. There’s no question that free P2P has grown far beyond what Napster was. But it’s still not good. It will be possible to have services that provide users with reliable results and connect users with the best possible sources.
    Griffin: Joe, has digital changed the way you create?
    Henry: No longer a need to wait for people to get money from a major label to record my work. This has facilitated a lot more work getting done. That’s fantastic. Nothing is cheapened by the fact that more people are participating.
    Griffin: How do you listen to music?
    Henry: I travel with an iPod, I live with it. I have a Mac-based stereo at home. I have a vinyl collection, but I’m not tied to it.
    Griffin: Mitch, what devices do you use?
    Bainwol: We have 4 iPods in my house, my kids bought some songs yesterday. I have a {Zen} (I think), still in box.
    Griffin: Shawn, if you could spend a day with Mitch’s family, what would you show them to rock their world? A celebrity audio makeover.
    Fanning: [laughs] Um…
    Griffin: WHat does MSFT have in store for the future?
    Moss: We already have the ability to create, the ability to enjoy, and we’re working on the ability to find. How to find new things, get recommendations, discovery.
    Griffin: What’s the difference btw Google and Napster (classic)?
    Fanning: We still lack a sense of community combined with distribution of a broad base of content. Google enjoys a safe harbor with notice and takedown, while P2P doesn’t have protection against use of works in grey area.
    Peters: Many creators don’t register with us. The goal is to find authors. ASCAP has a list, Snocap has a list. The benefit to our registry is that the data is available online. The people who need to find works will find them.
    Shapiro: I’m a classical guy, because the copyrights have expired and I can do what I want. Consumers operate by fairness. They want to reward the creators. Kids know what’s right. There are very few consumer advocates. We’re working for technology companies. Even the government isn’t working for the consumers.
    Bainwol: Discussions about terms are irrelevant here. We’re talking about people using music created in the last few years.
    Henry: I’m fine with people covering or sampling, just so long as I’m paid for it.
    Bainwol: The question here is not that we’re going to permit timeshifting.
    Shapiro: If timeshifting and personal use is legal, are you going to allow that in a statute?
    Bainwol: We don’t need a statute for that. We [RIAA] don’t pursue timeshifting or personal uses.
    Bainwol: Whatever comes along, we’ll try. But, you ahve to get piracy contained, because there is a return for the investment and protect the integrity of the piracy. If we get distracted with these false fights, like whether it is ok to have 20 burns for your personal use. We know we need to be flexible with your models.

  • [FMC] Music Policy 101

    Michael Bracy Policy Director, Future of Music Coalition (moderator)
    Fred Cannon Senior VP, Government Relations, BMI
    Mike Godwin Legal Director, Public Knowledge
    Rebecca Greenberg National Director, Recording Artists’ Coalition
    Mike Mills Bass player, R.E.M.
    Hal Ponder Director of Government Relations, AFM
    Johanna Shelton Democratic Counsel, US House Energy and Commerce Committee
    with FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein staying on.
    Greenberg: RAC is interested in musicians want to realize the value in their copyrights for themselves.

    Thought Grokster turned out with the best result that anyone could ask for. Worryed that the Court would outlaw P2P technology in general. Technologists worry that outlawing P2P would outlaw the internet. At the PFF Aspen Summit, Pam Samuelson thought that the decision in Grokster was very good.
    Public Knowledge has also worked to fight the broadcast flag. The flag would put the FCC in a position to completely regulate technology and be a gatekeeper for a whole sector of the economy. Now dealing with Congress to stop broadcast flag legislation.
    RIAA is seeking content protection for digital radio. Digital radio is a nice, not revolutationary improvement. Digital radio is still lower quality than a CD. An MP3 at 128kbps is better sound quality than digital radio. Some part of the music industry sees this as an opportunity to authorize the FCC to put copy controls in place for recording stuff of radio broadcasts. That would be bad for consumers, general public and musicians, too. Don’t necessarily want recording equipment to be turned against you.

    There is a positive model out there: BMI, ASCAP, SESAC. We make money for creators and are growing and continuing to grow. We’re being attacked by other organizations in the industry who are trying to take the PRO’s piece of the pie.
    on a Federal level, probably need to streamline licensing and reform it. There’s a pie out there that’s not going to grow, so it’s going to be your royalties that are affected. Beware, beware, beware.

    Ponder: The value of copyright is very valuable to AFM members and that
    Performance rights is totally inequitable that songwriters get royalties while musicians get none. This inequity has increased since DMCA since 1995 which imposes a compulsory license on digital streaming, but not on traditional radio.
    Cannon: We can make the pie bigger. Labels get bulk of the digital download (iTunes) price. Songwriters get nothing. Unhappy with AOL giving away music that creates commercial value for AOL, but not for songwriters.
    Mills: Um, without songwriters there are no songs. Without performers there is no music. Of course, in REM, we do both ourselves, so the revenue streams are fungible, but they both have to be there.
    Adelstein: FCC is trying to enhance the transition from analog to digital– stations can do 3 digital stations in the same bandwidth it takes for one analog station.
    Shelton: A number of calls that 2 major pieces of law are out of date: Copyright Act and Communications Act. So, this brings up the question of what is fair? Things have shaken out in court with Brand X and Grokster, and now there are discussions going on among the stakeholders, among the committees. Some of these issues are difficult for Members of Congress to figure out because there are so many different interests around as well as quickly changing tech. Very conscious making things future-proof and not having to redo things every time a new technology comes along.
    Audience: Will payola investigation hit satellite radio, too?
    Adelstein: Doesn’t see why not. Sat. radio is broadcast, so regs apply. This is unlike indecency, which doesn’t apply to sat. radio, because sat. radio is a subscription service.
    Cannon: Going back to innovation and tech, remember that music drives technology.
    Godwin: Technology development drives music, too. [For example, album format comes from tech limitations of the LP.] Don’t want to create a policy that shuts doors to technological innovation. Public Knowledge worries that many of the ideas may stifle technological innovation.
    Greenberg: Technology and artistic creators are not mutually exclusive. Can develop means to pay artists, and “we don’t think they’re asking too damn much.” Like the ideas that allow creators to decide how their music is used.
    Just about out of battery, so that’s it for this session…

  • [FMC] Interview with FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein

    What is the FCC?
    The FCC is a lot more than a place where we do indecency. Started when radio broadcasters interfered with each other and with marine communications. Regulates wired and wireless communications technology– the traffic cop of all the spectrum (and .
    The Commission is not really partisan. The things that get a lot of attention (like media ownership) are partisan votes, but generally communications policy is not political.
    Who are you? Why is music important to you?
    Thinking about ways to make music more vibrant. Localism in radio is important to musicians. Setting payola rules,
    I like it all, and play it all, like bluegrass flute. Was in a band for a while, called the Screaming Elmers, and tried to blend all these roots rock together into this loud thing.
    Media Ownership
    I just walked into this situation where then-Chairman Powell was set to roll back ownership limits tremendously. Went out into the country to talk to people and found that people were unanimously against consolidiation– radio had become homogenized and boring– and people did not want what happened to radio to happen to television. The plan the Commission adopted was so bad that the 3rd Circuit struck it down.
    Something like 1 in 100 people in the US contacted FCC about media ownership reform, and that grasroots effort had a major influence.
    The Commission needs to listen to the consensus– get feedback on draft proposals before adopting rulemaking. Plan to go and seek comments on media ownership reform.
    It wasn’t until Eliot Spitzer came around to subpoena people and investigate payola, that the Commission found out it was true. The most widespread, flagrant, systematic abuse of FCC rules. Broadcast regulations require disclosure of pay-for-play schemes. Spitzher came out with such a vast array of evidence that the Commission has to step up and investigate. Spitzer has 2 rooms full of evidence that found violations of both NY state and federal law. Payola really saps the vitality of radio.
    Is there a linkage between the structural reforms, payola, and more indecent content
    Radio is losing its real life force and is also losing market share to satellite radio (and iPods and streaming). As these companies get larger and larger, there is a loss of the soul of music, like the local DJ who is in touch with the local music scene and can take a band from a local/regional exposure to break nationally.
    What power does the FCC have over the radio stations to enforce payola regulations?
    The FCC does have the authority to revoke license. Array of penalties available– civil fines, consent decrees. If the broadcaster wants to retain its license, can put in place policies that will prevent payola. Radio station is required to operate in the public interest and follow rules. We knew there was smoke, but until Spitzer used subpoena power to get the evidence, we didn’t really have the evidence as to what is going on.
    Why isn’t the Commission investigating like Spitzer? Does the FCC have subpoeana power?
    Genreally, the FCC reacts to complaints, rather than investigating from the outset. Now, there’s enough evidence just to go through that and figure out what violations of law occurred and be busy mining that information. FCC has subpoena power, but rarely uses it, generally only to pursue investigating complaints. There’s institutional intertia that makes it difficult to investigate, but the Spitzer info is helpful. It would be a good idea to investigate on our own.

  • [FMC[ New Label/No Label Models

    Kristin Thomson Organizer, Future of Music Coalition (moderator)
    John Buckman Founder/CEO, Magnatune
    Brian Camelio Owner, ArtistShare
    Melissa Ferrick Artist/CEO, Right On Records
    Jerry Harrison Multi-platinum producer, Chairman & co-founder, GarageBand.com, member of Talking Heads
    Joe Henry ASCAP artist and songwriter/producer
    Sam Jennings Director, NPG Music Group Club (Prince)
    Buckman: Magnatune is an attempt to create a record label that doesn’t make CD’s. What other digital distribution or ideas will pop-up. Don’t be evil. Can license music online. Artists participate in revenue in a 50-50 split. Sign artists directly and sign second-tier genres (classical, electronica, metal, jazz,
    Average listener spends 2hr 40 min on magnatune– auditiioning music while doing other things manes it easier to sell music.
    Can specify how much to pay for an album, between $5-$18. The average price people pay is $8.20.
    Sells full-quality WAV files as well as MP3 files. No DRM. Creative Commons license. Trying to capture the Linux spirit. Allow non-commercial uses and remixes. Podcasters can use Magnatune music.
    Licensing is a major focus. Trying to make it easy for creative people to license music– all music is pre-cleared. Major revenue boost for artists.

    Camelio: AristShare isn’t as much a label as it is an arts community. Find something to market that you cannot pirate, digitize or steal. There is nothing you can do to appropriate the creative process of a project.
    Maria Schneider had a budget of $85,000 for her first ArtistShare album– fully funded by fans, first album to win a grammy without a release in stores.
    [This is a model that I’ve thought that artists could exploit– fans would pay in advance for the album to fund the capital costs of the record.]
    ArtistShare takes 15%. “Artists are making the money. I’m struggling.”
    Ferrick: Opened Right On Records by default in 2000. Wasn’t seeing royalties from her indie label. Went to MyCorporation.com and incorporated. Owns all of her publishing.
    Has distribution through Red Eye. Online through CD Baby.

    Garage Band developed an algorithm to deliver music, based on listener ratings.
    Spent a lot of money on marketing during the dotcom hype
    Is developing podcasting/audioblogging tools for artists.

    Starbucks is selling more and more records while the traditional music industry is selling fewer records each year.
    Starbucks allowed him to go to these artists he was collaborating with and say on the date of release, it will sell 250,000 copies. Starbucks is taking that risk. S’bucks is exploiting a demographic and seeing things that the industry was not seeing. This is a finite period of success– as this is successful, S’bucks will take on more and more records and might dilute its success. Deal with WB/Rhino to sell in traditional ways.
    It should be alright to sell 20,000 records– not every record has to sell 5 million copies.
    If you’re in the business of music, you shouldn’t be there by accident.

    Started NPG music club ~4 years ago, to empower the connection btw Prince and his biggest supporters. Eliminate the middle man.
    Club members get access to download store and seats in the front at concerts. Prince was #1 tour in 2004. Last year, everyone who went to a show got a copy of Musicology. The price of the CD was built into the ticket and all CDs were manufactured by NPG, bypassing completely the label model. Had a deal with Sony for release in traditional channels.
    When the tour started, Soundscan counted bundled sales for the chart, but later decided that bundled sales won’t count for the charts. “If a million and a half people have your CD’s, you don’t really care if you chart.”
    Harrison: charting does help with radio airplay and MTV.
    SJ: But then, Prince doesn’t really need to get Top 40 airplay, and probably won’t get MTV these days.
    JB: Don’t most people who go to the shows already have the CD? Or go to multiple shows, get multiple CDs?
    SJ: That’s another way to get distribution– goes from fans to friends. It’s a great way for an established artist to get his new music out to casual fans.
    Henry: There are many ways the music can be successful.
    Harrison: There have been other models. iTunes is like going back to the 50’s for a singles-based, rather than album-based sales. going back to the 40’s, records were really only promotion for the tour. Make sure that the live show is the one thing that’s unique, and every night it’s a little bit different, and the show is really good.
    Henry: Playing live music is a different pursuit from making a record. Don’t want the show to be a commercial for the album.
    Harrison: Would you sell recorded copies of that show right after the show?
    Henry: Sure.
    JC: What the labels had for perceived value, the perceived value of that went way down (which is why labels want to control all rights now.) Always build you model around the live show.
    Ferrick: Thinking of making live shows more interactive, tap into the community/local scene. Engage the audience, don’t forget that they are intelligent, want to be entertained, want an experience.
    JB: Command and control marketing is too expensive; the audience is too savvy (or cynical) to be sold to. It’s the engagement of the audience– a social movent– the audience proselytized– like Linux or the Talking Heads. You can’t buy major market share anymore.
    KT: Looking at the stats, the best-selling genres on Magnatune are Classical, electronic and baroque.
    JB: Classical is the 3rd best selling genre on iTunes.
    JB: When napster (classic) could snoop on people’s hard drives, most people had at least 3 different radically different genres in their libraries. People are not music automatons. People get involved and then start to proselytize the music. It’s all about connecting and creating something that people like enough to rave about.
    Audience: Does putting out music under a CC license require foregoing performance royalties from a PRO?
    JB: In the UK, yes. In the US that hasn’t been a problem yet. Most of the music licensed on Magnatune isn’t getting commercial airplay anyway. allowing non-commercial uses makes more exposure for the artists. The money is in the licensing, not in CD sales.
    MF: Do artists have control over how their music can be used?
    JB: Not through Magnatune. All music is pre-cleared, so we’re providing a competitive advantage to our artists so that licensors can buy music for their uses without having to worry about obtaining clearances. That said, Magnatune does not blindly license to porn or other unsavory uses.
    Harrison: The business is shrinking because the CD replacement is ending. Most of the major labels were bought with leveraged money, so they have to do a LOT of debt service. There may be a purging of this debt, either by bankruptcy or getting bought by deep pockets, and there will still be a place for the major label marketing budget and mega-success.
    Camelio: The people to ask are the kids in junior high and high school now and figure out how they want to get music.
    Henry: How do you survive long enough as a working musician to get good? A&R people have about 3 months for the album to do something. Artists have to find a way to keep doing what they’re doing.
    Harrison: It worries me that kids are growing up today hearing music only in an impoverished sonic version [as lossy, compressed MP3 files.]
    Audience: Why is Magnatune’s 50% take a good deal, while Ferrick was in a deal with a label that took 50% that was a bad deal?
    Buckman: Magnatune is non-exclusive. Artists can still make money from other angles (licensing, CD Baby sales, sales at a show.)
    Ferrick: 50% was after the label recouped, and the label was recouping for rent, and paper. Why are we the last people in line? Why don’t the other people in the industry work as hard as the touring musicians? Yes, I’d like a royalty check
    On Warner, 42,000, with $2 a record on budgets of $5k and $7k and saw nothing.
    Sell 45,000 records on own label at $8/record, means real money.
    Buckman: Anyone who’s sharing in a percentage, you want them to get filthy rich, which means that you get filthy rich, too.

  • Future of Music

    I’m here at the Future of Music Conference in DC, and blogging live over at iptablog.

  • [FMC] Guiding Artists Through Tremendous Change

    After finally getting to GW, only a few minutes late, there’s wireless here, and we’re on live from the Future of Music conference.
    Guiiding Artists through tremendous change
    Eric Brace Last Train Home and The Washington Post (moderator)
    Charles Bissell The Wrens
    Bertis Downs Advisor, R.E.M.
    Michael Hausman President, Michael Hausman Artist Management
    Peter Jenner Manager, Sincere Management/Secretary General, IMMF
    Clyde Valentin Director, Hip Hop Theater Festival
    Shoshana Zisk Management, George Clinton Enterprises
    Bissell: Connections with audience (via ‘net, podcasting, email) makes it possible to go outside the traditional model

    Valentin: From a theater, rather than music, background, but still, it’s all about connecting with audiences.

    Zisk: “Let’s put George Clinton on myspace, get an independent distributor, go with the hwole DIY approach.”
    [Aside– Major artists, like Clinton, can take advantage of the increased revenue from selling directly, owning the master, owning the publishing, but have already taken advantage of getting name recognition on major label marketing budgets.]
    SZ: George has distribution, owns the master and owns the publishing for the first time.

    Hausman: Artists need to go out and build a fanbase.
    College and AAA radio isn’t so much of an expense as getting on top 40. The indie promoters at this level are more like tastemakers than the gatekeepers who control access to stations.
    After the crackdown on indie promotors, some stations won’t talk to any independent radio promoter.
    A project only works if it’s going to ship enough records to make it worth my time.

    The internet and mobile phones are out there, and there will be money knocking around out there.
    We’re in the era– we’re in the railroad business and the first 707s are just rolling off the production lines, and it’s very hard to work out how the train companies get into the airplane business.
    The creative community wants to figure out how to get on the airplane and get fuel for the plane.
    For the new media to work as an entertainment medium, it needs to have good music to make it worthwhile– the music that appeals to them, while the record companies (who still control must of that music) don’t want to give up what has worked.
    How to get paid is the challenge, which is the problem that no single manager/artist/record company can resolve.
    Suspect there has to be legislation, change in copyright laws.
    It’s a new model– not a new way of selling records, a new way of getting music to the public.
    Quite a lot of legislators will be very grateful if the creative community and consumers can get together on their own to figure out what work.

    SZ: Going direct makes a lot more work for the artists– entering info into iTunes, then Napster, then Rhapsody, etc. Of course, IODA helps. The distributors are trying to get into the digital distribution space, too.

    CV: Content flows from space to space, genre to genre
    MH: The job of managers and support people is to find talent, nurture talent and support talent, but the angles have changed. Selling records is no longer the benchmark.
    EB: You can make a lot of money selling 10,000 records.
    CB: The “sympathetic, like-minded” scene is more important than the NJ local scene (except at Maxwells).
    CB: There’s a lot less free time. The role of music is becoming relegated to a background for people’s lives. Listening to music as a goal isn’t so big anymore.
    PJ: The legal services are very restrictive and limited. The challenge over the next few years is to get a sensitive, sensible collective licensing system, which means that the electronic distributors can provide the public with what they want. The unit cost is going to go down.
    PJ: Music is becoming more of the soundtrack of your life, rather than something you sit down to have the maxell experience. Access, not ownership is what matters. Today’s legal models make access very complex legally and that needs to get sorted out. The plethora of media means that mass marketing has become ridiculously expensive. The majar labels are hooked on mass marketing. George Clinton (or Billy Bragg or Aimee Mann) can afford to put out records today b/c they already have a following, so they can afford to put out records. Breaking new artists will require communities working together (ala, indie rock, hip-hop, etc.) Capitalism is killing music.
    PJ: Home taping illegal usage is not killing music. We just need to find ways of getting the revenue streams going. Live music is like that– it’s much more intense than just listening at home. The need to get together as human beings.
    BD: There are problems with the current model, but what revenue when there is none from Kaaza or Grokster?
    MH: compulsory fee on ISP subscriptions, mobile phones, which permits access to non-commercial services. In America, the problem is we don’t have a proper, sensible performance right.
    BD: It seems like music has become less and less valluable.
    MH: People are still happy to buy music– after all, there’s bottled water.
    CV: What about the idea of selling music with concert tickets– didn’t Prince do that?
    SZ: Yes, Prince included a copy of the CD with concert tickets and scanned those to count for Soundscan, Soundscan canged the rule because of Prince to exclude albums bundled with tickets.
    Audience member (whose name I didn’t catch): WeedShare solves all these problems. We may not have critical mass yet.
    MH: I can’t just throw my clients music out, because the internet isn’t geography limited because they have foreign distribution deals that take advantage of having people working for us ‘over there’
    Weedshare would be great if we were building the industry from the ground up– we’re stuck in a model designed by Kafka with Rube Goldberg as his architect, and it’s very difficult to change the status quo.
    PJ: We may be shifting to a bifurcated model– one copyright law for physical goods and then a new set of laws for the digital world.
    MH: Be careful with what rights you give away.
    PJ: Artists, never assign a copyright. License it, but never assign it. It’s always a bad idea, but now it’s suicidal.
    [Audience member Tori Sparks]: How do indie artists take advantage of this when they are not yet at the level of a George Clinton, so that they can take advantage of the new environment.
    PJ: think about genre sites and building with a community and build a crowd, a following. Do something which gets people talking about you and being your friends.
    CB: There’s a trickling down of buzz to revenue. Pitchfork -> download -> go to show -> buy stuff -> money. Community is very important. you end up working with the people that you already know and get along with and have similar things with.
    [Brian Calhoun, Label Managing Systems]: What percentage of artists’ revenue comes from the various streams?
    SZ: George makes most money from touring than from anything else.
    MH: A lot of artists have spikes from big licensing deals, but grossing from touring is high, though net isn’t high, because touring is expensive. Licensing is the best value. We’re trying to do as much in-house as possible.
    SZ: A lot of P/funk members are int he band now, because they just kinda came up backstage or started hamming, thhen ended up in the band.
    PJ: Artists should be much more open with their websites and getting fans to explore other music that the artists like.

  • Future of Music

    I decided at just about the last minute to head down to DC for the Future of Music Conference at GW. I will be blogging as much as possible from the conference (depending, of course, on ‘net and power access.)
    If there are any readers who will be there, let me know!

  • Small time filmmaking

    Today, Martin Scorsese was filming his latest movie in Brooklyn. This looks like a real low-budget affair that doesn’t need all that much equipment or personnel to shoot on location. &lt/sarcasm&gt

  • Golf and IP

    On Friday, Sept. 30, the NYSBA will have a program at Fordham about how to protect golf course design using copyright, trademark and trade dress law: Chipping in from the Fringe

    Speakers will include Robert W. Clarida of Cowan, Liebowitz and Latman, renowned golf course architect Stephen Kay, designer of The Architects Club in Lopatcong, New Jersey, and Golf writer and lawyer, G. John Flemma.
    While golf-playing lawyers may find this program especially enjoyable, all lawyers interested in exploring the edges of copyright, and examining how copyright, trademark and trade dress concepts can be applied to subject matter not typically viewed as entitled to intellectual property protection will find the discussion fascinating.

    (Via Pho.)

  • Copyright literature current awareness

    Here is a very useful page from the University of Texas law library: Copyright literature current awareness. It even has an RSS feed.
    The library offers a scan of the first page of each article, but no link to the full article on the web, or to the article on Hein, Lexis or Westlaw.

  • Budweiser Update

    Both Czech brewer Budvar and American brewer Anheuser-Busch sell beers under the Budweiser mark. Not surprisingly, the mark is the subject of a far-reching series of litigation in many jurisdictions around the world.
    Here is a handy cheat sheet to figure out which beer consumers are getting when they buy a Budweiser in their home countries:

    New Zealand
    United States
    Czech Republic
    South Korea
    Deutshe Welle: Two Beers United by One Name

  • Pop Culture Detritus

    Being quite unemployed now, I don’t have that many things to do. My calendar is only slightly less depressing than my bank statements. But I have to choose today between drafting my fantasy football team or supporting my friends, The Walk Ons, who are playing the Mercury Lounge for the first time.
    I’m going to the show.
    After all, I managed to win the league playoffs in our last fantasy hockey season by completely ignoring the second half of the season, falling into last place, and then starting to pay attention.
    The new Bosch album, Buy One, Get One is almost ready to go. The tracks are mastered and the cover art is done. Four songs are up on the site.
    On Friday, I caught Ted Leo + Pharmacists at the South Street Seaport. That was a great night to be outside for a concert. Leo puts on a good show, but I’m not sure if he transcends the “interesting enough to see for free” category. Here’s a Flickr photoset from the show. Openers Tigers and Monkeys were, in some ways, more interesting, with a more unique sound. They may be worth checking out again.
    Some jazz shows of interest coming up include:

    • Ron Carter Quartet + Jeff “Tain” Watts Quartet, Blue Note, Aug. 30-Sep. 4
    • David Binney w/ “Welcome to Life” Group (Blade, Potter, Rogers, Taborn, Colley), 55 Bar, Sept. 9-11.
    • James Carter Organ Trio, Blue Note Sept. 13-18
    CMJ is happening September 14-18. Though, with no badge this year, not much seems all that interesting beyond perennial AndrewRaff.com favorites such as the Cobble Hillbillies and The Bamboo Kids.
    I’m still debating whether or not to go to the Future of Music Policy Summit in DC on 9/11-13, what with having to pay for the conference and travel. True, the Chinatown bus costs next to nothing, but with no income, I wonder if it is worthwhile.
  • Yikes

    Despite the threats of flooding in the below-sea level city, some intrepid bloggers are still in New Orleans. NOLA View is coming from the Times-Picayne hurricane bunker.
    Ernie The Attorney is still in town for Massive change is coming to New Orleans “So I tried to leave New Orleans today at 12:30 pm but after 4 hours of driving I had only made it 15 miles. I was alone and tired so I decided the safe play was to return. It’s kind of sad when the ‘safe play’ is to go back and wait to be pounded by the gnashing fury of a Category 5 hurricane. ”
    Metroblogging New Orleans has more details about the hurricane.

  • The broadest of the bands

    An August report from Free Press, Consumers Union and the Consumer Federation of America, Broadband Reality Check: The FCC ignores America’s Digital Divide, argues that the official FCC position on broadband is either “wildly optimistic or intentionally misleading.”

    • The standard the FCC uses to measure “high-speed” connections is misleading and low. The 1996 Telecom Act mandates the FCC to ensure deployment of broadband “that enables users to originate and receive high-quality voice, data, graphics and video telecommunications.” However, the standard used by the FCC to measure “high-speed” connections (200 kbps) is barely enough for users to receive low-quality streaming video. It is certainly insufficient for users to originate high-quality video.
    • The FCC uses a misleading measure of broadband coverage. The Commission counts a
      ZIP code as covered by broadband service if it contains at least one broadband subscriber. No consideration is given to the price, speed or availability of connections across the ZIP code.
    • Broadband costs in the United States remain high, despite growth in the total number
      of connections. Meanwhile, the cost of broadband in other countries has dropped
      dramatically while speeds have increased. On a per megabit basis, U.S. consumers pay 10
      to 25 times more than broadband users in Japan.
    • The average speed of U.S. broadband connections has seen minimal increase over the
      past five years. More than half of DSL lines do not offer capacity of 200 kilobits per
      second (kbps) in both directions. Consumers in France and South Korea have residential
      broadband connections with speeds 10 to 20 times higher than those in the United States. Hear Us Now is a project of Consumers Union to advocate for consumer choice in communications services. Similarly, FirstMile.US is “a volunteer-based, nonprofit organization, created to fill the need for collaboration — and action — among industry, federal, state, and local government, community-based organizations, educational and healthcare institutions, and people like you.”
      In July, Sen. Ensign (R-NV) introduced the Broadband Investment and Consumer Choice Act (S.1504), “to establish a market driven telecommunications marketplace, to eliminate government managed competition of existing communication service, and to provide parity between functionally equivalent services.”
      Among the legislative findings:

    (1) Since passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, there have been dramatic changes in the industry, technology, and marketplace requiring Congress to revisit the communications policy of the Nation.
    (2) Inter-modal competition is bringing consumers more choice in voice, data, and video service options than ever before.
    (3) A new policy framework is required to allow functionally equivalent services to compete fairly.
    (4) Silos of regulation based on historical regulatory classifications only invite arbitrage and result in government influenced market distortions.
    (5) Such market distortions coupled with lack of regulatory certainty is chilling investment and stalling deployment of broadband networks.
    (6) The United States is falling behind the world in broadband penetration and it must encourage investment to regain a leadership position in the world.
    (7) Communications networks are global in nature and the United States must eliminate barriers for domestic communications providers to compete in the global marketplace.

    In a July op-ed in Network World, Scott Bradner thinks that the FCC’s definition of broadband as 200K bit/second is not competitive with broadband services in the rest of the world: Continuing deceptions. If that definition is behind the times, then this bill’s definition of broadband is a bit antique for 2005:

    (2) BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE- The term `broadband communications service’ means a communications service enabling the transmission of communications at a capacity greater than 64 kilobits per second.

    64 kilobits per second qualifies broadband? Why not just redfine it as 56 kilobits per second, so that most of America now has “broadband”?
    This bill does include an open-access requirement, but does not impose common carrier obligations on broadband providers:

    (a) Access-

    (1) IN GENERAL- A consumer may not be denied access to any content provided over facilities used to provide broadband communications service and a broadband service provider shall not willfully and knowingly block access to such content by a subscriber, unless–

    (A) such content is determined to be illegal;
    (B) such denial is expressly authorized by Federal or State law; or
    (C) such access is inconsistent with the terms of the service plan of such consumer including applicable bandwidth capacity or quality of service constraints.

    (2) CUSTOMIZED CONTENT- A broadband communications service provider may offer to a consumer a customized plan developed through such service providers network or commercial arrangements with providers of content, applications, and other service components to differentiate–

    (A) access to content;
    (B) the availability of applications; and
    (C) the character of service components available.

    (3) NON-CUSTOMIZED CONTENT- Nothing in subsection (a) shall adversely affect the performance of non-customized consumer access to content, services, and applications offered by the competitors of a broadband service provider.

    (b) Enforcement of Access Violations-

    (1) IN GENERAL- The Commission may take such enforcement action as it may prescribe by rule, if the Commission determines that a broadband communications service provider intentionally restricted access to any content described in subsection (a)(1).
    (2) EXCEPTION- A broadband communications service provider may not be in violation of subsection (a), if such service provider does not interrupt or block access to any content described in subsection (a)(1) when–

    (A) performing network–

    (i) optimization or management;
    (ii) security; or
    (iii) prioritization;

    (B) performing other measures to ensure network security and integrity; or
    (C) attempting to prevent unlawful conduct.

    (c) Parental Controls- Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit–

    (1) any communications service provider from offering a service that allows a consumer to block display of programs with a common rating; and
    (2) a provider of mobile services from offering or providing access only to a family friendly service to a subscriber.

    (d) Connectivity of Devices- Except as provided in this section, a broadband service provider shall not prevent any person from utilizing equipment and devices in connection with lawful content or applications.
    (e) Access to VoIP Applications- Nothing in subsection (a) shall permit a broadband service provider to prevent a customer from using voice over Internet Protocol applications offered by a competitor.

    Susan Crawford: Telecom Draft: “As far as I can tell, the draft bill has the effect of removing traditional common carriage elements for telephone companies (required interconnection, tariffed rates), but keeping in place other requirements that will apply to everyone (telecommunications providers and applications alike). The bill foreshadows a telecom-mindset internet, in which the default setting is “everything not permitted is prohibited” — rather than the other way around.”
    The most controversial part of this bill may be that it preempts states and municipalities from competing with the private sector in deploying communications services:

    (a) Protection Against Undue Government Competition With Private Sector- Any State or local government seeking to provide communications service shall–

    (1) provide conspicuous notice of the proposed scope of the communications service to be provided, including–

    (A) cost;
    (B) services to be provided;
    (C) coverage area;
    (D) terms; and
    (E) architecture; and

    (2) give a detailed accounting of all proposed accommodations that such government owned communications service would enjoy, including–

    (A) any free or below cost rights-of-way;
    (B) any beneficial or preferential tax treatment;
    (C) bonds, grants, or other source of funding unavailable to non-governmental entities; and
    (D) land, space in buildings, or other considerations.

    (b) Open Bids Must Be Made Available for Non-Governmental Entities- Not later than 90 days after posting of the notice required under subsection (a)(1), a non-governmental entity shall have the option of participating in an open bidding process conducted by a neutral third party to provide such communications service on the same terms, conditions, financing, rights-of- way, land, space, and accommodations as secured by the State or local government.
    (c) Preference for Non-Governmental Entities- In the event of identical bids under subsection (b), the neutral third party conducting the bidding process shall give preference to a non-governmental entity.
    (d) Open Access to Non-Governmental Entities- If a State or local government wins the bid under subsection (b), a non-governmental entity shall have the ability to place facilities in the same conduit, trenches, and locations as the State or local government for concurrent or future use under the same conditions secured by the State or local government.
    (e) Grandfather Clause- A State or local government providing communications service as of the date of enactment of this Act shall be exempt from this section, unless such State or local government–

    (1) substantially enters into new lines of business; or
    (2) substantially expands it communications service beyond its current service area, as such service area existed upon the date of enactment of this Act.

    Municipal wireless broadband projects are underway in a number of cities, because access to information provides substantial measurable public benefits. The public interest is served when more people have more access to information.
    In the NY Times, Thomas Friendman notes that this is a matter of competitiveness in the global economy: Calling All Luddites: “The fact that the U.S. has fallen to 16th in the world in broadband connectivity aroused no interest. Look, I don’t even like cellphones, but this is not about gadgets. The world is moving to an Internet-based platform for commerce, education, innovation and entertainment. Wealth and productivity will go to those countries or companies that get more of their innovators, educators, students, workers and suppliers connected to this platform via computers, phones and P.D.A.’s.”
    National Journal, Drew Clark takes an indepth look at the policy debates over Municipal Broadband.
    Here in New York, Andrew Rasiej, a candidate for Public Advocate, is basing his campaign around advocating for the need to unwire NYC with municipal broadband WiFi: The Rasiej Plan to Wi-Fi NY: “for 1/4 what the Mayor wanted to spend in taxpayer money on a football stadium in Manhattan, we can ensure that everyone can get highspeed access to the Internet whenever and wherever they need it.”
    Rasiej blogged at TPM Cafe about the value of access to information: Information is Power and the inability of the marketplace to serve the public interest. Can You Gouge Me Now?: “The fact is, cheap, wireless technology can provide high speed Internet access to New York City residents for $20 a month, or less. The world’s leading municipal Wi-Fi consultants and technology experts have developed a citywide Wi-Fi plan for Philadelphia that will provide this service for $16 to $20 a month, with subsidies for the poor. And they’re implementing it now.”
    By providing this access, which is both cheaper and more widely available than broadband from traditional telecom providers, cities can stimulate development in information industries.
    Municipalities are not the only non-traditional providers that may get into the broadband game. In Business 2.0, Om Malik speculates that Google might benefit by building out its own national broadband network with “dark” fiber, bargain-priced high-bandwidth capacity and Wi-Fi: Free Wi-Fi? Get Ready for GoogleNet.
    Any new broadband bill should encourage the development of innovative, higher-speed and lower-cost alternatives to cable or telephone company broadband, rather than discourage such alternatives. The bill should look to the bandwidth and prices available in competing countries to make the US a leader, rather than a follower in broadband.

  • More on blogging

    The July/August issue of Law Practice Magazine has a feature section on legal
    blogging, including a tour around the blawg world (It’s Not Your Father’s Web Site: Lawyers in the Blogosphere), How to Start Your Own Weblog And Make the Most of It, Between Lawyers Roundtable: The Future of Legal Blogging, Ethics and Lawyer Blogs, and an article is one that journals the process of blogging: Stepping onto the Cutting Edge.
    Fast Company provides a guide to Business Blogging for Beginners, suggesting that, in addition to updating frequently, companies should use a personal voice and casual tone to connect with readers, instead of repackaging “marketing speak.”
    At the Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog, Ray Gifford looks at the importance of choosing a tone for a blog and the implications that has when the blog represents an organization: The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog: On blogging…a thumbsucker: “Reckless blogging seems to be a particular hazard of academic-types. I often wonder over the rhetorical tone of PFF’s IPCentral and this blog. I neither want us to descend into the ad hominem ranting that characterizing many tech blogs; nor begin thinking that the partial, immediate reactions on blogs are a substitute for more discursive, scholarly work.”
    Of course, setting the tone is crucial for independent, non-affiliated bloggers as well, especially those who are, say, in the job market (not that I would, um, actually know anyone like that…) Tone is critical. It is easy to be glib on a blog, without realizing how that might be read by more serious-minded readers. On the other hand, blogs are generally off the cuff and informal without much, if any, editing or review. Blogs are a way to get quick feedback on– or make a fool of yourself with– thought experiments and quick ideas.
    For an organization, it is wise to starting blogging internally, behind a firewall, to understand the value and not worry about disclosing private information. Collecting information for the organization is easier when not worrying about publishing something that the whole internet can read. After getting comfortable with tone and subject matter, then it might make sense to take the blog to the streets. For many workspaces, a private blog may be much more valuable then a public one.
    Christopher E. Cobey and Philip L. Gordon from Littler Mendelson suggest that employers develop a blogging policy for how employees treat private and proprietary company information in their personal blogs. Dooces Wild: How Employers Can Survive the New Technological Poker Game of Employee Blogging:

    Policies on blogging are particularly important for employers who embrace blogging. Without well-defined policies, the employer could be deemed vicariously liable for the contents of employee blogs. In addition, corporate encouragement of blogs significantly raises the likelihood that the contents of employee blogs will be discussed throughout the workforce, opening the door to the negative repercussions of personal attacks, rumors, and prematurely disclosed corporate decisions.

    Cathy Kirkman reports on a panel discussion at the Bloghercon conference about legal tips: “what you can get away with”, with Lauren Gelman and Wendy Seltzer, moderated by Jennifer Collins. The discussion touched on the copyright, employment, defamation and First Amendment law issues raised by blogging.
    The Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law will hold a colloquium on blogging in February 2006, Personal Presses – The Legal Realities Behind the Blogging Revolution. (via Between Lawyers).
    Previously: Blogging About Blogging.

  • Serenity Now

    A science fiction television series develops a cult following, is cancelled, despite strong fan support, and later goes on to become a major motion picture. No, not Star Trek, Firefly.
    Earlier tonight, I managed to catch an advance screening of Serenity, which is a sequel to the series Firefly, written and directed by Joss Whedon (best known as the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
    Although there are 13 hours of back story, the first few scenes of the film provide the basic exposition necessary introduce the universe, characters and situation very clearly. Even though it is a lot of exposition to bring most of the audience to speed with the fans, it doesn’t feel forced. Whedon’s script manages to introduce eight characters and as much of the universe as is necessary very quickly.
    The film moves along at a brisk pace and takes advantage of a larger effects budget, but still manages to play small, remebering that it is a story about 7 people on a small spaceship. With 9 characters from the series, plus a villain, there just isn’t a lot of time to focus on each character. In a 22 episode season (or even in a 13 episode season), there is a lot more space to explore the characters. If Whedon wrote this originally as a film, rather than adapted tv series, he probably would have cut a few characters. Even for TV, 9 core characters is unusual, but not completely unmanageable. Lost has an even larger core cast and has managed to be moderately successful. Of course, Lost also occupies a good timeslot and all of the episodes were shown in the correct serial order.
    Serenity doesn’t feel like a long episode of a television series on a bigger screen. It is paced like a film with as much plot as a half-season of a television series, but much less character development.
    Serenity Trailer
    Entertainment Weekly: Serenity Now
    Wired: Serenity Now!
    Seinfeld: The Serenity Now
    Here are some positive reviews from a London screening: Londonist (contains a potential quasi-spoiler) and Tom Coates.

  • Grokking the ‘ster

    Cathy Kirkman finds two recent decisions– one patent, the other copyright– citing Grokster: Grokster cited in patent inducement case. The Federal Circuit cites Grokster for the proposition that “Evidence of active steps taken to encourage direct infringement, such as advertising an infringing use or instructing how to engage in an infringing use, show an affirmative intent that the product be used to infringe.”
    In Monotype Imaging v. Bitstream, Inc. (N.D.Ill. Jul. 12, 2005), the district court found no evidence for inducement in “contributory infringement claims over software that replicates typeface fonts.”
    As we are still trying to figure out what the effects of Grokster will turn out to be, the analysis is in full effect.
    Lawrence Lessig, Wired Magazine: A Rotten Ruling: “Pundits bathed the Court in praise for its “sensible balance” between the demands of Hollywood and the pleas of technologists. The pundits are idiots. The Grokster case revealed the worst in Supreme Court ivory towerism.”
    Oxford Analytica, Forbes.com: Grokster Decision Has Limited Impact: “Strong consumer demand for fee-free file swapping, the difficulty of pursuing legal judgements against individual infringers and the lack of a stable technological solution means file swapping will continue to grow. Restructuring to reduce or eliminate intermediaries in the current business model for content distribution appears inevitable.”
    The Congressional Internet Caucus held a session on July 19, Interpreting Grokster: Protecting Copyright in the the Age of Peer-to-Peer with Andrew Greenberg (Carlton Fields), Don Verrilli (Jenner & Block) and Fred von Lohmann (Electronic Frontier Foundation). Streaming video and downloadable audio are available.

  • FCC Gets Fewer Indecency Complaints

    The LA Times reports that the FCC received significantly fewer indeceny complaints in the first quarter of 2005 than in the last quarter of 2004. Complaints to FCC down sharply in ’05: “FCC officials attributed the marked drop — which saw complaints plummet from 317,833 to 157,650 from one quarter to the next — to the end of e-mail and write-in campaigns aimed at certain television and radio stations. The report did not identify which organizations were behind the campaigns or which broadcasters were targeted.”

  • Grokster Goes On

    In a ruling that comes with no surprise, the Ninth Circuit remanded Grokster back to district court. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. (No. 03-55894, Aug. 15, 2005.)

    In conformance with the mandate of the Supreme Court, we remand this case to the district court for further proceedings consistent with the opinion of the United States Supreme Court. See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 125 S. Ct. 2764 (2005).

    The four page caption is only slightly longer than the paragraph ruling.
    From the backlog of links that piled up over the last month or so of Bar Exam studying and subsequent vacation, here’s an article about the business impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling. All businesses that develop new technologies, not just P2P software, may have to reevaluate development and marketing plans. Greg L. Beattie, Denise M. Howell, and Joseph I. Rosenbaum, Grokking Grokster: Staying Out of Court and in Business in the Wake of the Supreme Court’s Decision: “A common misconception about the Grokster case is that, because it involved defendants who make P2P software, it is somehow limited to that context. But the Court’s decision was not so narrow. Any product or service that enables users to engage in copyright infringement would qualify—from copy machines to computers to search engines to portable digital audio players and beyond—assuming the plaintiff is able to show, by direct or indirect evidence, that the defendant intended users to engage in copyright infringement and encouraged them to do so.”

  • Catching Up

    I’m starting to get back into the swing of real life after the Bar and a little vacation.
    On to finding some kind of gainful employment…
    At some point I’ll get through the backlog of stuff in my newsreader:

  • Subway misadventures

    Nothing like a fun trip home to make you really appreciate the MTA.
    On Friday night, I was going home from Williamsburg to Brooklyn Heights, originally planning to go via karaoke around Canal Street. Arriving at the Bedford Ave. stop on the L, I found two trains were in the station, both going to Brooklyn. A service change was having the L running a one-track shuttle between Union Sq. and Bedford.
    At Union Sq, I transferred to the N, running local. This was about the point where I gave up on karaoke and was tired enough just to want to go home. Unfortunately, the N was only going to Whitehall St, not to Brooklyn.
    At Canal, I transferred to the Lexington line, but the 4 was only running to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall, not to Brooklyn.
    At Brooklyn Bridge, I transferred to the J, which was running to Brooklyn in place of the 4.
    After one stop on the J (Fulton St.), the conductor announced, “Due to a police investigation, this will be the last stop on this train,” so I transferred to the 2.
    Finally, the 2 train took me back to Brooklyn.
    This was one of those nights where it would have been so worthwhile to take a cab home. I almost hit subway bingo, but didn’t hit any IND lines.

  • It’s a wrap

    After coming home from Day 2 to decompress, I found out about blackouts on Wednesday night in Brooklyn and realized how lucky I was. Had the blackout hit here, I probably wouldn’t have made it to the MBE on time.
    My A/C alarm clock does not have a battery backup. My parents supplied the backup wake-up call (with the personal touch), but my home phone is a cordless phone that needs power to work. I leave my cell phone on vibrate, so I probably would not have heard it ring. While plugging two alarm clocks into a UPS might be going a little overboard, I would recommend at the very least, setting a backup, battery-powered alarm, such as the one in a mobile phone.
    Was I the only person who did a quasi-statistical analysis of the number of A, B, C and D answers on the MBE?
    Speaking of the MBE, perhaps they go a little overboard with the dire warnings about the consequences of disclosing the contents of the questions and answers?
    Law.com reports on a lawsuit against PMBR by the National Conference of Bar Examiners: Firm Accused of Copying Multistate Bar Examination Test Questions

    In the suit, NCBE claims that employees of Multistate Legal Studies Inc. have attended bar exams in several states for the sole purpose of copying questions to be used in its prep courses.
    In response to the suit, lawyers for MLSI contend that the similarities between the questions in their prep courses and those on the MBE stem from the fact that both are drawn from the same pool of material — hornbooks, law treatises and case law — and that such similarity is entirely permissible.

    Chris shares my feelings about the whole bar exam hazing process: Taking the Bar Exam & Rant: “I gotta say, this whole system of the State Bar and their weed out exam pisses me off. There’s a multi-million dollar monopoly industry (BarBri/PMBR) out there that thrives on stressing law school grads out about the bar exam. That just doesn’t seem right to me.”
    Congrats to all the other bar takers, and phooey to those who are actually going away to fun places on vacation.
    The review books and notes are in the closet– hopefully to get rid of in November, possibly to use all over again for February. Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about it until November.
    And now that I have a J.D. and am no longer studying for or taking the bar, I guess I am officially unemployed. Oh boy.

  • Halfway

    My bar neighbor never showed up. Guess he/she had better things to do today.
    It felt like the A/C went off in the PM. It was especially cruel when the Mr. Softee truck parked outside with his jingle going. That’s when the ear plugs came out.
    Why is the area around the Javits Center about 10 degrees warmer than the rest of Manhattan during sauna days like this.
    One more day to go. Now I’m glad I’m not taking NJ too, but I’ll probably regret it later. At least we don’t have California’s crazy third day of exam-ey goodness.

  • Don’t Panic

    h2g2dontpanic.jpg That should probably be written on the outside of the Bar Exam test books. For what it’s worth, I’m in panic mode. Fortunately, the World’s Best Mom dropped by earlier with a supply of food for the next couple of days.
  • Bar exam everywhere

    It’s impossible to even take a few minutes off and read something non-bar related without spotting issues that might be a bar problem…

    “Well, Harry,” said Dumbledore, turning toward him, “a difficulty has arisen which I hope you will be able to solve for us. By us, I mean the Order of the Phoenix. But first of all I must tell you that Sirius’s will was discovered a week ago and that he left you everything he owned.”

    “This is, in the main, fairly straightforward,” Dumbledore went on. “You add a reasonable amount of gold to your account at Gringotts, and you inherit all of Sirius’s personal possessions. The slightly problematic part of the legacy– is that Sirius also left you number twelve, Grimmauld Place.”

    Let’s see. If this was executed in NY, would it be a valid will? In writing? Yep. Signed by an adult testator at the end of the document? Um, maybe. Published? Apparently. Two witnesses? Um, maybe. Or, if this was valid by wizarding law, would NY recognize it as valid?

    “Black family tradition decreed that the house was handed down the direct line, to the next male with the name of ‘Black.’ Sirius was the very last of the line as his younger brother, Regulus, predeceased him and both were childless. While his will makes it perfectly plain that he wants you to have the house, it is nevertheless possible that some spell or enchantment has been set upon the place to ensure that it cannot be owned by anyone other than a pureblood.”

    Or maybe those traditions will not affect the bequest by will because they violate the Rule Against Perpetuities…

    “Fortunately,” said Dumbledore, “there is a simple test.”

    Apparently, house elves are useful not only for doing chores around the house, but also for clearing title to real property.

  • The Couch

    Last week, The Daily Show unveiled its new set, with giant video screens and no more couch. The first uses of the video screens were hideously awful and distracting, with text zooming around behind Jon’s head, but the graphics have gotten much better in the last week.
    Bloggers extort TDS to Bring Back the Couch.
    Slate’s Dana Stevens discusses the couch in more detail: Talk Show Feng Shui- Is anyone else freaked out by The Daily Show’ s new studio set?

    Stewart sent a clear message by arranging his onstage furniture in this odd but by now familiar mixture of office and living room. The host’s desk telegraphs a sense of security and professionalism: I am at my job, it says, acting in my official capacity. You can trust me. The guests’ couch, on the other hand, is all about informality and coziness: Make yourself at home, it says, never mind the audience and those silly cameras.
    The advantages of the couch format are multifold. Guests can not only be seen from head to foot, giving us a sense of their physical presence, their posture, and even their choice of shoes; they can also use the space however they want. They’re free to hump the couch, as Al Green did in a Daily Show interview earlier this year, or jump up on it and make asses of themselves, like Tom Cruise on Oprah last May.

    In the last few years, The Daily Show has brought on guests who would otherwise be more likely to appear on CNN or C-SPAN than on Letterman or Conan.
    In The Book Standard, Jessa Crispin argues that TDS is the most influential television show when it comes to selling books: Jessa ♡ Jon: How The Daily Show Does the Book Thing Right: “Appearances by Seymour Hersh for Chain of Command, Reza Aslan for No God But God, Jim Wallis for God’s Politics and Steven Levitt for Freakonomics all led me to buy each of those books within the week. Hell, it even made me give Thomas Friedman another chance with The World Is Flat.”
    Overall, TDS seems to be heavier on the authors and wonks than on the celebs these days. In the first 5 shows in the new studio, Jon interviewed Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (Washington Post), Michael Isikoff (Newsweek), Bernard Goldberg, Matt Taibbi, and Marci Hamilton (Cardozo). All are journalists or authors. None are entertainers or celebrities. OK, tonight, Jon will interview Billy Bob Thornton, who is also on Late Night with Conan tonight. TDS hasn’t gone all hard news on us.
    But for the guests who are not used to being on television– the authors, reporters and analysts who won’t be on Letterman or Conan any time soon– sitting behind the conference table may be more comfortable and may make it easier to interview people who aren’t on their fourth talk show of the day. Will Ferrell and David Cross will find a way to be funny whether it is sitting on a couch or behind a desk.

  • Blogging about blogging

    Blogging is so many different things to different people and includes many different ways of using blogs that it is difficult to peg down any single rule or lesson. This post will attempt to bring together a bunch of links and ideas that I’ve seen over the last few weeks.
    The Dangers of the Personal Blog
    The biggest danger of having an identifiable personal blog is the negative impact it may have on one’s career. Getting Dooced may become more common as more people blog from and about work, since labor law offers few protections for bloggers.
    Today, we get a view from both sides of an employer firing an employee for the employee’s blog posts. In today’s Times, writer Helaine Olen describes her reasons for firing her nanny, based on reading the nanny’s blog: The New Nanny Diaries Are Online: “Within two months of my starting to read her entries our entire relationship unraveled. Not only were there things I didn’t want to know about the person who was watching my children, it turned out her online revelations brought feelings of mine to the surface I’d just as soon not have to face as well.”
    This being the internet, the former nanny posted a response: Sorry to Disappoint You: “If you have come to this little blog today looking for prurient details of a “nanny gone wild” and another “nanny diary” detailing the sordid life of a family she works for, I am very sorry to disappoint you. Contrary to an essay published in the Style section of the NYTIMES, I am not a pill popping alcoholic who has promiscuous sex and cares nothing for the children for whom she works with.”
    Follow-ups to this story at Bitch Ph.D and Pandagon.
    A pseudonymous essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education warned potential college faculties members about the dangers of blogging: Bloggers Need Not Apply

    A candidate’s blog is more accessible to the search committee than most forms of scholarly output. It can be hard to lay your hands on an obscure journal or book chapter, but the applicant’s blog comes up on any computer. Several members of our search committee found the sheer volume of blog entries daunting enough to quit after reading a few. Others persisted into what turned out, in some cases, to be the dank, dark depths of the blogger’s tormented soul; in other cases, the far limits of techno-geekdom; and in one case, a cat better off left in the bag.

    The AP also took this angle: Blog it now, regret it later? “Blogs are everywhere — increasingly, the place where young people go to bare their souls, to vent, to gossip. And often they do so with unabashed fervor and little self-editing, posting their innermost thoughts for any number of Web surfers to see.”
    But the personal blog is not the only way to use reverse chronologically posting things to a web page. For individuals and companies, the blog is a way of keeping track of and categorizing new information and sharing that with co-workers, clients, or potential employers.
    The upsides of smart blogging likely outweigh the dangers of imprudent blogging. Let’s look at two general ways of using blogs for good:

    1. Knowledge Management
    2. Communication and Shameless Self-Promotion

    The Private Blog: Knowledge Management
    Posting relevant links to a blog is the easiest way of filing such information. It gives you an archive by date and by subject and is searchable. At the job I had immediately before starting law school in 2002, I launched the use of blogs to keep track of information. If nothing else, I found it very useful. Of course, a blog is not the only way to do this– a wiki or expensive software may be used for the same purpose, but with blogging, it is obvious when the information contained within is dated.
    These blogs are not meant to be posted to the internet as a whole. Living on private servers or behind password protection, these blogs will not have the same potential external impact as a public site, but may be substantially more useful, as private bloggers do not have to worry about the rest of the world reading their posts.
    Bruce MacEwen, Adam Smith Esq: Blogs As KM Platforms: One Result Is In

    After six months or a year, your firm would have a valuable—and proprietary to you—knowledgebase in, to my mind, a near-perfect format: By default, sorted chronologically so that whenever “timeliness” is deemed important, it’s automatically presented in that format; archived by category so that subtopics can be immediately zeroed in on; and open to comment threads so that the author’s first draft is not necessarily the last word, and ideas can be refined through interchange. Even better, no one has to be trained to create and maintain a blog; as a Sun Microsystems analyst observed, “they’re like pencils and paper; people know what to do with them.”

    Blogs may not only be easier to use than specialized software, but also much cheaper.
    Keeping a constantly updated flow of information is valuable. The value of transparency and a flow of information can make blogs a useful tool on the public web, as well.
    The Public Blog: Communication and Shameless Self-Promotion
    Robert J. Ambrogi: Blogging’s contrarians: “”As sure as thesis breeds antithesis, blogging’s popularity within the legal profession is drawing some to question its value, mostly with regard to marketing.”
    The more transparently the blog is used for shameless self promotion, the less valuable it will be as a tool for that purpose. Simply putting forward well-written information is the best way to make a good impression.
    In Between Lawyers Roundtable: The Future of Legal Blogging, Tom Mighell elaborates on how lawyers can use blogs to promote their practices: “By publishing regularly updated content in your area of practice, you can become known as a ‘go-to’ person in that field. Clients and would-be clients will send you work because of the valuable information you provide to them, and other lawyers who read your blog will refer work to you because you are a trusted authority in that area of law.”
    Kevin Heller emphasizes the importance of having an authentic voice and not trying to be obviously marketing, “Fundamentally, blogs are about connecting with others, not shilling”
    For example, Wired editor Chris Anderson addressed concerns about the magazine’s subscription policies on his blog: Wired subscription concerns

    I normally don’t delve into my day job here, but I’ll make an exception today for expediency’s sake. On Friday, the SF Chronicle’s consumer-rights columnist ran a piece about complaints from Wired subscribers that they were getting threatening letters from a collection agency when they let their subscription lapse.

    Without using his blog, Anderson would have had to wait until the next issue of Wired or edit his response to fit the constraints of a letter to the editor in the Chronicle.
    For aspiring writers seeking to break into a different field, a blog is a cheap and easy way of getting noticed.
    Gawkerist blogged about Gawker and eventually got a job at Gawker Media: Nick Denton Finally Pays Us to Stop Blogging: “Many correctly guessed that Gawkerist was a stunt to attract attention and finagle work through nontraditional channels. What I didn’t necessarily expect was that the first people to guess this (on day 2 actually) would be everyone at Gawker Media.”
    Jeremy Blachman managed to turn The Anonymous Lawyer from a blog into a book deal. I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of people who have managed to use a blog as an entrée to a book deal, paid blogging gig, or simply a better job vastly outnumbers– by an order of magnitude– the number of people fired for indiscriminate personal blogging.
    However, these two examples of people who managed to turn their blogs into something more lucrative were both anonymous. Those of us who are looking for work while blogging under our own names may be creating more problems for ourselves with pointless non-proofread posts that have no worthwhile conclusion.
    (also posted at AndrewRaff.com)

  • Redskins Name Can Be Challenged

    The Washington Post reports: Redskins Name Can Be Challenged: “The football franchise had appeared to prevail in the longstanding trademark fight when a federal judge ruled in its favor nearly two years ago. But yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals said the case deserves another look because one of the plaintiffs might have been unfairly denied the right to pursue.”

  • Anheuser-Busch takes Hungary

    The AP reports that Anheuser-Busch won in the latest counrty to weigh in on the long-running trademark dispute over the Budweiser trademark: Anheuser-Busch Wins Latest Court Battle: “A Hungarian court has ruled in favor of the St. Louis-based brewer, ordering cancellation for Czech beer-maker Budejovicky Budvar’s use of the “Bud,” “Budweiser Budvar” and “Budweiser Bier-Budvar” labels in Hungary”
    Previously: More Budweiser TM, Beer, Branding and Human rights, This trademark’s for who?

  • Blogging about blogging

    Blogging is so many different things to different people and includes many different ways of using blogs that it is difficult to peg down any single rule or lesson. This post will attempt to bring together a bunch of links and ideas that I’ve seen over the last few weeks.
    The Dangers of the Personal Blog
    The biggest danger of having an identifiable personal blog is the negative impact it may have on one’s career. Getting Dooced may become more common as more people blog from and about work, since labor law offers few protections for bloggers.
    Today, we get a view from both sides of an employer firing an employee for the employee’s blog posts. In today’s Times, writer Helaine Olen describes her reasons for firing her nanny, based on reading the nanny’s blog: The New Nanny Diaries Are Online: “Within two months of my starting to read her entries our entire relationship unraveled. Not only were there things I didn’t want to know about the person who was watching my children, it turned out her online revelations brought feelings of mine to the surface I’d just as soon not have to face as well.”
    This being the internet, the former nanny posted a response: Sorry to Disappoint You: “If you have come to this little blog today looking for prurient details of a “nanny gone wild” and another “nanny diary” detailing the sordid life of a family she works for, I am very sorry to disappoint you. Contrary to an essay published in the Style section of the NYTIMES, I am not a pill popping alcoholic who has promiscuous sex and cares nothing for the children for whom she works with.”
    Follow-ups to this story at Bitch Ph.D and Pandagon.
    A pseudonymous essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education warned potential college faculties members about the dangers of blogging: Bloggers Need Not Apply

    A candidate’s blog is more accessible to the search committee than most forms of scholarly output. It can be hard to lay your hands on an obscure journal or book chapter, but the applicant’s blog comes up on any computer. Several members of our search committee found the sheer volume of blog entries daunting enough to quit after reading a few. Others persisted into what turned out, in some cases, to be the dank, dark depths of the blogger’s tormented soul; in other cases, the far limits of techno-geekdom; and in one case, a cat better off left in the bag.

    The AP also took this angle: Blog it now, regret it later? “Blogs are everywhere — increasingly, the place where young people go to bare their souls, to vent, to gossip. And often they do so with unabashed fervor and little self-editing, posting their innermost thoughts for any number of Web surfers to see.”
    But the personal blog is not the only way to use reverse chronologically posting things to a web page. For individuals and companies, the blog is a way of keeping track of and categorizing new information and sharing that with co-workers, clients, or potential employers.
    The upsides of smart blogging likely outweigh the dangers of imprudent blogging. Let’s look at two general ways of using blogs for good:

    1. Knowledge Management
    2. Communication and Shameless Self-Promotion

    The Private Blog: Knowledge Management
    Posting relevant links to a blog is the easiest way of filing such information. It gives you an archive by date and by subject and is searchable. At the job I had immediately before starting law school in 2002, I launched the use of blogs to keep track of information. If nothing else, I found it very useful. Of course, a blog is not the only way to do this– a wiki or expensive software may be used for the same purpose, but with blogging, it is obvious when the information contained within is dated.
    These blogs are not meant to be posted to the internet as a whole. Living on private servers or behind password protection, these blogs will not have the same potential external impact as a public site, but may be substantially more useful, as private bloggers do not have to worry about the rest of the world reading their posts.
    Bruce MacEwen, Adam Smith Esq: Blogs As KM Platforms: One Result Is In

    After six months or a year, your firm would have a valuable—and proprietary to you—knowledgebase in, to my mind, a near-perfect format: By default, sorted chronologically so that whenever “timeliness” is deemed important, it’s automatically presented in that format; archived by category so that subtopics can be immediately zeroed in on; and open to comment threads so that the author’s first draft is not necessarily the last word, and ideas can be refined through interchange. Even better, no one has to be trained to create and maintain a blog; as a Sun Microsystems analyst observed, “they’re like pencils and paper; people know what to do with them.”

    Blogs may not only be easier to use than specialized software, but also much cheaper.
    Keeping a constantly updated flow of information is valuable. The value of transparency and a flow of information can make blogs a useful tool on the public web, as well.
    The Public Blog: Communication and Shameless Self-Promotion
    Robert J. Ambrogi: Blogging’s contrarians: “”As sure as thesis breeds antithesis, blogging’s popularity within the legal profession is drawing some to question its value, mostly with regard to marketing.”
    The more transparently the blog is used for shameless self promotion, the less valuable it will be as a tool for that purpose. Simply putting forward well-written information is the best way to make a good impression.
    In Between Lawyers Roundtable: The Future of Legal Blogging, Tom Mighell elaborates on how lawyers can use blogs to promote their practices: “By publishing regularly updated content in your area of practice, you can become known as a ‘go-to’ person in that field. Clients and would-be clients will send you work because of the valuable information you provide to them, and other lawyers who read your blog will refer work to you because you are a trusted authority in that area of law.”
    Kevin Heller emphasizes the importance of having an authentic voice and not trying to be obviously marketing, “Fundamentally, blogs are about connecting with others, not shilling”
    For example, Wired editor Chris Anderson addressed concerns about the magazine’s subscription policies on his blog: Wired subscription concerns

    I normally don’t delve into my day job here, but I’ll make an exception today for expediency’s sake. On Friday, the SF Chronicle’s consumer-rights columnist ran a piece about complaints from Wired subscribers that they were getting threatening letters from a collection agency when they let their subscription lapse.

    Without using his blog, Anderson would have had to wait until the next issue of Wired or edit his response to fit the constraints of a letter to the editor in the Chronicle.
    For aspiring writers seeking to break into a different field, a blog is a cheap and easy way of getting noticed.
    Gawkerist blogged about Gawker and eventually got a job at Gawker Media: Nick Denton Finally Pays Us to Stop Blogging: “Many correctly guessed that Gawkerist was a stunt to attract attention and finagle work through nontraditional channels. What I didn’t necessarily expect was that the first people to guess this (on day 2 actually) would be everyone at Gawker Media.”
    Jeremy Blachman managed to turn The Anonymous Lawyer from a blog into a book deal. I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of people who have managed to use a blog as an entrée to a book deal, paid blogging gig, or simply a better job vastly outnumbers– by an order of magnitude– the number of people fired for indiscriminate personal blogging.
    However, these two examples of people who managed to turn their blogs into something more lucrative were both anonymous. Those of us who are looking for work while blogging under our own names may be creating more problems for ourselves with pointless non-proofread posts that have no worthwhile conclusion.

  • Five Years of Photos

    I’ve been posting photos to this website for more than five years now. Wow. Here are some re-runs from Summer 2000 (taken with the same digital camera I still use today):
    Brian Jones, Agents of Good Roots at 8×10 Club
    Steve Jobs at MacWorld NY. Notice the reality distortion field (RDF) in full effect.
    Hunter, NY

  • Into the great wide open

    Now that bar review is over, we enter the home stretch to the Exam with less than two weeks to go. This is scary for two reasons. First, I don’t feel like I have a handle on vastly large areas of the law (NY practice, torts, criminal law, commercial paper. Actually, make that every area except for contracts and Constitutional law.)
    But the big reason is that after the exam, I have to face the gaping void that are my employment plans. Despite the reassurances from family, friends and faculty who didn’t get their first legal jobs until after taking the Bar, I’m very worried about what’s out there and whether I will even be a realistically competitive candidate for any interesting jobs.
    And then of course, comes the question of whether having a somewhat inane self-titled web page is a good thing in a job search, but that is the subject of its own upcoming post…

  • Internet Archive and Copy Controls

    The NY Times reports: Keeper of Expired Web Pages Is Sued Because Archive Was Used in Another Suit:

    Last week Healthcare Advocates sued both the Harding Earley firm and the Internet Archive, saying the access to its old Web pages, stored in the Internet Archive’s database, was unauthorized and illegal.
    The lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court in Philadelphia, seeks unspecified damages for copyright infringement and violations of two federal laws: the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
    ‘The firm at issue professes to be expert in Internet law and intellectual property law,’ said Scott S. Christie, a lawyer at the Newark firm of McCarter & English, which is representing Healthcare Advocates. ‘You would think, of anyone, they would know better.’

    William Patry: The Way Back Machine and Robots.txt:

    On July 8th, a complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Healthcare Advocates, Inc. v. Harding, Early, Follmer & Frailey, et al. This is such an extraordinary document that I will break with my usual practice of not commenting on complaints or motions. Those who decry the DMCA as an (attempted) tool of oppression will find more than ample support in this effort. Other laws are implicated too, including some I venture to guess most IP lawyers have never heard of at least in the IP context, for example, a Greta Garbo like claim for ‘Intrusion upon Seclusion.’ Others, such as the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act and trespass to chattels have become better known recently but are invoked here in a novel way, to say the least. In my opinion (and all this is opinion whether denominated as such or not), the Healthcare Advocates complaint represents a misuse of the legal process.

    Jonathan Weinberg, guestblogging at Discourse.net: #$%%^*@#$ Lawyers: “This is silly. The copyright claim against Harding Earley is silly. Setting aside anything else, if there ever were a textbook example of fair use, reproducing a once-publicly available web page because its content was relevant to the proper disposition of a lawsuit would be it. The DMCA claim is, if not silly, at least wrong.”

  • Not classic enough

    Newsday reports: AMC judged to be not classic enough:

    The American Movie Classics channel runs too many films that are not classic enough, violating its contract with Time Warner Cable, a State Supreme Court justice has ruled.
    As a result, Justice Bernard Fried of State Supreme Court in Manhattan said Time Warner Cable, the second-biggest cable operator in the nation with 11 million subscribers, has the right to cancel its contract to carry AMC, which is owned by Cablevision Systems Corp.

  • Communications Act reform

    In a News.com op-ed, Progress & Freedom Foundation fellow Randolph May proposes one model for reform of the Telecommunications Act: Time for a Digital Age Communications Act: “Even while technology forces changes in the marketplace, the 1996 [Telecom] Act’s regulatory regime continues to act as a drag on investment in new networks and on innovation in new services. Services are classified based on technofunctional constructs that no longer make sense in a digital world in which a bit is a bit is a bit.”

  • Seeking permission

    J.D. Lasica attempts to get permission to use short clips from commercial films in non-commercial home videos: When the studios won’t give permission: “This is the quandary millions of us face today: The Hollywood studios demand that we ask for permission to borrow from their works — and then they deny our requests as a matter of course. Here is the paper and electronic trail of my correspondence with the Hollywood studios…”

  • A taxing prior restraint?

    The Third Circut rules that a permanent injunction barring promoting and selling unlawful tax advice is permissible under the First Amendment: U.S. v. Bell (No. 04-1640, Jul. 12, 2005). “Packaging a commercial message with token political commentary does not insulate commercial speech from appropriate restrictions.”
    (via How Appealing)

  • Bar Exam iPod Valet

    Recently, the school posted a helpful reminder about the bar exam, reminding us about the restrictions on what candidates can bring in to the Bar Exam:

    Applicants are not permitted to bring any items into the examination other than a clear plastic food storage type bag (maximum size one gallon) which may contain:

  • <td width="50%">
      Pens, #2 Pencils,<br /> Erasers, Highlighters
    <td width="50%">
      Beverage in<br /> plastic container or juice box (20 oz. maximum size)
    Admission Ticket
    issued photo ID
    Quiet Snack/Lunch
    Hygiene Products

    The following items are strictly prohibited, and will not be permitted in the room:
    Handbags, purses, backpacks, briefcases, tote bags, luggage, etc.
    Notes, books, Bar Review or other study materials in any format or media.
    Electronic devices, cell phones, calculators, pagers, programmable watches, clocks, cameras, radios, recording devices, hand-held computers, calculators, any type of personal digital assistant, wireless e-mail devices, etc.
    Headphones or headsets.
    Weapons of any kind.
    Any other items not specifically allowed.
    Do not bring any of the above items with you to the examination site, as they will not be permitted into the room and most centers do not have facilities in which to store them.

    It would be very nice to have music before taking the exam. Too bad I don’t have an iPod Flea. Perhaps I just need an iPod valet. Does anyone not working on 7/26 and 7/27 want to make a couple of dollars?
    In other bar-related angst, should I be worried that I still have yet to receive my admission ticket?
    Update (7/13): Apparently, you can print out an e-ticket at http://www.nybarseats.org/seat_vb.html. And I do have a seat assignment (at the Javits Center.) It’s ON!

  • The universal excuse

    Even though it keeps fun away, at least studying for the Bar Exam also provides a convenient excuse to get out of less desirable activities.
    “Sorry, I can’t help you move, I have to study for the bar.”
    “Weird creepy party? Sounds like fun. Too bad I’ll be studying for the bar.”
    “Paying bills? Sorry, creditors, I’m studying for the bar.”
    OK, maybe it can go a little too far.
    Even though today was heavy on the Con Law, I did walk by people having fun at an outdoor festival on Smith St., with bocce ball courts set up on the street:
    Picture(21).jpg \
    Is a camera phone photo any better than no photo at all?

  • Top Internet IP Cases of 2005 (So Far)

    John Ottaviani and Eric Goldman offer their list of the Top Internet IP Cases of 2005 (So Far).

  • More Grokster Links

    Pamela Samuelson: Legally Speaking: Did MGM Really Win the Grokster Case?

    MGM didn’t really want to win Grokster on an active inducement theory. It has been so wary of this theory that it didn’t actively pursue the theory in the lower courts. What MGM really wanted in Grokster was for the Supreme Court to overturn or radically reinterpret the Sony decision and eliminate the safe harbor for technologies capable of SNIUs. MGM thought that the Supreme Court would be so shocked by the exceptionally large volume of unauthorized up- and downloading of copyrighted sound recordings and movies with the aid of p2p technologies, and so outraged by Grokster’s advertising revenues—which rise as the volume of infringing uses goes up—that it would abandon the Sony safe harbor in favor of one of the much stricter rules MGM proposed to the Court. These stricter rules would have given MGM and other copyright industry groups much greater leverage in challenging disruptive technologies, such as p2p software. Viewed in this light, MGM actually lost the case for which it was fighting.

    Richard Posner: Grokster, File Sharing, and Contributory Infringement: “There is a possible middle way that should be considered, and that is to provide a safe harbor to potential contributory infringers who take all reasonable (cost-justified) measures to prevent the use of their product or service by infringers.”
    Gary Becker: Grokster and the Scope of Judicial Power: “Do we really want the courts determining when the fraction of the total value due to legal sales is high enough to exonerate manufacturers from contributory infringement? Neither the wisest courts nor wisest economists have enough knowledge to make that decision in a way that is likely to produce more benefits than harm. Does the fraction of legitimate value have to be higher than 50 per cent, 75 per cent, 10 per cent, or some other number?”
    Anupam Chander and Madhavi Sunder, FindLaw: Apple Rips While Grokster Burns: How MGM v. Grokster Benefits Information Technology Companies: “Given this evidence of inducement, the Court ruled that Grokster could not avail itself of the Sony safe harbor for products with substantial non-infringing uses. That exception to liability, it said, only applied in the absence of evidence of inducement.”
    Business Week interviews Larry Lessig: “Ten Years of Chilled Innovation”: “This is a pretty significant defeat here. Certainly the result is better than what the MGM companies wanted — because they wanted the Sony case modified — and [Justice David Souter, who wrote the decision, isn’t] modifying Sony. But still, this intent standard…will invite all sorts of strategic behavior that will dramatically increase the cost of innovating around these technologies.”
    Jon Pareles, The New York Times: The Court Has Ruled So Enter the Geeks: “But the court did not give the movie and recording businesses much ammunition to attack the Robin Hoods of the Internet: those software geeks and culture fans who really just want to share. They are online right now building Web sites that don’t make a dime and spending hours writing and editing ‘mp3 blogs’ – Web page collections of downloadable songs. They hook people up, basically because they can and because people want access to art.”
    Tom Zeller, The New York Times: The Imps of File Sharing May Lose in Court, but They Are Winning in the Marketplace: “Even the most ardent supporters of Big Entertainment concede that, in the long run, copyright holders are no match for the ability of file-sharing technology to adapt, mutate, evolve and expand. In fairness to Ms. Rosen, it is a stark reality she noted early on.”
    Legal Fiction: The Court’s Big Day: “It’s easy to conceptualize Grokster as a David vs. Goliath, or as the little guy vs. the man. But it’s much more than that. The record companies have no love for Grokster, but what they really wanted was a test that would have allowed them to drag Microsoft (and other “software” entities) or Dell (and other “hardware” entities) into court. Stopping Grokster certainly doesn’t hurt, but the record industry could never obtain real damages from Grokster for lost royalties. But man oh man, Microsoft is a completely different story.”
    Mike Godwin, Reason Online: Don’t Stop Grokkin’: “If you had a chance to listen to the content companies’ press conference on the afternoon the Supreme Court’s decision in MGM v. Grokster was announced, you heard nothing but crows of victory. The word “unanimous” was repeated umpteen times (the decision was 9-0 against the peer-to-peer company defendants), and much was said about how unequivocal the record companies’ and movie companies’ victory was.”

  • Pan-European Digital Music Licenses

    Reuters: EU seeks pan-European license for online music: “The European Commission will push for measures to establish a pan-European copyright license for online music use by October to allow EU industry to compete
    better with the United States.”

  • No Olympics for you!

    London, Paris and Madrid all landed ahead of NYC in the race for the 2012 Olympics, with London being the eventual winner. Bloomberg and Doctoroff shouldn’t be totally disheartened. After all, their bid did beat out Moscow’s. And even though they didn’t get their stadium, they still get to build a stadium for an -ets team, albeit in Queens. And even though the Mets are paying for the new stadium, taxpayers are still footing a not insubstantial part of the costs.
    On WNYC’s live coverage, Brian Lehrer noted that the number of supporters celebrating in Trafalgar Square dwarfed the number gathered at Rockefeller Center. While I don’t doubt that London’s bid enjoyed much more popular support than New York’s (since no one seems to share the Deputy Mayor’s enthusiasm), in defense of NYC 2012, the decision was announced at 7:30 AM EDT. NYC was eliminated about an hour earlier. Not many people are out and about in midtown at 6:30 AM. In London, the decision was announced at 12:30 PM GMT — in other words, around lunchtime, when many people are going to be around Trafalgar Square.
    Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that there really was little public support for bringing the Olympics to NYC. It was never something that was ever embraced wholeheartedly by the public.
    Will the NYC 2012 organizers try again for 2016? Probably. Should they?

  • Amazing Race Miscellany

    With the Bar Exam on July 26-27 (in 20 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes, 42 seconds)1, I don’t think that I’ll be sending in an application for The Amazing Race 9, since those are due on July 26. Of course, it’s a far reach that any team including me would actually get cast.
    But, according to the ads around the city, TAR will be cablecast on GSN (formerly the Game Show Network) starting with Season 1 next Monday, July 11. That I don’t get GSN is probably a good thing at this point.
    Finally, check out the packaging for the Emmy Screener DVD. They are sealed clue envelopes containing a “Roadblock” and a DVD. I do wonder what episode was sent to Emmy voters…
    1I am keeping track of the time left using the Countdown Dashboard widget.

  • Make money by misunderstanding trademark law

    New York Times: He Says He Owns the Word ‘Stealth’ (Actually, He Claims ‘Chutzpah,’ Too):

    Over the last few years, Leo Stoller has written dozens of letters to companies and organizations and individuals stating that he owns the trademark to ‘stealth.’ He has threatened to sue people who have used the word without his permission. In some cases, he has offered to drop objections in exchange for thousands of dollars. And in a few of those instances, people or companies have paid up.
    ‘If a trademark owner doesn’t go up to the plate each day and police his mark, he will be overrun by third-party infringers,’ Mr. Stoller, a 59-year-old entrepreneur, said in a telephone interview from his office in Chicago. ‘We sue a lot of companies.’

    Joe Gratz has more details: Idiotic Trademark Abuse: “The attached response letter from Aimee Wolfson, Columbia Pictures’ VP for Legal Affairs, is a superb smackdown; it’s one of the first big-studio legal documents I’ve read that I’ve enjoyed.”

  • Fireworks

    Fireworks photo set

  • Declare


    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL; that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness

    In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous declaration of the thirteen United States of America.

  • Hop on

    The Walk Ons get a hop on. Rock and roll!
    More photos.

  • Neat-O

    I just discovered some really neat features hidden in the Mac OS X Tiger Address Book application. These may not be new specifically to Tiger, but they are new to me.
    Select a contact and you can not only get a new Mail or iChat message to this person, but map a contact’s address (in Mapquest.)
    But some of the neater stuff only works if you have both a phone and a computer with Bluetooth. Then, you can dial the phone and send SMS messages from Address Book, by right-clicking (or control-clicking) on the phone number:
    When Address Book is open and paired with a phone, an incoming call will be displayed on the computer screen and managed from the computer:
    Unfortunately, the incoming call features do not work when Address Book is not open.

  • Cable Clutter

    Cable Clutter

    Even though I managed to create at least double the amount of usable space on my desk to stretch out notes, outlines and practices questions, there’s still a lot used up by all of the computer clutter. And this is only for the one computer I actually use– the 3 retired (and semi-retired) computers have their own sets of mess.
    Admittedly, the guitar capo isn’t computer clutter per se, but it fits with the theme.
    Below the desk looks even worse!

  • This space for rent

    The Boston Globe reports on the use of blogs are marketing vehicles: For a fee, some blogs boost firms: “The blog, in many ways, is the perfect marketing tool: original, personal, and cheap. It has grown popular as advertisers find it harder to capture consumers’ attention in a fragmented media market that is making traditional television and newspaper advertising less effective. But despite their foray into advertising, blogs remain an unregulated forum.”
    I’d like to remind any marketers that AndrewRaff.com has many sponsorship opportunities still open. Your Logo Here. This blog isn’t necessarily all about shameless self promotion. For the right price, I’m willing to whatever minimal credibility I have to shamelessly promote something else, too!

  • Montague Street Shuffle

    To follow up on a post from a couple of weeks ago, not all is bleak on Montague St. Thai 101 is now re-opened as Thai Montague, with what looks like a very similar menu. I can’t speak to the quality since I never ate in the old version and have yet to visit the new version.
    I do know that I will be completely bored out of my mind with the take-out in this neighborhood by the bar exam rolls around, if not by next week.

  • iTunes + Podcasting

    iTunes 4.9, which was released today, includes integrated podcast support and a podcast directory.
    Podcast subscriptions now have their own special source list and it is easy to manage subscriptions within iTunes. This is not all that much different from NetNewsWire’s support for podcasts. NNW can automatically download podcasts and add them to the iTunes library and a podcast playlist. iTunes makes it easier to find and manage podcast subscriptions.
    The best part about this new feature is that it is a real example of the democratization of media. Unlike the Music Store, Apple doesn’t host any podcast audio files– it simply uses RSS feeds to keep track of podcasts hosted all around the web. Apple posted directions on how to record a podcast using Garage Band and iTunes and add the podcast to the Podcast Directory.
    It is interesting to see how programs that are on the same stations in the traditional media live in different worlds in iTunes. Featured podcasts On the Media, The Treatment and Le Show are carried on public radio stations. This American Life, All Things Considered and Morning Edition are carried on the same public radio stations, but available for downloads only through the Audible paid subscription service.
    So far, I’ve moved over my subscriptions from NetNewsWire and added a couple. I am subscribed to The Brian Lehrer Show, On the Media, Le Show, The Importance of Law and IT. Perhaps I’ll have a chance to listen to these after Bob Feinberg gives up control of my iPod.
    Hopefully, the next feature to come to iTunes will be a subscription service like Yahoo Music and Napster-to-Go. As much as I think the ownership model still applies to music, the free buffet approach looks like a winner, too (especially at Yahoo’s $60/year price level.) The subscription model lowers the transaction costs of listening to new music and makes it easier to sample new artists.

  • More Grokster Linkage

    The Importance of the Law and IT: MGM v. Grokster: “Beyond just understanding what the court did and didn’t do, Ernie [Miller] along with Denise Howell and Charles (C.E.) Petit explore the decision that says Grokster could be found guilty of an “act of inducement” by encouraging (or not discouraging) its users to share infringing files.”
    Siva Vaidhyanathan, Salon.com: Supreme Court’s unsound decision: “Note to technology developers who want to market products that will help people share copyrighted files: Whatever you do, don’t end your brand name with ‘-ster’!”
    John Palfrey: The Entrepreneur in a Post-Grokster World: “The entertainment industry and big technology companies, often at one another’s throats in Washington, should be able to get along. In a digital age, after all, they need one another if they are both to thrive. They both got something to cheer about in the Grokster ruling handed down earlier today.”
    David Post: Grokster Decision, Second Thoughts: “The unanimous Supreme Court decision holding Grokster & StreamCast liable as contributory copyright infringers for distributing peer-to-peer file-sharing software turns out, on close examination, to be not nearly the victory for the entertainment industry it might have seemed at first glance. [This, interestingly, repeats a pattern in these cases – Sony v. Universal Studios (the Betamax case) was not (nearly) as big a loss for Hollywood as it appeared, nor, as I have argued elsewhere, was the Napster case as big a win).”
    Nathan Newman: Grokster and Ten Commandments Case the Same: “Essentially, politicians can promote a religion and Silicon Valley can promote technology that can illegally share copyrighted work AS LONG as they don’t SAY that’s what they are doing. Do it quietly, surround the potentially illegal activity with non-religious symbols or non-infringing uses and, voila, you’re legally scot-free.”

  • CRS Reports Online

    OpenCRS makes Congressional Research Service reports avilable to the public. It even has an RSS feed.
    Washington Post: Hard-to-Get Policy Briefings For Congress Are Now Online: “It’s a bit like Napster — but for policy wonks. A Washington research group has created a Web site where the public can read, submit and download the difficult-to-find public policy briefs members of Congress use to get up to speed on issues.”

  • 2nd Circuit Rules Pop-up Ads Don’t Use Trademarks

    Today, the Second Circuit reverses the Southern District and rules that pop-up adware does not infringe on a trademark. 1-800 Contacts, Inc. v. WhenU, Inc.:

    We hold that, as a matter of law, WhenU does not “use ”1-800’s trademarks within the meaning of the Lanham Act, 153 U.S.C. § 1127, when it (1) includes 1-800’s website address, which is almost identical to 1-800’s trademark, in an unpublished directory of terms that trigger delivery of WhenU’s contextually relevant advertising to C-users; or (2) causes separate, branded pop-up ads to appear on a C-user’s computer screen either above, below, or along the bottom edge of the 1-800 website window. Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s entry of a preliminary injunction and remand with instructions to (1) dismiss with prejudice 1-800’s trademark infringement claims against WhenU, and (2) proceed with 1-800’s remaining claims.

    Eric Goldman: Important 2d Circuit Adware Case–1-800 Contacts v. WhenU: “I think the opinion is generally great. The lower court opinion was truly awful, and the Second Circuit clearly and unambiguously rejected that opinion. In particular, the court gave us lots of insights into what constitutes trademark “use” in the Internet keyword context. There has been considerable confusion on this very question, and the Second Circuit’s opinion will be persuasive precedent in all future cases throughout the nation.”

  • Brand X

    Brand X has two distinct elements– the internet/telecom aspects and the administrative law aspects. I will focus on the internet/telecom aspects of the ruling and leave the administrative law aspects to the experts.
    >National Cable & Telecommunications Assoc. v. Brand X Internet Services
    Opinion (Thomas), Concurrence (Stevens), Concurrence (Breyer).
    Dissent (Scalia):
    Brand X and Administrative Law
    As far as the administrative law aspects, the Court ruled that Chevron deference should be applied to the Commission’s decision classifying cable modem service as an “information service.” Prior inconsistency with past practice does not render an agency rule unreasonable. Such an inconsistency may be an arbitrary and capricious change only if the agency fails to explain the change. Where the statute is ambiguous, the agency’s interpretation of the statute will trump a court’s prior judicial interpretation unless “the prior court decision holds that its construction follows from the unambiguous terms of the statute and thus leaves no room for agency discretion.”
    The information service & telecommunications service distinction
    The distinction between an information service and telecommunications service is important in determining the authority which the FCC may exercise over a service provider and how the services are regulated under the Telecommunications Act.
    Let’s start by looking at the text of the statute, in particular the 47 USC §153 definitions of telecommunications service and information service.

    (46) Telecommunications service
    The term “telecommunications service” means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used.
    (43) Telecommunications
    The term “telecommunications” means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.
    (20) Information service
    The term “information service” means the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a telecommunications system or the management of a telecommunications service.

    So, an information service is primarily concerned with transmitting information from a centralized source or sources to individuals, while a telecommunications service conveys unaltered information between individuals on the edge of the network.

    Seen from the consumer’s point of view, the Commission concluded, cable modem service is not a telecommunications offering because the consumer uses the high-speed wire always in connection with the information-processing capabilities provided by Internet access, and because the transmission is a necessary component of Internet access: “As provided to the end user the telecommunications is part and parcel of cable modem service and is integral to its other capabilities.” Declaratory Ruling 4823, ¶39. The wire is used, in other words, to access the World Wide Web, newsgroups, and so forth, rather than “transparently” to transmit and receive ordinary-language messages without computer processing or storage of the message. See supra, at 4 (noting the Computer II notion of “transparent” transmission). The integrated character of this offering led the Commission to conclude that cable modem service is not a “stand-alone,” transparent offering of telecommunications. Declaratory Ruling 4823—4825, ¶¶41—43.

    From the consumer’s point of view, cable modem access is different from DSL access? Even though many cable subscribers are paying for “information services,” such as email, web page and newsgroup servers, we do not use these services and only use the cable connection as a dumb way to access information services on the internet. The cable modem connection is just a dumb pipe. Well, except that the cable ISP (like any other ISP) provides DNS service which translates domain names that people understand (e.g. www.iptablog.org) into the IP addresses that computers understand (
    The Court finds that because cable modem service provides the necessary capabilities to access information services, it is itself an information service.

    The question, then, is whether the transmission component of cable modem service is sufficiently integrated with the finished service to make it reasonable to describe the two as a single, integrated offering. See ibid. We think that they are sufficiently integrated, because “[a] consumer uses the high-speed wire always in connection with the information-processing capabilities provided by Internet access, and because the transmission is a necessary component of Internet access.” Supra, at 16. In the telecommunications context, it is at least reasonable to describe companies as not “offering” to consumers each discrete input that is necessary to providing, and is always used in connection with, a finished service. We think it no misuse of language, for example, to say that cable companies providing Internet service do not “offer” consumers DNS, even though DNS is essential to providing Internet access.

    In his dissent, Justice Scalia uses some unfortunate analogies to demonstrate why the provision of information services can be separated from the provision of internet access:

    Thus, I agree (to adapt the Court’s example, ante, at 18) that it would be odd to say that a car dealer is in the business of selling steel or carpets because the cars he sells include both steel frames and carpeting. Nor does the water company sell hydrogen, nor the pet store water (though dogs and cats are largely water at the molecular level). But what is sometimes true is not, as the Court seems to assume, always true. There are instances in which it is ridiculous to deny that one part of a joint offering is being offered merely because it is not offered on a “ ‘stand-alone’ ” basis, ante, at 17.
    If, for example, I call up a pizzeria and ask whether they offer delivery, both common sense and common “usage,” ante, at 18, would prevent them from answering: “No, we do not offer delivery–but if you order a pizza from us, we’ll bake it for you and then bring it to your house.” The logical response to this would be something on the order of, “so, you do offer delivery.” But our pizza-man may continue to deny the obvious and explain, paraphrasing the FCC and the Court: “No, even though we bring the pizza to your house, we are not actually ‘offering’ you delivery, because the delivery that we provide to our end users is ‘part and parcel’ of our pizzeria-pizza-at-home service and is ‘integral to its other capabilities.’ ” Cf. Declaratory Ruling 4823, ¶39; ante, at 16, 26.1 Any reasonable customer would conclude at that point that his interlocutor was either crazy or following some too-clever-by-half legal advice.

    While the law recognizes a de minimis exception for information services provided as part of telecommunications services, Justice Thomas finds that the DNS services offered by cable ISPs classify as a service that offers a capability for “generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via telecommunications.”

    This construction does not leave all information service offerings exempt from mandatory Title II regulation. “It is plain,” for example, that a local telephone company “cannot escape Title II regulation of its residential local exchange service simply by packaging that service with voice mail.” Universal Service Report 11530, ¶60. That is because a telephone company that packages voice mail with telephone service offers a transparent transmission path–telephone service–that transmits information independent of the information-storage capabilities provided by voice mail. For instance, when a person makes a telephone call, his ability to convey and receive information using the call is only trivially affected by the additional voice-mail capability. Equally, were a telephone company to add a time-of-day announcement that played every time the user picked up his telephone, the “transparent” information transmitted in the ensuing call would be only trivially dependent on the information service the announcement provides. By contrast, the high-speed transmission used to provide cable modem service is a functionally integrated component of that service because it transmits data only in connection with the further processing of information and is necessary to provide Internet service. The Commission’s construction therefore was more limited than respondents assume.

    The Court’s opinion allows the FCC to classify cable broadband internet service as an information service, rather than a telecommunications service. The benefit of this classification for cable internet users is avoiding the regulatory requirements of a telecommunications service, including universal service fees. The detriment is that cable providers do not have to open up their networks, insulating cable operators from competition. In contrast, incumbent DSL providers have to provide open access to the local networks, because DSL is a telecommunications service. Cable access is not quite a monopoly service, since it does compete in DSL, except in those areas where only one flavor of broadband access is available.
    Another potential problem with this classification is that it may allow cable operators to create non-neutral networks. Generally, internet access works as a common carrier– once you are on the network, you can access services provided by third parties. If cable internet access is an information service, in the absence of more rules, the cable ISP can restrict access to third party services. Want to use a different email server? Too bad. Want to access streaming video content? Only if comes from a “partner” of the cable ISP. If the cable operators do not have to act as common carriers, the internet may no longer be a true end-to-end network, but a collection of “walled garden” services.
    All in all, the decision does little to clarify telecommunications law and regulations. Perhaps Congress does need to step in and update the Telecom Act. After all, in internet time, 1996 is positively ancient. In addition, the US is lagging behind other states in promoting broadband.
    In the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs, Thomas Bleha notes that the US no longer leads the world in deploying broadband connectivity: Down to the Wire : “In the first three years of the Bush administration, the United States dropped from 4th to 13th place in global rankings of broadband Internet usage. Today, most U.S. homes can access only “basic” broadband, among the slowest, most expensive, and least reliable in the developed world…. In fact, the United States is the only industrialized state without an explicit national policy for promoting broadband.”
    Discussion, Links, Notes and Commentary
    FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin: “I am pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed the FCC’s ruling. This decision provides much-needed regulatory clarity and a framework for broadband that can be applied to all providers. We can now move forward quickly to finalize regulations that will spur the deployment of broadband services for all Americans.”
    Susan Crawford: It’s More Important Than Grokster: “The consequences of BrandX (also decided today) are more important than those of Grokster. Grokster keeps the status quo in place. BrandX opens up a whole new world of regulatory power… In BrandX, Justice Thomas gets very confused about the internet and ends up essentially announcing that everything a user does online is an ‘information service’ being offered by the access provider. DNS, email (even if some other provider is making it available), applications, you name it — they’re all included in this package. And the FCC can make rules about these information services under its broad ‘ancillary jurisdiction.'”
    Susan Crawford: If Someone Asks You About BrandX… “The problem with this classification by the FCC is that the statutory definition of “information service” doesn’t fit with what internet access actually is. Information services are supposed to be things that generate, acquire, store, transform, process, retrieve, or make available information across telecommunications connections. The FCC reasoned that cable modem service is an information service because it gives people the ability to manipulate information using the internet across high-speed telecommunications. But that’s not really right. Cable modem service allows people to reach online information, but doesn’t necessarily allow them to manipulate it.”
    Tim Wu: Brand X & Network Neutrality: “Hopefully Brand X is good news: it gives the FCC room to try and ignite all-out warfare between cable, DSL, and whatever else. The battles with independent ISPs at some point had become a distraction and a sideshow that may have slowed deployment. Some will disagree with me, but I have long thought Title II or open access requirements for broadband as just a form of protection for a declining industry.”
    News.com: Cable wins Supreme Court battle: “The cable industry can breathe a sigh of relief, as the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that cable companies will not have to share their infrastructure with competing Internet service providers.”
    AP: Cable Companies Don’t Need to Share Lines: “The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that cable companies may keep rival Internet providers from using their lines, a decision that will limit competition and consumers’ choices.”

  • Grokster

    In MGM v. Grokster, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that when a distributor of a product capable of both lawful and unlawful uses distributes such a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties.
    The opinion of the Court, delivered by Justice Souter, adopts an active inducement standard for secondary copyright liability. Active inducement can be ascertained by looking to the express promotion, marketing, and intent to promote illicit uses of the technology and a lack of evidence that a developer made an effort to filter copyrighted material from the service. The inducement rule “premises liability on purposeful, culpable expression and conduct, and thus does nothing to compromise legitimate commerce or discourage innovation having a lawful promise.”
    The Court finds that Sony is not controlling here, because neither of these P2P services are neutral products merely capable of infringing use, but developed and marketed for the purposes of encouraging infringing use.

    In sum, where an article is “good for nothing else” but infringement, Canda v. Michigan Malleable Iron Co., supra, at 489, there is no legitimate public interest in its unlicensed availability, and there is no injustice in presuming or imputing an intent to infringe, see Henry v. A. B. Dick Co., 224 U.S. 1, 48 (1912), overruled on other grounds, Motion Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Mfg. Co., 243 U.S. 502 (1917). Conversely, the doctrine absolves the equivocal conduct of selling an item with substantial lawful as well as unlawful uses, and limits liability to instances of more acute fault than the mere understanding that some of one’s products will be misused. It leaves breathing room for innovation and a vigorous commerce. See Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, supra, at 442; Dawson Chemical Co. v. Rohm & Haas Co., 448 U.S. 176, 221 (1980); Henry v. A. B. Dick Co., supra, at 48.

    For the same reasons that Sony took the staple-article doctrine of patent law as a model for its copyright safe-harbor rule, the inducement rule, too, is a sensible one for copyright. We adopt it here, holding that one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties. We are, of course, mindful of the need to keep from trenching on regular commerce or discouraging the development of technologies with lawful and unlawful potential. Accordingly, just as Sony did not find intentional inducement despite the knowledge of the VCR manufacturer that its device could be used to infringe, 464 U.S., at 439, n. 19, mere knowledge of infringing potential or of actual infringing uses would not be enough here to subject a distributor to liability. Nor would ordinary acts incident to product distribution, such as offering customers technical support or product updates, support liability in themselves. The inducement rule, instead, premises liability on purposeful, culpable expression and conduct, and thus does nothing to compromise legitimate commerce or discourage innovation having a lawful promise.

    In sum, this case is significantly different from Sony and reliance on that case to rule in favor of StreamCast and Grokster was error. Sony dealt with a claim of liability based solely on distributing a product with alternative lawful and unlawful uses, with knowledge that some users would follow the unlawful course. The case struck a balance between the interests of protection and innovation by holding that the product’s capability of substantial lawful employment should bar the imputation of fault and consequent secondary liability for the unlawful acts of others.

    In a concurring opinion, Justice Ginsburg (joined by the Chief Justice and Justice Kennedy) writes that, even though the Court bases its ruling on the active inducement standard, Grokster and Streamcast may still be liable under the Sony Betamax standard. Ginsburg supports adopting the “percentage of use” interpretation of the Sony test advanced by the copyright owners, that supports a finding of liability for technology developer where the potential non-infringing uses of that technology are so far outnumbered by the potential infringing uses.

    Even if the absolute number of noninfringing files copied using the Grokster and StreamCast software is large, it does not follow that the products are therefore put to substantial noninfringing uses and are thus immune from liability. The number of noninfringing copies may be reflective of, and dwarfed by, the huge total volume of files shared. Further, the District Court and the Court of Appeals did not sharply distinguish between uses of Grokster’s and StreamCast’s software products (which this case is about) and uses of peer-to-peer technology generally (which this case is not about).
    In sum, when the record in this case was developed, there was evidence that Grokster’s and StreamCast’s products were, and had been for some time, overwhelmingly used to infringe, ante, at 4—6; App. 434—439, 476—481, and that this infringement was the overwhelming source of revenue from the products, ante, at 8—9; 259 F. Supp. 2d, at 1043—1044. Fairly appraised, the evidence was insufficient to demonstrate, beyond genuine debate, a reasonable prospect that substantial or commercially significant noninfringing uses were likely to develop over time. On this record, the District Court should not have ruled dispositively on the contributory infringement charge by granting summary judgment to Grokster and StreamCast.

    In another concurring opinion, Justice Breyer (joined by Justices Stevens and O’Connor) supports the interpretation of the Sony substantial non-infringing use test proffered by the technology developers– that the non-infringing uses must be substantial on their own without considering the specific percentage of infringing and non-infringing uses. Justice Breyeer agrees with the Ninth Circuit’s ruling under the Sony standard– that approximately 10% non-infringing use is more than sufficient to constitute substantial or commercially significant non-infringing use.

    Here the record reveals a significant future market for noninfringing uses of Grokster-type peer-to-peer software. Such software permits the exchange of any sort of digital file–whether that file does, or does not, contain copyrighted material. As more and more uncopyrighted information is stored in swappable form, it seems a likely inference that lawful peer-to-peer sharing will become increasingly prevalent.
    And that is just what is happening. Such legitimate noninfringing uses are coming to include the swapping of: research information (the initial purpose of many peer-to-peer networks); public domain films (e.g., those owned by the Prelinger Archive); historical recordings and digital educational materials (e.g., those stored on the Internet Archive); digital photos (OurPictures, for example, is starting a P2P photo-swapping service); “shareware” and “freeware” (e.g., Linux and certain Windows software); secure licensed music and movie files (Intent MediaWorks, for example, protects licensed content sent across P2P networks); news broadcasts past and present (the BBC Creative Archive lets users “rip, mix and share the BBC”); user-created audio and video files (including “podcasts” that may be distributed through P2P software); and all manner of free “open content” works collected by Creative Commons (one can search for Creative Commons material on StreamCast).
    There may be other now-unforeseen noninfringing uses that develop for peer-to-peer software, just as the home-video rental industry (unmentioned in Sony) developed for the VCR. But the foreseeable development of such uses, when taken together with an estimated 10% noninfringing material, is sufficient to meet Sony’s standard. And while Sony considered the record following a trial, there are no facts asserted by MGM in its summary judgment filings that lead me to believe the outcome after a trial here could be any different. The lower courts reached the same conclusion.

    Justice Breyer goes on to discuss whether the Sony standard should be modified, and looks to three factors:

    1. Has Sony (as I interpret it) worked to protect new technology?
    2. If so, would modification or strict interpretation significantly weaken that protection?
    3. If so, would new or necessary copyright-related benefits outweigh any such weakening?

    To answer his first question, Breyer finds that the Sony rule has “provided entrepreneurs with needed assurance that they will be shielded from copyright liability as they bring valuable new technologies to market.” The Sony rule is beneficial because it is “strongly technology protecting,” “forward looking,” and “mindful of the limitations facing judges where matters of technology are concerned.”
    To develop a stricter interpretation of the Sony standard would make it substantially more difficult for companies to bring innovative new technologies to market if those technologies have the potential to be used for copyright infringement.

    The second, more difficult, question is whether a modified Sony rule (or a strict interpretation) would significantly weaken the law’s ability to protect new technology. Justice Ginsburg’s approach would require defendants to produce considerably more concrete evidence–more than was presented here–to earn Sony’s shelter. That heavier evidentiary demand, and especially the more dramatic (case-by-case balancing) modifications that MGM and the Government seek, would, I believe, undercut the protection that Sony now offers.
    To require defendants to provide, for example, detailed evidence–say business plans, profitability estimates, projected technological modifications, and so forth–would doubtless make life easier for copyrightholder plaintiffs. But it would simultaneously increase the legal uncertainty that surrounds the creation or development of a new technology capable of being put to infringing uses. Inventors and entrepreneurs (in the garage, the dorm room, the corporate lab, or the boardroom) would have to fear (and in many cases endure) costly and extensive trials when they create, produce, or distribute the sort of information technology that can be used for copyright infringement.

    Finally, Justice Breyer does “not doubt that a more intrusive Sony test would generally provide greater revenue security for copyright holders,” but when balanced against the gains produced by encouraging innovative new technology, it is difficult to conclude that the benefits to copyright owners would “exceed the losses on the technology roundabouts.”

    For one thing, the law disfavors equating the two different kinds of gain and loss; rather, it leans in favor of protecting technology. As Sony itself makes clear, the producer of a technology which permits unlawful copying does not himself engage in unlawful copying–a fact that makes the attachment of copyright liability to the creation, production, or distribution of the technology an exceptional thing.… In any event, the evidence now available does not, in my view, make out a sufficiently strong case for change.

    Links, Commentary, Crticism, Etc.
    William Patry: The Court Punts: ” I don’t know about others, but I view the Court as having punted: they decided mainly an issue that wasn’t in front of them (inducement) and didn’t decide the one that was, the effect of Sony in the Internet era. I think this happened because neither the Ginsburg camp nor the Breyer camp could get two others to join. There were three for the picking, Souter, Scalia and Thomas. The two concurring camps have diametrically opposed views of the case, totalling six Justices. What does this do to the influence that the ‘unanimous’ Souter opinion has? I think it greatly undermines it, resulting, as predicted in a muddied, murky future.”
    SCOTUSblog Grokster discussion with Ian Gershengorn, Ed Felten, Charles Petit, Susan Crawford, Douglas Lichtman, and more.
    The Wall St. Journal Grokster Roundtable with James M. Burger , Michael Geist, Denise Howell, Ernest Miller, Thedore Olson, John Palfrey and Cristopher Ruhland.
    The Picker MobBlog with Randy Picker, Doug Lichtman, Jessica Litman, Jim Speta, Julie Cohen, Larry Solum, Lior Strahilevitz, Phil Weiser, Ray Ku, Stuart Benjamin, Tim Wu, Tom Hazlett, and Wendy Gordon
    Via über-blogger Ernest Miller, Notes on Pro-Grokster Press Conference and Notes on RIAA and MPAA Press Conference.
    Eric Goldman: Grokster Supreme Court Ruling: “I think the Supreme Court reached the only logical result. It had to find for the plaintiffs. I say this because there was simply no way for the Court to ignore that Grokster and Streamcast were facilitating massive copyright infringement. As the court says, ‘the probable scope of copyright infringement is staggering’ and ‘there is evidence of infringement on a gigantic scale.’ If it ignored these facts, it was simply going to force Congress to act.”
    Michael Madison: Grokster Redux: “So, innocent design + “culpable intent” = liability for indirect infringement. Is this such a bad thing? In the short term, I don’t think that it makes much difference in the dynamics of litigation. In the longer term, I think that courts can handle this, which makes me a little more sanguine than those who think that intent-based standards merely provide a road map for the bad guys.”
    Cathy Kirkman: Grokster ruling and the tech industry: “The outcome seems fairly close to the amicus brief filed by the Business Software Alliance, out of the fifty-five amicus briefs that were submitted. The BSA’s amicus brief advocated upholding the Sony doctrine with a reversal based on additional acts of encouraging the use of the technology for infringing purposes. The BSA also asked the Supreme Court to confirm that customary contact with customers, such as advertising, product support and upgrades, is covered by the Betamax exemption.”
    Rebecca Tushnet: More questions than answers: “That said, I am concerned that not every court is as careful as Justice Souter – this was a problem with his opinion in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose, which quite clearly says that satire can be fair use (though it has comparatively less advantage in the fair use analysis than parody does) but which has widely been overread to say that parodies win fair use defenses, but satires don’t. I fear that similar uncertainties will follow the Grokster ruling. In fairness, though, I can’t imagine a plausible majority opinion that wouldn’t leave many thorny questions.”
    Ernest Miller: Some Notes on Grokster :”The opinion emphasizes three main factors as “clear” evidence of intent. However, the first makes little sense and the next two are otherwise legal actions that only become evidence of intent if there is already evidence of intent.”
    Lorne Manley, New York Times: Court Rules File-Sharing Networks Can Be Held Liable for Illegal Use: “The case, which pitted the entertainment industry against technology companies in the continuing battle over the proper balance between protecting copyrights and fostering innovation, overturns lower court decisions that found the file-sharing networks were not liable because their services allowed for substantial legitimate uses. The justices said there was enough evidence that the Web sites were seeking to profit from their customers’ use of the illegally shared files for the case to go back to lower court for trial.”
    Roger Parloff, Fortune: The File Sharing Fight’s Not Over: “The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously today in favor of an alliance of movie studios and record producers that brought a landmark copyright infringement suit against two providers of popular peer-to-peer, file-sharing software. Although the opinion, written by Justice David Souter, represents a clear victory for the entertainment industry, the ruling is narrow and does not necessarily spell doom for other providers of peer-to-peer file-sharing software.”
    Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog: New challenge to file-sharing designers: “The Supreme Court’s unanimous (but in some ways divided) ruling on the use of copyright laws to try to stop the massive sharing over the Internet of music and movie files posts a significant legal warning to software designers, but does not turn them into complete copyright outlaws.”
    IPKat: Grappling with Grokster: “The IPKat isn’t used to all this economic-style analysis dictating the direction of cases and hes not sure how good it is for the predictability of the law (although in this case he wonders if the Supreme Courts legal framework that it put in place here might well have stood up without it). By focusing on secondary infringement based on an intent to induce infringement, the Supreme Court has neatly side-stepped the issue of the limits of the rule that there is no secondary infringement where the method for infringement also has a legitimate use.”
    Chris Riley at Lawmeme: “My (only partially joking) reaction to this is that my job security as a future cyberlawyer is assured.”
    And, from Wonkette: The Supremes Are Trying to Break Your Heart: “Bachelor, close to his mom, brings his own lunch to work — we always suspected David Souter was the ’emo justice.’ Now we know for sure.”

  • The bar review shuffle

    Having the PMBR review CD’s on your iPod leads to weird juxtapositions of music and bar review. Shuffle mode is now like especially eclectic radio, of the horribly boring variety.

  • Compulsory Licensing Reform

    As previously reported, Register of Copyrights Marybeth Peters testified before the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property and set forth a proposal to revoke the statutory compulsory license for making and distributing phonorecords of non-dramatic musical works.
    The statutory compulsory license is a boon for recording artists, because it allows artists to record new versions of any previously recorded song for a set rate. Recording artists have the benefit of access to non-dramatic musical compositions and do not have to deal with a hold-out problem. Songwriters can not choose not to license their works and are precluded from attempting to extract a higher price.
    The Register’s proposal appears to still effectively eliminate the hold-out problem, but may allow a Music Rights Organization (MRO) to extract a price premium for licensing covers of especially popular songs.
    Section 115(a)(2) of the Register’s proposed statute reads:

    A music rights organization that offers a license to perform one or more nondramatic musical works publicly by means of digital audio transmissions shall offer licensees use of all musical works in its repertoire, but the music rights organization and a licensee may agree to a license for less than all of the works in the music rights organization’s repertoire.

    So, the MRO can offer rights to cover all musical works in its repetoire for a set rate, but exclude certain “premium songs” from that rate and set a higher rate for those works. A recording artist might be able to cover “Octupus’s Garden” or “More than a Feeling” at the “standard rate,” but be forced to pay a premium rate for “Yesterday” or “Since U Been Gone.”
    Is such price discrimination necessarily a bad thing? Not necessarily. After all, this is allowing a regulated market to develop. The statutory compulsory rate requirement prevents songwriters from capturing all the value in the copyright. Why shouldn’t the writer of a popular song be able to charge a higher price?
    The Register’s proposal limits some of the harshest potential effects for recording artists. By requiring that a license is made available to any one artist on the same terms available to all others, this proposal should be sufficient to prevent a MRO from creating discriminatory access to songs.
    Perhaps this proposal does not go far enough. It replaces a compulsory license with a highly-regulated market. But there is no quid for the recording artists’ quo. Recording artists still have legislatively granted access to non-dramatic musical compositions, but there is no corresponding right to access to sound recordings for samplers and other artists who create music based on other recorded works. The recording artists have the benefit of the statutory scheme providing access, but have no corresponding requirement to grant access.
    Other reactions and cross-blog discussions:
    Cathy Kirkman, Silicon Valley Media Law Blog: More on proposed 21st Century Music Licensing Reform Act: “The legislation could be called the ‘MRO Empowerment Act of 2005’, as it benefits the music rights organizations (MROs) by legislatively entrenching them in the role of collective licensing bodies and eliminating their antitrust constraints. Licensees of music rights would benefit from one-stop shopping for licenses of digital audio transmissions, but they are severely disadvantaged by the elimination of the compulsory license and statutory rate ceiling.”
    Ernest Miller, The Importance Of: Forget Grokster? A Recording Industry Bombshell from the Copyright Office: “Wow. My jaw dropped when I read the announcement. Essentially eliminate 17 USC 115. Did I already say, ‘Wow’? This would be a radical and, in my view, welcome change in copyright law. I have long been a critic of the mechanical reproduction compulsory.”
    The 463: Bigger than Grokster? “This is big because regardless of what comes out of all the sound and fury in the post-Grokster world, we’re eventually going to need to come back down to earth and find ways for users to enjoy content and fairly pay for it. The Copyright Office may have started leaving bread crumbs for us to find this end goal.”
    Lawrence Lessig: The Register wants reform: “Apparently the Register believes performers no longer “need unhampered access to musical material on nondiscriminatory terms.” What progress.”
    Ernest Miller: Lessig on the Proposed 17 USC 115 Reform: “And, maybe, more musicians (and record labels) might favor less copyright if they didn’t have such easy access to making covers. They might be a bit more sympathetic to other artists who don’t have similar privileges and might want to clear rights for snippets of audio in a documentary, for example. I mean, why should record labels care about copyright reform? They’ve got their mandatory license and complete copyright control over the rest. They’ve got the best of both worlds. They get to copy what they want and stop people from copying their stuff.”
    Joe Gratz: Lessig Gets It Wrong On Register’s 115 Reform Proposal: “The practical effect of the Register’s proposal is to force ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC (now referred to as “Music Licensing Organizations” or MROs) to offer blanket licenses for reproduction and distribution along with the blanket licenses they already offer for public performance. Access to all works licensed by the three MROs remains unhampered, and even becomes easier.”
    Lessig: Wow — I said that? “My criticism was about the potential for discrimination. The Register is almost exactly right to say ‘But in determining public policy and legislative change, it is the author – and not the middlemen – whose interests should be protected.’ Almost exactly right, because in my view, we should be determining not just ‘the author’ but ‘the authors’ — the ecology of creativity enabled by copyright’s rules. The wonderful and powerful claim in the 1967 testimony is that granting fewer derivative rights to composers than we grant to, say, book authors, produces a wider range of music creativity. I find this argument to be compelling.”
    Miller: “Non-Discrimination in 17 USC 115 Reform: “One of the problems with 115 is that it creates a mandatory license for the composition, but no corresponding requirement for the sound recording to be similarly licensed. As I noted, the recording companies get the best of both worlds. Complete access to any composition and the ability to exclude similar use of their sound recordings. I would probably have a much different take on 115 reform if the record labels had a “share-alike” requirement to take advantage of the compulsory.”
    (Also posted at the Induce Blog)

  • More broadcast indecency video

    This is not going to be an all-out vlog, because bar review calls, but let’s take a look at another FCC ruling concerning broadcast indecency. In particular, In re: WBDC Broadcasting, Inc. This ruling concerns the episode of Angel broadcast on Nov. 19, 2003.
    The complaint singles out two scenes:

    Spike is on top of Harmony, their clothes are on, but his body rocks back and forth and their breathing is heavy. She tries to speak, but he tells her not to spoil the moment — her eyes start to bleed, and suddenly she turns to her vampire self and bites his neck


    Spike walks in on Angel and Drusilla. He doesn’t see it Dru at first — only Angel’s hips moving back and forth.

    The Commission rules that these two scenes are not “patently offensive,” because the cited material is not sufficiently graphic or explicit. Neither scene contains any nudity. The scenes are merely metaphor.
    The three main factors that the Commission uses to evaluate indecency are:

    1. the explicitness or graphic nature of the description or depiction of sexual or excretory organs or activities;
    2. whether the material dwells on or repeats at length descriptions of sexual or excretory organs or activities;
    3. whether the material appears to pander or is used to titillate, or whether the material appears to have been presented for its shock value.

    Both the Angel ruling and the Arrested Development ruling discussed in the previous vlog go to the explicitness factor and follow the general rule that mere insinuation is not indecency. The mere suggestion of sexual acts or indecent language are insufficient to constitute indecency. See the Industry Guidance On the Commission’s Case Law Interpreting 18 U.S.C. § 1464 and Enforcement Policies Regarding Broadcast Indecency.
    More of these video entries and vlogs will follow when I get video of the television programs which were the subject of indecency rulings.
    Note that these videos were taken from the episode as broadcast in syndication. The original broadcast was in letterboxed widescreen format.

  • Recording

    The big board

  • Bridgeport, Audio Sampling and Transaction Costs

    Earlier this month, the Sixth Circuit reaffirmed its decision in Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films, where it ruled that there is no de minimis use defense to digital sampling of a sound recording.

    Get a license or do not sample. We do not see this as stifling creativity in any significant way. It must be remembered that if an artist wants to incorporate a “riff” from another work in his or her recording, he is free to duplicate the sound of that “riff” in the studio. Second, the market will control the license price and keep it within bounds. The sound recording copyright holder cannot exact a license fee greater than what it would cost the person seeking the license to just duplicate the sample in the course of making the new recording. Third, sampling is never accidental. It is not like the case of a composer who has a melody in his head, perhaps not even realizing that the reason he hears this melody is that it is the work of another which he had heard before. When you sample a sound recording you know you are taking another’s work product.

    This case also illustrates the kind of mental, musicological, and technological gymnastics that would have to be employed if one were to adopt a de minimis or substantial similarity analysis. The district judge did an excellent job of navigating these troubled waters, but not without dint of great effort. When one considers that he has hundreds of other cases all involving different samples from different songs, the value of a principled bright-line rule becomes parent. We would want to emphasize, however, that considerations of judicial economy are not what drives this opinion. If any consideration of economy is involved it is that of the music industry. As this case and other companion cases make clear, it would appear to be cheaper to license than to litigate.

    When the court emphasizes that its decision is not “driven by consideration of judicial economy” or that it did not “pull this interpretation out of thin air,” perhaps it deserves a closer look at where this rule is efficient.
    To some extent, the Bridgeport decision only codifies current industry practice, which requires clearance of any recognizable sample, regardless of whether the use might be allowed as de minimis taking or as fair use under copyright law.49 This ad hoc licensing regime is inefficient, time consuming and expensive. A single use of a three-second sample in a new major label recording may cost $1500 in recording license fee.2 A sampling artist may expect to pay up to $5000 for a looped sample of three seconds or less. 51 A looped sample greater than three seconds can run into the tens of thousands of dollars.52 Licensing of a musical composition may typically require the author of the derivative work to turn over between 15% and 66% the new work’s musical composition copyright to the sampled work’s author. This is charged to the sampling artist as an advance on payment of royalties.53 The sample clearance budget for a major label hip-hop album typically accounts for $60,000 of a $300,000 recording budget.54
    These figures are only approximate industry averages. Individual copyright owners may choose to license samples at significantly higher rates or hold out from allowing their material to be sampled at all. A bright-line rule and risk-averse attitude towards small samples may encourage rent seeking from copyright owners. The ad hoc licensing regime has had a distinct effect on the development of music that relies on sampling. A work incorporating samples does not stand in as a substitute for the sampled work. Sampling may not harm the market for the original recording. In fact, the practice of sampling may lead to a demonstrable increase in demand for works that have been sampled.55
    Although the Sixth Circuit is convinced that its bright line rule will have no discernable effect on creativity, some of the more prominent users of sampling have changed the way they create music because of the requirement to clear each and every sample. On “Paul’s Boutique,” released in 1989, the Beastie Boys pioneered the use of dense sampling. However, subsequent Beastie Boys albums have not followed this same technique, because of the high transaction costs necessary for a label to clear the work for release. “We can’t just go crazy and sample everything and anything… It’s limiting the sense that if we’re going to grab a two-bar section of something now, we’re going to have to think about how much we really need it.”56 In addition to expense, these requirements force artists to spend time cataloging each use of a sample within a recorded work, “It’s very tedious. We have to sit there and basically break out every single component of every track that we do and make a list of the sources for everything.”57 Chuck D of Public Enemy found that the sample clearance process forced the group to change its sound:

    Public Enemy’s music was affected more than anybody’s because we were taking thousands of sounds. If you separated the sounds, they wouldn’t have been anything–they were unrecognizable. The sounds were all collaged together to make a sonic wall. Public Enemy was affected because it is too expensive to defend against a claim. So we had to change our whole style, the style of It Takes a Nation and Fear of a Black Planet, by 1991.58

    The Sixth Circuit attempted to mitigate the harsh effects of its ruling by noting that “there is a large body of pre-1971 sound recordings that is not protected and is up for grabs as far as sampling is concerned.”60 Prior to 1972, Federal Copyright law did not protect sound recordings. However, not all pre-1972 sound recordings are in the public domain. Rather, these recordings are protected by a variety of state statutory and common law copyright regimes.
    In order to use a sample from a pre-1972 recording without infringing, a sampler will first need to determine whether a pre-1972 recording is subject to state or common law copyright and navigate the confusing and contradictory realms of state copyright law. Until 2067, when federal copyright law will preempt state copyright law, the status of public domain recorded music. 61 The public domain provides few viable alternatives for samplers seeking to avoid the information burden and high transaction costs of licensed sampling.
    (These last few paragraphs are pulled directly from a short and generally mediocre law school seminar paper, hence the footnotes with the funky numbering.)
    Further reading:
    William Patry: The Sixth Circuit Reaffirms Controversial Sound Recording Opinion:

    The original panel opinion, as well as Friday’s, are controversial, for at least two reasons. First, the panel adopts a different approach to infringement of a musical composition embodied in a phonorecord than for infringement of the sound recording embodied in that same phonorecord; second, the difference lies in the lack of any requirement of even a de mininis taking for sound recordings. (While finding that a sampling of three notes was infringement, the court demurred on whether sampling of one note would be. I fail to see any basis in the court’s reasoning for excusing the taking of one note when three is infringement).

    Cathy Kirkman: Digital sound sampling = infringement:

    The 6th Circuit has issued an amended opinion in the sampling case of Bridgeport Music, Inc., v. Dimension Films, which confirms the court’s earlier decision last fall and further clarifies its reasoning. The court adopted a “bright-line” rule for sampling of digital music, holding that all digital copying of sound recordings constitutes infringement, subject to any affirmative defenses such as fair use.

    Ernest Miller, 6th Cir. Reaffirms – No De Minimis Defense in Copying Sound Recordings:

    Congress thought it was being clever when it created a mechanical compulsory license for the creation of phonorecords in order to solve the potential monopoly problem in player piano rolls. But then technology changed, and one could record sound recordings and not simply holes in a roll of paper. This changed the industry even more dramatically (not to mention the advent of broadcast radio), and things got messy.

    49 Josh Norek, Comment: “You Can’t Sing without the Bling”: The Toll of Excessive Sample License Fees on Creativity in
    Hip-Hop Music and the Need for a Compulsory Sound Recording Sample License System 11 UCLA ENT. L. REV. 83, 89
    50 Id.
    51 Id.
    52 Id.
    53 Id. at 90.
    54 Id.
    55 See Henry Self, Comment, Digital Sampling, a Cultural Perspective, 9 UCLA ENT. L. REV. 347 (2002); Chris Johnstone, Note, Underground Appeal: A Sample of the Chronic Questions in Copyright Law Pertaining to the Transformative Use of Digital Music in a Civil Society, 77 S. CAL. L. REV. 397, 402 (Jan. 2004)
    56 Eric Steuer, The Remix Masters, WIRED, November 2004.
    57 Id.
    58 Kembrew McLeod, How Copyright Law Changed Hip Hop, STAY FREE!, June 2004, at
    <www.stayfreemagazine.org/archives/…> last accessed Dec. 14, 2004).
    59 See Why Sampling Law Needs to Change, DOWNHILL BATTLE, at
    <www.downhillbattle.org/3notes/sa…> (last accessed Dec. 14, 2004).
    60 393 F.3d at 401
    61 See 17 U.S.C. §301(c), Capitol Records v. Naxos, 372 F.3d 471 (2d Cir., Jun 21, 2004).

  • Washingtonienne Privacy Lawsuit

    Julie Hilden: Are Accounts of Consensual Sex a Violation of Privacy Rights? The Lawsuit Against the Blogger “Washingtonienne”:

    Jessica Cutler – better known as ‘Washingtonienne’ — achieved notoriety with a web log (‘blog’) about her sexual exploits, written while she was a staffer for U.S. Senator Michael DeWine of Ohio. When her identity became known, Cutler was fired – but also got what was reportedly a six-figure contract to write a novel, and an offer to pose for Playboy.
    The novel, The Washingtonienne, is out now, and Cutler is doing readings. But her life isn’t entirely carefree: Cutler still faces an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit, filed last month by Robert Steinbuch, a staff attorney for DeWine.

  • Apple sued, again

    News.com reports: Apple sued over iTunes interface:

    A Vermont company has sued Apple Computer, alleging that the interface for iTunes infringes on its patent.
    Contois Music & Technology filed suit last week in U.S. District Court in Vermont, alleging that Apple’s actions are ‘irreparably’ damaging Contois. The company seeks a preliminary and permanent injunction, as well as unspecified damages, according to the lawsuit. Contois is also charging that Apple’s patent infringement is willful, and is asking the court to take this into account in calculating damages by tripling the amount it would otherwise award.

  • Scanning and infringing?

    The Chronicle of Higher Education reports: Publishers’ Group Asks Google to Stop Scanning Copyrighted Works for 6 Months: “The Association of American Publishers has asked Google to stop scanning copyrighted books published by the association’s members for at least six months while the company answers questions about whether its plan to scan millions of volumes in five major research libraries complies with copyright law.”

  • Miscellaneous Links

    Here are some miscellaneous links that have been sitting in my “to blog” pile for well over a month now. For most of these, I’ve forgotten the context in which I planned to write about them, so here there are in one big jumble:
    Academic Papers
    Siva Vaidhyanathan, Celestial Jukebox: The Paradox of Intellectual Property, he American Scholar, Vol. 74, No. 2, Spring 2005

    Intellectual property law is both stronger than ever before and weaker than ever before. This article examines some recent works in the field and argues that a complete picture of the field can only emerge when scholars take an ecological, global look at it.

    Lawrence Solum, The Future of Copyright:

    Sometimes technological change is so profound that it rocks the foundations of an entire body of law. Peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing systems – Napster, Gnutella, KaZaA, Grokster, and Freenet3 – are mere symptoms of a set of technological innovations that have set in motion an ongoing process of fundamental changes in the nature of copyright law. The video tape recorder begat the Sony substantial noninfringing use defense. The digital cassette recorder begat the Audio Home Recording Act. The internet begat the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Napster begat Napster. We see the law morph right in front of our eyes, but its ultimate form is still obscure. As a consequence, the future of copyright is up for grabs. We live in a magical, exhilarating, and frightening time: Many alternative copyfutures shimmer on the horizon, sometimes coming into sharper focus and sometimes fading away

    Ian Kerr and Janey Bailey, The Implications of Digital Rights Management for Privacy and Freedom of Expression, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Vol. 2, 2004

    This paper aims to examine some of the broader social consequences of enabling digital rights management. The authors suggest that the current, mainstream orientation of digital rights management systems could have the effect of shifting certain public powers into the invisible hands of private control. Focusing on two central features of digital rights management – their surveillance function and their ability to unbundle copyrights into discrete and custom-made products – the authors conclude that a promulgation of the current use of digital rights management has the potential to seriously undermine our fundamental public commitments to personal privacy and freedom of expression.

    J. Cam Barker, Grossly Excessive Penalties in the Battle Against Illegal File-Sharing: The Troubling Effects of Aggregating Minimum Statutory Damages for Copyright Infringement

    In this paper, I argue that there is a constitutional right to not have a highly punitive statutory damage award stacked hundreds or thousands of times over for similar, low-reprehensibility misconduct. I point to the rationale behind criminal law’s single-larceny doctrine, identify the concept of wholly proportionate reprehensibility, and use this to explain why the massive aggregation of statutory damage awards can violate substantive due process.
    I conclude that massively aggregated awards of even the minimum statutory damages for illegal file-sharing will impose huge penalties and can be constitutionally infirm like the punitive damage award of Gore itself. Yet practical and institutional reasons will likely make this norm underenforced by the courts, pointing to Congress as the actor that should modify copyright law to remove the possibility of grossly excessive punishment.

    Uli Widmaier, Use, Liability and the Structure of Trademark Law

    Trademark law is in trouble. Six years ago, Professor Lemley
    diagnosed the “death of common sense” in the courts’ interpretations of
    the modern Lanham Act. Unfortunately, his assessment has proven only
    too true. Instead of a unified and well-integrated body of doctrine
    sensibly covering all aspects of commerce, the courts have over the past
    several years created a specialized “law of the horse” that applies to
    prevalent fact patterns arising in the Internet context. This species of
    mutant trademark law has “loosed trademark law from its traditional
    economic moorings” and drastically, unjustifiably extended its reach.

    Justice Talking: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing, a podcast with Dean Garfield (VP of Legal Affairs, MPAA) and Kembrew McLeod (author, Freedom of Expression).
    Jeff Tweedy + Lawrence Lessig in conversation with Steven Johnson, Who Owns Culture?.
    Other Articles and Blog Posts
    Mark Pesce wonders if piracy is good:

    1. How Battlestar Galactica Killed Broadcast TV:
      > Audiences are technically savvy these days; they can and will find a way to get any television programming they desire. They don’t want to pay for it, they don’t want it artificially crippled with any digital rights management technologies – they just want to watch it. Now. This is the way that half a century of television and a decade of the Web has conditioned them to behave.

    2. The New laws of Television:
      > There are two principle components of the new value chain of television hyperdistribution: the producer and the advertiser. An advertising agency is likely acting as an intermediary between these two, connecting producers to advertisers, working out the demographic appeal of particular programs, and selling ad payload into those programs; this is a role they already fulfill – although at present they work with the broadcast networks rather than the producers. There is no role for a broadcaster in this value chain; the audience has abandoned the broadcaster in favor of a direct relationship with the program provider. That said, the broadcasters are uniquely qualified to transform themselves into highly specialized advertising agencies, connecting advertisers to producers; this is something they already excel at.

    Chris Anderson, The Long Tail: The Dangers of “Headism”: “For too long we’ve viewed the economics of the entertainment industry through the lens of hits and stars, studios and networks. Just as we are recognizing that the Long Tail is a huge and growing market that was hidden by the scarcity economics of the old distribution systems, we’re starting to realize the nature of the goods, the participants and the incentives in this new market are also different.”
    William Patry: Destruction of Works of Visual Art: “On May 13, 2005, Judge Deborah Batts issued her fourth opinion in Board of Managers of Soho Int’l Arts Condominium v. City of New York et al…. The case raises important issues in perennial battles over public art, in particular whether works of art must remain publicly installed, as well as the perennial battle between art and commerce given the desire of the building owners to use the space for advertising”
    Eric Goldman: Billboards in Space “I’m a little late blogging on this, but the FAA has proposed regulations to prohibit billboards in space. Comments are due by July 18.”
    Covington & Burling: Employee Blogging:

    Employers have good reason to be concerned about employee blogs. Blogging’s informal, damn-the-torpedoes style and penchant for contentious issues, coupled with the Internet’s immense reach and the ability to cache and save published comments, make it easy for blogs to run afoul of defamation, copyright, privacy, trade secret and similar laws. Blogging may increase the risk that employees will breach confidentiality obligations, whether inadvertently or by design, and that an employer’s network could be exposed to security threats from third parties. It’s even possible that employers could be found vicariously liable for employee blogs originating in the workplace, on the theory that the employer provided the means to blog but failed to exercise control. Indeed, the mere tolerance of workplace blogging could be viewed as a corporate endorsement of the blog’s content. So, given all that, what – if anything – should employers do about employee blogging?

  • It’s on

    Kevin called me out for the latest blog music meme, and since, “when somebody challenges you to [blog], you have to [blog] back at them, or else they’ll think you’re weak,” it’s on. See You Got F’d In The A
    The questions

    — what is my total volume of music
    — what is the last CD I bought
    — what song is playing right now
    — what five songs do I listen to a lot because they are special to me
    — five people I’m passing the musical baton to

    Total volume of music
    4083 songs, 15.3 days, 23.59 GB in iTunes, with a bunch of CD’s still yet to rip into iTunes.
    what is the last CD I bought
    The last album I bought was Beck Guero as a download on iTunes. The last album I added to iTunes from CD was The Walk Ons EP. I’m not sure what was the last album I actually bought on CD. The most recent albums I added to iTunes were downloads from the Live Music Archive at the Internet Archive– Soulive 2003-02-19 Mercury Lounge and The Ditty Bops 2005-02-25 Cafe Du Nord.
    what song is playing right now
    Three songs have played while I’ve been writing this entry:
    James Carter, “Freedom Jazz Dance,” Live at Baker’s Keyboard Lounge
    Bloc Party, “Like Eating Glass,” Silent Alarm
    Chris Potter, “Boogie Stop Shuffle,” Lift: Live at the Village Vanguard
    what five songs do I listen to a lot because they are special to me
    These aren’t so much songs that I listen to a lot because they are special, but songs that are in my songs most listened to in iTunes that I can explain why they are in the most played.
    Morphine, Buena, Cure for Pain. It’s a great song, which I listened to a ridiculous number of times to learn very quickly so as to not embarrass myself when sitting in.
    Beck, Where It’s At (Makeout City), Sessions at West 54th. This is one of the most ridiculous version (in a good way) of a great song that always puts me in a good mood.
    U2, I Will Follow, Live Under the Brooklyn Bridge. After playing through the songs from the new album, U2 broke into two older songs, Beautiful Day and I Will Follow, and the crowd went nuts. I Will Follow is such a perfect rock song and U2 pulls it off with such a rock and roll swagger that is mostly captured on this recording.
    David Binney, Frez, Welcome to Life. My favorite track from one of my two favorite jazz albums of 2004. It builds slowly and covers a lot of ground.
    Agents of Good Roots, Radio King, Needle and Thread, various live recordings. This is a very unique song and probably the one I’ve heard the most different versions of (from the original artist) and enjoyed every single version.
    Unfortunately, there is no way to see what the most frequently played songs are in iTunes within the last month or two, only since the first use of iTunes.
    five people I’m passing the musical baton to
    Do I have to? Are there even 5 people reading this?

  • Knock it off

    The New York Times looks at the experience of a trendy handbag designer whose design was ripped off by a mass market competitor at a low price: That Looks Familiar. Didn’t I Design It?: “A quick Internet search revealed that, in its winter line, Abercrombie & Fitch was also selling a cable-knit held together with wooden dowels and bedecked in preppy-looking ribbons. To the untrained eye, the bag was identical to those made by [Nicole] Dreyfuss’s company, Margaret Nicole of Manhattan. There was just one glaring distinction: the price.”
    At The Trademark Blog, Glenn Mitchell advises knock-off designers: Can I Knock-Off the Louis Vuitton Cherry Blossom Bag?: “Coming close to a popular design without going over the line is no assurance that the subject of your sincere flattery will not bring all its might and main to make you stop, and that you might not have the wherewithal to withstand such an assault. Nevertheless, here are some general guidelines to follow in creating a lawful imitation (bearing in mind that every situation is unique).”

  • No Grokster, yet

    Who would think that no news would be such big news? Internet law will have to wait again for its big day in Court, as the Court decided six “second tier” cases, while holding off on Grokster and Brand X as well as the other big cases: Kelo (takings); Van Orden and McCreary County(10 Commandments). Even without a decision, the press and blogosphere are buzzing in anticipation.
    The NY Times looks at some predictions: The Court of Online Opinion Has Its Say on File Sharing: “Most believe that the Supreme Court will send the case back to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which upheld a lower court’s decision against MGM and its fellow petitioners last August. Others think that the Supreme Court will side cleanly with the industry. Only a plucky minority said the high court would unequivocally side with the software companies.”
    News.com reports: Justices to rule on fate of file swapping: “It’s been 21 years since the last case of this nature reached the Supreme Court,” said Raymond van Dyke, a Washington, D.C.-based copyright attorney. “It shows the change in technology since then, and is an indication that some new directive may be needed.”
    Eric Goldman predicts that Grokster–and all of us–lose eventually.
    Denise Howell answers some questions and suggests links to facilitate your appreciation and understanding of the case. I’ll also shamelessly link again to my March podcast about the Circuit court arguments and decision in Grokster.
    Finally, Dahlia Lithwick takes An Inside Look at Supreme Court Decision-Making.

  • Lost in translation

    If you fly very infrequently (maybe once a year) and one of the television shows you watch regularly is Lost, flying might be a very nerve-wracking experience. Hypothetically, of course.
    At least I didn’t fly on Oceanic Airlines

  • Brand X

    Forbes looks at what is at stake in Brand X: The Cable Question: “When the U.S. Supreme Court releases its decision on Federal Communications Commission vs. Brand X Internet later this month, it may radically change how businesses sell high-speed Internet access. ”
    my detritus on oral arguments in Grokster and Brand X: <a href=“http://mydetritus.blogspot.com/2005/06/note-to-self.html"Note to self: “I was one of the lucky law students in attendance at oral arguments on March 29th.”

  • Nimmer on Nimmer

    The Silicon Valley Media Law Blog: : catches up with David Nimmer, copyright treatise author.

  • The indecency front

    In the Washington Post, Adam Thierer, a fellow at the The Progress and Freedom Foundation (who doesn’t like progress or freedom?) advocates against extending indecency regulations to cable and satellite:

    A troubling shift is underway in how lawmakers censor media in this country. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), chairmen of the Senate and House commerce committees, as well as Kevin Martin, the new head of the Federal Communications Commission, are proposing to broaden federal broadcast “indecency” regulations to cover cable and satellite television.

    Boston Phoenix: The next great indecency threat: “The government’s war against what it calls ‘indecency’ has taken a new and dangerous turn. Since the 1920s, regulators have imposed content restrictions under the theory that broadcasters have been licensed to use a scarce, publicly owned resource: the AM and FM frequencies used by radio stations, and the VHF and UHF bands that accommodate over-the-air TV channels. Rules that punish broadcasters for indecent content… may strike many of us as puerile and unnecessary.”
    Of course, legislators may have trouble proving that even limiting indecency on cable and satellite are the least speech-restrictive means to limiting the spread of “indecent programming.” Both cable and satellite are access-controlled media that empower the individual subscriber to control what channels are available in the subscriber’s house.
    Esquire magazine tries to push back against indecency regulation: Esquire’s Howard Stern, American

    The FCC knows no bounds in its effort to interfere in the home entertainment of all Americans and means to plunder our HBO and ravage our satellite radio. Let it be known that this complaint is about much more than the abridged rights of one Howard Stern and rather means to condemn the current atmosphere of censure in which we find ourselves today living. Such an atmosphere is anathema to a free society, in which one has a right to give offense (as long as public safety is not imperiled) and one is free to disregard this speech or counter with an opposing viewpoint.

    USA Today examines the chilling effect increased commission scrutiny on indecency regulation is having on broadcasters: Indecent or not? TV, radio walk fuzzy line: “Many radio stations have dropped or edited songs such as the Rolling Stones’ Bitch. Some TV networks are covering cleavage and blurring the posteriors of cartoon characters. And even some cable channels, though free from indecency constraints, are reviewing programs more closely to try to stave off regulation.”

  • Darknet

    Legal Affairs: This Prince of Darknet: “Sometimes called the Darknet as well, the Scene is no place for amateurs. It is the cyberspace equivalent of the Barbary Coast, an untamed frontier that offers free movies and thrills for the tech-savvy but the prospect of prosecution for everyone else. And from the movie industry’s point of view, it is a financial threat that must be stopped. ”
    The article is adapted from J.D. Lasica’s new book, Darknet: Hollywood’s War Against the Digital Generation.

  • Sony BMG, EMI try copy protection

    The NY Times reports: Sony BMG Tries to Limit Copying of Latest CD’s: “Music executives say the restricted CD’s the music industry has released so far – most prominently BMG’s sale of Velvet Revolver’s ‘Contraband,’ last year – have resulted in virtually no consumer complaints. But analysts say that may be because consumers still have such an easy time breaking the restrictions or acquiring the music for free on unrestricted online file-sharing networks”
    Digital Media Europe reports that EMI is in, too: EMI targets the ‘mix-tape’ with ‘secure CD’: “UK record label EMI announced yesterday it plans to introduce anti-piracy technology to its CDs that will restrict consumers’ ability to burn tracks to blank CDs. The technology, from DRM solutions firm Macrovision, will allow CD owners to copy only three full copies of a CD’s songs, and the burned discs themselves cannot be copied. ”

  • In a basement down the stairs

    Gothamist reports on the latest closings of restaurants on Montague St. in Brooklyn Heights: Montague Death Knell: “Gothamist thought that Brooklyn Heights had suffered enough of a foodie blow with the closing of the neighborhood’s D’Agostino supermarket. Now, two independently owned restaurants have bitten the dust as well: Thai 101 and Annie’s Blue Moon.”
    Neither of these restaurants are such a great loss, but are another indication of how the Brooklyn Heights commercial district, in particular the commercial strip on Montague St, becomes more and more useless. Before long, the neighborhood will be no more than real estate brokers (at two of four corners at the intersection of Henry and Montague), chain retailers, cell phone stores, and subpar restaurants. Pretty much the only useful stores left on Montague St. are the bagel store, Key Food, the banks and Chipotle (to which I have become unfortunately addicted.) Compared with the vibrant retail and restaurant scene on Smith St. a 10 minute walk away, the Montague St. corridor in the Heights looks simply pathetic.
    The Brooklyn Heights Association is concerned about the state of Montague St., noting that it is over-served by “optical, quick-service food, drug stores, dry cleaners, banks, beauty salons / spas, telephone / wireless service outlets.”
    As far as restaurants, the most useful area in the north Heights is probably along Henry St. Fascati pizza, Heights Falafel, Iron Chef House, Henry St. Ale House, Noodle Pudding and Henry’s End (the best restaurant in the ‘hood) are not only good, but far superior to anything on Montague St. Atlantic Ave. is developing more as a scene, too.
    Small Town Brooklyn lists all the businesses in the ‘hood in handy map form.
    Title ref: Bob Dylan, Tangled Up in Blue

  • EFF Legal Guide for Bloggers

    EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers:

    The difference between you and the reporter at your local newspaper is that in many cases, you may not have the benefit of training or resources to help you determine whether what you’re doing is legal. And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn’t help – in many cases it was written for traditional journalists, and the courts haven’t yet decided how it applies to bloggers.

    This is a simple to read guide to personal publishers’ potential problems– intellectual property, defamation, privacy– as well as legal protections for the individual blogger– safe harbor, reporter’s privilege and access.

  • CueCat

    The other day, I pulled out a Wired magazine from 2001 to see how different the near future looked 4 years ago (If I had any bubble jumbo-size . On one ad on the first page, I got a little laugh from seeing a CueCat barcode in an ad– a reminder of, um, a completely pointless idea that still seems as ridiculous now as it did then.
    Today, BoingBoing links to a site that hastwo million CueCats up for sale. Only $0.30 each, in quantities of 500,000 or more.
    For those that don’t remember, Cory offers a brief history of the CueCat:

    The CueCat is a serial-based barcode reader. Wired gave away hundreds of thousands of them free with one issue of the mag, and you could also get them free at Radio Shack. They were intended to be used to scan in barcodes next to ads in catalogs and magazines, but they were most useful when you modded them to read regular barcodes, so that you could do things like build a database of your books and CDs by scanning the UPCs on their backs. CueCat even threatened to sue the hackers who figured out how to manage this trick!

  • MTAtm

    NY Times: You Can Take the A Train, but Don’t Take Its Logo – New York Times: “The [Metropolitan Transit Authority] has been trying to crack down on the unauthorized use of its logos, symbols and images. But with only one lawyer to handle trademark issues, it has been ineffective at policing its brand. In fact, time and money are so scarce that the authority hasn’t even been able to trademark all its subway route symbols, barely getting past the A, D, F, 1, 4 and 7.”
    Ronald Coleman: Taking the IP Train: “Evidently powered by the MTA’s burgeoning licensing program, it’s not a bad idea. No question but that these and the many other powerful symbols used by the transit system are excellent communicators of source, quality and all those other trademarky things.”
    Hmmm, maybe the MTA needs another trademark lawyer? (ANDREW readies resumé, plans to casually walk by MTA HQ…)

  • And now, something different

    Lately, I have been looking through FCC rulings on broadcast indecency. One recent ruling concerned the television program Arrested Development, which I recently picked up on DVD. Combine the two and you get something that is almost edutainment (except for, well, the education and the entertainment): the first IPTAblog videoblog, or, is it a videocast? Podvideo?
    IPTAblog Multimedia Extravaganza: Arrested Development, Indecency and the FCC (Quicktime, 18.8 MB, 5 minutes).
    Update (Jun. 14): By popular demand (see the comments below), I’ve posted an updated version of the vblog entry that mixes the music at a lower volume. Considering that I don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to video, any amateurish results are the direct result of that lack of knowledge.

  • Data Aggregators Aggregate Errors

    Privacy Activism: Data Aggregators: A Study on Data Quality and Responsiveness

    This study examined the quality of data provided by ChoicePoint and Acxiom, two of the largest consumer data brokers in the United States, as well as their responsiveness to consumer requests – and found significant areas of concern in both areas.
    100% of the reports given out by ChoicePoint had at least one error in them.

  • Digital Copyright, in Moderation

    The Center for Democracy and Technology proposes a “moderate” scheme for protecting copyright on the internet: Protecting Copyright and Internet Values: A Balanced Path Forward

    This paper seeks to outline a general framework for addressing the problem of copyright infringement on the Internet in a balanced fashion. In CDT’s view, a combination of robust enforcement of copyright law to make infringement unattractive and technical protections for online content offers the best possibility of fostering vibrant new markets for content delivery, consistent with innovation and the open architecture of the Internet.

    The paper essentially recommends a slight variation on the status quo. This plan woill enforce copyrights by:

    1. Punishing bad actors
    2. Encouraging a marketplace of content‐protective and consumer‐friendly Digital Rights Management (“DRM”)
    3. Better public education by trusted voices

    Ernest Miller considers the CDT approach to be balanced entirely on the side of publishers and against users: CDT’s ‘Balanced Framework’ for Copyright Completely Unbalanced: “I think the CDT report favors the stick a bit much, treats citizen/creators as mere consumers, doesn’t consider structural reform of copyright law, and doesn’t provide much in the way of a carrot, among other flaws.”
    Ed Felten examines the section on DRM: CDT Closes Eyes, Wishes for Good DRM: “Here CDT’s strategy is essentially to wish that we lived on a planet where DRM could be consumer-friendly while preventing infringement. They’re smart enough not to claim that we live on such a planet now, only that people hope that we will soon.”
    Patrick Ross, of The Progress and Freedom Foundation, finds more to like in the paper: Minding the Middle Ground:

    I remain on the lookout for those seeking the middle ground in the copyright debate, and that search has brought me to an impressive document by the Center for Democracy & Technology. “Protecting Copyright and Internet Values: A Balanced Path Forward” attempts what few are willing to do — find a balance between copyright protection and preservation of Internet freedom. I find myself largely in agreement with their stated preferences, and while I differ somewhat with CDT on how those preferences are defined, I still welcome this paper to the debate.

  • Copyright in the Chewy Center

    The San Diego Union Tribune reports that Wal-Mart refuses to print photos that look “too professional” without a written release from the photographer because of concerns about copyright infringement. Digital photos can look great, but some labs won’t print those that appear too professional:

    “Part of what we deal with is people who are erring on the side of caution, because you really don’t know what the copyright situation is with the photographer,” Noble said. “Nobody really wants to get sued or have their name splashed that they’re violating copyright, so processors are taking a more conservative approach.”

    Because Wal-Mart is more concerned with avoiding any potential lawsuit than with serving its customers, these customers are prevented from extracting maximum value from their creativity. Ofoto has a similar policy and will not print “Professional images” without a release.
    Ernest Miller asks Does It Make Sense to Hold WalMart Responsible for Reproducing Photos its Customers Want Copied?
    But this type of risk aversion is common in other consumer-oriented media and also affects the relations between publishers and creators.
    The creators of Star Wars Galaxies removed a feature that would allow users to play original music in the Mos Eisley Cantina, because of the fear that users might choose to play copyrighted songs and make LucasArts liable. Wired News reports: Music Muffled in Star Wars Game

    Lawyers at Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts envision a legal nightmare if musicians were to re-create music copyrighted in the physical world.
    “If we allowed someone to play anything they want, they could play a song by Madonna and then we’d have licensing issues,” said Julio Torres, a producer for Star Wars Galaxies at LucasArts. “We don’t want to give them the option to try, because the bottom line is, if we open that gate, they will go through it,” he said.

    Even before Bridgeport Music v. Dimension Films, the common practice in the recording industry was to clear any recognizable sample, regardless of whether the use might be allowed as de minimis taking or as fair use under copyright law.This ad hoc licensing regime is inefficient, time consuming and expensive. The sample clearance budget for a major label hip-hop album typically accounts for $60,000 of a $300,000 recording budget. [See Josh Norek, Comment: “You Can’t Sing without the Bling”: The Toll of Excessive Sample License Fees on Creativity in Hip-Hop Music and the Need for a Compulsory Sound Recording Sample License System 11 UCLA ENT. L. REV. 83, 89 (2004).]
    In Freedom of Expression, Kembrew McLeod offers examples from the publishing world about risk averse publishers, such as those who require authors to seek permission before quoting more than two lines worth of song lyrics.
    So, common practice falls far within the boundaries set by the courts. Publishers tend to be exceedingly risk averse– generally far more than may be necessary given the current state of copyright law. While court decisions about fair use may reflect the vague boundaries of the law, actual practice generally falls far within the chewy center, which results in expensive transaction costs and other inefficiencies, frustrated creators, and final products that may not fully reflect the original creator’s intent.

  • Jay-D

    Something about law school graduation isn’t particularly celebratory. Let’s see… it’s not the pomp and circumstance of the ceremony. It’s not celebrating with family… hmmm….
    It’s the fact that the next day we’re back in the same school building, in the same classrooms, with the same students studying for the bar.
    Over on the left coast, Jewish Buddha is less than thrilled with this new fangled type of bar review: Not Your Father’s Bar Review

    People keep coming up to me and asking why I look so miserable, and what’s wrong. What’s wrong? I’m still in law school. I thought I graduated already. I even gave a speech and everything. It’s summer in southern California; it’s beautiful outside; and I’m still in law school for a ridiculously long finals period during which, if I follow instructions, I won’t be allowed more than 38.5 minutes of non-study time per day. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t share my dismay.

    JCA is at Harvard wondering what fresh hell is this?

    But then you look at your notes — wow, only fourteen pages of torts outline! this is great! this is so simple! I can reference this so easily OH WAIT A SEC — and freak out. This is a closed book exam, the first one I’ve had since Civ Pro. All of these wonderful clear notes? I’m going to have to memorize them…
    The bar exam would be terrifying if it weren’t so fundamentally silly. Think about it: we’ve gone to law school for three years to learn how to extract operative rules from judicial opinions and statutory construction. As practicing lawyers, we will make our living in large part through our abilities to extract operative rules from judicial opinions and statutory construction. All good. But to earn the right to be a practicing lawyer, we have to memorize many long lists of marginally relevant information and navigate a six-hour-long multiple choice minefield. How dumb is that? Honestly, how dumb is that?

    Sherry Fowler addresses the Bar exam and review courses in a post on Legal Lies in the profession:

    We act as though it is not outrageous that after these young people have incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt… to require that they endure two months of misery studying for a test that measures neither what they learned in law school, nor what will really matter when they practice law.

    Ask Metafilter about the bar exam.
    And if this isn’t enough, A Girl Walks into a Bar (Exam) is an all-bar blog. 1000 Bars is also an all bar blog, for a different sort of bar…

  • Floyd

    Bocce at Floyd

  • Lost

    Lost, the third of the three seasonal television I’ve been following this year, closed out its first season with a two-hour episode on Wednesday. It was a solid finish to a good debut season.
    The major problem with the finale was that it felt padded out to 2 hours. The slow-motion montage of the Lostaways getting on the plane felt like filler, as did the extended comic relief scene of Hurley barely making the plane.
    A new character makes his first appearance in the previous episode and then goes off as the only person who is not a main character to go play with dynamite. Hello, obvious red shirt. The writers did a good job of maintaining the surprise as to whether he would survive the episode.
    Hurley just making the flight is almost a shout-out to TAR7. (In the TAR7 finale, Joyce and Uchenna just barely made the first flight to Miami after the pilot re-opened the door.) Of course, Uchenna and Joyce had much better luck after getting on the flight than Hurley. Considering luck, the
    The scene with the rafters and the others was brilliantly chilling. Coming after the scene where we think that they might be Rousseau’s crazy delusion. But shouldn’t the Lostaways be a little more curious about the power lines coming onto the island (that Sayid found on his way to Rousseau’s pad) and the transmitter.
    The problem with a show like Lost is that the season finale can’t really bring closure. After all, the Lostaways will be back on the island next year and need to fill another 24 hours worth of television. Because this is mainly a character-driven show, rather than plot-driven, …
    While J.J Adams and the Lost writers have done a great job in creating characters and setting up the mystery of the island, I fear that they have posed questions but have yet to figure out the answers. Lost could end up like the X-Files, which lost its interest as it answered questions with new questions (and didn’t have enough character-driven stories to balance the lack of answers.) Lost still has a lot of potential in how the characters adapt to their situation. But the writers can not go too long without at least answering some questions. How the characters react to those answers seems to be some kind of set up for the next season– in particular Locke and Jack and the hatch, Hurley and the numbers, someone (either Sayid or Locke, I’d guess) and Rousseau.
    The problem that Lost faces is by using too much time to set up the characters’ histories and backstory, nothing happens on the island. The finale gave room for some actual plot: the fate of the raft crew (and how they get back to the island), interaction with the others, and whatever new plans to get off the island.
    The first season of Lost was very successful in setting up the mystery of the island and establishing a core group of characters. Its future success will depend on whether Adams and the writing staff either actually have a master plan for revealing bits and pieces of the mystery or do a good job of improvising and piecing together planted plot points into a coherent set of answers.
    I watched most of Lost in 3 or 4 episode blocks rather than serially every week which I think is the way to go. On DVD, the show will probably shine.
    Salon.com: Still Lost
    TeeVee.org: Lost Explained: “All of the characters in Lost are in Zork. The whole show is one giant text adventure game.”
    Slate: Arzt’s History: “Ever since he uttered his first lines on the May 11 episode, this character was clearly earmarked for destruction, as expendable as one of the “red shirts” who used to get systematically picked off while exploring planets on the old Star Trek.”

  • Five Years

    Breakout the birthday cake. Sometime in May, AndrewRaff.com turned five years old. In internet years, that’s, um, carry the one, er, old. Of course, regular blogging only dates back to January 2002, so it’s not quite that old school.

  • Letters, we get letters

    And some are just plain weird:


    I don’t get it. Any ideas?

  • Latest Listening

    Last week, I bought a couple of albums (via iTunes) for the first time in about three months.
    Beck is one of the few artists whose albums I’d go to purchase as soon as they’re released. I didn’t quite buy Guero as soon as it was released, but it was the first album I bought since it was released. The first track, E-Pro evokes Devil’s Haircut, Odelay’s opening track, but takes one its own identity with its catchy na-na-na chorus. The other standout track is the breezy Girl. The album may be the first from Beck that actually mixes his sonic collage/new jack swing side with the folk/acoustic side.
    I considered buying Ben Folds’ new album, but instead picked up the first (eponymous) Ben Folds Five album. I first heard the Ben Folds Five on Vin Scelsa’s Idiot’s Delight (back when it was on WNEW, when WNEW was still a rock station) and thought, “hey, these guys are fun,” and eventually bought Whatever and ever, Amen when it was released. I kept my eye out for the eponymous debut, but even when I did find it, I never found it priced below $17.99.
    But the trio’s debut album is different from their two subsequent major label releases because of the attitude. On their debut, BF5 is a punk band dressed in the clothes of a pop piano trio. The combination of reckless energy with pop songs on piano is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the band’s subsequent albums couldn’t keep up the same energy level.
    Whatever and Ever had some of this same energy, particularly on One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces and Song For the Dumped, but diluted across the rest of the album. I never bought the third BF5 album. They played at Tufts the week it was released and the show was really boring. Trying to become more polished sucked the energy out of the band and its live show. The band lost the raw energy that it captured on its first album.
    I have yet to buy their album, but I have been listening to The Ditty Bops shows from the Internet Archive. These two women play catchy music that draws heavily on the sounds of the 1920’s. It’s fun stuff. The Ditty Bops will be at Mercury Lounge on June 9.
    This week, I also picked up the Arrested Development Season 1 DVDs, while Fox picked up Arrested Development for a third season. They haven’t made a huge mistake.

  • An Indecent Proposal

    Yes, the quality and quantity of my posts here has fallen off a bit. Considering where I started, it’s hard to believe it could get any worse. As I try to catch up with a backlog of information, I am going to be focusing on one subject for this next week. That subject is indecency regulation.
    The starting point is a paper I wrote last semester for a seminar on Telecommunications Law:
    [Indecent Proposals: FCC Indecency Regulations and the First Amendment][1]
    One upcoming post will look at indecency rulings over the last five months. Another post will examine the proposals to regulate indecency on cable and satellite. Ideally, a final post should integrate all these ideas into a single coherent paper.

    [1]: www.iptablog.org/Indecency 2004-12-20.pdf

  • Star Wars, those crazy Star Wars

    I am resigned to go to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but have no expectations that it is going to be a good film. I feel like I’ve obtained at least $50 worth of entertainment from Star Wars and Empire, so Lucas has already earned the money I’ll spend on Episode III, no matter how bad it is.
    Recently, I watched Star Wars, Empire and Jedi (remastered original editions, not the revised, special editions) on VHS. The standout feature of the films is not so much the plot, the acting or characters. The sound design, however, is brilliant. The John Williams score is as close to perfection as a film score can achieve. The incidental sounds– the noises of light sabers, starships, droids, doors and landspeeders– make the film seem larger than life. All on-screen actions are tied to a visual sound cue that is unobtrusive, but gives the film more weight than it would otherwise. The ambient sounds simply make the film seem more real.
    Sound Design of Star Wars: “In my first discussion with George Lucas about the film, he – and I concurred with him – that he wanted an ‘organic’, as opposed to the electronic and artificial soundtrack. Since we were going to design a visual world that had rust and dents and dirt, we wanted a sound which had Squeaks and motors that may not be the smooth-sounding or quite. Therefore we wanted to draw upon raw material from the real world: real motors, real squeaky door, real insects; this sort of thing. The basic thing in all films is to create something that sounds believable to everyone, because it’s composed of familiar things that you can not quite recognize immediately'”
    Reviews of Revenge are decidedly mixed. But does it even matter? No matter how bad the film is, millions of people will watch it because of the Star Wars brand.
    New York Times (A.O. Scott): Some Surprises in That Galaxy Far, Far Away: “This is by far the best film in the more recent trilogy, and also the best of the four episodes Mr. Lucas has directed. That’s right (and my inner 11-year-old shudders as I type this): it’s better than ‘Star Wars.'”
    Wired News (Christopher Null): Star Wars Ends With Solid Sith: “And so we’re faced with the third Star Wars prequel, Revenge of the Sith, simultaneously the most anticipated and dreaded film of the summer. Nearly a decade of hype, dashed expectations and Jar Jar Binks jokes have finally come down to this, by all accounts the last Star Wars movie that will ever be made.”
    Salon.com (Stephanie Zacharek): Same old Sith: “In a weird way, the story actually makes sense on-screen: Lucas (who also wrote the script, in case you couldn’t guess) seems to have taken some care this time, and compared with its predecessors, at least, the picture moves along reasonably swiftly and with an almost shocking adherence to dramatic logic.… But “Revenge of the Sith” is still crap.”
    Look at what “sith” is an anagram for…
    The New Yorker (Anthony Lane): Space Case: “The general opinion of “Revenge of the Sith seems to be that it marks a distinct improvement on the last two episodes, “Th Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones. True, but only in the same way that dying fro natural causes is preferable to crucifixion.”
    The Bink Zone: I hates Lucas! I hates it forever! “In every act of creation, there’s the temptation to keep making it better. This temptation must of course be resisted. At some point, you declare it done. Not perfect, but done. You let it go and move on. If there are things you don’t like, apply the lessons learned to your next work of art.”
    And finally, Bill Murray sings Star Wars

  • Finito!

    By the way, I’m done with law school.
    I don’t know where the time went. I still feel like I haven’t even started half the stuff I wanted to get done during the last semester.
    Of course, the end of exams isn’t really any kind of milestone. Graduation isn’t for another couple of weeks. And nothing is really done until after the bar exam at the end of July.
    And only then do I really get to face the gaping void of unemployment.

  • Copyright Office RSS Feeds

    The U.S. Copyright Office offers RSS News Feeds for the latest copyright office news, copyright-related Federal Register notices and pending litigation.
    (also posted to The Induce Act Blog)

  • Walk Big

    There are some nights that you are in the mood for a Walk Humongous show. Friday was one of those nights.

  • Law Firm IP Publications

    EEJD Blog: Intellectual Property Publications by Firm: “There is a wealth of free information available on intellectual property that firms publish each month. Below is the start of a list of links to various intellectual property publications sorted by firm. Only firms that publish regularly on IP are included.”

  • The hottest ticket

    Legal Times’ Tony Mauro: Lining Up for High Court’s Hottest Ticket: “But which was the hottest ticket of the term’s oral arguments? That honor goes to MGM Studios v. Grokster, the high-interest, high-stakes copyright dispute over peer-to-peer downloading of movies and music.”

  • 2004 Wiretap Report

    The Administrative Office of the United States Courts 2004 Wiretap Report:

    A total of 1,710 intercepts authorized by federal and state courts were completed in 2004, an increase of 19 percent compared to the number terminated in 2003. The number of applications for orders by federal authorities rose 26 percent to 730. The number of applications reported by state prosecuting officials grew 13 percent to 980, with 19 state jurisdictions providing reports, four fewer than in 2003, but equal to the number for 2002.

    (Via beSpacific.)

  • Investors Supporting Spyware

    Ben Edelman: Investors Supporting Spyware: “Major investment firms help support the operations of large US-based spyware companies. This page gives a summary of such companies and the investment firms supporting them.”

  • DC Circuit strikes broadcast flag regs

    The DC Circuit ruled today that the FCC exceeded its authority under its ancillary jurisdiction to enact a technological mandate for television receiving equipment that regulates with the use of broadcast information after than information has been received (aka the “broadcast flag”): American Library Association v. Federal Communications Commission (D.C. Cir. May 6, 2005).
    I’m on my way out to an exam (Administrative Law, in fact), so here are some key snippets from the ruling:
    On jurisdiction:

    The Commission recognized that it may exercise ancillary jurisdiction only when two conditions are satisfied: (1) the Commission’s general jurisdictional grant under Title I covers the regulated subject and (2) the regulations are reasonably ancillary to the Commission’s effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities. See 18 F.C.C.R. at 23,563. The Commission’s general jurisdictional grant under Title I plainly encompasses the regulation of apparatus that can receive television broadcast content, but only while those apparatus are engaged in the process of receiving a television broadcast. Title I does not authorize the Commission to regulate receiver apparatus after a transmission is complete. As a result, the FCC’s purported exercise of ancillary authority founders on the first condition. There is no statutory foundation for the broadcast flag rules, and consequently the rules are ancillary to nothing. Therefore, we hold that the Commission acted outside the scope of its delegated authority when it adopted the disputed broadcast flag regulations.

    On standing:

    In response to our decision in American Library I, petitioners submitted a brief, accompanied by 13 affidavits from individual members and individuals representing their member organizations, to demonstrate their standing. These materials included an affidavit executed by Peggy Hoon, the Scholarly Communication Librarian at the North Carolina State University
    (“NCSU”) Libraries in Raleigh, North Carolina, a member of petitioner Association of Research Libraries. Affidavit of Peggy Hoon, 3/29/05, ¶ 1. Ms. Hoon’s affidavit asserts that the NCSU Libraries assist faculty members who would like to make broadcast materials available to students in distance learning courses via the Internet. The affidavit states that the NCSU Libraries currently assist a professor in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department make short broadcast clips of the Univision network’s program, El Show de Christina, available over the Internet on a password-protected basis for use in a distance-education Spanish language course. The affidavit alleges that Internet redistribution is essential to making such clips available. See id. ¶¶ 5-10. The FCC does not dispute that the NCSU Libraries’ activities are lawful. And as petitioners point out, if the regulations implemented by the Flag Order take effect, there is a substantial probability that the NCSU Libraries would be prevented from assisting faculty to make broadcast clips available to students in their distance-learning courses via the Internet.
    There is clearly a substantial probability that, if enforced, the Flag Order will immediately harm the concrete and particularized interests of the NCSU Libraries. Absent the Flag Order, the Libraries will continue to assist NCSU faculty members make broadcast clips available to students in distance- education courses via the Internet, but there is a substantial probability that the Libraries will be unable to do this if the Flag Order takes effect. It is also beyond dispute that, if this court vacates the Flag Order, the Libraries will be able to continue to assist faculty members lawfully redistribute broadcast clips to their students.
    In short, it is clear that, on this record, the NCSU Libraries have satisfied the requisite elements of Article III standing: injury in fact, causation, and redressability. Therefore, the Association of Research Libraries also has standing.

    And the order:

    Because the Commission exceeded the scope of its delegated authority, we grant the petition for review, and reverse and vacate the Flag Order insofar as it requires demodulator products manufactured on or after July 1, 2005 to recognize and give effect to the broadcast flag.

    EDIT (5:10pm): My brain is fried, so here is Ernest Miller’s post with analysis and links: Victory in Broadcast Flag Case! FCC Has No Authority Says Court

  • Information Literacy and the Law

    In his latest column, Declan McCullagh considers Tom DeLay’s odd attack on Justice Kennedy and internet research. McCullagh thinks that the bug man may have actually, if inadvertently, raised an issue worthy of further examination: Defending DeLay’s Internet assault: “But there are also problems with unfettered Googling from the bench. Is it appropriate for judges to investigate the backgrounds of jurors, perhaps even scrolling through their home pages and family photo albums? Should judges scour the Net for reports on a topic rather than relying on traditional rules of evidence?”
    The examples that McCullagh finds do not lend much support to the idea that there is a wide-spread or systemic misuse of internet resources by judges, but the overall idea does raise the issue of information literacy among lawyers. Recently, I discussed information literacy and its important role in educating today’s students in a post at my other blog.
    Lawyers need to be savvy in terms of finding, using, and properly citing internet sources. Fortunately, most lawyers are sufficiently inquisitive and well-read to be able to investigate the accuracy and credentials of an internet source. In fact, because lawyers are so risk-averse, many likely choose to be more skeptical of internet resources than is necessary.
    Of course, the rules of evidence check the misuse of unsubstantiated sources. Appellate review provides another check (improper reliance on bad sources should be considered an abuse of discretion).

  • Ego-surfing

    Two of my favorite RSS feeds are Technorati watchlists for andrewraff.com and iptablog.org, because I like seeing people linking to my posts. It means that my thoughts are clever and interesting or completely idiotic and wrong.
    Through my technorati watchlist, I found a post on considering education that discusses a post I wrote in March about education, the internet and information literacy: “it’s law student Andrew Raff, who really seems to “get it” when it comes to literacy, education, and how we find the information we need in today’s world.”
    Even though I’m not too good at the shameless self-promotion (even though that is still the putative title of this weblog), this quote is just too good not to post. Of course, it is always fun to read nice things about yourself.
    According to the cool cats in El Jezel, who I sat in with when we played a show together at Trash, I am “a consumate professional.” They even have a video of that performance. (Speaking of Trash, we (The Bosch) will be back there on Friday. I will have just finished taking three in-class exams on three consecutive days. There will be an open bar while The Walk Ons and Low Red Land play before us. It should be interesting….)
    And, just because it is accurate, according to Googlism, “andrew raff is a pogo stick that hovers three feet from the ground.” (Original reference here).

  • Doonesbury and DRM

    How do you keep unscrupulous publications from pirating your strip? Doonesbury has an answer.

  • A Standardless Standard?

    I’m currently wondering what it would actually take to fail the class I am taking pass/fail (Administrative Law).

  • Good day to be a geek

    Yesterday was a good day in the scheme of geekiness, with the releases of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy film.
    Reviews of Tiger:
    Wall St. Journal (Walter Mossberg); NY Times (David Pogue). The NY Times even devoted an Editorial Observer column to the debut of Tiger: The Strange Pleasure of Upgrading Software.
    For more technical details, there are reviews at Macintouch and Ars Technica. For a more in-depth look at features, see Daring Fireball: <a href=http://daringfireball.net/misc/2005/04/tiger_details">Tiger Details.
    Hitchhiker’s Guide:
    Salon.com (Stephanie Zacharek); Slate (David Edelstein); NY Times (Manhola Dargis); BBC News (Darren Waters).
    Combining movies and the Mac, Apple is featuring the trailer for Serenity in high definition. (Requires the new QuickTime 7.) Shiny.

  • Five things

    Courtesy of Martin Schwimmer, Five things to do when you receive a Cease and Desist letter. Number 1? “Do not contact the other side and discuss the case.”

  • Analog to digital in TV-land

    Mark Cuban: Shutting off Analog TV, The transition to Digital – It’s Time – Blog Maverick – www.blogmaverick.com _: “The conventional wisdom among cable networks is that the market of HDTV consumers is still too small for them to cost justify investing in new content, equipment and distribution, which for the biggest network conglomerates will reach hundreds of millions of dollars in conversion costs, incremental equipment and distribution costs.”
    Engadget’s Stephen Speicher: The Clicker: From analog to digital: “First, the terms “analog” and “digital” are a bit of a misnomer. Both digital television (DTV) and traditional television are broadcast using analog signals. The difference comes not from how they broadcast but instead from what they broadcast. When traditional televisions tune into an analog signal they see a series of waves. These waves are directly used to drive the television.”
    Previously: I want my DTV, Spectrum Free-for-all, Spectrum Wars

  • Mmm… muckraking

    The NY Times last week profiled celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, his campaign to reform school lunches in Britain and the television program about the campaign: Look Who’s in the School Kitchen, Dishing Out Advice.
    Based on Jeremy’s recommendation, I also went out and found torrents to download the series, Jamie’s School Dinners. While I have yet to watch through the entire series, what I have seen is certainly interesting, with a clearly defined goal, cohesive narrative structure and developing characters.
    While the British are not particularly well-known for their culinary feats, the descent away from nutrition is a major problem in America, too. While the muckraking Super-Size Me and Fast Food Nation have brought the issue of fast food and nutrition to the public consciousness, neither Spurlock or Schlosser were in a position to do more than point out the problem. Oliver has worked to make British children eat healthier diets.
    The Guardian: Cool dinners: “Jamie Oliver was so appalled by the state of school lunches that he decided to sort them out.… It’s not easy providing pukka tucker for 37p a head.”
    eGullet: jamies dinners
    Related: Market Failure on the Long Tail, New Food Pyramid Unveiled. Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and POlicy.

  • Legislatin’ the Rain

    Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced National Weather Services Duties Act of 2005 (S.786), which will prohibit the National Weather Service from providing data or services that compete with weather data products from the private sector.

    (b) COMPETITION WITH PRIVATE SECTOR- The Secretary of Commerce shall not provide, or assist other entities in providing, a product or service (other than a product or service described in subsection (a)(1)) that is or could be provided by the private sector unless–
    (1) the Secretary determines that the private sector is unwilling or unable to provide such product or service; or
    (2) the United States Government is obligated to provide such product or service under international aviation agreements to provide meteorological services and exchange meteorological information.”

    The AP reports: Santorum’s bill would change National Weather Service offerings: “The bill would protect the 14 private weather service companies in Pennsylvania — including AccuWeather in State College, Pa., Santorum spokeswoman Chrissy Shott said. AccuWeather, which says it employs about 340 people, provides weather data to a variety of outlets — including media organizations such as The Associated Press.”
    By releasing data for only the cost of reproduction, the US government stimulates innovative services in the weather field. In a February article in the Financial Times, James Boyle discusses the benefits the public has received from this free access to weather data: Public information wants to be free

    The United States makes complete weather data available to anyone at the cost of reproduction. If the superb government websites and data feeds aren’t enough, for the price of a box of blank DVD’s you can have the entire history of weather records across the continental US. European countries, by contrast, typically claim government copyright over weather data and often require the payment of substantial fees. Which approach is better? If I had to suggest one article on this subject it would be the magisterial study by Peter Weiss called “Borders in Cyberspace,” published by the National Academies of Science. Weiss suggests that the US approach generates far more social wealth. True, the information is initially provided for free, but a thriving private weather industry has sprung up which takes the publicly funded data as its raw material and then adds value to it. The US weather risk management industry, for example, is ten times bigger than the European one, employing more people, producing more valuable products, generating more social wealth.

    When the public sector makes available scientific data for free or at cost, everyone wins. See State Support for Information Access. Public data is a public good. By allowing the state to provide more data, the private sector will likely become more innovative. A state-supported monopoly leads to stagnation, not progress and innovation.
    At what price does Senator Santorum put the benefits of a donor ahead of the public interest? Ezra Klein estimates $7,500: Cheap as Well as Nasty.
    Between Lawyers: Chilling Effect on Frost Forecasts
    Gothamist: Wither the Weather?
    Copyfight’s Donna Wentworth also recalled Boyle’s FT article: Help Break the IP Stupidity Pact

  • Spitzer targets Spyware

    The NY Attorney General is suing spyware distributor Intermix Media: State sues major “spyware” distributor: “The lawsuit arises under the State’s General Business Law, which prohibits false advertising and deceptive business practices, and New York’s common law prohibitions against trespass. Legislation specifically directed at ‘spyware’ and ‘adware,’ including bills applying or strengthening criminal sanctions for its distribution, has been proposed both in Congress and in the New York legislature, as well as legislatures across the country.”
    Verified Petition: People v. Intermix Media, Inc.
    Brookman Affirmation
    EFF Deep Links: Spitzer Suit Shows the Right Way to Fight Spyware: “The lawsuit is a step forward for end-users’ rights to control their own computers, and shows the right way to address the spyware problem: with lawsuits, not new laws.”

  • Health Insurance in the Ownership Society

    In his Friday column, Paul Krugman makes a very effective and concise version of the case for national health insurance: Passing the Buck:

    So we’ve created a vast and hugely expensive insurance bureaucracy that accomplishes nothing. The resources spent by private insurers don’t reduce overall costs; they simply shift those costs to other people and institutions. It’s perverse but true that this system, which insures only 85 percent of the population, costs much more than we would pay for a system that covered everyone.

    By not tying health insurance to employment, we open the economy to more opportunities for entrepreneurship. The main incentive in going to work for The Man, rather than for one’s self is to get benefits like health insurance (and a regular salary.) By making health insurance a condition of citizenship, rather than employment, we encourage individual initiative and make it possible for people to start their own businesses. Isn’t that the central part of an ownership society?

  • DeLay Hates the Internet

    The AP reports some choice comments from Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX) DeLay Continues Attacks on Federal Courts: “‘We’ve got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That’s just outrageous,’ DeLay told Fox News Radio on Tuesday. ‘And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous.'”
    A Supreme Court justice doing his own research? On the internet? As if there’s some giant archive of law on the internet?

  • More Budweiser tm

    The AP reports about the latest front in the global dispute between Budejovicky Budvar and Anheuser-Busch over the Budweiser trademark: Brewery Claims Victory Over Anheuser-Busch: “Czech brewery Budejovicky Budvar said Wednesday it won the latest round of its global legal battle against U.S. beer giant Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc., gaining the right to sell its beer under its original brand names in Cambodia.”
    Previously: This Trademark’s for who?

  • P2P and Grokster at the City Bar

    The Association of the Bar of the City of New Yorl: One Click Over the Line: P2P Technology, Grokster, and What the Future Holds, Monday, May 02,2005 6-7:30 pm. With Susan Crawford (Cardozo), Steve Marks (RIAA), Adam Eisgrau (P2P United), Sarah Deutsch (Verizon), Sonia Katyal (Fordham).
    (via TechLawAdvisor.)

  • Fan Fiction and Movie Ratings

    NY Times: Please Don’t Call It a G-Rated Dispute: “Recently the [Motion Picture Association of America] sent e-mail messages and letters to people who write online fan fiction, demanding that they stop tagging stories with the ratings. Fan fiction, which uses characters from popular TV shows, movies and novels in original stories, has used movie ratings for years as a way to help adults find stories with mature content and to steer children away from it. Too many children looking for Harry Potter stories were stumbling onto new and unexpected uses for wands.”
    An in-progress essay about fan fiction and the law is available from Scrivener’s Error: Warped Weft: Fan Fiction: “‘Fan Fiction’ is fiction written by fans (recalling that the word ‘fan’ is an elision of ‘fanatic’ is not out of place!) and set in the universe of their fanaticism. Some of these stories are mere ‘continuations’ or ‘prequels’ or whatever based very closely indeed upon the object of their desires”

  • Bloggers and the law

    NY Times: When the Blogger Blogs, Can the Employer Intervene? “[Employee/bloggers] are also learning that the law offers no special protections for blogging – certainly no more than for any other off-duty activity.”

  • Education, Access and the Creative Commons

    Last week, the NY Public LIbrary presented Who Owns Culture with Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig, Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy and author Steven Johnson. The panel discussed the value of free and unfettered access to music on the internet.
    The NY Times reported, Exploring the Right to Share, Mix and Burn

    Both Mr. Tweedy and Mr. Lessig used their talk to say that the Web, in an age where conglomerated FM radio has squeezed out virtually all possibility of hearing anything worthy and new, is where fans are best exposed to music they might want to buy. And during the presentation (which was streamed live on Wilco’s Web site), Mr. Lessig added that the decision to outlaw downloading would have a profoundly inhibiting effect on the creation of culture. He said that in every instance, from the player piano to radio to VCR’s to cable, the law had landed on the side of the alleged “pirates,” allowing for the copying or broadcasting of cultural works for private consumption. Thus far, both the music industry and the film industry has succeeded in making it illegal for consumers to download their products.

    Lessig responded: from the continuing-disappointment-that-is-the-NYTIMES department: “I’m not sure why there needs to be a NYTimes, if its role is simply to reinforce what people already think, especially with pieces like this. God forbid the Nation’s paper of record should reflect something more subtle or complex than the crudest view of an important debate.”
    Other bloggers reported the event, including Jason Kottke and Andrew Hultkrans
    Earlier in the day, Prof. Lessig spoke at Brooklyn Law about default rules of copyright in the digital age, access to scholarship and the Creative Commons project. Lessig’s basic premise is that the application of existing copyright law to the digital world considers certain uses, which would be considered normal uses of copyrighted material in the analog world, to be infringing uses, because in the digital realm, we make copies in lieu of moving physical objects around. As the cost of copying drops to zero, the law still treats each copy as if it is an infringing use, rather than a normal use. The way that we use information in the digital world should reflect the realities of the technology and encourage the free flow of information as the primary goal, not the monetizing of each individual transaction.
    The internet changes the economics of copyright in substantial ways. Whereas before computers, distribution of copies required the distribution of physical copies which have a significant marginal cost. On the internet, the marginal cost of making a copy drops close to zero. The economics of access to information are different on the internet, which removes many of the cost barriers to distribution. (Although the marginal costs of making digital copies is tiny, the initial cost is still relatively high.)
    The commercial value in a copyrighted work varies with time. As time goes on, most works exhaust their potential commercial value, e.g. out of print books. The relevance of the work, the popularity of the creator and the passage of time are among the factors that increase or decrease the value of a work. As an artist gains notoriety, earlier works may appreciate in value. Preemptive non-commercial licensing allows the artist to use his existing work to gain that notoriety without sacrificing the potential of future commercial exploitation. It also allows individuals to access the work in its post-commercial life.
    The Creative Commons(CC) project is a sensible way for creators and copyright owners to preemptively license their works to allow for such “normal” uses while still protecting the works from unlicensed commercial exploitation by third parties. Academics should be the most accepting towards adopting CC licenses, because most are mainly interested in discussing their ideas and contributing to public discourse. Prof. Lessig has decided to no longer “publish in any academic journal that does not permit me the freedoms of at least a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.”
    Unfortunately, not even law students and lawyers, much less the general public, fully understand the impact of these licenses. With the numerous different possibilities the CC licensing schema provides for licensing, the terms can be confusing. Creators will be reluctant to license their works without understanding more about copyright law and their potential options. A license that allows for non-commercial use and requires attribution is significantly more restrictive than a license that allows for commercial use, allows for the creation of derivative works with no attribution requirement. The Creative Commons licenses allow for various permutations and freedoms.
    Consider the example of the smart lawyers behind the Between Lawyers blog, who debated whether to adopt a CC license for their new blog. Dennis Kennedy writes, “The CC licenses are also very hard to find on the CC website. A visit to the CC site and blog will make you sympathetic to the arguments of those who criticize the CC licenses as more of a marketing gimmick than a legal standard. I’d like to see more explanation of the licenses and discussion of current issues (e.g., the issues Marty Schwimmer raised about Bloglines) and less self-congratulatory material.” (They eventually went with the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 license).
    Of course, parties can still contract around the Creative Commons license. This makes it ideal for creators who want their works to be seen and heard, but want to share in any profit resulting from uses of their works. The creators can preemptively license the work and then license it for money later in the copyright’s life. Creative Commons does not explain this aspect well enough.
    As businesses may be reluctant to adopt GPL software because of the viral aspect of its licenses, some artists may be afraid to use Creative Commons licensed works, because the CC licenses can have a similar viral aspect (the “share-alike” option.)
    What can CC do to make more creators comfortable with preemptively licensing their works, especially those creators who are not copyfighters? First, perhaps it needs better names than “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.” These are descriptive, but potentially confusing for artists without legal counsel and explained better as individual schemes for different works discretely from the over-arching philosophy. Secondly, CC should emphasize that adopting a CC license does not preclude the artist from utilizing the work commercially in the future, except for when it does not.
    As CC refines its pitch to creators, it will be interesting to see how widely adopted these preemptive licensing schemes become. Additionally, it will be interesting to see what happens with the first case litigated concerning a CC-licensed work.
    Related, Joe Gratz blogged the Publication, the Public University, and the Public Interest conference at the University of Minnesota.
    In a different form of accessibility, Orin Kerr finds that Amazon.com is selling individual law review articles.

  • The offpsring of the iPod and the phone

    The mobile phone companies are making noise about starting their own music download services to compete with iTunes/iPod and Napster-to-Go.
    BusinessWeek reports: iPod Killers?

    With innovative services and snazzier phones, the telecom players figure they can swipe a chunk of the digital music market that Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL ) cracked open with its iconic iPod. That sets the stage for a battle between two industries. On one side are Apple and the other tech players concentrated in Silicon Valley that see the computer as central to the future of music. On the other are telecom companies, from Finland to South Korea to the U.S., that think the mobile phone can become the center of this emerging world.

    The labels like these plans because they are not locked into the $0.99 price point for downloads or streaming subscription fees. Instead, the copyright owners seek to use the mobile download market to test out variable pricing and try to set a “market price” for music downloads.
    Some analysts are skeptical that anyone would want to pay more than $0.99 for a song.

    One knowledgeable source close to Apple says the operators are simply being unrealistic if they expect customers to pay $2 or $3 for a song, especially with restrictions. “If you can get something for a buck, why would you buy it for $3?” says the source. “Do they think people are that dumb?

    However, the mobile market may be able to utilize variable pricing and command generally higher prices than iTunes, because it is satisfying an immediate demand. The mobile download enables someone to have it now and not have to wait to get back to a computer with iTunes.
    The mobile network operators are choosing to pass on the Apple/Motorola iTunes phone, because it offers a way for users to transfer music from iTunes on their computer to the phone that does not involve the carrier in a transaction that generates money.

    Most major wireless companies, including Verizon Wireless and Sprint, have balked at carrying the iPod phone. That’s a serious impediment because the operators essentially control distribution by subsidizing phones. Why the resistance? Operators want customers to download songs over the air, directly to handsets. But with the iPod phone, customers would download songs to a PC and then copy them to the phone. “It’s hard for people in any industry to support something that cuts them out of potential future revenue streams,” says Graeme Ferguson, director for global content development at Vodafone Group PLC

    If the goal of the mobile music services is to monetize every transaction, their mobile music services are doomed to fail miserably. I am reluctant to use wireless web services on my mobile phone because of the per-kilobyte pricing and high rates.
    The iPod is a success because it allows collectors to leverage their existing music collection. Using iTunes to purchase music is not a requirement for using the iPod, but the iTunes music store integrates conveniently and transparently with one’s established usage of iTunes as a music library organizer. The new use complements and adds to the existing use.
    If the mobile music space does not allow users to transfer their existing music collection onto phone/music players, users will be extremely reluctant to adopt the phone as a music device. It would cost a non-trivial amount of money to reacquire a collection, rather than simply shift a collection into a new digital format.
    The Wall Street Journal’s Tim Hanrahan AND Jason Fry think that the mobile phone makers could mount a credible challenge to Apple, but are skeptical about their chances of victory: mobile phone challenges to Apple: Setting Challengers’ Odds In Cutting Apple’s Lead: “Phone makers and wireless carriers imagine big bucks from cellphone users downloading songs to hybrid phone/MP3 players, and think the fact that cellphones are already in so many pockets and purses give them an advantage when it comes to competing with Apple.”
    Previously: Copyright Owners and Consumers.

  • Cobble Hillbillies

    Last weekend, I came across the Cobble Hillbillies playing bluegrass music in a park in (not surprisingly) Cobble Hill. Brooklyn is not known for its bluegrass music, but these guys play it well.

  • Copyright Owners and Consumers

    In News.com, John Borland reports that record labels are unhappy that Apple is able to offer more consumer-friendly download products than the labels would like: Music moguls trumped by Steve Jobs?: “Frustrated at what they see as Jobs’ intransigence on song pricing and other issues, some record executives are now turning their hopes toward other partners, particularly mobile phone carriers eager to get into the business of selling music. They see this new focus as a way to broaden the digital music business, and lessen Apple’s dominance over their market in the process.”
    Apparently, the studios are upset that Apple is giving consumers something that is easy to use and is unregulated enough for the vast majority of uses. Anti-DRM absolutists undoubtedly feel that the Apple implementation is crippled, and there are likely a non-trivial number of outlier uses that are presumptively Fair Uses, but prohibited by the FairPlay DRM. However, the major label copyright owners would much rather see music services work like the mobile phone ringtone or mobile data services. These mobile phone services are deterrent to use, because they attempt to monetize every aspect of the transaction and nickel and dime consumers. These are generally not consumer-friendly services that offer good value.
    Elsewhere, Derek Slater breaks the news that hackers are set to crack Napster’s Windows Media DRM scheme (note that this is not the Napster-to-Go “Janus” DRM). A Copyfighter’s Musings: The Cracking of Napster WMA DRM:

    Cody and co. are apparently very near an implementation of a utility that will allow people to turn songs acquired through Napster Light (the a la carte service) and Premium (the non-portable subscription service) into unencrypted files. You have to have paid for the songs first to do this circumvention, because the keys have to be retrieved from Napster. This tool will actually circumvent and remove the DRM, rather than recording from the sound card or employing other similar workarounds to create unencrypted files.

  • Parks settles with OutKast

    The NY Times reports: Rap Group Settles Rosa Parks Lawsuit

    The rap group OutKast settled a long-running legal dispute yesterday with Rosa Parks, whose actions helped start the civil rights movement, over the group’s use of Mrs. Parks’s name in a song.
    Mrs. Parks had sued the group in a federal court in Detroit in 1999, saying that its song, ‘Rosa Parks’ whose lyrics do not name Mrs. Parks but contain the lines ‘Ah ha, hush that fuss/Everybody move to the back of the bus’ had defamed her and violated her right of publicity.

  • Solving China’s Piracy Problem

    Henry Blodget suggests a dozen ideas on How to Solve China’s Piracy:

    Piracy apologists, who occasionally include the Chinese government, often point out that developing countries have a long tradition of such behavior, starting with the U.S. (Charles Dickens was reportedly stiffed for royalties by U.S. publishers). In this view, the U.S. companies are hypocrites: Now that we’ve stolen IP, polluted the environment, and exploited workers to move up the value chain, we want to ban the practices in other countries (an argument that has some truth to it). The U.S. didn’t get really tough on intellectual-property rights, people note, until we had intellectual property to lose, and the common wisdom is that the same will hold true for China.

  • Blogs and Trademarks

    Ron Coleman: A Theory of Trademarks in the Blog Era:

    Unlike virtually no other mass publication of trademarks that is likely to interest mark owners, the Internet raises few barriers to entry. Blogging presents even fewer ‑ virtually none. Trademark enforcement practitioners who are used to the frustration of chasing after ethereal Internet-based trademark infringers are understandably aghast over the incredible ease, and functional anonymity, with which bloggers can instantaneously upload text, graphics and files, including HTML links. Blogger software platforms, including substantial hosting resources, are available for free from services such as Blogger and many others.

  • Luna

    Instead of closing at the end of February, Luna Lounge will be open until mid-June.

  • Arrested

    Arrested Development is the funniest show on television. Unfortunately, it is not getting the ratings that Fox would like. Fox cut back the order to 18 episodes from 22 and will end the season next week, before sweeps.
    However, AD is undoubtedly the funniest, most ridiculous show on television. It rewards loyal viewers by carrying over and calling back jokes and plot points. By using flashback, cut-aways and Ron Howard’s narration, AD plays like nothing else on television. As the recent episodes have become even more madcap, they have also featured some great guest stars, in addition to the regular cast members. Last week, Zach Braff played a “Girls Gone Wild-type” filmmaker. Previously, Ben Stiller played magician Tony Wonder and Dan Castellaneta played a doctor (who brought a Homer-esque annoyed grunt into his character.)
    New York Magazine: Getting the Hook: “As rumors of cancellation spread, Arrested Development rages against the dying of the light.”
    Next week’s episode, “Righteous Brothers,” will be the season finale. Hopefully, AD will be back for a third season.
    Some other AD sites include:

    Season 1 is available on DVD

  • Fired for infringing on the public domain

    A radio DJ in Troy, NY was fired for airing public domain material in violation of, er, copyright? Master of Whose Domain: “Dennis Karius, a former host of The Portside on WRPI public radio, recently found out just what sort of a climate of fear the recent media and legal attention to copyright violations has spawned. Earlier this year, he lost his radio show as a result of airing audio that he recorded off his television from C-SPAN.”
    Via Sivacracy: Getting Fired for Sharing the Public Domain.

  • The Law and Economics of Blogging

    Larry Ribstein, Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging by Larry Ribstein

    Weblogs, or blogs, have proliferated and developed rapidly in recent years, and have attracted significant attention. Moreover, blogs have started to generate significant legal issues. Yet there is so far no coherent economic framework for addressing those issues. This article begins to develop such a framework. Building on blogs’ technical features, it identifies the unique aspects of blogs that should have legal ramifications. It then briefly applies this framework to a variety of legal issues.

    Prof. Ribstein examines the legal effects of blogging and the journalists’ privilege, application of election laws, copyright and fair use, media ownership restrictions, defamation law, licensing laws, business organization issues.

  • Bloggers, News organizations support Apple bloggers

    Journalists and prominent bloggers filed amicus briefs in support of web site publishers in the Apple v. Doe appeal in California, arguing that bloggers should be protected from disclosing confidential sources under California’s state shield law.
    Journalists Amicus brief. Findlaw reports: News organizations support bloggers in Apple trade secrets case: “Joining the brief were the Tribune Co.’s Los Angeles Times, Hearst Newspapers’ San Francisco Chronicle, Knight Ridder Inc.’s San Jose Mercury News, The Copley Press Inc.’s San Diego Union-Tribune and Freedom Communications Inc.’s Orange County Register, as well as The McClatchy Co.’s Bee newspapers in Sacramento, Fresno and Modesto. Also supporting the brief were the California Newspaper Publishers Association and the nonprofit free speech organization California First Amendment Coalition.”
    The BBC reports: Apple bloggers get press support
    Bloggers Amicus brief. From EFF Deep Links: Bloggers Speak Up in Apple Case

    The amici urged the court to adopt “a functional test for the newsgatherers’ privilege that does not discriminate between reporters, regardless of the medium in which they publish.” They ask the court to “adopt a test that will not impede journalists’ use of the Internet to report news by limiting their constitutional protections when they publish there.”
    The amici are (in alphabetical order): Jack M. Balkin, The Center for Individual Freedom , Julian Dibbell, Feedster, Inc., The First Amendment Project, A. Michael Froomkin, Gawker Media, Inc., Gothamist, LLC,, Groklaw, Happy Mutants, LLC, Ben Hammersley, Joichi Ito, Joel Johnson, Kimberly A. Kralowec, LawMeme, Rebecca MacKinnon, Joshua Micah Marshall, The Media Bloggers Association, Markos Moulitsas, Reporters Without Borders, Glenn Harlan Reynolds , Peter Rojas, Jay Rosen, Scott Rosenberg, Doc Searls, Silicon Valley Watcher, Kevin Sites, Eugene Volokh

  • Farewell to the CD

    Mark Cuban: The countdown for the extinction of CDs is about to begin: “MP3 players are changing peoples listening habits. We don’t carry folders filled with CDs anymore. We carry our library in our MP3 players. We don’t listen to CDs. We listen to playlists that we adjust all the time. We don’t burn CDs anymore, it’s too time consuming. We copy all our music to our MP3 players so it’s all available at our fingertips.”
    Barry L. Ritholtz: The Big Picture: New Arguments Against P2P: The Phony Moral Debate: “a subtle shift is already underway. As we await the Supreme Court’s decision in the Grokster case, the industry — or in this case, its apologists — is positioning itself for a defeat on the merits. They want and need a fall back position, in the event the Supreme Court decides not to overturn the well settled law — ‘substantial non infringing use’ — of Sony BetaMax case.”

  • Television and P2P

    D. Branch Furtado, Television: Peer-To-Peer’s Next Challenger, 2005 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 0007.

    The entertainment industry has obsessed over the threat of peer-to-peer file sharing since the introduction of Napster in 1999. The sharing of television content may present a compelling case for fair use under the long-standing ‘Betamax’ decision. Some argue that television sharing is fundamentally different than the distribution of music or movies since television is often distributed for free over public airwaves. However, a determination of fair use is unlikely because of the fundamental differences between recording a program and downloading it, recent regulation to suppress unauthorized content distribution and shifts in the television market brought on by new technology.

    Robert X. Cringely: There’s No Show Like an Old Show: “There is an audience, however small, for just about every show ever made. What we need to do is to find a way to make the cost of keeping those shows available less than the benefit derived from people seeing them.”
    News.com: Impatient TV viewers turn to BitTorrent: “According to a new report, the popularity in Australia of one peer-to-peer application–BitTorrent–is driven in part by local television networks that have adopted a strategy of being slow to air current episodes of popular TV shows.”

  • Software Patents and multimedia

    The great, open-source VideoLAN project is threatened by software patents: “VideoLAN is seriously threatened by software patents due to the numerous patented techniques it implements and uses. Also threatened are the many libraries and projects which VLC is built upon, like FFmpeg, and the other fellow Free And Open Source software multimedia players, which include MPlayer, xine, Freevo, MythTV, gstreamer.”

  • More Grokster Miscellany

    MGM v. Grokster oral arguments (SCotUS). Joe Gratz converted the transcript into text form.
    In the NY Times, Hal Varian examines the evolution of the battle between copyright holders and new technologies: File-Sharing Is the Latest Battleground in the Clash of Technology and Copyright: “This is just the latest installment of a longstanding battle between technology companies and copyright holders. It is useful to look at the history of some of these past innovations in trying to understand what policies may be appropriate today.”
    At News.com, John Borland looks at the parallels between Grokster and the Induce Act introduced into the last Congress: Supreme Court mulls file-swap ‘pushers’: “Last week, the nation’s top court heard arguments from the entertainment industry and file-swapping software companies in a landmark review of the legal status of peer-to-peer networks. In the course of that hearing, several of the justices appeared interested in finding a middle ground that would focus on companies that actively encouraged, or ‘induced,’ copyright infringement.”
    Public Knowledge: Gigi in the House — Reflections on Grokster Day: “PK President Gigi Sohn was inside the Supreme Court for the historic oral argument on the Grokster file-sharing case. Here are her thoughts on the events of the day, the argument and possible outcomes and consequences of a decision.”
    Mike Godwin: Grokster and other matters: Since it seems clear to me that the justices weren’t completely satisfied by the answers to these questions, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Court decided to hold the case over for reargument on “inducement.” If that happens, remember you heard it here first.
    In the Washington Post, Drew Clark discusses The Battle Between Tinseltown and Techville: “Creativity and innovation aren’t qualities you’d ordinarily expect to be at war with one another. Both involve a type of inventiveness, a vision of something new, a stepping outside of mental boundaries. Yet in America’s courts, the companies that rely most on creativity and innovation are at each other’s throats.”

  • High Court Refuses to Hear Garage Door-Opener Case

    The Supreme Court denied cert in Chamberlain Group Inc. v. Skylink Technologies Inc. Findlaw reports: High Court Refuses to Hear Garage Door-Opener Case: “A company that makes automated garage door opener systems has failed to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to review a ruling that rejected its Digital Millennium Copyright Act claims against a competitor.”

  • Blog, don’t get fired

    Two guides on how to avoid consequences at work from blogging:
    EFF: How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else): “Here we offer a few simple precautions to help you maintain control of your personal privacy so that you can express yourself without facing unjust retaliation. If followed correctly, these protections can save you from embarrassment or just plain weirdness in front of your friends and coworkers”
    CNN/Career Builder: Avoid getting fired for blogging: “If you’re thinking of starting a blog or already have one, here’s some advice to make sure your online diary isn’t reason for your employer to let you go”

  • Canadian Copyright and P2P

    Michael Geist in First Monday: Piercing the peer–to–peer myths: An examination of the Canadian experience

    Canada is in the midst of a contentious copyright reform with advocates for stronger copyright protection maintaining that the Internet has led to widespread infringement that has harmed the economic interests of Canadian artists. The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) has emerged as the leading proponent of copyright reform, claiming that peer–to–peer file sharing has led to billions in lost sales in Canada.
    This article examines CRIA’s claims by conducting an analysis of industry figures. It concludes that loss claims have been greatly exaggerated and challenges the contention that recent sales declines are primarily attributable to file–sharing activities. Moreover, the article assesses the financial impact of declining sales on Canadian artists, concluding that revenue collected through a private copying levy system already adequately compensates Canadian artists for the private copying that occurs on peer–to–peer networks.

  • Google’s Eye in the Sky

    Google’s latest feature, satellite and aerial imaging in Google Maps is surprisingly fun. Google Blog describes it: A Bird’s Eye View: “Now when you type an address into Google Maps, you can click the ‘Satellite’ link and see a view of the area. You can zoom, move the view by dragging, and even resize the window just like the normal ‘Maps’ view.”
    Some of the images available are stunning, such as boats in the East River and not traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge:
    However, the images are stiched together from many different sources, some of which were taken at different times of the year:
    The Manhattan images were all taken early in the morning and the buildings cast long shadows. See Greg.org: Apparently, The Selfish Giant Lives on Fifth Avenue
    Some of the maps are composites from sources with different resolutions. One swath of Brooklyn is in much lower resolution than the rest:
    Although Google provides color images, some of the images it has are low resolution, such as for Hunter:
    Terraserver has a higher resolution aerial photograph, but it is only available in black and white:

    Additionally, the Google photos are significantly newer than those in Terraserver.
    Ben Silverman is less than pleased with this level of currency: Google’s Satellite Images: Cool, But Old “If nothing else, the satellite imagery is entertaining and I love having easy and free access to it. However, I can’t get too excited about information that is eighteen months to two years old – not in this wired world we live in.”
    Metafilter: Freaky Cool or Just Freaky? with links to interesting sites.
    Jason Kottke: Google Maps and user experience “The ability to view satellite images online has been around for years… why is everyone so excited about it?”
    The interface on Google maps is so transparent that it feels more like looking at a map than searching through a database. Because google Maps is so much faster and slicker than Terraserver, it is simply much more fun.
    Update (4/8):
    Google Sightseeing points out interesting finds.
    Google maps may increase public and corporate accountability by providing public access to aerial and satellite imaging information. Mezzoblue: Google Maps and Accountability

  • Visiting the Pirate’s Lair

    Henry Blodget visits DVD pirates in Shanghai: Visiting the Pirate’s Lair:

    The expats explained that buying real DVDs wasn’t an option, especially for the Chinese, because real DVDs cost 10 times more and weren’t even available. (The TV producer claimed she knew of a store that carried them, but the others disputed this.) Fake DVDs, moreover, often were real DVDs: The same factories that produced and shipped real ones during the day produced and shipped fake ones at night.
    This, of course, reveals one of the two fallacies in the media industry’s assertion that file-sharing and DVD piracy are the same as ‘stealing’: Some of the supposed damages from ‘lost sales’ would never have been sales in the first place. The other fallacy is that the ‘theft’ of digital property is the same as the theft of physical property—which it isn’t. When someone steals a physical product—a car, say, or a DVD from the shelves of Blockbuster—the owner has lost more than a potential sale; he or she has lost inventory. When someone buys a copy of a digital product, however, for which the owner of the copyright has paid nothing, the owner has lost only a potential sale. This doesn’t make file-sharing or DVD piracy OK—there must be some way for producers and packagers to get paid—but it does explain, in part, why millions of people who would never shoplift are so eager to collect pirated DVDs.

  • Patentability of Crustless Sandwich

    atently-O reports: Federal Circuit to Decide Patentability of Crustless Sandwich: “On April 6 at 2:00 pm, Judges Clevenger, Gajarsa & Prost will hear in re Kretchman (Case No. 04–1448) that involves peanut butter and jelly sandwich technology.  Smuckers has already received one patent on its highly profitable ‘Uncrustables,’ and is now appealing a patent office rejection of a second, broader set of claims.”
    Previous sandwich-related posts: The Earl of Sandwich would be proud (sandwich market research) and Is phone food too slow?

  • Common law copyright in NY

    Second Circuit Court of Appeals (Jun. 2004): Capitol Records v. Naxos

    This appeal concerns issues of common law copyright under New York law. The allegedly infringing works are restorations of sound recordings of important classical performances originally recorded in England in the 1930s. Plaintiff-Appellant Capitol Records, Inc. (“Capitol”) appeals from the judgment of the District Court for the Southern District of New York (Robert W. Sweet, District Judge) dismissing its suit against Defendant-Appellee Naxos of America, Inc. (“Naxos”). We conclude that the appeal raises unsettled issues of state law that are appropriate for certification to the New York Court of Appeals.…
    What may well be the dispositive issue in this case–whether a common law copyright under New York law expires when the work enters the public domain in the country of origin–has never been decided by any New York court, as far as our research discloses. The lack of a state law answer to what may prove to be a determinative question, as well as the absence of any indication of how New York would answer this question, weigh in favor of certification.…
    We will therefore certify the following question: “In view of the District Court’s assessment of the undisputed facts, but without regard to the issue of abandonment, is Naxos entitled to defeat Capitol’s claim for infringement of common law copyrights in the original recordings?” This overall question subsumes the following sub-questions: (1) “Does the expiration of the term of a copyright in the country of origin terminate a common law copyright in New York?” (2) “Does a cause of action for common law copyright infringement include some or all of the elements of unfair competition?” (3) “Is a claim of common law copyright infringement defeated by a defendant’s showing that the plaintiff’s work has slight if any current market and that the defendant’s work, although using components of the plaintiff’s work, is fairly to be regarded as a ‘new product’?”

    The New York Court of Appeals issued a ruling today answering those questions under NY law: Capitol Records v. Naxos:

    Neither federal statutory nor constitutional law prohibits the states from providing common-law protection to artistic works that are in the public domain in the counrty of origin.… Until 2067, no federal or state statutory impediment constricts this common-law durational component for pre-1972 sound recordings.
    Causes for action for copyright infringement and unfair competition are not synonymous under New York law.
    Thus, even assuming that Naxos has created a “new product” due to its remastering efforts that enhance sound quality,11 that product can be deemed to infringe on Capitol’s copyright to the extent that it utilizes the original elements of the protected performances.

    Annotated decision: Capitol Records v. Naxos wiki
    NY Law Journal: N.Y. High Court Expands Copyright Protection for Recordings: “With Tuesday’s decision, New York apparently stands alone in its common law protection of the intellectual property rights of composing artists. In a 36-page ruling written by Judge Victoria A. Graffeo, the court said the common law rights of performances, as opposed to published compositions, remain intact forever in New York. Practically speaking, though, federal law will pre-empt New York common law on Feb. 15, 2067.”
    Ernest Miller: New York – Common Law Copyright Protects 50-Year Old Sound Recording
    AP: Court Rules Common Law Protects Recordings: “New York’s highest court ruled Tuesday that common law protects a record company’s copyright on recordings made prior to 1972 – a decision that could have industrywide ramifications for everything from Bach to the Beatles.”
    Scrivener’s Error: Diamonds May Not Be Forever, But the Recordings Are!???: “What troubles me more about Naxos is that it grasps one lacuna as evidence of positive intent, but refuses to grasp a directly relevant lacuna at all.”
    (via How Appealing)

  • -sucks dot com

    “The noncommercial use of a trademark as the domain name of a website — the subject of which is consumer commentary about the products and services represented by the mark — does not constitute infringement under the Lanham Act.” Bosley Medical Institute v. Kremer (9th Cir., Apr. 4, 2005).
    See also: <a href=“http://pacer.ca6.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/getopn.pl?OPINION=03a0043p.06?>Taubman v. Webfeats, 319 F.3d 770 (6th Cir., 2003).
    More coverage:
    Evan Brown: Noncommercial use of BOSLEY MEDICAL trademark as domain name does not constitute infringement:

    In a decision released April 4, 2005, the Ninth Circuit has affirmed the district court’s determination in Bosley Medical Institute, Inc. v. Kremer that the registration by defendant of the domain name bosleymedical.com did not constitute infringement of plaintiff’s BOSLEY MEDICAL trademark. The court remanded the matter for further proceedings, however, on plaintiff’s Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) claim, as the district court improperly required a showing of commercial use of the domain name as necessary to sustain an anticybersquatting claim.

    Eric Goldman: Bosley Medical Institute v. Kremer–Victory for Gripers

    Many courts have upheld gripers’ rights so long as do not use TM.com, so this case could be a turning point for letting gripers pick a domain name of choice. The court disagreed with the PETA v. Doughney case on the argument that registering TM.com blocks customers of the TM owner from obtaining the TM owner’s goods, because in this case the bosleymedical.com site was, indeed, about Bosley Medical. The court limits the doctrine to situations where the domain name registrant offers competing services.

  • Conference blogging

    Tim Marman blogged day 2 of the Fordham IP Conference:

    Lawmeme contributors James Grimmelman, Katherine McDaniel, David Tannenbaum and Rebecca Bolin, blogged the Yale Global Flow of Information Conference:

  • Very meta, no content

    The Grokster podcast has been downloaded more than 300 times, which is at least 250 more than I expected. The real question is: how many people listened through to the end? Now I suppose I need to find a topic for a second podcast…
    In lieu of actually finishing the posts I started working on today, enjoy April Fool’s around the web.

  • April Fool’s on the Web Roundup

    Today’s Linky links are all to various web-related April Fool’s pranks.

  • Profits in the Attic

    In Slate, Daniel Gross discusses how Ampex has turned its patent portfolio and the threat of patent litigation into profit: The Profits in the Attic – How an old technology has turned Ampex into America’s hottest stock:

    The hottest tech stock in America hasn’t been surging because of what its products promise to do in the future, but for breakthroughs it made more than a decade ago. Ampex has quietly risen a whopping 2,000 percent in the past six months. It is perhaps the most extreme vindication of Kevin G. Rivette and David Kline’s book Rembrandts in the Attic, which argued that companies’ patent collections could constitute an overlooked treasure trove. In the past year, Ampex has found several Rembrandts in its attic, and maybe even a Renoir or two.

  • Blawging in journalism

    Washington Lawyer: Do You Blog?: “The legal technorati weren’t there at the dawn of the blogosphere, but by 2000 a handful of U.S. law professionals had joined diehard cybergeeks in discovering the sheer simplicity and power of web logs.”
    Ben Wickert: Spanning the “Blawgsphere”: “Nnow, lawyers, law professors, law students, and even judges have grasped the Web as a medium of expression. Message boards, databases, and weblogs all over the internet have exponentially increased the dissemination of law-related information available to the public. Material once accessible only in trade journals or law libraries now can be found at the click of a button.”
    Howard Rice: Corporate Blogging: Seize the Opportunity, but Control the Risks: “While corporate blogs offer novel opportunities, they also present significant legal risks. Companies that anticipate these issues and plan accordingly can reap the benefits of corporate blogging while reducing the risk of litigation.”
    The Blawg Review is the latest legal blog community development project from Kevin Heller and Evan Schaeffer. This follows up on Blawgcast.com, the source for law-related podcasts.

  • History and Copyright

    NY Times: Historical Epic Is Focus of Copyright Dispute: “In a letter this month, a lawyer for James Reston Jr., author of ‘Warriors of God: Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade,’ accused the studio of violating American and international copyright law by using ‘events, characters, scenes, descriptions and character tensions’ in the film that were ‘strikingly similar’ to his narrative history.”
    Scrivener’s Error: Children’s Crusade: “In a no-doubt unintentional bit of cognitive dissonance, today is the argument in MGM v. Grokster, concerning the theft—and that is the correct word—of musical recordings via the Internet, and who may be liable for that theft; and the alleged theft of ideas by Hollywood.”

  • “Dumb Ass” is not a defamatory term

    InternetCases.com: California Court of Appeal: “Dumb Ass” is not a defamatory term: “It’s not too often that the courts get to pass judgment on the really important issues of our time. But in its March 24 decision in the case of Vogel v. Felice, the California Court of Appeal has determined that calling someone a ‘dumb ass’ does not give rise to liability for defamation. ”
    Vogel v. Felice (Cal. Ct. App., March 24, 2005).

  • How legal is AllOfMP3?

    In Slate, Dana Mulhauser looks at the legality of AllofMP3: Barely Legal – The hottest trend in file sharing.: “Could a scheme like Allofmp3.com be legal? Probably. Is it legal, in fact? Probably not. Will you get sued for using it? Not likely, or at least, far less likely than you would be for using Grokster or any of the other peer-to-peer networks.”
    Earlier this month, Russian criminal authorities declined to prosecute AllOfMP3 for criminal copyright infringement. However, it remains to be seen what happens when international copyright owners pursue a civil copyright infringement case against AllOfMP3 in Russian courts.

  • Playstation patent problems

    AP: Sony Ordered to Pay in PlayStation Case: “Japanese electronics giant Sony Corp.’s video game unit has been ordered to pay $90.7 million in damages to Immersion Corp. over a patent infringement lawsuit related to a controller for Sony’s PlayStation consoles, the company said Monday.”

  • Trademarks as Keywords

    Jason Hunt and Brian Laurenzo, For Sale – Your Trademark as a Keyword, from IP Frontline magazine.

    Most recently, Internet uses of trademarks, and in particular, uses in association with advertising through the Internet, have placed new strains on the traditional interpretation of trademark use sufficient to support a cause of action for trademark infringement. Due to the widespread use and availability of the Internet, advertising activity, and therefore use of trademarks on the Internet, affects nearly everyone who owns or uses a computer.

  • Threats Against Spyware Critics

    Ben Edelman keeps track of Threats Against Spyware Detectors, Removers, and Critics: “Those who make spyware detection / removal software, or who otherwise write about spyware, have come to receive threats from the companies they detect, remove, and write about. This page indexes such threats, their dispositions, their apparent basis, and related research and discussion.”

  • Notes from a new computer

    After three years, I replaced my trusty iBook with a younger, thinner, aluminum version of itself.
    In many ways, it doesn’t feel like a new computer, because all of my same files and settings are in place. Moving files from one Mac running OS X to another is incredibly easy. By simply connecting the two computers with a firewire cable and running the OS X Setup Assistant, the new system acts just like the old system, with the same files, applications and settings. And, the new system is noticeably faster.
    The form is essentially the same as the iBook, although noticeably smaller. The one major difference is the keyboard. The keyboard on the Powerbook is significantly better than the keyboard on the iBook. It feel much more solid and the keys seem to be spaced better.
    It is very refreshing to use a portable computer that is fully functional as a portable computer, with a battery that lasts for more than 30 minutes at a time. I am not missing the random interruptions and spinning beachballs caused by a hard drive on its way out.
    The only drawback of the Powerbook is fan noise. When plugged in, the fan runs, which is noticeable. The slower and cooler iBook either does not have a fan or never had a need to run the fan.
    Now, the question is: what to do with the iBook? Its resale value is minimal, as it needs a new battery and a new hard drive to be fully functional. Plugged into AC power and a firewire hard drive, it may make a useful iTunes and DVArchive server.

  • Brand X Reportage

    Legal Times:  In Broadband Case, Justices Seem Attuned to Internet Services’ Arguments: “In a high-stakes dispute over the regulation of Internet access, the Supreme Court struggled Tuesday over how much deference it should give to a 2002 Federal Communications Commission decision freeing cable modem providers from the rules that govern telephone companies.”
    Washington Post: FCC Ruling Limits Competition, ISP Tells Justices: “A Bush administration lawyer urged the Supreme Court to accept a 2002 Federal Communications Commission ruling that gave cable companies the right to bar rival Internet service providers from their lines, as the justices heard oral arguments yesterday in a case that could determine what choices are available to broadband subscribers.”
    Wired News: Will Cable Quell the Competition? “After listening to oral arguments in the controversial Grokster case Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court stayed firmly in tech territory as it considered whether cable operators should be forced to open up their broadband data pipes to competition.”
    AP: Justices Question Control of Cable Firms: “The Supreme Court on Tuesday questioned the tight control cable companies hold over high-speed Internet service in a case that will determine whether the industry must open up its lines to competitors.”
    The Industry Standard: Supreme Court asks why cable broadband lacks regulation: “During oral arguments, Supreme Court justices questioned how cable modem service providers can argue that broadband access and Internet functionality are an inseparable service when the FCC has required large incumbent telecom carriers to sell access to their broadband networks to competing Internet service providers (ISPs).”

  • Grokster: “More important than God”

    Forget timeliness, here’s everything Grokster-related together in one really big post:

    Actual Reporting

    SCOTUSBlog (Lyle Denniston): Court conflicted over file-swapping: “The Supreme Court put on public display Tuesday two conflicting reactions to the apparently widespread practice of downloading copyrighted songs and movies from the Internet: a concern that software makers may be too enthusiastically encouraging the habit, and a concern that copyright law not be made so restrictive that it stifles new surges of technology creativity.”
    AP (Ted Bridis): Justice consider legality of sharing movies and music on Internet: “During a lively argument, justices wondered aloud whether such lawsuits might have discouraged past inventions like copy machines, videocassette recorders and iPod portable music players – all of which can be used to make illegal duplications of copyrighted documents, movies and songs.”
    News.com (John Borland): Supreme Court takes hard look at P2P: “In their questions, the justices were critical of the entertainment industry’s proposal, which would hold companies “predominantly” supported by piracy liable for copyright infringement. However, they showed little sympathy for the file-swapping companies’ business model.”
    NY Times (Linda Greenhouse): Justices Seem Responsive to Arguments on File Sharing: “The much-heralded Supreme Court showdown in the Grokster case today between old-fashioned entertainment and new-fangled technology found the justices surprisingly responsive to warnings from Grokster and its allies that a broad definition of copyright infringement could curtail innovation”
    Slate (Emily Bazelon): Grok Around the Clock: “The justices seem vexed by their choice. They don’t want to be the Luddites who killed off the next iPod, but they also don’t want to abandon all pretense of enforcing federal copyright law. ”
    Wired News (Katie Dean): File Sharing Has Supreme Moment: “The file-sharing fight reached the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, and the burning question among the justices was how to protect copyrights without restraining future tech.”
    Jay Flemma (perhaps the only writer to discuss both golf and Grokster in the same blog post): Maryland Golf – Virginia Golf – Grokster and the Supreme Court: The court was cognizant of the need to protect inventors of technology from being chilled from creating technologies which might have both infringing and non-infringing uses, but also stressed that the internet download companies were ‘willfully ignorant to and indeed induced massive infringement.'”
    Tim Armstrong: A Few Notes from the Grokster Argument: “The big issue that the Justices were wrestling with, it seemed to me, is what the standard ought to be for deciding whether services like Grokster can be secondarily liable for their users’ copyright infringement.  The Justices did not sound especially satisfied with either MGM’s or the government’s answers to this question.”
    James DeLong (Progress & Freedom Foundation): Grokster Day: Grokster was argued in the Supreme Court today. The issues are tough, and the Justices amused themselves tossing curve balls at all the attorneys, not to mention sliders and a knuckler or two.
    Wetmachine: Tales of the Sausage Factory: My Day With the Supremes “There are advantages to being a member of the Supreme Court Bar. One is, you get to go and hear the arguments from the Supreme Court Bar section. Guess what I did today! While you will get tons of info from other websites, this is probably the only place you will see someone say that Justice Rehnquist now sounds like a bad combination of Darth Vader and the Emperor from “Return of the Jedi”….”
    Harlan Yu: MGM v. Grokster: Breaking Down the Oral Arguments: “The questions they asked showed that they clearly understood the big picture and the broad implications this case has on the future of innovation. This understanding is undoubtedly good for Grokster and the Justices’ questions made me quite optimistic as to the outcome of the case. Below, I’ll attempt to break down what each Justice is thinking based on the oral arguments.”


    Chris Anderson in the LA Times: The Grokster Case’s Silent Majority: “The Supreme Court should recognize that there is a silent majority in this case, made up not of pirates or the pop stars but the millions of individual talents who risk getting caught in the crossfire.”
    Travis Kalanick in the FT: Comment: MGM v Grokster
    Andrew Leonard in Salon.com: Music rules: A Supreme Court ruling against peer-to-peer network Grokster would do more than punish music pirates. It would affect the future of the Internet.
    Dick Armey in the Washington Times: Protect intellectual property rights: “Taking something for free that you would otherwise have to pay for is called stealing. You can’t walk into a store and take a music CD, a DVD movie or software for a computer game without paying for it. Yet everyday, tens of millions of copyright-protected songs, movies, computer games and other pieces of intellectual property are downloaded for free — stolen over Grokster and other similar P2P networks.”
    Gelf Magazine: Mark Cuban on Grokster: “‘Most of the problems I have are with copyright law and the politicians who get paid to pimp for the studios and labels,’ Mark Cuban tells Gelf Magazine, in explaining why he’s waded into the legal battle over online file sharing.”
    Ernest Miller: More Editorial Board Takes on Grokster: “Rather than look at all the commentary, I want to look at a couple of places where some of the authors don’t get it.”
    LA Times: California’s Civil War: “What the entertainment industry wants is veto power over technology with the potential to be used illegally. That’s not in society’s best interest. If those creating the peer-to-peer networks could be held liable for illegal activity, where do we draw the line? Why not go after the manufacturers of operating systems, hard drives and CD burners that can also play a role in illegal activity?”
    Daniel Henninger in the WSJ: Can Justice Scalia Solve the Riddles Of the Internet? “As the berobed Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court sat pestering the suits who came before them days ago to contest Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer v. Grokster, a case nominally about the arcana of ‘peer-to-peer file sharing,’ it would have been entirely appropriate had a subversive in the gallery pulled out his wondrous iPod, shoved a teensy PodWave external speaker into the thing and filled the grand chamber with Bob Dylan’s ancient, famously prophetic lyrics: ‘Something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Jones?'”


    C-SPAN: Fred Von Lohmann, Electronic Frontier Foundation, & Theodore Olson, Motion Pictures Assoc.: “Fred Von Lohmann, Senior Staff Attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Theodore Olson, Former Solicitor General for the Bush Administration (2001-2004) and Representative of the Recording Industry and Motion Pictures Association, discuss the Supreme Court case on sharing music and video files over the internet.” (Real)
    NPR Morning Edition: Supreme Court Hears Copyright, File-Sharing Case
    The Brian Lehrer Show (WNYC): Copy-rights and copy-wrongs, with Nick Thompson (Legal Affiars), Dan Glickman (MPAA) and Joe Fleisher (Big Champagne).
    The Connection (WBUR): Supreme File Trial with Declan McCullough, (News.com), Daryl Friedman (NARAS), Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law School), and Fred von Lohmann (EFF)>

    The Scene

    Wired News: Camping Out for the Grokster Case: “Forget Star Wars premieres. A seat at the MGM Studios v. Grokster Supreme Court hearing Tuesday morning was the hottest ticket in town.”
    Machination: This will get a better title later: evolving superficial thoughts and on-the-ground observations from MGM vs. Grokster: “Outside the court demonstrations in favor the p2p technology, public domain works, creative commons licensing and the like were had next to demonstrations against “stealing music.” If that sounds like it doesn’t quite mesh, like people, for the most part, weren’t quite talking to (or yelling at) each other in the same terms, then you feel how I felt”
    Luminous Void: Oops. I was too late. “I got there and there were roughly 40-50 people in line. Expectations were that 50 would get in — maybe less, I’ve heard rumors of lots of VIP’s. So there was a high risk of a cold overnite for naught.”
    JewishBuddha: Foiled Again! MGM v. Grokster: “I got into the 10 Commandments cases, but not into either of the two copyright cases I tried to attend. From this, I can only conclude that copyright is more important than God.”

  • Brand X Roundup

    Although overshadowed by Grokster, another major internet case will be argued in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. In National Cable & Telecommunications Association v.Brand X Internet Services (04-277), the Court will review whether the FCC was entitled to decide that cable modem service can be regulated under the Communications Act as an information service and not a telecommunications serve.
    Courtesy of the ABA Supreme Court preview, Brand X Merit Briefs.
    SCOTUSblog’s Tom Goldman (who will argue for the respondents) previews Tuesday’s Brand X Argument: “The case involves the classification of broadband Internet services under the federal communications laws. The case is significant because if a service is classified a ‘telecommunications service’ it is presumptively regulated as common carriage, as discussed below.”
    The New York Times: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Cable’s Regulatory Duties: “The case revolves around a ruling issued in 2002 by the Federal Communications Commission that the service provided by cable companies should be defined as an ‘information service,’ and not a ‘telecommunications service,’ which is the designation given to traditional telephone companies.”
    Infoworld: Supreme Court to hear cable modem case: “A group of ISPs (Internet service providers) on Tuesday will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to require broadband cable providers to share their networks with competitors, just as incumbent U.S. telecommunications carriers were required to share their DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) networks during the past five years.”

  • Going Grokster

    Jonathan Band (of Morrison & Foerster) provides a helpful summary of the arguments made in the briefs, in chart form: The Grokster Scorecard
    Briefs are available from the Copyright Office and EFF
    At SCOTUSblog, Steven Wu offers a useful overview: MGM v. Grokster: Background and Analysis: “This case pits large copyright holders against technological upstarts. The copyright holders claim that new technology will drive them out of business; the techies claim that overly restrictive legal rules could stifle innovation. This is not a new battle: Twenty years ago, in the famous case of Sony v. Universal, 464 U.S. 417 (1984), the motion picture industry argued that Sony’s sale of home video systems (the Betamax) constituted contributory copyright infringement. The Court ruled for Sony, holding that there was no contributory copyright infringement because ‘the Betamax is capable of commercially significant noninfringing uses.'”
    Legal Times’ Tony Mauro introduces the attorneys: Top Attorneys Tapped for High Court Tech Cases.
    The NY Times: A Supreme Court Showdown for File Sharing: “The case, M.G.M. v. Grokster, is in many ways the culmination of five years of escalating legal, technical and rhetorical attacks against file-sharing systems and their users by the music industry. It is being eagerly followed by a range of media and technology companies because the court may use this case to redefine the reach of copyright in the era of iPods and TiVo.”
    LA Times: High Court Prepares for Case Against File Sharing: “How the court rules could shape the digital evolution of entertainment and technology, industries that have long been uneasy partners. A win for StreamCast and Grokster could force the studios and labels to work with their file-sharing nemeses or redouble their attacks on individual downloaders, more than 9,000 of whom have already been sued. A win for the entertainment companies could make entrepreneurs and investors balk at developing new entertainment and communications technologies.”
    The Economist: Illegal file-sharers under attack: “The entertainment business has long been susceptible to copyright infringement—and it has usually blamed the electronics industry. The music industry first cried foul at the introduction of the cassette-tape recorder in the late 1960s. More recently, the digitisation of music has allowed ‘burning’ of music tracks on to CDs with the help of a computer. The latest threat to the record companies is a copying technique of even greater speed, ease and scope.”
    News.com: Top court to hear landmark P2P case Tuesday: “From the smallest start-up to the executive offices of Intel, the technology world sees Tuesday’s Supreme Court review of file swapping as potentially one of the most critical moments in the industry’s history. At stake is nothing less than the future of innovation, executives say.”
    Wired News: Supreme Showdown for P2P’s Future: “When file-sharing service Grokster and entertainment giant MGM Studios face off Tuesday in front of the Supreme Court, the lawyers will argue copyright law. But the court’s decision will affect how people use entertainment and share information.”
    The Hollywood Reporter: Justices set to hear MGM v. Grokster: “It’s unlikely that any case has engendered more hand-wringing during this session of the court than MGM Studios v. Grokster, which has attracted more briefs filed on both sides than any other case before the high court this term. People are expected to camp out during a cold, drizzly spring to get the few public seats, and protesters have been preparing their placards.”
    Intellectual Property Watch: U.S. File-Sharing Case Could Have International Impact: “While both sides agree the outcome will have an international impact, they disagree on whether it violates any international agreements to which the United States is a party, and whether the legal principle of secondary liability comes into play in this case.”
    Mark Cuban: Let the truth be told…MGM vs Grokster: “It won’t be a good day when high school entrepreneurs have to get a fairness opinion from a technology oriented law firm to confirm that big music or movie studios wont sue you because they can come up with an angle that makes a judge believe the technology might impact the music business. It will be a sad day when American corporations start to hold their US digital innovations and inventions overseas to protect them from the RIAA, moving important jobs overseas with them. That’s what is ahead of us if Grokster loses.”
    News.com reports: Mark Cuban to finance Grokster defense
    NY Times: Editorial: When David Steals Goliath’s Music: “The battle over online music piracy is usually presented as David versus Goliath: the poor student in his dorm hunted down by a music conglomerate. It is easy, in that matchup, to side with the student. But when the Supreme Court takes up the issue this week, we hope it considers another party to the dispute: individual creators of music, movies and books, who need to keep getting paid if they are going to keep creating. If their work is suddenly made “free,” all of society is likely to suffer.”
    Enrest Miller takes the NYT editorial board to task: New York Times Editorial Board Blows It on Grokster: “They manage to all but regurgitate Hollywood’s talking points on the issue.”
    Doron Ben-Atar in the Chronicle of Higher Education: Hollywood Profits v. Technological Progress: “There is no denying that commercial use of copyrighted material is both illegal and immoral. Yet estimates of the cost of piracy are misleading. They don’t account for the fact that piracy fuels demand for entertainment products: 2004 was a banner year for pirates; it was even better for the movie industry, where rentals and sales of DVD and VHS movies accounted for nearly $26-billion. When Hollywood cries poverty, as the victim of pilfering teenagers and workers who live on a couple of dollars a day, it is laughable.”
    David Rowan writes in The Times (UK): Downloaders of the world unite: “But the roughly 10 per cent of ‘legal’ file-swapping on these networks allows programmers to swap code, academics to exchange learned papers and little-known musicians to gain a fan base. Why should the music industry be able to close such communications channels? Just because technology comes along and disrupts existing business models, should copyright owners not find clever ways to adapt, rather than suing 12-year-olds and fighting software developers in court?”
    Related Items
    Music and Video Downloading Moves Beyond P2P: “49% of all Americans and 53% of internet users believe that the firms that own and operate file-sharing networks should be deemed responsible for the pirating of music and movie files. Some 18% of all Americans think individual file traders should be held responsible and 12% say both companies and individuals should shoulder responsibility.”
    Randal Picker, Rewinding Sony: The Evolving Product, Phoning Home and the Duty of Ongoing Design: “It has been clear for sometime that the Supreme Court would revisit its 1984 decision in Sony creating the famous (infamous?) “substantial noninfringing use” test for secondary liability for copyright infringement. The only question was how the challenge would emerge. Would it be a re-make of Sony with the digital video recorder playing the role of the VCR? Or would some other device force its way on the stage? Of course, we now know that peer-to-peer software has done just that and that the lower court decisions in Napster, Aimster and finally Grokster have put these key issues before the Court again.”
    See also: IPtelligentsia podcast: Grokster and coverage at the Induce blog.
    More links are available from FurdLog: Monday’s Grokster Roundup

  • iTunes UK domain name dispute

    BBC News reports: Legal row over iTunes domain name:

    Benjamin Cohen, 22, registered itunes.co.uk in 2000, but earlier this month the UK domain name registry, Nominet, handed the name over to Apple.
    Mr Cohen, of Hackney, east London, has applied to the High Court for a judicial review, saying Nominet is biased against small businesses.
    But Nominet say legal experts found Mr Cohen was abusing his registration.
    The body’s judgement, dated the 10 March, states by offering to sell the domain name and by continuing to re-direct people from itunes.co.uk Mr Cohen is abusing his registration.

    In the decision: Apple Computer Inc v. CyberBritain Group Ltd, the independent arbitrator concludes: “I find that the Complainant has Rights in a name or mark which is similar to the Domain Name. On the balance of probabilities, I find that the Domain Name, in the hands of the Respondent, is an Abusive Registration on the grounds of its use in a manner taking unfair advantage of, and being unfairly detrimental to, the Rights of the Complainant. I direct that the Domain Name be transferred to the Complainant.”

  • Get your spring skiing on

    Taking advantage of spring break to go skiing certainly helped with the sanity factor. The skiing was very nice:


    Video: Hunter, Mar. 22
    Can you find the flaws in my technique? I notice a few…
    There is still a lot of snow at Hunter. In some places, there must be at least 10 feet of snow on the ground and the 8″-10″ of fresh snow on Thursday certainly helped preserve quality conditions. Right now is prime time for skiing. Most resorts can not stay open deep into April not because they lack for snow, but because the skiers simply aren’t there.
    The ski industry rewards early opening, yet there isn’t enough skier interest to make spring skiing a viable business. More skiers would rather go out to get a few turns on thin cover in November than enjoy the sunny days and prime snow of spring skiing in April.
    I am getting a sense of deja vu: Spring time and the skiing is easy (Mar. 25, 2004)
    In late autumn/early winter, skiing is one of the only outdoor sports that makes sense. In April, skiing is only one option among many.

  • IPtelligentsia Podcast

    Hey, look, there goes a bandwagon!
    I’m jumping on and figured I’d give podcasting a shot.
    IPtelligentsia podcast 2005-03-21.
    This ‘cast looks at MGM v. Grokster, in particular, how the arguments made at oral arguments were reflected in the 9th Circuit ruling. This is not particularly useful pedagogy compared with using the briefs, but it does make for more interesting audio. Mainly, this was a way of giving the latest ‘net fad a try.
    Lessons learned: 1. This takes much longer than I thought. I only managed to use a single primary source, instead of the few I planned on. 2. I have a voice for text blogging (it’s sort of like having a face for radio).
    Should I do future podcasts? That depends not only on whether I can find audio primary sources or figure out how to record interviews, but on whether it is any more interesting than plain old text blogging. Audio is a very different medium from text, and a useful podcast depends on finding something that works better in that medium.
    Here are the useful links:
    MGM v. Grokster (9th Cir., 2004)
    EFF Case Archive: MGM v. Grokster
    US Copyright Office: United States Files Brief in

  • Not the Cure for Cancer

    The new Bosch tracks are as done as they’re going to be, and sound very nice. They are Not the Cure for Concer.
    We are playing one more final show at Luna Lounge this Friday, Mar. 25 at 9:30pm. AndrewRaff.com readers get in for free (as does everyone else.)

  • Underground

    Last week was an inauspicious one for the NYC subway system, with two different lines experiencing serious disruptions in service on two consecutive days. On Wednesday, the Lexington Ave. line (4-5-6 trains) was out of service for three distinct periods during the day between 125th st in Manhattan and Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn. On Thursday, the 7 train experienced disruptions and stranded riders in the Steinway tunnel under the East River. NY Times: Hole That Halted the Subways Continues to Puzzle the City
    All of this comes on the heels of raising the fares for regular commuters. So the result is New Yorkers are paying more to get less service.
    WABC News wonders if the system will experience more trouble: Bigger Problems In The Subway’s Future?. New York magazine worries about The Coming Subway Crisis, with the transit authority unable to adequately maintain the subway.
    In an editorial, the NY Times recommends forgoing construction on the Second Ave. Subway, East Side Access and 7 line extension projects in order to spend more on preventative maintenance. Care for an Aging Subway:

    System disruptions like these should send a graphic signal to Washington, Albany and City Hall that this 100-plus-year-old network needs tender, loving care and a lot of money to go with it. And the message to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority should be simple – no new projects until we fix what is already there. No East Side access or Lower Manhattan train for Gov. George Pataki. No Second Avenue subway for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. No No. 7 extension for Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

    While the system can not scrimp on maintenance, perhaps the Times takes the wrong attitude. Perhaps thinking big and securing funding for capital improvements will also convince the state and federal governments to help fund the system. Capital improvements will help to alleviate any problems. If there was a second subway line running down the east side, then an outage on the Lexington Ave line might not have quite the same effect.
    It’s starting to look more and more like the Second Ave subway will remain only partially constructed for decades to come.
    See also: NPR: After 80 Years, NYC Second Ave. Subway Still Elusive
    Previously: Subway Centennial

  • Quarter-life crisis?

    So, another birthday…
    At this point, as we reach our mid to late 20’s, many of my contemporaries are starting to become highly successful in their professsional and/or personal lives, with promotions, artistic success, or earning enough money for it to make sense to vote Republican. Others are still reveling in the post-college extended adolescence and enjoying their free time. Then, there are those of us in middle– close to a professional or graduate degree, and possibly even more broke and more unemployed than at the beginning of school.
    So, what constitutes success? On one level, I would define success as having enough free time to go skiing regularly and the time to play music while also having the financial ability to support those hobbies. Professionally, I am going into law in order to be in a position to help people create cool things– whether those things are music, tech gadgets, software, movies, books or companies. (Hence my interest in IP law.)
    When I talk to a lawyer who has the kind of job that I would like to have, one question I ask is: what should I do to get that job. For the most part, the answer is “go work at a BigLaw firm for a few years” to get experience.” Now, I will not dispute that the biglaw experience is an excellent learning experience. But the caveat is that there are more law school graduates each year than there are jobs in biglaw or prestigious clerkships.
    Now, if this post were well-written, this paragraph would summarize into a coherent thesis and ask readers a provocative question that would create discussion. Unfortunately, these are just some thoughts that I haven’t managed to summarize into a coherent thesis. This is also a bit more introspective than is usual fare here, but since this site is generally more self-indulgent than it is self-promotion, why not?

  • Golden Tee Copyright and Trade Dress

    Instructions on how to use trackball as a method for operating a golf video game are not protectable under copyright. The scènes à faire doctrine prevents a copyright owner from asserting copyright protection over the elements that are not distinctive parts of a video golf game. Incredible Technologies, Inc. v. Virtual Technologies, Inc., 03-3785 (7th Cir., Mar. 15, 2005).

  • Fair use and moral rights

    In a recent speech, Judge Kozinski discussed a proposal to reform copyright law by changing the remedy available for violating the copyright owner’s exclusive right to make a derivative work. Instead of obtaining an injunction, the copyright owner would be able to either sue for damages (to the copyright) or for disgorgement of a royalty (percentage of the profits). Via Copyfight, blogger mellow-drama summarizes: Scrapping Fair Use

    Kozinski was pretty adamant that he thinks most copyright holders are “control freaks” who think of their creations as their babies; and he thinks we should remove copyright from the realm of the emotional and put it into a strictly business sense %u2013 in other words, the interests of the advancement of science, art, and culture is more important than an individual’s right to create something and retain control over that creation. He did point out that if you created something and didn’t release it to the public, it could remain yours forever. But once people put their creations into the public domain and make money from them, then they are subject to be built upon by anyone who comes along. He thinks that others may often be able to exploit the creator’s work better than the creator, who is too close to the creation to necessarily make the best use of it.

    This approach would make the copyright a completely economic interest and deny copyright owners to prevent the publication of unlicensed derivative works for artistic or aesthetic reasons. This approach would move American copyright law away from having much respect for an author’s moral rights.
    If Congress adopts this as a law, I wonder if owners of valuable copyrights (e.g. Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse) would attempt to use trademark dilution as a way to obtain an injunction against unlicensed derivative works and how that will affect the balance of interests in fair use.

  • Bodes well

    This weekend was the final weekend of the Alpine Skiing World Cup season and Bode Miller became the first American to win the overall championship since Phil Mahre and Tamara MacKinney in 1983.
    He won the title over Austrian Benjamin Raich by winning this week’s Super G and placing second in the GS. In the Super G, Miller tied for first with teammate Daron Rahlves.
    Miller is the most entertaining racers to watch– he is always going all-out, and at the edge of control, which is why he tends to wind up on the podium or as a DNF, not in the middle.
    NY Times: Miller Breaks the Curse to Reclaim the World Cup for the U.S.
    Ski Racing: Bode Miller First American Overall World Cup Winner in 22 Years: “Bode Miller of Franconia, New Hampshire, clinched the overall World Cup title today at Lenzerheide, ending a 22-year drought for American skiing. ‘This might be a springboard to something,’ Miller said. ‘I don’t know where I’d spring to. Maybe just away.'” Also at Ski Racing: Bode Miller at Finals: A quote compendium and Miller considers starting his own team
    It will be interesting to see if Miller can break out as a star to the general public rather than just among skiing enthusiasts. Alpine skiing is nowhere near the most popular sport in the US (though more people watched World Cup skiing this year than NHL hockey.) Aside from one early season race and some world championship coverage on NBC, American television does not broadcast the world cup. OLN does televise more World Cup events, but who actually has OLN? Not me. Admittedly, world cup ski racing on television is not the most interesting for the attention deficit set, but perhaps Miller’s win will make the American public both aware of and interested in World Cup ski racing.

  • Meet John Doe

    In the Village Voice, Nick Mamatas discusses the RIAA file sharing lawsuits and his experience as a defendant: Meet John Doe

  • Information Literacy

    As I was writing last month’s monster post about the comparative public benefit of the Gates, the Republican Convention and the Olympics, I popped onto Google to try to find some statistics to back up (or refute) my unfounded assertions. Within 5 minutes, I had links to economic reports and scholarly analyses as well as press releases and text from a book. As the result of five to ten minutes of research while sitting at home at 11:00 at night, I managed to find quite a number of useful facts and analyses.
    This is why I love about the world wide web: fast, easy and free access to information, at all times of day. Before Google, before altavista, before Hotbot, it was possible to get much of the same information in a local or university library. Today, the internet makes it possible to do so while sitting on your couch at home.
    However, not everyone thinks this is an advance. Michael Gorman, president-elect of the American Library Association, wrote an op-ed in Library Journal disparaging the character and quality of information available on the free web and via Google: Revenge of the Blog People!

    The Google phenomenon is a wonderfully modern manifestation of the triumph of hope and boosterism over reality. Hailed as the ultimate example of information retrieval, Google is, in fact, the device that gives you thousands of “hits” (which may or may not be relevant) in no very useful order.
    Those characteristics are ignored and excused by those who think that Google is the creation of “God’s mind,” because it gives the searcher its heaps of irrelevance in nanoseconds. Speed is of the essence to the Google boosters, just as it is to consumers of fast “food,” but, as with fast food, rubbish is rubbish, no matter how speedily it is delivered.

    For much serious, scholarly research, the traditional method of books from the library is far superior to using the free internet. For up-to-date research into business and legal topics, the open internet is not only superior to books, but a useful and anarchic companion to expensive proprietary databases.
    In order to be a successful internet researcher, one must have a strong grasp on information literacy. Because any idiot can put up a web page, without the editorial process that is involved in getting a book published and added to a library system, the individual researcher has to do much the same amount of credibility judging as editors and librarians.
    Last month, Stanford’s Geoffrey Nunberg discussed the state of information literacy education in the New York Times: Teaching Students to Swim in the Online Sea

    Information literacy seems to be a phrase whose time has come. Last month, the Educational Testing Service announced that it had developed a test to measure students’ ability to evaluate online material. That suggested an official recognition that the millions spent to wire schools and universities is of little use unless students know how to retrieve useful information from the oceans of sludge on the Web.

    Today, in the information age, Children are growing up in a different environment than even I did in the early personal computer era. While we had an IBM PC at home, the computer wasn’t useful as a tool for schoolwork except as a word processor (well, unless playing Oregon Trail and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego counts as schoolwork.) Children today may have access to powerful multimedia computers with instant access to all kinds of information on the internet (don’t forget that The internet is for porn.) Compare Yahoo! 1995 with Yahoo! 2005.
    Understanding internet research is vitally important for today’s students, as it is pervasive and variable in quality. While those of us who use the web far too much have developed a solid understanding of how to gauge a source’s credibility, this is something that students need to learn. When I was in school, we had sessions about how to use the library for research in elementary, middle and high school. However, those courses of study worked under the assumption that all the sources we would be working with would be credible. Adding internet search skills and credibility testing makes such curriculum more involved and complex.
    Nunberg notes:

    Up to now, librarians have taken the lead in developing information literacy standards and curriculums. There’s a certain paradox in that, because a lot of people assumed that the digital age would require neither libraries nor librarians. But today, students have only limited contact with librarians, particularly because they do most of their online information-seeking at home or in the dorm.

    Librarians of the new millenium are often available over instant messenger and can be very useful– not only to help vet credibility, but to suggest other sources, such as electronic sources in proprietary databases and sources in print.

  • Spywary

    FTC Report
    This week, the FTC released a report on Monitoring Software on Your PC: Spyware, Adware, and Other Software
    This report is based on information presented in the Commission’s April 2004 workshop on spyware and finds:

    • It is difficult to define spyware with any precision. While the following does not include all programs that may be considered sypware, it provides a useful starting point for defining spyware: “software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge and which may send such infromation to another entity without the consumer’s consent, or asserts control over a computer wit the consumer’s knowledge.”
    • Spyware is a serious problemthat can impair the operation of computers, create substantial privacy leaks and hamper businesses’ computer usage.
    • Spyware is often more difficult to uninstall than other types of software.
    • Together, both private sector and governmental actions may ameliorate the spyware problems. Software and operating systems should be designed with security in mind. The industry should develop standards for defining spyware and expand efforts to educate consumers about spyware risks. Government should increase criminal and civil prosecution under existing laws, increase efforts to educate consumers about the risk of spyware, and encourage technological solutions.
    • The DOJ and FTC staffers who participated in the spyware workshop were not particularly enthusiastic about anti-spyware legislation. They noted that law enforcement actions against spyware distributors have been hampered not by a lack of federal legislation, but rather “by the inherent difficulties in investigating and prosecuting spyware cases.”

    SPY Act
    On Wednesday, The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed The Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act (SPY Act) (H.R. 29) 43-0.
    Wired News reports: Revised Spyware Bill Moves Ahead

    A key committee in the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously approved anti-spyware legislation Wednesday that includes revisions designed to make the bill more palatable to business interests.
    HR29, the Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act, or Spy Act, is sponsored by Rep. Mary Bono (R-California). It aims to prevent spyware purveyors from hijacking a homepage or tracking users’ keystrokes, requires that spyware programs be easily identifiable and removable, and allows for the collection of personal information only after express consent is given by users.

    Spyware installed by P2P Programs
    Spyware researcher Ben Edelman released a Comparison of Unwanted Software Installed by P2P Programs: “Although each P2P installer included at least a vague reference to each program to be installed, certain P2P programs’ installation procedures nonetheless present cause for concern. For one, substantive disclosures are generally detailed only in license agreements presented in scroll boxes — often squeezing thousands of words of text into small windows requiring dozens of page-downs to view in full.”

  • CD-ROM, Photographs, and Tasini

    Faulkner v. National Geographic Enterprises Inc., 04-0263 (2d Cir., Mar. 4, 2005).
    New York Law Journal: National Geographic Wins Copyright Suit Over Articles, Photos on CD-Rom

    The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has confirmed a lower court ruling dismissing copyright claims against National Geographic by interpreting the copyrights at issue within the context of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2001 Tasini ruling.
    The opinion, Faulkner v. National Geographic Enterprises Inc., 04-0263, by Judge Ralph Winter, combined multiple cases in which freelance writers and photographers accused National Geographic of copyright infringement over its sale of a set of CD-roms containing the entire collection of magazines dating back to 1888.

    InternetCases.com: Electronic Scans of National Geographic Were Proper Revisions Under Tasini Standard

    The Second Circuit has upheld the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York’s grant of summary judgment in favor of the National Geographic Society and related entities, holding that the creation and distribution of electronic versions of National Geographic did not infringe the copyrights of the contributing photographers and authors. Applying the standard set forth in New York Times v. Tasini, the court determined that the electronic version was a “privileged revision” under Section 201(c) of the Copyright Act.

  • Info Tech Law Writing Competition

    Computer Law Association 2005 Information Technology Law Writing Competition: “Papers will be evaluated based on persuasiveness, importance and relevance of the topic to information technology lawyers, and writing style.” $250 prize.

  • Mmmm… 64 Grams of Partially Hydrogenated Oil

    I am fascinated by the food industry, in particular the use of science to develop consistent results in the packaged and fast food markets. Developing these foods seems to be balancing antagonistic forces of nutrition, taste and consistency. Now, as the public is becoming aware of the nutritional dangers of partially hydrogonated oil and trans fats, manufacturers are finding it worthwhile to develop alternatives.
    The NY Times: Fat Substitute Is Pushed Out of the Kitchen: “An artificial fat once embraced as a cheap and seemingly healthy alternative to saturated fats like butter or tropical oils, partially hydrogenated oil has been the food industry’s favorite cooking medium for decades. It makes French fries crisp and sweets creamy, and keeps packaged pastries fresh for months.”
    Salon.com: Now serving no trans fat!: “In the past few months, I’ve gotten sucked into the newest food fear: trans fat. The artery-hardening enemy du jour is a fat that’s now thought to be so incontrovertibly bad for you that even the notoriously laissez-faire Bush administration recently advised citizens to consume as little of the stuff as possible.”
    Univ. of MD Med Center: Trans Fats 101: “Trans fats are artificial fats made when hydrogen gas reacts with oil. They can be found in cookies, crackers, icing, potato chips, margarine and microwave popcorn.”
    Tufts News: Tracking Trans Fat: ““Trans fats are scattered all over our food supply,” said [Alice] Lichtenstein, a professor of nutrition at Tufts’ Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Found in over 42,000 food products, the average American consumes close to five grams of the substance a day – while evidence suggests even one gram is too much for a healthy diet.”
    Ban Trans Fats: About Trans Fats: “Partial hydrogenation is an industrial process used to make a perfectly good oil, such as soybean oil, into a perfectly bad oil. The process is used to make an oil more solid; provide longer shelf-life in baked products; provide longer fry-life for cooking oils, and provide a certain kind of texture or ‘mouthfeel.’ The big problem is that partially hydrogenated oil is laden with lethal trans fat.”
    NY Times: McDonald’s Settles Trans Fats Lawsuits: “McDonald’s agreed yesterday [Feb. 11] to pay $8.5 million to settle two lawsuits accusing it of misleading consumers about the levels of trans fat in its food.”
    After reading all about trans fat, I could really go for a donut now… hmmm, maybe not…

  • Amazing Geekery

    Two episodes in, TAR7 is shaping up nicely and is much, much quieter than Race 6 (which admittedly did drop a few decibels after Jonathan/Victoria and Lori/Bolo were Philiminated.) Also, significantly decreased usage of the word “baby” is good. In these first two legs, bunching has been counteracted with artificial un-bunches with production-supplied plane tickets.
    Are Ron/Kelly the first team whose on-screen subtitle identifies the two as individuals (Former POW/Beauty Queen) rather than by relationship (e.g. Dating, Formerly Dating, Dating/Models, Dating/Actors, Married, Parent/Child, Friends/Lawyers, Friends/Clowns, Air Traffic Controllers, Dating/Virgins, etc.) Since a large part of the show’s dynamic is about the intra-team relationships, why not focus on that relationship for all teams?
    TAR7 far outclasses any of its predecessors in terms of online video extras. The ‘Behind the Race’ segments are an interesting and insightful look into the race run by Phil and the production team. These segments are far superior to the Phil’s Diaries clips (which were somewhat interesting during TAR5, but became completely pointless during TAR6.) It will be interesting to see what kind of extras end up on the TAR Classic DVD release.

  • How Much Is Stolen Music Worth?

    Slate’s Explainer tries to figure out How Much Is Your Stolen Music Worth?
    It may cost $0.99/song at retail, but willfully infringe on a copyright and face statutory damages of up to $150,000. See 17 USC §504(c).

  • Identity Theft for Fun and Profit

    bIPlog’ Tara Wheatland explains how much of the news reporting has completely missed the point of the ChoicePoint scandal– it is not hacking, but the company’s practices and policy. Un-Spinning the ChoicePoint Scandal:

    The persons, admittedly criminals, who gained access to “critical personal data” on hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens did not steal the data–ChoicePoint sold it to them.… So what went wrong here, putting aside the use the criminals made of the information gained from ChoicePoint? The criminals did not hack into ChoicePoint databases, nor did they, by common definition, “steal” any information. The main problem was arguably on ChoicePoint’s end–the criminals successfully circumvented ChoicePoint’s “tests” for legitimacy of purpose.

    EPIC has more info concerning ChoicePoint
    Bruce Schneier looks at ChoicePoint’s 8K filing and finds: ChoicePoint Says “Please Regulate Me”: “ChoicePoint actually has no idea if only 145,000 customers were affected by its recent security debacle. But it’s not doing any work to determine if more than 145,000 customers were affected — or if any customers before July 1, 2003 were affected — because there’s no law compelling it to do so.”
    MSNBC reports that ChoicePoint data is often riddled with errors.
    Today, the NY Times reports on a theft of personal data from LexisNexis, and it’s not merely some students’ rewards points balances: Consumer Data Is Stolen From LexisNexis Unit

    The British-Dutch publisher Reed Elsevier said today that hackers had stolen identification and passwords from the government records unit of its LexisNexis division and may have fraudulently used that data to obtain further information about as many as 32,000 people in the United States. The LexisNexis unit, Seisint, which Reed Elsevier purchased in July 2004 for $775 million, consolidates records from government offices in the United States.

    LexisNexis responds: LexisNexis investigates compromised customer IDs and passwords to Seisint U.S. consumer data: “Reed Elsevier today announced that LexisNexis, its global legal and business information business, has identified a number of incidents of potentially fraudulent access to information about U.S. individuals at its recently acquired Seisint unit. The incidents arose from the misappropriation by third parties of IDs and passwords from legitimate customers.”

  • No criminal prosecution for AllofMP3.com

    The BBC reports that Moscow prosecutors are not charging AllofMP3.com with criminal copyright infringement. Under Russian law, apparently only counterfeiting of physical media can be a criminal offense. Digital copyright infringement may be copyright infringement, but not criminal. ‘Legal okay’ for Russian MP3 site: “According to Tass, prosecutors had decided not to pursue with legal action because Russian copyright laws only cover physical media such as CDs or DVDs and not digital files such as MP3s.”
    Alex Moskalyuk explains in more detail: AllofMP3.com escapes criminal lawsuit, for now

    On March 4th prosecutor’s office of Moscow’s Southwestern region refused to charge AllofMP3.com in a criminal lawsuit. What’s interesting is that AllofMP3.com did not win the case due to the compulsory licensing legislated in Russia. The prosecutor’s office affirmed that the Russian music site was distributing copyrighted music from its site, and in many cases did not have a proper license to distribute them. Russian criminal law severely punishes attempts to distribute copyrighted music without proper licensing procured first. However, Russian law is quite specific about distribution of material goods, as the law usually applies to CD and DVD pirating.

    Soon, we will get to see how Russian civil courts deal with this…

  • Blogging, journalism and the law: linkdump

    This week’s big brouhaha in the blawg universe is the dispute between Apple and rumor sites and the resulting issue of what constitutes journalism in the age of the internet and personal publishing.
    NY Times: Apple Asks Judge to Order Web Sites to Name Sources
    NY Times: At a Suit’s Core: Are Bloggers Reporters, Too?
    Politech: A correspondent’s tongue-in-cheek report from Apple hearing
    News.com: Apple goes to the source
    SF Chronicle: Legal status of bloggers debated
    Wired News: SLAPP Fight Over Mac Rumors
    EFF: Bloggers As Journalists: Why We Fight Apple’s Subpoenas
    Forbes: Is Apple The New Microsoft?
    BusinessWeek: Are Bloggers Journalists?
    Dan Gillmor: Note to Business Week: Bloggers Aren’t Immune from Libel Law
    Scott Rosenberg: Are telephone callers journalists?
    Jack Balkin: Should Bloggers Get the Reporter’s Privilege?
    Susan Crawford: Apple and bloggers
    John Palfrey: Apple and the Does
    Ernest Miller: Press Shield Laws Defend Democratic Culture in Trade Secret Cases
    Linda L. Berger, Shielding the Unmedia: Using the Process of Journalism to Protect the Journalist’s Privilege in an infinite universe of publication, 39 Houston L. Rev. 1371 (Spring 2003).
    Update (3/11)
    John Gruber explains why the rumor sites are not the New York Times
    Slate’s Jacob Weisberg: Who Is a Journalist? Anybody who wants to be.
    SJ Mercury News: Yes, they’re still journalists

  • Lincoln Center, Twilight

    P2220083.jpg P2220089.jpg P2220086.jpg
  • FEC crackdown on blogging?

    Can the FEC regulate news coverage and independent advocacy of political candidates online? At News.com, declan McCullagh reports: The coming crackdown on blogging

    Bradley Smith says that the freewheeling days of political blogging and online punditry are over.
    In just a few months, he warns, bloggers and news organizations could risk the wrath of the federal government if they improperly link to a campaign’s Web site. Even forwarding a political candidate’s press release to a mailing list, depending on the details, could be punished by fines.

    Um, what about the First Amendment?

  • Downloading: The Next Generation

    The Washington Post looks at the next generation of the music downloading industry and file sharing battles: Downloading: The Next Generation

    Dislodging Kelly and millions of her peers from services that give them all the copyrighted music they want, free of charge, is challenge enough, but the record labels realize that it’s also only half the battle. Entertainment-industry leaders know they’ll never stamp out illegal file swapping on the Internet, but they hope they can tarnish the experience enough to drive otherwise law-abiding users off of the underground peer-to-peer — or “P2P” — services and into the waiting arms of licensed digital services like the remodeled Napster, Rhapsody and Apple’s iTunes.

    After attempting to help my sister get music from Windows Media Player into iTunes and iPod, I am convinced that as long as Apple, Microsoft and Real promote competing DRM flavors, MP3 downloading will remain more attractive, as it is the only format that will play for sure on all computers, portable players, phones and other devices.

  • Copyrights Keep TV Shows off DVD

    Wired News reports on the licensing trouble that television producers have in clearing music rights for DVD releases of certain series: Copyrights Keep TV Shows off DVD: “For many TV shows, costs to license the original music for DVD are prohibitively high, so rights owners replace the music with cheaper tunes, much to the irritation of avid fans. And some shows, like WKRP, which is full of music, will probably never make it to DVD because of high licensing costs.”

  • Eminent Domain over Patents?

    Can a state use its power of eminent domain to obtain public control of a patent in order to promote lower drug prices? One D.C. Councilman hopes so. The American Prospect reports: Patents Pending: “[District of Columbia Councilman David] Catania, a Republican who recently registered as independent after breaking with President Bush over the same-sex-marriage issue, introduced a compulsory license bill February 1. It authorizes Washington, D.C.’s mayor to declare a health emergency and, under eminent domain authority, issue a compulsory license to a generic firm to produce select patented drugs.”

  • The Case for an Editor, Part #1014

    New York magazine’s Intelligencer estimates the net public benefit to the city from the Republican Convention and the Gates and looks at the potential benefit from the Olympics: Mayor Michael Bloomberg Attempts to Make New York “The World’s Second Home”. It’s like last week’s long post, Not Sponsored by Bill, but shorter, more list-like and with fewer photos.

  • The world’s second home

    An article in the City secion of today’s Times discusses the new marketing slogan the city plans to adopt: Who You Callin’ Second?

    Tien Mao, 26, grew up in Manhattan and lives in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. In short, New York is his home – his first and only home. Which may explain the distaste that Mr. Mao feels for “The World’s Second Home,” the phrase that could wind up as the city’s slogan, if U.S. Patent No. 78484751 is approved and the political stars align.

    Can you find the glaring error in this paragraph?
    This is not “U.S. Patent No. 78484751.” In order to gain protection for a marketing slogan, one must register it with the US Patent and Trademark Office. However, application is for a trademark, not a patent. In particular, the city filed trademark application #78484751.
    At least “The World’s Second Home” is not quite as bad as “We’re Number 2!” What would be a better slogan to promote NYC?
    Also of interest in today’s Times, a look at some enduring classics in the city: Here Is New York, Right Where We Left It: “In a city that is constantly razing the old to erect the new, or at least slapping on new paint and jacking up the price, there are quite a few places… that have remained quietly, stubbornly, implausibly the same for decades.”

  • Open Source Patent Policy

    At ACS Blog, Sean Kellogg writes about The Open Source Approach to Patent Policy: “The past months have witnessed amazing developments in the area of software patents. First IBM, and then Sun Microsystems, announced they were granting the rights to more than 2000 patents to open source developers for use in software development. The announcement comes at a critical moment in Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) history, with some companies in active litigation over the Linux operating system and others issuing veiled threats.”

  • Spectrum Wars

    In the National Journal, Drew Clark writes about the long-delayed transition to digital television and the broadcasters hold on extra spectrum: Spectrum Wars

    The spectrum is far more lucrative today than anyone dreamed possible back in 1927, when the federal government began regulating use of the spectrum by handing out licenses to radio broadcasters to transmit their signals. And because of the airwaves’ immense value, the battle for control of the frequencies that make up the spectrum has been a premier influence-peddling bonanza in Washington.

  • State support for information access

    To what extent should the state be subsidizing information flow and data accessibility? Some measure of state support for access to information may not only appropriate in the information economy, but likely to create public benefits and encourage innovation and economic development.
    In his Wired magazine column, Lawrence Lessig discusses WWhy Your Broadband Sucks, noting that a Pennsylvania statute to prevent the state from competing with private telecommunications and broadband providers will increase prices. Leaving wireless broadband development to the private sector may stifle the development of businesses that make use of wireless access.
    In the Financial Times, James Boyle notes that allowing public access to government-produced data at nominal cost has led to innovation, while charging to recoup the costs of producing that data stifles innovation: Public information wants to be free: “On one side of the Atlantic, state produced data flows are frequently viewed as potential revenue sources. They are copyrighted or protected by database rights. The departments which produce the data often attempt to make a profit from user-fees, or at least recover their entire operating costs… The other side of the Atlantic practices a benign form of information socialism. By law, any text produced by the central government is free from copyright and passes immediately into the public domain.”
    The government can support businesses in the information economy by offering the lowest-cost access to communications networks and data whenever possible. In many cases, this may justify a certain amount of state subsidy.

  • Anonymity on the ‘net

    At Law.com, Fred von Lohmann discusses the potential demise of anonymity online: Publius, RIP?: “On the Internet, your ISP knows you’re not a dog, and your adversary is only a subpoena away from compromising your constitutionally-protected right to bark anonymously.”
    Dendrite International v. Doe, 775 A.2d 756 (N.J. App. 2001), offers one approach for evaluating whether a court should require an ISP to disclose an anonymous poster’s identity. The plaintiff must notify the anonymous posters and allow the anonymous poster a reasonable opportunity to file and serve opposition. The plaintiff must identify and set for the exact statements purpotedly made by each anonymous poster. The court then shall review the application to see whether the plaintiff has established prima facie cause of action against the fictitiously-named anonymous defendants. Finally, the court must balance “the defendant’s First Amendment right of anonymous free speech against the strength of the prima facie case presented and the necessity for the disclosure of the anonymous defendant’s identity to allow the plaintiff to properly proceed.”
    In a Sept. 2001 NY Law Journal article, Richard Raysman and Peter Brown discuss Discovering the Identity of Anonymous Internet Posters.

  • More MPAA file sharing suits

    Reuters reports: Hollywood Studios File New Round of Web Lawsuits: “The civil suits against unnamed “John Doe” defendants seek up to $150,000 per downloaded digital file and come as the U.S. film industry prepares for its annual Oscar telecast in Hollywood where awards for top films and stars are given out.”

  • Stern and the Satellite Wars

    In Wired magazine: Howard Stern and the Satellite Wars: “By taking his case to 12 million listeners every week, Stern is turning locker-room humor into a constitutional cause. He’s using his show as a platform to prick (as it were) the FCC’s veil of authority. Thanks to his particular talent for connecting, for making each listener feel talked to instead of at, Stern is transforming an abstract fight about rights and values into one about the guy next door, or at least the guy down the dial.”
    Mediaweek reports on a survey of whether fans will follow Stern to satellite: Stern Fans Undecided On Sirius Switch: “The survey found that 22 percent planned on subscribing to Sirius to continue to hear Stern, 41 percent were undecided and 37 percent said they wouldn’t subscribe.”

  • The value of disclosure requirements

    Bruce Schneier notes that only a California information privacy statute forced Choicepoint to disclose the fact that it shared consumers’ personal information with a group of criminals. Schneier on Security: ChoicePoint

    This story would have never been made public if it were not for SB 1386, a California law requiring companies to notify California residents if any of a specific set of personal information is leaked.
    ChoicePoint’s behavior is a textbook example of how to be a bad corporate citizen. The information leakage occurred in October, and it didn’t tell any victims until February. First, ChoicePoint notified 30,000 Californians and said that it would not notify anyone who lived outside California (since the law didn’t require it). Finally, after public outcry, it announced that it would notify everyone affected.

    Wired News reports on a lawsuit filed against ChoicePoint: California Woman Sues ChoicePoint : “According to the filing, Goldberg seeks to hold ChoicePoint responsible for negligence in protecting the private data of consumers from scam artists who purchased it from the company. The scam continued for a year before ChoicePoint discovered what the thieves were up to.”

  • Not sponsored by Bill

    I came home today to find an email from the executive committee of the NYC blogger cabal threatening to break my links1 if I didn’t post something about The Gates soon. It seems that I am the only NYC-based blogger yet to post something about the orange invasion. I rushed up to Central Park to see the Gates get some photos.
    I don’t get it as art. As a draw to the city, however, the Gates are a major success. On Sunday, the ‘rents drove in from the ‘burbs to walk around the park and experience the gates, but found it impossible to park anywhere near the park. Apparently, everyone in the NY metro area drove in from the suburbs to see the Gates on Sunday. Today, I was surprised to so many people walking around the park at 4:30 on a weekday afternoon. If nothing else, the Gates has drawn people into the city and businesses around Central Park are probably the primary beneficiaries.
    Last year, the Republican National Convention was going to be the big draw into the city. Organizers expected that the event would boost tourism revenues for the city and have a positive economic impact. The city estimated the net economic impact of the convention at $255 million. The convention led to a gross gain of $341 million in economic activity, while the City experienced an $86 million loss due to disruptions caused by the convention.
    Prior to the convention, the Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University estimated the convention would lead to $163 million in net economic benefits ($212 million in spending at a cost of $46 million– $19 million in lost productivity and $42 million in lost tourism spending.)
    While the effects of the convention may have been net positive, businesses that rely on locals, not tourists, suffered during the convention. It seemed like every native who could left the city. Entire offices closed as people took a late summer vacation or worked from home in order to avoid the security. CBS News’ Andy Rooney finds anecdotes to suggest that the Republican convention was an economic bust.
    In contrast, The Gates seems to be generating only positive economic effects and publicity. Few, if any, locals have left the city while tourists are visiting from all over the world in order to see The Gates. Central Park is much busier on a weekday afternoon in February than it would be without The Gates.
    Now, Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff and Mayor Bloomberg are working feverishly to bring the 2012 Summer Olympics to NYC. Will the Olympics benefit the city? Will they drive locals away?
    The government of New South Wales evaluated the business and economic benefits of the 2000 Sydney Olympics and announced that “the Sydney Games were a remarkable success that delivered on the expectations of almost all of their stakeholders, public and private.” In addition to the equivalent of $6 billion of free publicity for the city, the Sydney metro area was able to procure improved sporting, transportation and hospitality infrastructure.
    Perhaps procuring the Olympics will enable the city to obtain funding to complete necessary public transportation improvements such as the Second Ave. Subway and the 7-line extension. But, is building the West Side Jets stadium worthwhile?
    In Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums, Roger G. Noll and Andrew Zimbalist find that stadia are not a source of local economic growth and employment and the cost of a new stadium far exceeds any economic benefit of that new stadium. Public financing of a stadium (or of the necessary infrastructure to build a stadium) has non-economic benefits, like prestige and civic pride.
    Even though the Jets stadium will be privately financed, the public will foot the cost of a platform over the rail yards and adding a retractable roof to the stadium. The total amount of public financing for this privately-financed stadium will be comparable to the total cost of a complete stadium. If the stadium is tied with the Olympic bid, can the Olympics generate enough net economic gain to recoup the cost of stadium construction?
    The Gates is a rare instance of a city directly benefitting from a public art project at minimal taxpayer expense and with minimal disruption of the normal flow of the city.
    Finally, here are those photos of The Gates:
    Satan’s Laundromat has the best series of Gates photographs: Snowy Gates photographed by millions
    Space Imaging: The Gates from Space
    Panoramas.dk: Panorama of The Gates

  • Orange, tm

    The NY Times reports on a dispute over orange branding for mobile phone service: In a British Mobile Phone Suit, the Color of Money Is Orange: “[Mobile phone company] Orange said yesterday evening that it would sue easyMobile, a wireless start-up founded by the entrepreneur Stelios Haji-Ioannou, who also founded the easyJet discount airline. Orange wants to keep easyMobile from ever using its signature color in advertisements.”
    Here in the US, “the Lanham Act permits the registration of a trademark that consists, purely and simply, of a color.” Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co., 514 U.S. 159 (1995).

  • Digital Music Crisis

    At the the Winter 2005 Meeting of the Distributed Computing Industry Association during Media Summit New York, Bennett Lincoff discussed The Cause and a Possible Solution for the Crisis That Grips the Digital Music Marketplace:

    The crisis that grips the digital music marketplace is the making of the music industry itself. It results from the industry%u2019s failure to respond constructively to the changed circumstances imposed on it by the Internet.
    I would like to suggest a possible solution to this crisis: One that simultaneously: Protects the integrity of copyrights; promotes technological innovation; facilitates the growth of all manner of digital audio services (including P2P); and meets consumer demand.

    (Via Pho.)

  • Indecency Miscellany

    The U.S. House of Representatives passed the
    Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 (H.R.310) which will raise the fine for each violation of broadcast indecency regulations to $500,000.
    The LA Times reports that broadcasters are expected to test the current indecency regulations in court: Test of Decency Rules Likely: “Seeking to force federal regulators to more clearly define indecency violations, broadcasters are expected to bring a legal test case as early as next month, according to industry officials.”

  • Brainbar = Nutri-matic

    Engadget points out The Brainbar, a contraption that will analyze a bar patron’s thoughts and deliver the optimal drink for that person’s desires: The Brainbar: autosoused

    Enter the Brainbar—a barback’s best friend or a bartender’s worst nightmare, depending on who you ask. Hook up an electroencephalogram (EEG) reader to the drinker’s head, and readings of the alpha and beta wavelengths that correspond to the current state of their mind’s activity will inform the Brainbar which drink to mix.

    Now this sounds like a very familiar concept, but it took me a few minutes to realize where I had heard about a similar idea: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

    When the drink button was pressed it made an instant but highly detailed examination of the subject’s taste buds, a spectroscopic analysis of the subject’s metabolism and then sent tiny experimental signals down the neural pathways to the taste centers of the subject’s brain to see what was likely to go down well. However, no one knew quite why it did this because it invariably delivered a cupful of liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The Nutri-Matic was designed and manufactured by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation whose complaints department now covers all the major landmasses of the first three planets in the Sirius Tau Star system.

    Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, ch 17.
    The complete trailer for the Hitchhiker’s guide film is now available at the movie site.

  • Broadcasting, flagged

    Today, the D.C. Circuit held oral arguments in ALA v. FCC, the court challenge to the FCC Broadcast Flag requirement. Briefly, the broadcast flag is a technoligical mandate that would require all hardware capable of receiving a DTV signal, including general purpose computers, to include circuitry that would prevent the redistribution of any digital broadcast flagged as protected.
    Susan Crawford argues that the broadcast flag case is just as important as Grokster: “Like the Grokster case, the flag situation raises this question: can one industry force another to constrain new general purpose technologies in the name of copyright protection? Like the CALEA dispute (prompted by the demands of another great industry — law enforcement), the flag represents an attempt to have high-tech innovators ask permission before innovating.”
    The ALA brief offers three challenges to the regulations:

    • The FCC lacks authority to regulate the design of television receivers and therefore lacks the authority to impose a broadcast flag requirement, goes beyond Congressional intentions to limit the Commission’s authority over television design.
    • The Braodcast Flag regime impermissibly conflicts with Copyright law
    • The standards the FCC used to determine that the broadcast flag would solve a problem was arbitrary and capricious.

    GWU 2L blogger LuminousVoid attended today’s oral arguments and provides a report of the proceedings.
    Declan McCullagh reports on the arguments for News.com Court questions FCC’s broadcast flag rules: “Two of the three judges on the District of Columbia Circuit panel said the FCC never received permission from Congress to undertake such a sweeping regulation, which is intended to encourage the purchase of digital TV receivers that curb Internet distribution of over-the-air broadcasts of programming such as movies and sports.”
    The NY Times previewed the oral arguments and discussed one potential effect of the case: Federal Effort to Head Off TV Piracy Is Challenged: “If content creators refuse to provide digital programming because of piracy concerns, consumer demand for digital television will be low, which means a slower transition to all-digital broadcasts. And that, in turn, would mean no revenue for the government from spectrum auctions.”
    Ed Felten replies: “P2P infringement gives broadcasters a powerful incentive to offer higher-quality, higher-resolution content. High-res content makes legitimate broadcast service more attractive to viewers. P2P versions can’t match these increases in resolution because doing so would make P2P files much bigger, clogging P2P systems with enormous files and making downloads much slower. If broadcasters have to “compete against free” their best hope is to actually compete, by improving their product — especially when the competitor can’t match the improvement.” Broadcast Flag in Court.
    HDNet’s Mark Cuban urges the FCC to call the broadcasters’ bluff and find out whether or not the broadcast licensees can broadcast HD content without a broadcast flag: “We dont need the broacast flag. It accomplishes absolutely nothing other than to set a precedent that the content industry can intimidate the FCC….”
    The AP reports on Congressional efforts to speed up the transition to DTV: House Looks at Ways to Speed Digital TV

    The December 2006 date isn’t a hard deadline; according to law it could be pushed back until 85 percent of homes in a market can get digital TV. Nationally, only 12 percent of homes have digital sets, according to the Consumer Electronics Association.
    Two leading House Energy and Commerce Committee members – Reps. Joe Barton, R-Texas, the chairman, and Fred Upton, R-Mich., said they might introduce legislation that would eliminate the 85 percent provision in order to speed the transition.

    During the last Congress, Sen. McCain introduced a bill in the Senate to speed the transition to DTV.

  • Popping up less

    Pop-up purveyor Claria is attempting to recast its image and move away from the pop-up game. Currently, Claria’s GAIN software monitors the behavior of internet users who have installed the software, either intentionally or inadvertently and uses that clickstream data to trigger pop-up ads in the GAIN application that appear over or under third party websites. Web publishers are, not surprisingly, less than enamored of the practice, and a number have sued Claria (formerly called Gator.com) claiming violations of copyright, trademark and unfair competition laws. Claria has settled most of these cases, though two are still pending.
    Today in the NY Times, Bob Tedeschi reports that Claria is introducing a new service that should give the company a better relationship with online publishers: Pop-Up Company Tries a New Path

    The service, called BehaviorLink, will operate much like Claria’s existing approach in that it will track the surfing patterns of some 40 million Internet users who downloaded free music-sharing software from Kazaa or other free programs like weather-tracking software from Claria.
    But under the new program, Claria will use this information to buy ads on publisher sites, rather than use pop-ups.

    Claria will likely enjoy better relationships with online publishers and probably lose its status as a magnet for litigation. However, individual internet users who are concerned about online privacy should be wary of this program. Currently, people who have GAIN installed on their computers are made aware of that by the number of pop-up ads which annoy them while surfing the web. With BehaviorLink, internet users who have GAIN installed on their system may have less notice that their online behavior is being monitored (as part of a measure of aggregate online behavior– Claria claims to not track individually identifiable information.) Because many users are not aware they installed GAIN, either because they do not read the 5900-word license agreement or because a third-party installs it as part of a “drive-by download,” many may have their online behavior watched without their knowledge.
    Because Claria now is less likely to be target for lawsuits by online publishers as it becomes an ad broker rather than a pop-up purveyor, only legislation is likely to force the company to engage in better disclosure.
    The SPY Act ,introduced in the House this session as HR 29, would require notice and consent prior to installation of software than transmits clickstream data in order to “deliver advertising to, or display advertising on, the computer.” The notice must notify users about such practices by using the statement: “This program will collect information about Web pages you access and will use information to display advertising on your computer. Do you accept?”
    If adware stops delivering pop-up ads, a clear notice and consent requirement may be the most efficient way for internet users to learn that their net activity is being watched. See Clickwrap Licenses and Informed Consent for a more detailed examination of the need for informed consent in adware installation procedures.

  • Popping out

    In Gator.com v. L.L. Bean, an en banc panel of the 9th Circuit declined to rule on whether a California court can have jurisdiction over an internet and mail-order retailer based in Maine. Gator.com (now Claria) sued for a declaratory injunction that its practices of selling pop-up ads in its adware designed to pop-up over the L.L. Bean website does not violate trademark, copyright and unfair competition law. L.L. Bean moved to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. Gator.com and L.L. Bean settled the trademark, copyright and unfair competition claims, with Gator.com to pay an extra $10,000 if the court ruled against finding personal jurisdiction over L.L. Bean in California. The court found that the dispute was moot and declined to rule on the jurisdictional issue.
    Law.com: 9th Circuit: $10K ‘Bet’ Can’t Settle E-Retailer Fight: “In an 8-3 decision Tuesday, judges decided the issue was moot because the parties, Maine-based L.L. Bean Inc. and Gator.com Corp. of Redwood City, Calif., settled after last summer’s oral argument. Gator.com agreed to pay L.L. Bean, but the amount remained under seal at the 9th Circuit.”

  • InternetCases.com

    InternetCases.com is a new blog focusing on, not surprisingly, cases in internet law.
    (Via TechLaw Advisor.)

  • Crowding out music

    The Village Voice looks at the effect that real estate prices are having on the music scene: The Sound of the Industry

    Why would people agree to pay astronomical rents to live in the new apartment buildings and high-rises that are popping up all over the East Village and the Lower East Side? One big selling point is the neighborhood’s world-class live music clubs—except those same new buildings and high rents are driving the clubs into extinction. Luna Lounge and Fez have both announced that they’re shutting down, at least for the moment, and the future of Tonic and CBGB is in doubt.

    Luna Lounge closes at the end of the month. Come by this Friday, Feb. 18, when The Bosch play our last show at the current Luna. We start at 9:30 and will have special guests… Like all shows at Luna, it’s free and there is foosball out front.
    Tonic is having special fundraiser shows all month.
    Update (2/17): The NY Times picked up the story today: Hard Times for Clubs on East Side. The Times does report that Smalls is set to re-open…

  • Bullies Reviewed

    In Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture, David Bollier examines the effect of commercial copyright interests on culture.
    J.D. Lasica reviews the book at DarkNet: ‘Brand Name Bullies’ review: “In Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture (Wiley & Sons), released this month, the author of Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth is back with a painfully comic look at how big corporations are bullying the little guy and locking down culture with the backing of one-sided copyright and trademark laws.”
    Amit Asaravala offers a more critical review in Wired News: Are Bullies After Our Culture?

    As the title suggests, the book is an intense critique of the U.S. copyright and trademark system and the corporations that use it as a weapon against competitors and anyone else who might threaten them. Bollier argues that the court’s willingness to let corporations get away with such bullying is increasingly eroding our “cultural commons” — the collection of images, stories, sounds and other creative expressions that, due to their significance and prevalence, no longer belong to any single person or company…
    At 253 pages — not counting the 55 pages of additional notes and indexes in the back — Bullies provides more than enough case studies like these to convince you that copyright and trademark laws don’t always serve the public. However, the book has one big flaw: It doesn’t quite manage to prove Bollier’s assertion that these laws, or the abuse of them, are greatly threatening our culture.

  • Hilden previews Grokster

    At findLaw, Julie Hilden previews Grokster: The Supreme Court Finally Steps Into The Fray Between Online File Swappers And The Major Movie And Recording Studios: “The Court’s ultimate decision in MGM v. Grokster is very likely to be one of the landmarks of this term.”

  • Beer, Branding and Human rights

    The ongoing dispute over the Budweiser trademark is the first trademark case brought into the European Court of Human Rights. Bloomberg reports: Anheuser-Busch Takes `Budweiser’ Dispute to Human Rights Court: “Anheuser-Busch is appealing a 2001 decision by Portugal’s Supreme Court, which ruled that Budejovicky Budvar NP has the right to use the Budweiser name under a 1986 treaty between the Czech Republic and Portugal. Anheuser on Jan. 11 asked the human rights tribunal to rule on the case, arguing the Portuguese court infringed its “peaceful enjoyment” of the trademark.
    Brand Channel looks at the relationship between Beer Brands and Homelands: “”When it comes to identifying with a country, after flags, national anthems and national airlines comes beer,” says Martin Lindstrom, a brand strategist from Denmark, the home of Carlsberg. “The advantages are very clear. It is what you would call free branding—leveraging a country’s brand rather than building your own.”
    (via IPKat and The Trademark Blog)

  • 001001 v. Turing?

    In Legal Affairs, Benjamin Soskis examines the potential need for a legal regime for intelligent machines: Man and the Machines

    At some point in the not-too-distant future, we might actually face a sentient, intelligent machine who demands, or who many come to believe deserves, some form of legal protection. The plausibility of this occurrence is an extremely touchy subject in the artificial intelligence field, particularly since overoptimism and speculation about the future has often embarrassed the movement in the past.

  • Doing the Math

    Washington Post columnist Rob Pegoraro does the math and finds that Napster To Go Doesn’t Add Up

    I have been purchasing CDs for about 20 years now, in which time I’ve accumulated about 300 of the things. At an average of $15 each, I’ve spent $4,500. Now suppose that, instead of buying those CDs, I could have opened up a Napster To Go account back in 1985. My total bill would be $3,600 and counting — and although I might have accumulated a larger, more diverse collection, I wouldn’t own any of it.
    I have a hard time accepting that. At its best, music has the same lasting value as books or paintings or any other sort of meaningful art: It isn’t a disposable good that you use and then forget about. It’s something that you keep listening to and discovering new things in. When music is good, you want to know that it can’t be taken away from you.

    John Gruber looks at the Subscription Small Print:

    with a subscription service, you’re renting music, not buying it. So, for example, you could join Napster To Go tomorrow, pay $180 to maintain your subscription during the next year, and during that time, download tens of thousands of music tracks. But if you cancel your subscription next year, all of that music will stop working. It will stop working on your computer, and it will stop working on your little Napster-compatible portable player. (And thus even while you are subscribed, you need to frequently re-sync your player to your network-connected PC, even if you haven’t downloaded more music, just so your player’s DRM software can check the status of your subscription.)

  • So live

    Friday, I caught Soulive at Southpaw, who about 3 hours of funky soul jazz.
    The two-person horn section, Rashawn Ross on trumpet and Ryan Zoidis on saxophone (tenor and alto) adds some edge to Soulive’s sound and takes the band to a new level. This horn section fits in with the Soulive sound better than the band’s earlier work with alto sax player Sam Kininger (as on Next). The depth of the tenor sax and the edge of a high trumpet line fit the funky organ and clavinet grooves. The two-man horn section’s tight lines kicked up the intensity in songs like “Aladdin” and “Uncle Junior.” Both Zoidis and Ross contributed some bad-ass solos, as did guitarist Eric Krasno and keyboard master Neil Evans (who does double duty playing the bass lines on a keyboard.)
    Other guests at the Southpaw included an MC to rap on, um, one song during the second set and two more horn players (on trombone and alto sax) for the closing song of the night, “Do It Again.” The expanded horn section demonstrated just how well the more compact section is more effective.
    Other live Soulive recordings are available for download at Archive.org (free) or from DiscLogic (paid).

  • No Hockey and no beer make Homer something something

    Things look bleak for the NHL, which looks to be the first professional sports league to lose a season to labor problems. Off Wing Opinion’s Eric McErlain reports: NHL To Cancel Season Tuesday Night.
    Yet, with the lockout, most Americans have probably watched just as much hockey as they would have otherwise at this point in the season. For most people, that amount is zero…

  • Grokking Grokster

    The 463 previews Grokster: Inside Tech Policy: Grokster Grok

    most everyone acknowledges that Congress will have to reengage in the heated battle after a late spring or early summer ruling. This is because the Supreme Court is unlikely to completely accept the 9th Circuit Appellate Court%u2019s decision in favor of Grokster (for one, the Court almost never agrees with the 9th Circuit on any issue), and is as equally unlikely to provide guidelines so detailed and comprehensive in the ruling that it takes Congress of the hook.

    (Via Induce blog.)

  • Will Apple and Sony have digital music anti-trust problems?

    The Register reports: French consumer group sues Apple, Sony: “A French consumer group has initiated legal proceedings against Apple and Sony, claiming their online music sites violate European anti-trust legislation.’

  • 500,000 less complaints

    While this year’s Super Bowl halftime show did not draw as many complaints to the FCC as last year’s, a couple dozen people complained about this year’s broadcast, including two who were “bored” by Sir Paul’s set. The NY Times reports: Even Paul McCartney Offended Somebody: “The F.C.C. received at least 31 complaints about the Super Bowl, the commercials or the halftime show, including two questioning the decency of Sir Paul’s performance, within 24 hours of the broadcast.”

  • Putting off procrastination until later

    This blog has really gone downhill lately, hasn’t it?
    On a completely related note, one feature of the new PowerBooks looks particularly appealing: “The Sudden Motion Sensor senses change in axis position and accelerated movement. In the event of a drop or fall, the Sudden Motion Sensor instantly parks the hard drive heads so they won’t scratch the disks on impact, lessening the risk of damage and improving your chances of retrieving valuable data.”

  • Getting closer to Grokster

    The NY Times examines the PR efforts leading up to the oral arguments in Grokster: As Piracy Battle Nears Supreme Court, the Messages Grow Manic: “One side must make people care about obscure technological innovations that they say will be stifled by legislative action or an adverse Supreme Court ruling. The other side battles the image of greedy corporate profiteers and the perception that freely downloading copyrighted works is something other than theft.”
    Volokh conspirator David Post makes a prediction for the result in Grokster: “While this outcome could be a disaster for P2P file-sharing technologies (and the record companies will undoubtedly trumpet it as such, with many in the press likely following along), it probably won’t be. The Court has an easy “out” here, and my experience has been that when they’re presented with an easy out they usually grab it.”

  • Patent reform

    J. Matthew Buchanan discusses patent reform proposals: Promote the Progress : A patent reform primer: “This year stands to be a critical step in the history of US patent law. Reform is on the agenda and it seems a critical mass is developing. It is quickly becoming clear that major changes are likely to be made in the near future (perhaps by this Congress).”

  • Cuban on Grokster

    Mark Cuban: Grokster and the financial future of America: “In the MGM vs Grokster case, the fewer than 50 companies who control less than 1 pct of all digital information are trying to take control of innovation in the technology industry and pry it away from the rest of us.”

  • Syndication and Copyright

    Last month, Martin Schwimmer asked Bloglines to remove The Trademark Blog’s feed from the service, under the theory that Bloglines’ terms of service, which reserve the option to frame feeds with ads and to sell its subscriber lists, constitutes an unauthorized commercial use of the feed.
    Schwimmer is concerned that his blog will be used for free by Bloglines as space to sell ads to other trademark law firms: “To argue that the creation of a RSS feed impliedly allows this type of uncontrolled commercial re-use is to argue that RSS strips all content of effective copyright protection. I have not seen a compelling legal or policy argument as to why all RSS content should be public domain in this way. ”
    Critics of Schwimmer’s argument label him an “anal-retentive pinhead” who has made “a myopic mistake” for publishing a full-text feed for only non-commercial uses. Because Bloglines works like a web-based replacement for a desktop client, with no ads and individual control over subscribing to feeds, its supporters contend that its use of feeds is not commercial.
    Critics of Bloglines note that Bloglines makes feeds publicly accessible to the web at large, not just subscribers to the feed on its service. Dennis Kennedy wonders about the commercial implications of this behavior, “With my content on their site, they are able to surround my content with their own ads and make it part of other revenue-producing activities. At the same time, they are not showing any ads or sponsor logos I have on my blog. Presumably, the Bloglines.com twin of my blog diminishes the traffic to my blog. It’s all very analogous to the early controversies over the framing of web pages, even though the technologies are different.”
    What are the norms for using, repurposing and republishing syndicated feeds?
    Even the critics of the Schwimmer/Kennedy position would not argue that publishing a feed grants an unlimited license to use the content in the feed.
    Today, I came across Sieblogs, a site which aggregates feeds and repurposes their content while stripping the identifying information about the source of the content. The Legal blog includes posts taken from Larry Lessig, Dennis Kennedy, Ed Felten, and Sabrini Pacifici. The Real Estate blog features a large number of posts taken from Curbed, while the Music blog found posts from Largehearted Boy.
    Even the design is a nearly perfect clone of the Weblogs, Inc. layout.
    Clearly, Sieblogs has gone beyond accepted norms of RSS use. Does publishing an RSS feed create an implied license for this kind of use, or does it require an explicit license? Would this use be OK if it is non-commercial despite lacking source attribution?
    If Sieblogs is an impermissible service, what features distinguish an infringing web service from one that plays nicely in the syndication ecosystem?

    • Attribution
    • Advertising
    • Commitment to not reselling subscriber lists
    • Individual user control over subscription lists
    • Limit access to feed content to registered users
    • Amount of content (full text vs. summaries)

    See also these two articles which look at some of these issues from different perspectives:
    Information Week: The Weblog Question (corporate issues in blogging, including syndication and ownership)
    Derek Slater: RSS, Blogging and Copyright Questions (abstracting these issues into copyright at large.)

  • Keywords, Search and Trademark

    Eric Goldman, Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law, Emory Law Journal, Vol. 54, 2005

    This Article examines the complex world of Internet search. The Article seeks to ensure that trademark law does not interfere with the free flow of Internet content that consumers find relevant.
    The Article starts with three complementary looks at Internet search from the perspectives of searchers, publishers and search providers. From the searcher’s perspective, the Article explains how searchers select keywords poorly and decontextualized keywords provide inadequate insight into the searcher’s true objectives.

    (Via The Trademark Blog.)

  • Livin’ it up

    When your day starts with you stuck on the elevator between the first and second floors, that’s never a good sign.

  • Spam swarms

    NY Times: Law Barring Junk E-Mail Allows a Flood Instead: “Since the Can Spam Act went into effect in January 2004, unsolicited junk e-mail on the Internet has come to total perhaps 80 percent or more of all e-mail sent, according to most measures. That is up from 50 percent to 60 percent of all e-mail before the law went into effect.”

  • Donate Lexis points to tsunami relief

    Jeremy Richey informs us that students with Lexis rewards points can use those points to donate to tsunami relief efforts, until this Friday, Feb. 4.
    The exchange rate for donated points is $1.60 for every 100 points ($0.016/point). In comparison, the average exchange rate for Lexis points when redeemed falls between $0.015 and $0.017.
    Ambimb remains cynical about the idea.
    (via Energy Spatula)

  • P2P, go to your room

    Charles Cooper, News.com: Why punish the technology?: “In its zeal to put the likes of Grokster and StreamCast Networks out of business, the entertainment industry’s challenge might lead to a change in the law that renders potentially important technologies stillborn.”

  • DOJ’s hidden library

    Robert AmbrogiDOJ’s hidden library of legal research: “The U.S. Department of Justice has developed an extensive and extremely useful library of Internet legal research materials, including a research blog, according to Michael Ravnitzky, a lawyer and former colleague of mine at American Lawyer Media. But while DOJ created the library at taxpayer expense, it keeps it closed to public view.”

  • Spy Act Revisted

    A new version of the Spy Act, H.R. 29, is in committee. Details later.
    Susan Crawford: What’s next: Spyware: “Last year spyware legislation overwhelmingly passed the House (399 to 1). The Senate didn’t act on it. We’re going to see a lot of activity on this front again this year. But I’m not so sure legislation is such a great idea.”

  • A Debt-Fueled Pimpmobile

    In a review of Christine Todd Whitman’s new book, Steven Hart uses a delightful turn of phrase to describe Republican party of George W. Bush as “a debt-fueled pimpmobile for crony capitalists and religious hucksters.” Salon.com: The moderate who wasn’t there.

  • Replay it again, Sam

    Apple’s new Mac mini is a snazzy little computer. Because it is so small, the mini is an ideal computer to act as a media server.
    Yesterday, Engadget discussed HOW-TO: Turn your Mac mini into a media center; “It can serve the role of scheduler, controller, audio/video recorder, audio/video playback, audio/video download, and it even makes a decent audio/video production unit, as well.”
    The mini is less than ideal as a home media server not just because of its limited storage capability, but due to the fact that it, unlike most Windows Media Center PC’s, requires external hardware and additional software to serve as a DVR. I’d bet that Apple will likely release its own DVR software with a future revision of the mini before too long, however.
    Since I acquired some more disk space, I started playing around with DVArchive. DVArchive is cross-platform software for networking a computer to a ReplayTV. It allows one to download recordings from the ReplayTV and edit and remix those recordings. Of course, since the most powerful computer at AndrewRaff.com World HQ is an iBook G3, editing or archiving programs to DVD is not feasible. A Mac mini, on the other hand, would make an ideal audio and video server…
    In contrast, TiVo’s just-released TiVo-to-Go downloads programs in a proprietary file format and requires additional processing to use those transferred recordings as standard MPEG-2 files.
    DVArchive doesn’t just take programs off of the Replay, but acts as a networked Replay unit, so that it is possible to watch programs stored the computer on the television using the Replay. (Amazing Race marathon?) Additionally, DVA allows one to control the ReplayTV from the computer.
    The only drawback to DVA is that it is a cross-platform program written in Java, so its interface is less intuitive than and not as pretty as a native Mac OS X program.

  • Grokster, briefly

    Courtesy of Joseph Hall and his RSS mercenary, a RSS feed for MGM v. Grokster from the EFF case archive:
    The briefs filed so far include:

    Briefs of Petitioners (entertainment companies)

    Amicus Briefs Supporting Petitioners

    Amicus Briefs Neutral as to Result


    Ed Felten looks at briefs submitted by the Solicitor General and a group of “anti-porn and police organizations,” Grokster Briefs: Toward a More Regulable Net : “These briefs are caught between nostalgia for a past that never existed, and false hope for future technologies that won’t do the job.”
    Previously: Ninth Circuit Affirms Grokster Ruling (including actual analysis), P2P in the 9th Circuit, Again, NYT on Grokster, Seeking Cert in Grokster, Grokster briefs, Supremes grant cert in Grokster, Grokster, Brand X and the ‘Net, Supreme Geekery

  • Cartoon ass (and 35 other programs) found not indecent

    In two decisions, the FCC rejected 36 indecency complaints filed by the Parents Television Council:

    Isolated uses of the word “dick” or variations thereof as epithets “intended to denigrate or criticize their subjects.” Such a use is not sufficiently explicit or graphic to be patently offensive. Similar uses of words “penis,” “testicle,” “vaginal,” “ass,” “bastard,” and “bitch” are not patently offensive when used in similar capacity. 04-279 at ¶8.
    Depictions of partial nudity where sexual and/or excretory organs are “covered by bedclothes, household objects, or pixilation” do not rise to the level of patent offensiveness. 04-279 at ¶9. When partial nudity is a fleeting and rudimentary depiction of “a cartoon boy’s buttocks,” that material is not sufficiently “graphic or explicit, or sustained, to rise to the level of being patently offensive.” 04-280 at ¶9.
    Vague references or innuendo to sexual organs or activities are insufficiently graphic or explicit to be considered patently offensive. 04-279 at ¶10, 04-280 at ¶11. Additionally, material that only alludes to sexual activity or depicts men and women engaging in physical activity that implies sexual activity is not sufficiently graphic or explicit. 04-280 at ¶10.
    Jeff Jarvis: The Parents Television Council loses one 36: “I have a theory that the people in the FCC — including even lame prude Michael Powell — are secretly embarrassed that they have turned themselves into the nation’s chief prigs and mouth-washers, that they have kneecapped the First Amendment, and that their tenure will be marked in history for the stupidity of following along with what they thought was a political movement but turned out to be only a few religious nutjobs with no lives. But that’s just a theory. If it were true, it would explain how the FCC decided to reject these 36 PTC complaints just as Michael Powell ducks out of office.”
    Previously: Pixellating a cartoon character’s ass

  • Endangered Gizmos

    The EFF released a list of gadgets that have disappeared or may disappear from the market because of lawsuits, the threat of lawsuits, legislation or regulations: EFF: Endangered Gizmos!.

  • Will Bush let information junkies practice their love?

    James Fallows examines the Bush Adminstration’s approach towards public access to data and supports the position that inexpensive and open access drives to information drives innovation, while a crony capitalist approach, with government sponsored monopoly may stifle innovation. Bush Didn’t Invent the Internet, but Is He Good for Tech?

  • Can Bin Laden Claim Copyright Infringement?

    Slate’s Explainer explorers whether Doubleday is violating Osama bin Laden’s copyrights by publishing a compilation of translated writings by Bin Laden. Osama, Call Your Agent!

    Doubleday, an American publishing house owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann AG, is planning to release The Al Qaeda Reader in 2006. The book will consist primarily of translated writings by Osama Bin Laden and Egyptian Jihad founder Ayman al-Zawahiri, along with a smattering of other jihadist statements. Is Doubleday violating Bin Laden’s copyright?

    Joe Gratz takes a look at the practical implications: UBL’s Copyright Infringed?: “But Doubleday could say just about anything they wanted to about their legal justifications for publishing bin Laden and al-Zawahiri’s works, since they’ll never be sued for copyright infringement. It’s obvious that the authors themselves wouldn’t appear in court to sue Doubleday, since they’re all subjects of an international manhunt.”

  • Supreme Geekery

    Internet law has a big day on Tuesday, Mar. 29 when the Supreme Court will hold oral arguments for both Grokster and Brand X.

  • Why Hasn’t TiVo Improved?

    Are aggressive copyright owners stifling innovation in media technology?
    Ed Felten argues that TiVo has eschewed innovation in an effort to placate media companies. Why Hasn’t TiVo Improved? “TiVo made a decision, early on, to cozy up to the TV networks, to stay within their comfort zone. But the networks’ comfort zone is awfully confining. ReplayTV took a different path, seizing the technological lead with new features that angered the networks; and the networks brought a lawsuit that ReplayTV couldn’t afford to defend. At the time, TiVo execs probably chuckled and congratulated themselves for their caution.”
    In response, PVRblog’s Matt Haughey suggests that TiVo
    has been chilled from developing innovative new technologies, because anything that helps customers enjoy TV, movies, or music is a target for lawsuits.: “The content company dinosaurs are so wed to their antiquated business models that they’ll send off their legal department to attack at the slightest provocation (this includes imagined potential profit losses).”

  • Google Loses Keyword Trademark Case in France

    News.com reports: Google loses trademark dispute in France: “On Dec. 16, a Nanterre court in France ruled that Google infringed on the trademarks of Le Meridien by allowing the hotel chain’s rivals to bid on keywords of its name and appear prominently in related search results. Le Meridien had sued Google’s French subsidiary on Oct. 25 after failing to reach an amicable agreement, according to court documents.”
    The decision: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre Ordonnance de référé 16 décembre 2004, Hotels Meridien / Google France (in French.) A rought translation is available using Altavista Babel fish.
    (via The Trademark Blog.)

  • Fair Use and Digital Environmentalism

    Robert S. Boynton, Righting Copyright: Fair Use and “Digital Environmentalism”, Book Forum, Feb/Mar 2005:

     Who owns the words you’re reading right now? if you’re holding a copy of Bookforum in your hands, the law permits you to lend or sell it to whomever you like. If you’re reading this article on the Internet, you are allowed to link to it, but are prohibited from duplicating it on your web site or chat room without permission. You are free to make copies of it for teaching purposes, but aren’t allowed to sell those copies to your students without permission. A critic who misrepresents my ideas or uses some of my words to attack me in an article of his own is well within his rights to do so. But were I to fashion these pages into a work of collage art and sell it, my customer would be breaking the law if he altered it. Furthermore, were I to set these words to music, I’d receive royalties when it was played on the radio; the band performing it, however, would get nothing.

    (Via Copyfight.)

  • Culture war at Sony?

    The AP reports: Sony Video Chief Admits Strategic Mistakes

    Sony missed out on potential sales from MP3 players and other gadgets because it was overly proprietary about music and entertainment content, the head of Sony Corp’s video-game unit acknowledged Thursday.
    Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., said he and other Sony employees have been frustrated for years with management’s reluctance to introduce products like Apple Computer Inc.’s iPod, mainly because the Tokyo company had music and movie units that were worried about content rights.

    While the content divisions hoped to lock down content in proprietary formats or in DRM, the electronics developers were prevented from developing the kind of products the market demanded. It sounds like the consumer electronics division is unhappy about ceding the first round in the digital music hardware to Apple.

  • Copyright and Digital Media Post-Napster

    Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School Digital Media Project: Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World: 2005 Update: “The objective of this White Paper, initially released in August 2003 and updated in January 2005, is to provide a foundation for evaluating key questions facing the different stakeholders in the contentious debate over the future of digital media.”

  • Copyright criminal convictions

    Reuters reports: First Convictions in U.S. Peer-To-Peer Piracy Fight: “William Trowbridge, 50, of Johnson City, New York, and Michael Chicoine, 47, of San Antonio, face up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 in the criminal convictions stemming from an August raid, the department said late on Tuesday.”

  • Water Works, Electric Co., and Music Utility

    In Forbes, David Kusek proposes Music Like Water: “The industry ought to establish a “music utility” approach to the distribution and marketing of interactive digital music, modeled after the water, gas and electricity utility systems. It should be done voluntarily to work best for all parties, or it may eventually be legislated through a compulsory license provision.”
    via Joe Gratz, who writes: “The news here isn’t the proposal, which follows the Fisher/Netanel mold (collect five bucks from everybody, figure out what everybody’s listening to, divvy up the money among copyright holders). It’s that an ACS proposal was printed in Forbes – a new and potentially powerful type of media exposure.”

  • Microsoft losing war on spam

    Salon.com: How Microsoft is losing the war on spam: “Most junk e-mail today emanates from Windows computers that spammers have hijacked and turned into spam “zombies” using security holes in Microsoft’s operating system. What’s more, Microsoft is blamed for wrecking efforts this past summer to create e-mail authentication standards. The company also stands accused of trying to neuter state anti-spam laws. And Microsoft has yet to win a lawsuit against a major spammer.”

  • McCarthy on Dilution

    J. Thomas McCarthy, Dilution of a Trademark, European and United States Law Compared, The Trademark Reporter, International Trademark Association.

    This article is a comparison of the laws that govern dilution in Europe and the United States…. While the anti-dilution provisions of Articles 4(4)(a) and 5(2) of the E.U. Directive are “optional,” in fact, every pre-2004 E.U. nation has adopted them in its domestic law. In the United States, since the enactment of the 1996 federal anti-dilution Act, in theory there is a uniform law consistent throughout the nation. The European Directive achieves simplicity by harmonizing statutory dilution law among the European nations. But in the United States, the International Trademark Association (INTA) has opposed the federal preemption of diverse state anti-dilution laws. In the United States there is a confused mélange of some 35 state anti-dilution laws with the federal law superimposed on top.

  • Books

    P1200048.JPG Legal publishing is certainly an, er, interesting market. Casebooks are expensive, because the market for them is relatively small– it is limited only to law students. Outside of school, these texts are only marginally useful.
    Somehow, this semester I managed to register only for classes that have large and expensive casebooks. In previous semesters this year and last, at least two courses eschewed the textbook for draft texts, course packs and ad hoc collections of cases and materials. Not so in this final semester.
    Time to go sell some of last year’s casebooks so as to reclaim some shelf space…
    Edit to add: Only one of the books in this photo is for a class I am currently taking. The first person to guess deduce which book is for a class in which I am currently enrolled and post that in the comments will win a fabulous prize from the AndrewRaff.com prize closet…

  • Is copyright killing culture?

    Is copyright stifling creativity? The Globe and Mail: THow copyright could be killing culture

    As Americans commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy today, no television channel will be broadcasting the documentary series Eyes on the Prize. Produced in the 1980s and widely considered the most important encapsulation of the American civil-rights movement on video, the documentary series can no longer be broadcast or sold anywhere.

    See also: Untold Stories

  • Chilly

    bio-peter.gif Fox pixellated a cartoon character’s posterior on a recent broadcast of the Family Guy because of concerns about violating current indecency standards. This episode was a rerun of a cartoon that first aired five years ago without obscuring the cartoon ass. The AP reports: Fox says it pixillated a cartoon rear end because of FCC worries: “We have to be checking and second-guessing ourselves now, and that’s really difficult,” Fox entertainment president Gail Berman said Monday. “We have to protect our affiliates.”
    (via BuzzMachine)

  • Recording

    P1160027.jpg P1160033.JPG P1160042.jpg [More photos][1].
  • See Dick write a parody. See Jane plotz. Oy vey.

    NY Times: Primer Spoof With Yiddish Faces Suit (in English): “Pearson Education, the publishing company that owns the copyright to the Dick and Jane reading primers, has filed a lawsuit against a division of Time Warner in Federal District Court in Los Angeles claiming that the book “Yiddish With Dick and Jane” violates Pearson’s copyrights and trademarks for the familiar characters.”7RkYm3r.jpg
    The copyright owner argues this is “an unprotected imitation” and not parody because it does not use the copyrighted characters “for the purpose of social criticism.” But, in order to be a parody, which is allowed under fair use, the allegedly infringing work must comment on the original work itself, not society as a whole. See Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.. In trademark law, parody fair use is a defense if the parody (commenting on the original work) does not risk a likelihood of confusion. See, e.g. Cliffs Notes, Inc. v. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Corp., Mutual of Omaha Insurance Co. v. Novak.
    Does the parody poke fun at the goyish world of Dick and Jane, or is this not a kosher parody?
    Publisher’s Weekly describes the book: “Dick and Jane are all grown up, and they’re living in the real world-and it’s full of tsuris (troubles). That’s the premise of this hilarious little book, which functions both as a humorous tale and a genuine guide to a language with a sentiment and world view all its own. ”
    An excerpt:

    See Jane schlep
    Schlep Jane, schlep
    shlep, schlep, schlep

    The disclaimer: “This book is a parody and has not been prepared, approved, or authorized by the creators or producers of the ‘Dick and Jane’ reading primers.”
    From McSweeney’s, another Dick and Jane parody, The Dick and Jane Reader for Advanced Students.
    Here is a list of Common Yiddish Words

  • Sketchy

    A museum guard in NC prohibited an elementary school student from sketching paintings by Picasso and Matisse based on the assertion that such sketching is prohibited by copyright law: Young Prospective Artist Finds Herself in a ‘No Sketch’ Zone.

  • In Utah, Pop-up ads not spam

    At Findlaw, Anity Ramastry discusses: Why A Utah Court Was Right to Hold That, Under Utah Law, Pop-up Ads Are Not “Spam”

    Computer users are often bombarded with annoying pop-up advertisements. Separately, they also are often bombarded with annoying “spam”– unsolicited commercial email. Can the pop-up ads be thought of, legally, as a form of spam?
    According to a January 6 ruling by the Utah Court of Appeals, under Utah law, the answer is no. As a result, consumers cannot use the state’s anti-spam statute as a basis for a suit against those responsible for pop-up ads. The decision is significant for, to my knowledge, it is the first of its kind.

    Riddle v. Celebrity Cruises, 2004 UT App 487 (Dec. 30, 2004).

  • Remember to floss

    In McNeil-PPC, Inc. v. Pfizer Inc., U.S. District Judge Denny Chin (S.D.N.Y.) granted a preliminary injunction, under §43(a) of the Lanham Act, enjoining Pfizer from advertising that Listerine is as effective as flossing.
    The AP reports: Judge: Listerine not same as flossing
    Interesting fact: 87% of consumers never floss, despite the advice of dentists.

  • Jurisdiction in Jersey

    Glenn R. Reiser, New Jersey Attorney Law Review Blog: Internet Jurisdiction in New Jersey: “New Jersey recognizes that an interactive web site can establish a basis for jurisdiction over a company who does not have a physical presence in New Jersey.”
    Previously: Fun with jurisdiction online (includes the best comments exchange EVER.)
    (Via TechLawAdvisor.)

  • Golf and IP

    Jay Flemma: How Golf and Intellectual Property are One and the Same: “So how are golf and IP the same? Easy. Each is a microcosm of life in general 1) They are lifelong endeavors at which we will spend our lives becoming ‘less dumb.’ Look at Tiger and Vijay…they still revamp all aspects of their game knowing full well golf is the game of a lifetime (as they say at the PGA of America) We are forever changing and challenging ourselves which makes us grow as people.”

  • Bloggers legal defense

    Mediabloggers.org: Media Bloggers Association Lauches MBA Legal Defense Project and will “build a team of attorneys around the country to provide MBA members with first-line counsel on matters relating to the use of intellectual property, defamation and other issues arising from their weblogging.”
    Previously: I’ll take chilling effects for $1000, Alex

  • A Lasting Impression

    Findlaw’s Julie Hilden: The Supreme Court’s Recent Decision on Trademark and Fair Use: “In December, a unanimous Supreme Court issued an important trademark ruling. In K-P Permanent Make-Up Inc. v. Lasting Impression I, Inc., the Court, in effect, made it easier for certain parties who are sued for trademark infringement to win their case. In an eloquent opinion by Justice Souter, the Court made clear that the burden those parties must carry at trial is not as demanding as some trademark holders had argued it must be.”
    Previously: Trademark Fair Use, Trademark Fair Use Goes to the Supremes

  • The Future of the Internet

    Pew Internet & American Life Project: The Future of the Internet: “In a survey, technology experts and scholars evaluate where the network is headed in the next ten years.”

  • Moonset

    The NY Post reports that Luna Lounge will close at the end of February to make way for condos: Lights Out at Luna. Luna is in a convenient location, books good acts and is free. Hopefully the new incarnation of Luna will be convenient, have good sound and remain free.
    The Bosch play Luna again on Friday, Feb. 18 at 9:30 pm.
    Gothamist: Interview with Rob Sacher
    (via Curbed)

  • Center for Social Media

    The Center for Social Media at American University and the Program on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest (PIPPI) at the Washington College of Law released Untold Stories: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture for Documentary Filmmakers

    The study [by Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi] explores the implications of the current terms of rights acquisition on the creative process of documentary filmmaking in today’s marketplace, and from them makes recommendations to lower costs and promote creativity. It focuses on the lived experience of independent documentary filmmakers who work primarily within a broadcast environment (sometimes with a theatrical “window”), in coping with the creative challenges created by acquiring and granting rights.

  • The BitTorrent Effect

    Wired: The BitTorrent Effect: “BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download enormous amounts of data, files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3. Analysts at CacheLogic, an Internet-traffic analysis firm in Cambridge, England, report that BitTorrent traffic accounts for more than one-third of all data sent across the Internet.”

  • SNIU

    Substantial, non-infringing use of peer-to-peer networks: “This page exists to document instances of substantial, non-infringing use (hereafter SNIU) in peer-to-peer (hereafter P2P) networks.”

  • Lift


  • What a Wonderful World

    After reading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I poked around the web to learn more about its many permutations and found out that a film version will be released this year. The web site and teaser trailer both look promising. The teaser trailer features Louis Armstrong version of What a Wonderful World.
    Last year, another teaser trailer used What a Wonderful World for good effect– Joey Ramone’s version, that is– The Amazing Race.
    And here’s another version, from Agents of Good Roots: What a Wonderful World, recorded at TLA in Philadelphia, PA on Jul. 24, 1998.
    Speaking of the Amazing Race, tonight’s episode was another solid one, although there may have been some better quotes than “One of You, I’m Going to Break in Half,” such as:

    “That’s why women don’t rule the world” (Jonathan)
    “Ooh, it’s very vibraty” (Kris)
    “Supermodel” (Bolo, singing)
    “I think we need some more music” (Aaron)
    “It didn’t taste like blood” (Bolo)

    Considering that Bolo was eating raw sausage at the detour two weeks ago, is it at all surprising that he gulped down that blood quickly?
    The musicians at the Roadblock were great.
    Gus and Hera were burned by bad detour selection– although they chose wisely with building the Ikea desk and viking games, they also chose paddling, fishing, ice search and bald-snarked the trebuchet to do the cannonball run. They will be missed. On the other hand, Gus in a Speedo? Perhaps America should thank you for choosing unwisely…

  • A monster trademark case

    Snow Monsters Battle Monster Cable Over Trademark

    Sirdar, the company that created the Snow Monsters skier/rider development program, is seeking a declaratory judgment action for non-infringement and non-dilution of a trademark in Denver Federal Court. Monster Cable, a manufacturer of speaker wire, audio, video and other electrical cables, is trying to claim trademark infringement against Snow Monsters.

  • 2005: The Year of Tomorrow

    So, this is 2005. It seems like a good a time as any to take a look at where I am on a trivial, micro level.
    Location: Brooklyn. Not a bad place to be at all. After all, we haven’t had any tsunamis lately. Although I tend to find it difficult to get back up to speed in the city after vacation time in the mountain, the academic schedule provides enough time to get things done before starting up again.
    Working on: Obtaining gainful employment for after graduating/bar exam during this year.
    Planning: To procrastinate less; To come up with more goals some time later.
    Watching: Simpsons Season 5. Lord of the Rings (up to disc 2 of The Two Towers today, starting on Return of the King tomorrow or Monday.)
    Reading: America: The Book, What’s the Matter with Kansas, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.